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Q1: Cuthbert Collingwood was second in command to this naval hero in the battle of


The crrect Answer is: Lord Nelson

Q2: A housedress was named for this nursery rhyme character, who was not the mom of
Scientology's founder?

The crrect Answer is: Old Mother Hubbard

Q3: Based on the flooding of the Nile each June, the Egyptians developed a calendar of this
many days?

The crrect Answer is: 365

Q4: A 1546 English proverb says one of these "may look on a king", basically meaning
everyone has rights?

The crrect Answer is: a cat

Q5: I want you to hold this violin family instrument between your knees, upright, & play
Elgar's 1919 concerto?

The crrect Answer is: a cello

Q6: Martha Custis(1759-1799)?

The crrect Answer is: George Washington

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