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Revenge, Repentance and

Antonio, Sebastian, Alonso, and Prospero


 Prospero seeks vengeance on his brother Antonio and King Alonso for conspiring against him to
acquire the Duke of Milan's throne.


1. Act 1 Scene 2 - "Should presently extirpate me and mine out of the dukedom and confer
fair Milan," (Decision to oust Prospero)
2. Act 1 Scene 2 - "Thy false uncle…" (Prospero referring to Antonio)
3. Act 1 Scene 2 -"The government I cast upon my brother," (Prospero gives up his state
to pursue his "secret studies" and "liberal arts")
4. Act 1 Scene 2 - "…and thy father was Duke of Milan," (Prospero refers to himself as
the Duke of Milan)
5. Act 1 Scene 2 - "So dry he was for sway - wi'th King of Naples…Subject his coronet to
his crown" (Prospero says that both Antonio and the King of Naples were hungry for
power and worked together to usurp him)
6. Act 3 Scene 3 - "…for some of you there present are worse than devils…" (Prospero
expresses resentment towards his offenders)
Literary Devices
1. Flashback - Prospero talks about his history using a flashback (Act 1 Scene 2 - "For
thou must know farther…")
2. Repetition - (Act 1 Scene 2 - "Dos't thou attend me?") - Prospero repeats this to
Miranda to ensure she is paying attention. However, it is more than just stage
interaction; it is an attempt to interact with the audience indirectly. A lengthy flashback
may be tedious, and information may be lost. As a result, this repetition is used to break
the flow of the flashback and return the story to action so that information can be
grasped more effectively.

Repentance and Reconcile

 To reprimand King Alonso's party for Prospero's exile, Prospero uses his supernatural might to create a
grand display of power in a large spectacle.

1. Act 3 Scene 3 - "You are three men of sin…" (Ariel reprimands the three men on behalf of

2. Act 3 Scene 3 - "You fools!....My fellow ministers are like invulnerable…" (Ariel
reinforces the fact that they cannot hurt him when the three men draw their swords. He
presents the notion that the supernatural will always exist above the power of mankind)
3. Act 3 Scene 3 - "…that you three from Milan did supplant good Prospero; exposed unto
the sea…" (Ariel brings up the topic of Prospero and instills guilt)

4. Act 3 Scene 3 - "Thee of thy son, Alonso, they have bereft…worse than any death" (Ariel
targets Alonso, confirming his son's death and adding false information that he had
5. Act 3 Scene 3 - "…mine enemies are knit up in their distractions…" (Prospero is
observing the men below as confirmation to him and the audience that his plan had
6. Act 3 Scene 3 - "All three of them are desperate. Their great guilt…" (Gonzalo realizes
that Prospero's spectacle had awakened dormant guilt inside the three men)

Caliban and Prospero


 Caliban wishes to seek vengeance on Prospero, who has enslaved him and portrays himself to Caliban as a
cruel and oppressive master.

1. Act 1 Scene 2 - "A south-west blow on ye, and blister you all o'er" - Caliban curses Prospero and
expresses his desire for vengeance.

2. Act 1 Scene 2 - "The red plague rid you For learning me your language" - Caliban again curses

3. Act 3 Scene 2 - "I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer that by his cunning hath cheated me of the
island" - Caliban tells Stephano and Trinculo of Prospero and initiates a plot for revenge

4. Act 3 Scene 2 - "Beat him enough; after a little time" - Caliban plots his revenge

Repentance and Reconciliation

 Caliban repents for his wrongdoing after plotting against Prospero. However, instead of torment, he
receives pardon and forgiveness from Prospero.


1. Act 5 Scene 1 - "As you look to have my pardon, trim it handsomely." (Prospero issues

2. Act 5 Scene 1 - "…what a thrice-double ass was I to take this drunkard for a god And
worship this dull fool!" (Caliban realizes his foolish mistakes)

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