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Spellwick Mechanics


An Introduction to Everything you Need to Play

By: Jeremiah Eastman

Spellwick Is a magical game focused
around young wizards attending a large scale
academy that spans both the high school and
college ages, There are 3 main academies in
the world of Zora. The game takes place in
the 1,950’s era. With the 4 different
academies taking place around the world. The
Spellwick system is named after the author of
magic named, Harold Wellwick. In this game,
players learn spells, curses, and runes while This supplement will teach you everything you
need to understand about the game, how to run
participating in class, finding teachers
it, and how to run a Spellwick world.
throughout the worlds or discovering ancient
scrolls that entail of a mysterious past with Pages following this one will go over spells,
the history of Mana. enchantments, brews, character creation and
much more! So stayed tuned for us to go over it
This game is centered around the d10, d100, all with you!
and d6 which are used for the majority of
checks and counter rolls in the game. The
combat is aggressive and crunchy, while the
role-play has infinite possibilities with the
free rolling nature, that lets the players and
game master decide whats possible. While I
will be showing a quick first journey for your
players, feel free to craft whatever you please
with some distinctive faculty, peers, and

This booklet will give you everything you

need to instruct students and in turn your
players on how to go about learning these
magics, making your own magics and
understanding the full world of Spellwick!

Consider this as the first guide book to the

Spellwick system an introductory, to get the
gears turning. With a good enough
understanding of the rules and systems, you
can make it anything you want. It was
designed with the creative in mind to change
and flavor everything uniquely to you. With
the power of this magical world at your
hands, lets get to it!
To begin with the basics, the default Students when they join the academy are granted
starting space is known as Spellwick these things…
Academy, where the students (your - A plain robe/cloak / fit wear and a tier 1 leather belt
players) begin their academic journeys. - A tier 1 Cadence focus
- 5 gold pieces
They are told from the young ages of 14
- A young sparrow for Communication
that they have the rare ability to focus - A tier 1 leather spellbook
magic, as pronounced by the magical
council. They are given a couple of things
to begin their adventures and promptly
escorted to the school via train, bus or

Spellwick Academy, known as THE Spellwick itself being the original magical
academy to be at. It is the original one to academy, has become one of the most cherished.
ever be designed, as it was so designed by Located in the wilderness of the United Kingdom,
Wellwick. Wellwick is known by many as by modern day Thetford. While magic is not kept
“The Author of Magic” so anything he hidden from the public, there are rules as stated
works in is going to be pretty important to by the magic council. Magic cannot be used to
most. The academy is shaped like a curved harm a non-magical individual, and it should not
letter A with two wings on the East and be used in a public setting unless for the means of
West, and archive in the center and a large entertainment. Those two define the direct
expansive courtyard for young wizards to interaction between the two worlds.
spend time in the outdoors at the academy.
Choice and freedom are major principles At the academy, students are expected to freely
of the school. Young wizards are given the test their magics, concoct intense and powerful
choice of what they learn and engage in at brews, and expand their knowledge of
the academy. enchantments. Of which, many are taught. On the
next couple of pages we will go over spells, how
So my young wizards, lets get you set in students learn and can even make their own
for the journey of a lifetime in the world of spells, as well as how they can go about
Spellwick. strengthening existing spells.

There are 3 major focuses in the academy This academy having a large focus on
that players can partake in… community, and growth. As you stay in the
academy, you will meet many faces, so we hope
- Spell craft, the art of slinging spells you are good at remembering names. Having
- Runecraft, mastery of enchantments
friends is key to one of your major progression
- Brewcraft, excellent handiwork in alchemy
systems in Spellwick. NPC relationships are very
rewarded in this system. The more you care for
an individual, the more in turn they will care for
you. In willingness to aide you or by gifting you
things here and there.
Character Creation

While character creation is often the most fun part of any good adventure, we want to preserve that
feeling. Every character is unique, from their race, gender, magical code, house, what they want to
specialize in, and especially, the stats!

While most cosmetic choices do not have an impact on your character, some might, and you can
work with your GM to see if anything can be done. This games rules are not set in stone, and you are
invited to innovate as long as its okay with the GM of course.

You should pick a focus you think would look best for your character, and while your race does
effect stats, pick what best supports your plans going forward and of course, the style! So go on, get
your creative juices flowing and design a character already!

When it comes to stats, there are 7 major stats and they all affect your character in different ways.
All stats are rolled by 3d6 and take the higher 2, roll them for each of your stats and you’ll get the
corresponding number. For every 2 in your score, you gain a rank, so a score of 7 would be rank 3.

Vitality (VIT) – Your mental and physical well being.

Skills: Luck
Gain +5 HP every Rank
HP – Health Points
Gain +1 SP every Rank
MP – Mana Points
Strength (STR) – Your physical prowess and abilities.
Skills: Athletics, Gusto, Endurance
SP – Soul Points
Gain +5 MS every Rank
Gain +1dtier every 3 Ranks for melee strikes
MS – Movement Speed
Dexterity (DEX)– Your nimbleness and control of your body.
DC – Dodge Class
Skills: Nimbleness, Sneak, Sleight of Hand, Accuracy
Gain +1 DC & IN every Rank
IN – Initiative
Reason (REA) – Your by the know smarts and awareness.
Skills: Husbandry, Perception, Survival, Comprehension, Religion Starting Stats at 0
Gain +5 MP every Rank Score…

Intellect (INT) – Your mental strength and studied knowledge. HP - 30

Skills: Occult, Investigation, History, Memory
Gain +5 MP every Rank MP - 30

Charm (CHA) – Your communication and people knowledge. SP - 15

Skills: Convincing, Gaslight, Menace, Performance
Gain +5 MP every Rank MS - 20

Botany (BOT) – Your skills around plants and alchemy. DC - 0

Skills: Nature, Medicine, Forage, Brewing
Gain +5 MP every Rank IN - 0
What are Skills?

Skills are used to determine the exact type Lets have an example here so we can
of action you are required to roll. All of them discuss some more…
gain the same modifier as their parent stat
rank. Some outside factors can give you Jacob: GM, do I notice anything suspicious
bonuses to these rolls or proficiency which is in this room of brews?
tied to your code tier which is the sequential
“Class” in Spellwick. As well as rolling GM: Roll me an Investigation if you are
advantage or disadvantage which means you looking physically around the room, or
roll twice and take the lower or higher even Occult if you think something is
accordingly. magic.

