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CLOSING INBOUND CALLS TU STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SUCCESS r \; a Nic ou ® contactability @ Contactability 877.323.7750 CLOSING INBOUND CALLS THE ULTIMATE STEP BY STEP GUIDE How often do you find useful FREE information on the Internet that can not only help you generate more profit for your insurance agency, but allow you to learn how to capitalize on current marketing techniques? In this FREE White Paper, you will discover how agents using Inbound Calls from Contactability are successfully expanding their book of business. But that’s just the beginning. Let us show you how each call is a potential opportunity for you, and why making the proper connection with your prospect is crucial in growing your business today. Contactability is all about helping your agency get in contact with insurance shoppers at the right time. But you as an agency owner have to invest the time and have the proper process in place to set your team up for success. The myth of Insurance Leads is that if you contact enough of them, the interested ones will buy from you. ..Ummmmm No they won't... Leads have to be worked properly, you have to know your product, know who you can sign up, be familiar with underwriting decisions, build your pipeline, and don’t be an information kiosk. Read on to master your phone and closing skills. First Impressions Matter - Don’t Let Your Staff Screw it Up 1. Pick Up Your Phone...Customers Are Calling! Time is of the essence when dealing with the modern consumer. We live in a fast-paced world and consumers have gotten used to instant access to information. Insurance callers expect fast and accurate quotes delivered in multiple formats by friendly and caring people. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 What does that mean for your agency? Well, simply put, the space is very competitive and if you want to compete with companies that are spending Billions on ads, you have to be quick, professional, knowledgeable and passionate about helping customers. 2. Get Past The 3-Second Hurdle You have about three seconds to get the consumer's attention. You can do this by having a bright and cheery attitude and being as personable as possible. Remember, they cannot see you or your body language, so they will judge you based on your tone of voice and what you have to say. You need to be likable and non-abrasive so that the prospect will feel comfortable giving you their business. 3. Care About The Client The needs of this particular client at this particular time are the only ones that matter. Show that you are genuinely concerned about their insurance needs. Ask strong questions that will elicit information from the customer. Don’t do ALL the talking, however; the more the customer talks, the more involved they are in the conversation. This will increase your chances of closing the deal and building long-term relationships with a new client. 4. Be Positive You are asking a customer to make a very important financial decision over the phone, so they'll naturally be hesitant. You can smooth things over by being upbeat and showing a genuine concern for their needs. Also please remember your voice inflection...if you have had a bad day, the consumer should not be able to pick up on that fact. 5. Demonstrate Your Expert Knowledge This is how you can make yourself stand out above other agents. Customers do not want to give their business to an amateur. Even if you are new in the business, use your product knowledge and attention to detail to enable them to see that you are a true professional. Show the customer that you have an in-depth understanding of the policy (and any product) you are selling. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 6. Don’t Be Pushy If you see that a customer is not interested on the first or second call, move on, rather than muscle them into buying. Never give a customer a deadline for signing up, it will just turn them off completely. The minute you try to rush the sale, you may actually lose it. 7. Give Your Undivided Attention Do not use speakerphone, eat, drink, chew gum, or chew tobacco, or perform any other task while making a sales call. Make sure you take accurate notes when speaking to the prospect, and try not to sound distracted. If you have allergies or a cold, use the mute button for coughing or sneezing. 8. Do Not Put Customers On Hold Customers will not feel compelled to wait for you and your busy schedule. Putting a customer on hold is not only a chance for them to get frustrated and hang up, but also makes a bad first impression. When Prospects Call You 1. Always Keep A Notepad Nearby Nearly every customer contacting you will be an unexpected call, so keep a notepad and pen handy at all times. Ideally, you should have one in your vehicle so that you may pull over to the side of the road and handle the call undistracted. 2. Be Professional A.customer may call you any time and anyplace seeking an insurance quote. Whether you are in the middle of a stressful assignment or taking a coffee break, you need to be ready if a prospect calls. If you are in a situation, and would not be at your best, wait a few minutes and call when you are more collected. Again, keep in mind, time is of the essence. 3. Actively Listen A customer calling you may be indecisive about their insurance. Listen to what they have to say, and do not use industry jargon with them. Some clients will know exactly what they want, while others may need some direction. Respond to their needs, and anticipate needs they may not realize they have. Never cut them off or talk over them, as it just indicates you do not respect their feelings. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 4. Explain How You Can Help Once the customer has explained their needs, they will be expecting you to know what you can offer them. It’s extremely important to be familiar with your policies so that you can rattle off details ike it is second nature. 