When you roll for a skill you roll a d10. Internal GM: I should make this a bit of a
When you roll that dice you add your skill challenge for him… I know his modifier is
modifier to the result and thats what you tell +4, so perhaps a 12 is a good roll to find
your GM. What make a good or bad roll? this really hidden bookshelf lever.

Since the minimum roll is 1 and the Jacob: Nah, I’m going to try and find a
maximum is 10, and the minimum modifier hidden door or something from the
is +1 with the maximum being +10… the list bookshelves… I rolled a 5, plus my
is accordingly… Investigation modifier of +4, so that makes
it a 9.
You do not accomplish the check. GM: Alright, well with a 9, you don’t
notice anything, but, I will say you do
6 – 10 notice scratch marks on the wood floor by
You struggle to accomplish the check. the bookshelves.

11 – 15 Jacob: I knew it! I’ll just have to look

You accomplish the check. around a bit more and see how it opens.

16 – 20 GM: Good job, tell me what you look

You accomplish the check with ease. around at and I may have you roll again,
but for now we will go with that 9.
21 - 25
You accomplish the check perfectly. Jacob: Man, I think I’m going to just tear
apart all these books, one of them has to be
Consider these numbers just a guideline a secret lever.
for what to expect. The GM when they ask
you to make a skill roll will internally think Internal GM: If you made the PR you’d
of what Spellwick calls a “PR” or Passing know it is the torch since it too has
Roll. When you roll a skill check, the GM scrapings on the stone wall from being
compares your number to their PR and will pulled...
return to you accordingly.
With our example on the last page, Physical Stat Skills:
Jacob wanted to investigate the brewing Vitality, Dexterity, and Strength
room for a hidden space. Now while the
These skills are built through your physical
GM could have simply used the
wellbeing. Your bodies strength and overall
suggested chart, they came up with a flexibility and control of your own body. These
PR based on their player. It’s a lot more represent your power as a physical being in the
dynamic that way, and suited to the world of Spellwick. Well, besides luck.
players. Comparing what they could
roll and what their modifiers are is very Luck: Vit
important. Used when your GM wants to allow something to
happen but it is quite unreasonable. Or when you
perform an act that would need genuine luck.
You may have also noticed how even
though Jacob did not reach the PR, the Nimbleness: Dex
GM still gave his effort some reward Used when you attempt to perform an acrobatic
since he was not too far off. Instead of feat. Such as leaping over a fence, sliding or wall
giving their player no information, they running, or sticking a landing.
instead gave them some simple
Sneak: Dex
information that can still lead to the Used when you attempt to hide from a creature,
major idea. This can lead to other stealthing your way through an area to avoid
players seeing what was done and try to detection.
attempt it themselves and problem
solve as a group. Sleight of of Hand: Dex
Your manual dexterity. In performing nimble or
quick actions with your hands especially.
Skills are a way to add randomness to
Establishes your control over minute movements.
a TTRPG, and with Spellwick it is no
different. Players want to earn numbers Accuracy: Dex
in their skills. Thankfully through Used to throw something accurately, or to catch
activities at the academy they can earn something just the same. Could also be used to be
them. Sometimes as the GM you decide able to determine the size of a space.
something can’t “just be done” because
Athletics: Str
wheres the fun in that? So skills fill the
Used to show your natural strength, lifting,
need for making something a bit more pushing or throwing a heavy object. Or performing
challenging in a way that players could some sort of athletic feat.
prepare for with proficiency in their
skills and having high Ranks in their Gusto: Str
stats that effect them. Used as a partner to the Convincing and Menace
skills but for your Strength modifier if you’d prefer
that route of conversation.
So lets break down all of the skills so
our players and GM’s know what each Endurance: Str
one is used for and what you might Used when your character exerts themselves for a
want to specialize in. The world of long time such as running, or holding your breath.
Spellwick is vast, so make sure to soak You can reasonably keep doing these activities
it all in young wizards. with decent rolls.
Mental Skills:
Natural Skills:
Intellect and Reason
Charm and Botany
Skills acquired through training, knowledge
Natural skills that often come to you from
and studies. Wizards all across the world train
your upbringing and life style. Farmers,
their minds for these skills. As a lesson in life,
Nobel men, Marketer, all of these skills come
knowledge is power. Your mind in this world is a
in handy with your ability to be with nature
very powerful part of you, and training it like
and other people. Most will have these skills
your body will wield incredible results.
come naturally to them, but they are very
much so acquirable if you work at it.
Occult: Int
Used to determine your knowledge of a sort of
Gaslight: Cha
magic, sensing for its presence or what it could
Used when you attempt to deceive or confuse
a creature with your worlds.
History: Int
Menace: Cha
Used for your knowledge of the past, given
Used when you try to intimidate a creature
recognizing something or trying to remember a
through words.
tale in the past.
Performance: Cha
Investigation: Int
Used to show your performance capabilities
Used when you wish to look into the nitty gritty
through things like dance, plays, or role
of a situation. Looting or trying to understand a
holding, even impersonating someone.
Convincing: Cha
Memory: Int
Used when you attempt to persuade a
Used to remember something, so the GM does
creature into doing something for your if they
not always have to remind you of something.
are not already willing.
They can have you roll Memory to see how well
you remember it.
Nature: Bot
Used when you attempt to understand or use
Husbandry: Rea
your knowledge of flora.
Used for your handling and understanding of
animals. Do you want to keep the rat? Maybe he
Medicine: Bot
bites you, maybe he doesn’t.
Used when you attempt to aide a creature
from their wound, or discern and identify the
Comprehension: Rea
specifics of a wound.
Used for your ability to deduce a characters
intentions and understand situations easier. You
Forage: Bot
can also attempt to interpret a language you
Used when you try to collect flora or find
don’y understand.
rare spots of flora. Higher rolls usually mean
higher chances or more collection.
Religion: Rea
Used to reference your ability to understand
Brewing: Bot
religious texts or reach out to a god.
Used when you attempt to make a potion,
rolling too low will often lead to chaotic
Perception: Rea
issues. It also is for understanding the
Used when you attempt to understand your
ingredients of unknown potions.
surroundings, take in even small details in the

Survival: Rea
Used for your natural instincts for survival.
Whenever you attempt to do camp like activites.
Now that the numbers are out of the On the following pages we will go
way, I hope you have quite the unique over Races, as well as Magic Codes and
feeling character, your wizarding wear House Standing. Both of which are your
picked out, focus picked as well. Perhaps characters progression paths. Do you
you even named your sparrow already. want your character to be in the front
All of these playing a unique role for lines? Have a lot of spatial control?
your character in all of the roleplaying Now that its up to you, keep those in
aspects of Spellwick. mind and read up!

Next lets go over some of the other After that you can begin picking some
things to take care of during the creation beginning spells if the GM so chooses,
of your character. While an aesthetic keep in mind the slots of the spell and
choice at first, you should pick the how many your book can hold. Make
Academic House you want to be in, this sure you get some art of your character
influences your Standing which is a as well, or the closest you can find,
progression tree that goes up by 7 points providing those at the table a visual idea
of “Renown” every time you make a new of who you are.
relationship or improve one with a fellow
student, faculty member, so on.

As well there is your Magic Code,

which is essentially your class in any
other TTRPG. This is a progression
system you see in many other TTRPG’s
and you gain a set amount of
“Proficiency” granted by the GM
according to daily events and defeated
After the discovery of Mana, people across the world became almost completely different. Some
grew taller with pointed ears, others shrunk and had a knack for light magics. Over the course of
years and years since this incident, now known as Humanoids evolved together. Not without their
troubles at first amongst the confusion. But over time, they all collected together and formed the
magical society we known today.

When you pick a race, imagine how your character would look and behave as that race. While
most are pretty neutral, some do hold a distain for other races or communities as a whole from
prior scars. Before making a decision make sure to look ahead and see what you might be
interested in and then come back to this page and see what each race offers. Without further adieu,
we will go in depth to each race on the following pages to detail each one of them for you.

Gifted Ones Tiefling

The normal ole human, you know them Humanoids with colorful skin and horns,
well, they were gifted by Mana to cast often with a tail as well.
Elf Humanoids with pink colored skin, pitch
Tall Humanoids with long pointed ears, black eyes and a natural curiosity.
soft features and easily adapt to any
situation. Golem
Humanoids designed by wizards that
Shrade have souls imbued in them, they can be
Humanoids with a more purple skin tone, any number of shapes and sizes.
and bright eyes, cant stand the light and
often finds sanctuary with monsters. Betwixt
Humanoids who have had their souls torn
Gnome between death and life at the inception of
Small Humanoids with big eyes and an Mana.
interest in the valuable. Good with tools
and small magics.

Shorter Humanoids with gills and moist,
blue skin.
Gifted One

A Gifted One, or just human as they prefer Benefits and Trait

to be called are those were were gifted with
Trait: Mankind's Natural Attraction
Mana on inception or by birth. It is inherited
- You learn Pyromancy, Dark Arts, and
by your parents, or perhaps grandparents. But Dunamancy much faster, whenever
someone in your lineage had to have been you study these three you gain double
gifted by Mana for you to be a Gifted One. the devotion points. In the case you
No one really knows how this inheritance learn a new spell, you can gain 1
works, but we do know its doesn’t come from Devotion point.
Benefit 1: Quick Thinker
- You learn magic at an accelerated
As a gifted one, you look no different from rate, when you make your study roll,
a normal human, maybe you are a little taller, double the modifier of the class of
a bit scrawnier, but you did not transform like magic.
others who were gifted with Mana. Unlike the
tieflings and elves, you stayed in the body of Benefit 2: Wits
a human, which wizards can hardly really - You gain a natural +1 to your INT
and REA scores, as well, you have
proficiency in Occult and Husbandry.

Those who are inept with magic unlike you

are often referred to as Maladrags or Drags
for short. Which from use of it, refers to those
humans who cannot cast magic or sense
Mana. Rarely used now, and often place used
as an insult, most authority who hears it will
give you a hard time about it. Now more so
than ever, the opposite is true as well, a young
wizard being called “gifted” has become a bit
of a negative connotation if they are not
invited to an academy directly.

Regardless, your purpose as a Gifted, is to

be one with Mana, learn your magics, and
elevate your own mind. The natural attraction
to the magical world is almost like second
nature to you.

The Elf, which like all races besides your Benefits and Trait
standard human, transformed from a number
Trait: Eye for Detail
of humans across the world. They are tall
- Your detail oriented nature helps you
humanoids, around 7 feet, with long pointed find clues and small details others
ears and double jointed legs, like that of a wouldn’t. You gain advantage on rolls
goat or deer. They are the most human like of to find something, hidden or not.
all the races, despite the mental changes as
well. Benefit 1: Organizer
- You know how to make sense of
space, you can hold an extra 5 slots of
Elves live for about twice as long as
inventory to your belt.
humans do, so an elf and human couple is
rarely seen, but fictitious things like that can Benefit 2: Light Foot
hardly break true love apart. - You gain proficiency in Sneak and
Nimbleness. As well you gain an extra
Elves are neat, tidy, and prefer very clean 5 MS. You cannot be heard while
environments, especially once they reach walking, and you do not leave foot
prints behind.
maturity around the age of 20. While not all
elves are like this, most are, and you would be
wise not to break the patience of an elf, as
they are normally calm, and collected. When
angered an elves fierce nature is truly a sight
to behold.

Elves are also quite light on their feet, and

amazing when it comes to learning new
things. Most elves don’t feel challenged
enough in their day to day lives which is
disappointing to them. Leading a majority to
be traveling wizards or settle down in their
later years with a partner.

Choosing to play an elf means you are a

reserved, intelligent, and competent member
of the academy, you are strong and hold a
fond passion of your school mates and

A Shrade, while not an official race of Benefits and Trait

people in the world, is very prevalent. They
Trait: Home in the Dark
are a subset of races, from Humans, Elves,
- You gain advantage with Sneak and
and Gnomes. They have dark purple colored Nimbleness while in the dark, as well,
skin and prefer to live in the likes of cave you have 5 extra MS. You do not have
communities, or forests to lower their sun halved MS while climbing walls.
Benefit 1: Crowd Blender
Most shrades were disliked by their - You automatically succeed any DEX
rolls while in a crowd of people. You
adjacent community of races in the early
do not raise any suspicion either.
years given their violent tendencies to combat
the unwarranted treatment back to them. Benefit 2: Distain
Leading into a spiral of hatred until they were - You cannot stand cheery or excitable
pushed out to their sensitiveness to the sun. people. You also cannot be exposed to
They went into hiding and formed their own direct sunlight. If you are, your
communities. Only just before the tieflings movement speed is halved and you do
not have a QA in combat.
were brought back into society did the
shrades make peace with the “Surface Races”
as they called them. Tension still stood
between the two races until recent times.