5. Relate To The Customer Always try to find common ground and build rapport with the customer. Maybe you both grew up in the same town or drive the same type of vehicle. This will go a long way in making the prospect feel comfortable in doing business with you. 6. Make Sure They Understand The Basics The customer needs a quote. Before you can give them one, make sure they understand the factors that go into generating the quote. Offer them as much information as they are willing to accept, yet do not lose them in a cloud of details. It is easier to close a customer who understands what they are buying, and they will appreciate that you took the time to explain the coverage. 7. Tell The Customer About Your Company When providing customers with a quote, they should have an understanding of just what makes YOUR insurance agency better than the rest. Make sure the customer knows what to expect from you and the agency. Highlight great customer service, experience, easy claims processes, etc. Tips From the Pros Want to come off as a seasoned professional insurance agent? Here are some tips from some long time insurance agents: 1. Smile! Asmile can be heard on the phone...and so can a frown. Try to sound genuine and friendly. 2. No Dead Air Do not allow long silences to take over the call. When a prospect is talking, respond with “hms and “ahs, so that the prospect can sense you are actively listening to them. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 3. Stand Up! If you want to come across as strong and compelling, stand up during your call. You automatically express more confidence and energy in your voice when standing and using good posture. Standing also makes it easier to project in a clear voice. 4. Get Used To “No” Get used to the fact that a prospect will say NO...then get PAST IT. People are programmed to say ‘no” or give a negative response to salespeople until they have become convinced that the salesperson actually has something worth their time. It’s obviously your job to overcome the negative responses so you can continue the conversation without a firm “Yes”. 5. Mirror The Language Of Your Customer When the customer is talking, listen to what type of language they use, and pick up on certain adjectives and phrases they use. A customer will be more likely to feel like you have an understanding of them if you “talk like they do”, The Art Of The Follow-Up Call Following up with your prospects is a big part of closing the deal. The most common forms of follow up communication is via telephone and email; however, if a customer has agreed to let you text them, that is also acceptable. While this step is essential to closing a sale, amateur mistakes during a routine follow up can cost you a sale. If you want to increase your sales, you will strive to perfect your follow up procedures. 1. Review Your Notes Prior To Making The Call Always review your notes before contacting the prospect. Bringing up what the customer stated before will show them you have taken an interest in their needs and that you were indeed listening to them in the last call. 2. Deliver Value Every Time Say something other than “I was calling back to check-in” or “I was calling to see if you got the, email/text | sent you”. You should have a compelling reason for calling, like an update on their insurance quote or a feature you failed to mention from which the prospect would benefit. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 3. Keep It Short There is no need to bore the client. Keep follow-ups brief, professional, and use the call to pique their interest once more. 4. Consider Using A Lead Management System If you are handling a large amount of prospects, a lead management system will help you manage lead activity. The days of printing off a lead and stuffing it in a file folder are long gone. 5. Don’t Assume The Customer's Answer Many agents fail to make the follow-up calll because they assume the prospect is not buying. Never assume! Just like with you, life can get in the way of the client. Keep following up until you get a clear “yes” or “no”. The prospect sought out a quote, they want assistance, and that means you still have a chance to make the sale. Best Tips to Close Sales Over the Phone 1. Stay confident and show enthusiasm for your product. If you do not believe in the product, neither will the client. 2. Be aware of what your competition is selling! This will enable you to overcome any objections or be prepared for comparisons. 3. Show customers that the offer is within their budget. Remind them about the peace of mind and other benefits that come with the policy. Remind them of the benefits of both the policy and their choice to do business with YOU. 4, Always try to end on a good note, even if they don’t buy the policy. Over the phone, this means being extra polite and respectful. A good attitude may propel them into buying from you in the future, even if you do not have the exact product to fit their needs today. It is not unheard of for an agent who is skillful on the phone to receive referrals from folks he or she did not manage to match up with a policy or product. 877-323-7750 Contactability 877.323.7750 5, Always take the opportunity to learn from the experience, no matter how long you have been in the business. At best, you will find what works and can apply your technique to other prospects. At worst, you can try to determine why a prospect did not choose you, and move on. Sometimes, even when you try hard and do everything correctly to close the sale, the customer just will not buy. Just move on to the next one, make calls, and build relationships. WE HOPE THIS GUIDE WILL IMPROVE YOUR PHONE SALES TECHNIQUES AND HELP YOU WRITE THE GREATEST NUMBER OF POLICIES WITH THE INBOUND CALLS YOU GET FROM CONTACTABILITY Learn more about Contactability QuoteCalls by visiting 877-323-7750

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