A shrade is often cunning, intelligent, and

distrustful of those they’ve hardly known.
They don’t take well to team work and prefer
espionage and being their own team.

Bonus Race Traits

(Pick one you are modeled after)

- You gain Organizer from Elf

- You gain Eye for Gold from Gnome

Gifted One
- You gain Quick Thinker from Gifted One

The Gnome, while short and stout Benefits and Trait

compared to the regular human, they are
Trait: Tinkerer
mighty in the mind. They have a natural
You gain double devotion when you
knack with enchantments and early magics. earn enchantment devotion points. As
This ability to most is minuscule, but to them well, when you enchant an object with
its the surprise that catches everyone. Most a rune, they gain a natural devotion of
gnomes take solace in the little things. your choice for that cast.
Enjoying life slowly as they only live about
half as long as a human. Benefit 1: Simple is More
Given your simple nature, you can
devote to Core Magics unlike every
Gnomes on average are about 4 feet tall or other race, as you believe the basics to
shorter. They have wide, wise eyes, large ears be more than enough.
and noses. Most grow beards long enough to
touch the floor. Each and every one has a Benefit 2: Eye for Gold
unique eye for one another though, everyone You can tell the gold price of any
gnome knows who another one is just by object you can see, you also can barter
exceptionally well. Proficiency with
seeing them.

In their simplicity, gnomes like to lavish

parts of life as well. Most run shops in their
day to day lives, working for the gold they
enjoy watching stack up in their safes or
banks. Now to think you can steal from a
gnome though, thats probably the worst
mistake you could make.

Gnomes are natural tinkerers and love

making little contraptions or traps. They are
incredibly knowledgeable of enchantments
but especially runes. As a gnome, your lives
are short but that does not make you take
things fast. You’re slow and calculated, but
fast and intense when you want to be.

The Aquaborn, are a unique collection of Benefits and Trait

humanoids, as when the inception of Mana
Trait: Breath of Fresh Water
happened, mostly those at sea were
- You can breath underwater as if it
transformed into this race. Their skin is moist, was air, if the water is polluted
covered in scales on their joints, and often a however you cannot breath in it. You
teal or green color. They have gills on their can speak normally while submerged
necks and fin like designs on their ears. as well.
Webbed toes and fingers as well.
Benefit 1: Naturally Wet
- You are constantly moist, a thin layer
While not normally seen away from the
of water around you to keep you from
coasts, this race loves being around others drying out. You have double MS while
from the surface, especially those with swimming. When you cast a
riveting stories. Most live in the ocean, where pyromancy it behaves as if its casted in
underwater civilizations were designed. a wet environment.

Underwater however there are worries they Benefit 2: Survivor at Heart

- You are a natural born survivor after
have to front with every hour of the day,
living in the treacherous ocean. You
being predators such as sharks or squid. This gain a +1 to STR and REA Skills
has hardened the mentality of aquaborn and naturally. Proficiency with Survival,
made them adept at surviving wilderness and Medicine, and Perception.
risky situations. They are also adept
swimmers, using their webbed appendages to
zip through the water.

As an aquaborn you are strong, and

determined to keep yourself and your friends
safe. You are adept at fishing and making due
with what you have. Courageous in the dace
of danger and loveably fun while not deep in
business. You believe fun to be the best recipe
to prevent stress as you were taught that at a
young age.

The Tiefling is a combination of what some Benefits and Trait

understand to be demons, and humans. Their
Trait: Demonic Charm
skin comes in a menagerie of colors, from
You naturally are gifted with words
pink to green to blue. You can find a tiefling and drawing the attention of others.
of any color on the spectrum. As well most You gain advantage on all Charm rolls
tieflings have horns and a tail. Some will have against a maladrag. Proficiency with
small flightless wings, others might have Convince, Gaslight, and Performance.
scales or ridges.
Benefit 1: Calm in the Danger
You never feel stressed unless your life
Due to their demonic appearance, religious
is in immediate danger, or the life of a
fanatics of the time shunned them, hunted close friend. This leads you to be bold
them, and called for their heads to the masses. in the face of evil. Proficiency with
It was only around the 1500’s that they were Gusto.
accepted into the masses, much later than
most other magical races that appeared from Benefit 2: Fiery Heart
the inception of Mana. Fire is like second nature to you, You
learn Pyromancy and Flairurgy at an
accelerated rate. Whenever you gain
A tiefling in the present, is adventurous, devotion points for these the amount
naturally curious of the world around them doubles.
but is still cautious of humans given their
prior grievances. They have a knack for
getting themselves in complex situations, and
have a very smooth way with their words,
which together makes for a very interesting

Most tieflings are fun to be around, from

their natural charisma and charm. They find
the world around them to be full of flair and
fun. A tiefling makes fun in any situation,
never letting a setting bring them down.

The Euphrin, perhaps one of the most Benefits and Trait

intriguing of the races to appear at the
Trait: Wonder Eyed
inception of Mana. They hid away from site,
- The new world around you is
their homes, their lives completely erased. immaculate. You learn things at an
Only those who knew a former human who is enhanced rate. When you make a study
now a Euphrin remember what they were. roll, triple the modifier of the class of
Their natural drive of exploration, distaste for magic.
the sun, made all of them collectively
disappear from established society. Benefit 1: Like a Lost World
- You know nothing of the outside
world beyond your underground
Only recently have the most recent village and your people skills are
generation of euphrin began coming back and lacking, disadvantage on all Charm
exploring what is now modern society. Their skills checks, that don’t have
curiosity getting the better of them, as the proficiency.
younger generation began to get too curious
about what was left behind. Benefit 2: Like a Child
- Despite your newness, your
rambunctiousness makes it easy to get
A euphrin has soft pink colored skin, large away with things, even by accident.
jet black eyes and long pointed ears with You gain Proficiency with Nimbleness,
small mouths. Their hair is kept long naturally Sleight of Hand, Sneak, Convincing,
being a caramel or white color. They are and Gaslight.
incredibly curious about civilization, and in
turn, all of the races of the world. Meeting a
euphrin is bound to be chaos as you are
bombarded with questions and their excitable

Playing a euphrin means you enjoy

exploring everything, are loose to understand
customs and cultures, often not knowing
them. You are eager to jump into anything
that sounds exciting, or even remotely

The Golem, is unique compared to other Benefits and Trait

races in the world of Zora. While not
Trait: False Life
designed by Mana during its inception. This
When you take damage, due to how
race was made by Wizards who accidentally you were designed, you can move half
or purposefully jammed a soul into one of of the incoming damage to your MP
their golems. Their shapes wild and different amount.
each to each. While the soul is put into the
golem, it remembers none of its past life, Benefit 1: Body of Horrors
perhaps through rigorous events can trigger a When you are damaged below half
health, you begin to fall apart. You gain
memory in one.
10 MS and 2 DC but begin to take
double damage to your HP.
A golem does not truly feel any emotions,
all they can do is emulate what they have Benefit 2: By Design
witnessed other humanoids doing. A golem You can gain any 3 proficiencies of
learns, a golem observes. They have no your choice, and any 2 stats to improve
concept of mortality either. Never knowing by 1.
what to do in disastrous situations. They are
intelligent beings however, knowing the
difference in morals is up to the wizard who
created them.

As a golem, you are unique. You think

differently than everyone else with a blank
slate and normally only a single goal in mind.
Love, friendships, and companionship is all
incredibly foreign to you. You do however
quickly understand anything thrown at you.
You take interesting fascinations with the
most random things at times and then once
you are bored, move onto the next thing that
clings to your mind.

Your body is not of flesh however, you do

not feel pain, and if your Soul Heart is intact
while your body is destroyed, you can be put
back in a new body.

The Betwixt, A strange anomaly, while not Benefits and Trait

entirely a race from the beginning, has
Trait: Between Life and Death
become its entirely own thing. Those who
Your body is both alive and dead. You
during the inception of Mana that were in can fly at half of your movement speed
immediate danger of death, had their souls naturally. Proficiency with, Endurance,
rapidly removed and put back in their bodies. Gusto, and Occult.
Crossing the lines of the Ether World and
ours. Benefit 1: Monstrous Vigor
You cannot be harmed by physical
weapons other than Brittle Mana, but
In the present, a betwixt can freely move
you have disadvantage to dodge spells
their bodies from the Ether and back. Making that are single target.
them incorporeal as their flesh becomes a
foggy colored mist. They can move through Benefit 2: Beyond the Body
objects and are considered by some You can freely enter the Ether World.
populations of the worlds to be monsters. This allows you to move through solid
However, despite this notion, they are very surfaces at will. Magic blocking causes
this effect to be neutralized.
much so intelligent beings and from who they
were originally, they are certainly humanoids.

Most betwixt children are not used to their

powers and fly around, fall through things or
just in general cause chaos for their parents.
They are often quite care free, knowing their
Worldly bodies will die and they will just
seamlessly move over to the Ether World.
Never being afraid of death. The young and
old both have very childish looks at life and
this often makes them the life in the air of

As a Betwixt, you don’t care what people

think. You take life as it is, make friends with
those you enjoy, and challenge whatever you
think you can take on for the thrill. You also
can’t stand religious authority as they have
made a mockery of your kind for centuries.
The Magic Code

Your magic code is the path of wizardry Glossary..

you choose to take as a student. It will grant
you abilities at each tier, and at tier 4 it will PB – Proficiency Bonus
grant you bonuses dependent on one of the
Your tier level is your PB, so a tier 3 wizard
two sub-codes you can choose.
has a PB of 3

There are 6 Magic Codes in this guide, Tier Legend…

the six of them providing flair for each
player and student. As stated before, you Tier 1 to Tier 2 – 1,000 Proficiency
gain proficiency and that grants you tiers in Tier 2 to Tier 3 – 2,000 Proficiency
the code. Each code having 5 tiers in total, Tier 3 to Tier 4 – 3,000 Proficiency
Tier 4 to Tier 5 – 4,500 Proficiency
with you starting at tier 1. You require
1,000 proficiency to earn your first tier
level up, the amount you earn is up to the
GM however. Most activities such as,
defeating enemies, proving your magical
prowess, and completing quests will all
provide sufficient proficiency. Every tier
you earn grants you more PB. Your PB Expect most adventures to start with a
effects some spells, which get better the student being around tier 1, as they get
more you have, so keep that in mind as well exponentially more powerful and can do
for when you learn that illusive spell. some really crazy things the higher their tier
A wizard can only have 1 code, and you
cannot abandon your code for another, you At around the tier 3 you are recognized as a
can choose only 1 sub-code as well. Most fully fledged wizard, now while most of them
sub-codes offering similar but opposite are still In the academy at their third tier, not
bonuses, while keeping to the theme of the all of them are. The academy acts as a place
Magic Code. of growth and until your third, fourth year
you can stay there honing your skills.
Make sure to remember your tier bonuses
for every level and properly apply them to So just because they are a student still does
your character, as some tiers give you flat not mean they are less likely to turn you into
bonuses to things like spells, and we don’t a sheep and send you into the abyss to only
want those bonuses going to waste! An pop out in the janitors closet!
example would be the Blue Mage’s affect
on INT based spells, or the Red Mage’s At the fifth tier, you are considered a true
affect on the damage of their spells. wizard, someone who has perfected their craft
and is now in complete flow with mana. So
go ahead, let it get to your head, you worked
hard to get here.
Code Options:

Blue Mage: The Blue Mage’s Code offers sleek The codes of a wizard define their
control over the harnessing of mana and its
unruly nature. Streamlining most spells to have everything. They should influence you in
incredible range. how you play during and out of combat.
Perhaps since your character is a Royal
Sub-code: Royal Aqua / Peerless Cyan Mage, they are a bit snooty to the lower
class students. Or if your character is an
Red Mage: The Red Mage’s Code offers Animagus, they are rash and abrupt in
incredible power and is an unrelenting force on
thought and action.
a battlefield. Promoting an aggressive play-
While your code affects your stats
Sub-code: Regal Rouge / Dauntless Crimson don’t let it only be a numbers game, feel
free to really let it express and define
Mystic: Mystics are magical assassins with the your character. It’s the only one you get,
ability to disappear with the mana naturally so make it count!
around them, or cast a flurry of spells for a
quick catch.
Again, your sub-code comes at the tier
Sub-code: Spectral Mystic / Twilight Mystic 3 bonus, so ensure you look ahead and
consider your options as thats when your
Animagus: The animagus wizards are the abilities become greatly defined. Those
brutes of the wizarding world, able to chase sub-code benefits add a lot to your
down and hunt other wizards in an up close character and what they can do, often
altering the outcome of an entire
Sub-code: Morphogus / Duelogus scenario.

Alchemist: An Alchemist is known mostly for

their ability to brew the perfect potion, they can
also infuse their potions with magic and use
them as spells in some cases.

Sub-code: Witch / Botanier

On the following pages we will go in
Royal Mage: Mages who were trained under depth into what each code and their sub-
the royal lineage, also know as “The Light codes offer you at what tiers. Going into
Mages” they focus greatly on runes and curses. their lore and how one might behave
given they were a 14 year old child in a
Sub-code: White Mage / Black Mage brand new academic environment.
The Blue Mage
Tier Legend…
The Blue Mage… A code of magic since
the very inception of mana and the life of Tier 1:
magic in the world. The founder of the Blue - All spells with the “line” or “cone” range
Mages being, Maxwell Kademan. Hailing can be doubled
from Scotland, he after the discovery of - Bonus 5 MP to Maximum
magic, become one of the original designers
of “The Blue Order” alongside some of his Tier 2:
companions. They became a force of order in - INT spells with the “line” or “cone”
the earlier magical communities and were range can be tripled instead of doubled
sourced as guards for the trade of goods. - Ability Score Increase, +2

The focus of a blue mage is the be true, Tier 3:

and honest. To do as your paid to, and - Sub-code Choice of Royal Aqua or
always question the morals of those who do Peerless Cyan
wrong, even if they are your fellows. Their - A Devotion Score
design and integrity grants them magical
strength over Intellect based spells and later Royal Aqua Path…
in their lives that of spell snipers.
Tier 4:
- If the target of your spell successfully
dodges, they take half damage
Royal Aqua
Tier 5:
- Any spell you cast that ends up costing
A side step from the body of Blue Mages.
less than 5 mana, costs you no mana
They broke away form them with the
intentions to serve in a royal guard to protect
Peerless Cyan Path…
from the dangerous Red Mages. These men
and women eventually became the Royal
Tier 4:
Mages of today. Although some hold to their
- Any spell you cast, If it gets color
more Blue Mage roots.
guarded by the target, you can double the
mana cost and hit them anyways
Peerless Cyan
Tier 5:
After some time, and the differences - When you successfully color guard a
between the Red and Blue Mage came spell, you regenerate 10 mana
to pass, intermingling began to happen
and from then was born the Peerless
Cyan. They were strong, and forceful
with their energies, unlike the sleek and
sophisticated Blue Mage. Giving them
a “Red Brand” and were thus outcast
from the pure Blue Mages.
The Red Mage
Tier Legend…
The Red Mage… After the inception of magic.
When mana released itself around the world, one Tier 1:
woman in particular changed everything, - Any spell that does damage, gets
Elizabeth Angela, the current princess of additional damage equal to your PB
England. - Bonus 10 HP to Maximum

Now the only one in the royal house with Tier 2:

magic, the power went to her head as she - REA spells that deal damage, get
conveniently made her way to power over the additional damage equal to double your
next few years. Those who heard of her exploits PB
who came across this power ending up in an elite - Ability Score Increase, +2
guard, and being used across the globe as
enforcers as “The Rage Mages” as they were Tier 3:
known for extreme violence. - Sub-code Choice of Regal Rouge or
Dauntless Crimson
While these Red Mages are no longer around, it - A Devotion Score
does not stop extremists, or the tension of their
name from existing. Regal Rouge Path…

Regal Rouge Tier 4:

- If the target of one of your REA spells
successfully color guards, you can deal
Once the destruction of the original Red half damage instead of 0
Mages ensued, the remaining members went into
hiding. Finding themselves in the company of Tier 5:
Blue Mages who had strayed from their altruistic - Any spell you cast that deals less than 7
ways. They began to mingle and birthed a new damage, costs no mana
type of Red Mage, one that had the ideals of a
Blue Mage but power of a Red Mage, these Dauntless Crimson Path…
codes of wizards would later become the
advisors to powerful and notable people. Tier 4:
- Successfully landing a REA spell attack
on a target keeps them from color
guarding until their next turn
Dauntless Crimson
Tier 5:
- When you successfully color guard
While there are those who became the against a spell, your next spell attack deals
original Red Mages based off of their double damage
knowledge and accordance with the then
Queen. There are those who were simply
outcast for their lack of ability, and thus were
treated as outcast. This code speaks to the
rugged tenacity of a Red Mage. As it has time
to stir in the distance from the spotlight.
The Mystic
Tier Legend…
The Mystic… One of the most illusive of all the
codes, they are solitary and only form groups akin Tier 1:
to thieves guilds. Having been founded by an - Spells that you cast can be casted again
Arabian Shaman, Ahsan Abdul, he used his unique on the same MC action, but you lower the
abilities to run the under ground of Arabia and the d-tier of the spell
nearby countries. His group of mystics ran every - Bonus 5 MP to Maximum
corner they could, eventually forming an elite
group known as “The Gold Sickle” which brought Tier 2:
fear to the hearts of Blue and Red Mages alike. - During a “Surprise Round” Your spell
damage is doubled and you have
Now a days however, the Mystic is just as advantage to hide.
illusive, never to show their full hand, and to - Ability Score Increase, +2
always have a back door, with their unique
abilities to be shrouded by mana. You can never be Tier 3:
too sure you’ve caught one. - Sub-code Choice of Spectral Mystic or
Twilight Mystic
- A Devotion Score
Spectral Mystic Spectral Mystic Path…

Tier 4:
Once “The Gold Sickle” was abolished by the - While standing still, you can choose to
King of Arabia in the late 1400’s the remaining have the effects of the cloak spell active
members went into hiding. Forming their own
group, but doing the unexpected. Hiding in plain Tier 5:
sight. They blended in with the everyman, stole - While invisible you are not detectable by
their coin, robbed them bind. Instead of running non-magical means, as well, you can
the rink, spectral mystics prefer to catch a man move a fourth of your movement speed
blind. Most people would claim it was just the and still have the effects of the cloak spell.
wind, but the wind does not steal your wallet.
Twilight Mystic Path…

Tier 4:
- While moving you can choose to have
Twilight Mystic the effects of the invisibility spell active

Tier 5:
Coincidentally, around the time that Ahsan - While being bathed in moonlight you do
formed “The Gold Sickle” a young farm boy not consume mana, and can teleport your
from Egypt had developed a hankering for movement speed
magic, and quaintly, something similar to what
he had seen done by such elite group. This boy
was Amsi, and he later became an assassin for
the pharaoh in his thirties, earning his family the
sweet life, and many followers who practiced,
the ways of the Twilight Mystic.
The Animagus
Tier Legend…
The origin of the Animagus is attributed to the Tier 1:
world renown bounty hunter known as, “Gabriel” - Any spells you cast with the Damage or
who was known to brutally beat his victims before Dot property can have the range of Touch
claiming their head. Once magic was discovered - Bonus 1 to DC
and mana began to cling to life forms, people like
Gabriel, learned to be even more efficient with Tier 2:
their kills. Using this magic to strike swiftly and - You can have two buffs applied to
efficiently. Magic Boxing even became a thing yourself at once, instead of just one
where boxes would cast spells as they threw their - Ability Score Increase, +2
Tier 3:
Even though we are out of the time of Gabriel, - Sub-code Choice of Morphogus or
many people say he is the one who originally Duelogus
founded this magic, although time has lost the - A Devotion Score
answer. Many still practice the art of up close
casting to better use their physical strength to Morphogus Path…
punish their targets fragile bodies.
Tier 4:
Morphogus - Bonus 10 to MS, as well you can now
take two MoA’s instead of just one.

Illusive like a butterfly in the wind. Trained and Tier 5:

developed by monks, to quickly leap from target to - After you land a spell attack of range
target, making multiple strikes in the blink of an Touch or a melee attack you can pivot and
eye, all while burning into their bodies. It was automatically hit another creature within 5
horrifying to others what they were capable of, but ft in the same MA .
no monk ever used it for violence, but rather to
further hone their bodies. As for those who simply Duelogus Path…
learned from them, we cannot say the same as many
Morphogus have been taken into custody for Tier 4:
incredibly violent acts. To the point that Morphogus - All spells you cast with the Buff property
wizards were almost outlawed by the magical are considered quick casts, as well, Bonus
community. 10 to MS

Tier 5:
- After you land a spell attack of range
Duelogus Touch or a melee attack you recover 5 MP
or HP
Remember magic boxing from the original
Animagus? Well Duelogus was born from the urge to
beat up anything and everything with an enhanced
body that came up in the early 1700’s. Regulated and
designed, the Duelogus was born to please the
crowds with explosive and entertaining brutality.
The Alchemist
Tier Legend…
The Alchemist… old as time, even before magic,
alchemy was a big thing for many cultures. The one Tier 1:
everyone owes to making it involved with mana is - When crafting a brew that has a dice
one Rory Kentsly of British decent. With his skills value, that brew will have a +2 to its dice
he managed to create incredibly unique brews the on top of other bonuses
likes no one had ever seen. - Bonus 1 to DC

Rory later died 10 years later by turning himself Tier 2:

inside out because he mixed a gender fluid potion - You do not need to consume a brew to
wrong. Do not do what Rory did, mix them understand it’s effects, as well, you know
correctly. exactly what was used to brew it
- Ability Score Increase, +2
Witch Tier 3:
- Sub-code Choice of Witch or Botanier
Originally depicted as an old hag in a swampy - A Devotion Score
environment became a city wide title. Your local
witch would brew potions, of course quite pricey, but Witch Path…
for whatever need you had. With the huge influx of
magic in the recent years however, business is not Tier 4:
quite what is was but is still lucrative. Many Witches - You can omit an ingredient of your
going back to their academies to strengthen their choice for a potion, or mix it wrong.
repertoire even more. Doing so will give it a random effect.

Botanier Tier 5:
- You can cast a brew like a spell, their
The Botanier, as well, was a well established range being single target in your vision,
profession only made better by the introduction of and the mana cost being the gold price.
magic. Greatly benefiting from the likes of Florastry, This can be done twice per potion.
and Chemomancy. While not quite as engaged in
brewing as many witches, Botaniers prefer to focus Botanier Path…
on the growth of their lavish plants and remedies.
Tier 4:
- All botany related rolls, have advantage,
as well a plant cannot die, while under
your care.
Witch Tier 4 Effects...
While it is the GM’s choice what silly random Tier 5:
effect your potion will have, they can make it good - When you brew a potion, you can
or bad for the situation its used in. Make sure you duplicate it into more empty bottles up to
mark the potion with *Tampered* to keep track. 3 times, without needing to brew it again.
- Turns the drinker into a frog
- Makes the drinkers skin blue
- Flips the drinker upside down, but they move
The Royal Mage
Tier Legend…
The original guards to the throne of Britain. The
Royal Mage was designed and trained to protect the Tier 1:
royal house with their lives. Where as now, they are - Bonus 10 MP and HP to maximum
simply derived from those men and women who - All spells that have a dice value of d4
would give their life for the royalty. They are still become dice value d6
bound somehow through mana their purpose.
Tier 2:
Unlike other Codes, all protectors to the family, - Activating a Rune or Curse is a QA
were granted these abilities. No one else outside of instead of a MA
them, had become what was needed to be Royal - Ability Score Increase, +2
Mage. Captain Cornelius at the time of the
inception, dubbed it, the crows calling. Ushering in a Tier 3:
new age of power even more so for the crown. - Sub-code Choice of White Mage or
Black Mage
- A Devotion Score

White Mage White Mage Path…

Tier 4:
White Mages were the holy men and women of - Spells you cast with the property
the castle grounds. They shared the word of god, Restoration can be casted as a QA instead
and spoke of the worlds mana to the people. of a MA
Despite their outwardly warm appearance though,
they were the ones ushered the pursue executions. Tier 5:
Their healing hands, were soiled with blood - Spells you cast with the property
constantly throughout the dark ages of magic, and Restoration have double dice, and can
Queen Victoria sat atop the throne. Now white have some of the healing allocated to
mages are among the public as healers, and words mana
of wisdom.
Black Mage Path…

Tier 4:
Black Mage - Spells you cast with the property Reap
restore 5 HP and 5 MP instead of 2 HP

Black Mages were the fronted replacement for Tier 5:

soldiers. Used as interior guard to the castle, they - REA Spells you cast that do not already
stood to stop all intruders and dangers to the have the DOT property do now. As well,
throne. Powerful as they were, they often would you heal 2 HP for ever DOT you deal.
torture and harass commoners, flaunting their
abilities to get what they wanted. After the fall of
Queen Victoria, their exploits were quickly
halted by King Arthur, in the 1600’s which lead
to their eventual hiding and expostulation from
the castle.
House Standing and Relationships.
Your House in the academy, like any friend
group or social environment you find Relationship Ranks…
yourself in will influence you slowly.
Meeting new people, starting relationships Relationships go up when you
and gaining valuable experience in the spend time or interact with an NPC
wizarding world through them. in a way they would enjoy. Around
every 3 times you interact with an
The House you choose from the 5 is NPC they will rank up with you,
important to how you want your character to although this number can change
grow. In the later pages we will dedicate a to the GM’s discretion.
space to each of the houses and their
offerings to better help you make a decision Only peer NPC’s can reach S+,
for your character. let’s not get weird here...

As you make relationships with characters, S+ (Must have Rank 6 Charm)

you earn Renown, the amount is 7 per - The NPC considers themselves in
relationship, and 7 more for every rank you a relationship with you, if you so
increase with that relationship. It requires 100 invite it.
Renown for a standing bonus. You start at 0 - Occasionally grants the player
standing, as you join the academy as a first, with very expensive gifts.
first year. S + 14 Renown
- The NPC considers you the
For every standing level you gain, you earn closest you can be, without being
unique bonuses to your house that you get to anything more than friends.
choose, there are multiple options and not - Occasionally grants the player
every time do you get all the bonuses. So be rare gifts
wise and use some reason for what you pick A + 7 Renown
as you can not go back and change what you - The NPC considers you to be a
choose! great friend and a hoot to be
When it comes to relationships the NPC - Will hang out with the player
students, teachers, or faculty. You slowly regardless of time, occasionally
build up from the letter grades, starting at D granting inexpensive gifts
and making your way up to S+ of which they B + 7 Renown
will be explained on the other side of this - The NPC enjoys your presence,
page. The higher your relationship with an they seem intrigued by you and
NPC, the more willing they are to be around want to hang out more.
you or do things for you. Be aware! It is - Will help the player with quests
completely the choice of the GM to lock you and effortless tasks
from gaining relationship with an NPC for C + 7 Renown
any reason. Be it issues or progression the - The NPC is still warming up to
relationship too fast. you, but is waiting for you to make
more moves.
With that said, lets get into the houses and D + 7 Renown
what all they offer you in character creation! - The NPC and you are
acquaintances, they seem to like
Standing 1: Choose 2
Unicorn House - +1 Charm
- +1 Botany
- +1 Vitality
The Unicorn House’s colors are White, and Gold.
They treasure the freedom of creativity. You’ll Standing 2: Choose 1
never catch a unicorn having too poor of a day as - +10 MP Maximum
they all are there to uplift one another. They love - +5 HP Maximum
partaking in broom classes and the very flashy
magics at the academy. Standing 3: Choose 2
- +2 Baublestonomancy Devotion points
One of the original Houses at Spellwick - +2 Flairurgy Devotion points
Academy, the current head of house is Yelenna. - +2 Florastry Devotion points
- +2 Dunamancy Devotion points
Notable NPC’s…
Evanis – (Second, Third Year) Standing 4: Choose 1
Studies Frostcraft, spunky young man with quite - +2 Charm
the fruity nature and loves company. - +2 Botany
- +2 Vitality
Gwen – (First, Second Year)
Studies Flairurgy, has a knack for the arts, and Standing 5: Choose 2
absolutely adores drama. - Class Rep Seat in Student Council
- Pet Unicorn
Misu – (Second, Second Year) - Early Year Graduation
Studies Spiriturgy, rather quiet and likes it that
way, really enjoys fashion. Standing 6: Choose 2
- +20 MP Maximum
Naula – (First, First Year) - +10 HP Maximum
Studies Pyromancy, energetic and fun, loves a - +1 Bonus to DC
good joke and watching film or plays.
Standing 7: Choose 1
Riley – (Third, First Year) - +2 Rune Devotion points
Studies Runes, has a mysterious obsession with - +2 Spellcraft Devotion points
the unknown, likes to poke around. - +2 Cursecraft Devotion points
- +2 Alchemy Devotion points
Roanoke – (First, Fourth Year)
Studies Dunamancy, Run of the mill good guy, Standing 8: Choose 1
loves tinkering, and flying on brooms. - +3 Charm
- +3 Botany
Serasu – (Second, Third Year) - +3 Vitality
Studies Florastry, Enjoys taking things slow,
stopping and smelling the roses. Standing 9: Choose 1
- Become Class President
Shire – (First, First Year) - Early Year Graduation
Studies Worfcraft, does not really understand the - Pet Pegacorn
academy, like running away to secret places. - +5 Devotion points

Yelenna – (Second, Third Year) Standing 10:

Studies Chronurgy, does not like being - Forbidden Spell Knowledge
interrupted, but loves a challenging conversation - +3 Devotion points
Standing 1: Choose 2
Owl House - +1 Reason
- +1 Dexterity
The Owl House was the original house for the
- +1 Intellect
academy, when it first opened its gates the owl
“house” was the only option as, there was no idea for
Standing 2: Choose 1
houses to begin with. As for now though, the head of
- +10 MP Maximum
house would be Dayna, the youngest one ever.
- +5 HP Maximum
Owls love their solitary nature, but will mingle with
Standing 3: Choose 2
others around them if they see a fellow performing an
- +2 Tempestry Devotion points
interesting or similar activity as them.They are
- +2 Chronurgy Devotion points
workaholics and enjoy making the most of their
- +2 Dark Arts Devotion points
studies. The House colors are Brown and Silver.
- +2 Spiriturgy Devotion points

Notable NPC’s… Standing 4: Choose 1

Allan – (First, Third Year) - +2 Reason
Studies Chronurgy, loves studying and having a study - +2 Dexterity
buddy, enjoys his time alone or in silent thought. - +2 Intellect

Elliewick – (Frist, First Year) Standing 5: Choose 2

Studies Dark Arts, likes to dance and explore, really - Class Rep Seat in Student Council
enjoys group company - Pet Captain Owl
- Early Year Graduation
Dayna – (Second, Second Year)
Studies Tempestry, Likes to challenge powerful Standing 6: Choose 2
looking peers, in intrigued by differing opinions. - +20 MP Maximum
- +10 HP Maximum
Kopplin – (First, Second Year) - +1 Bonus to DC
Studies Dunamancy, absolutely loves his studies, and
his numerous pets, as well as a good read. Standing 7: Choose 1
- +2 Rune Devotion points
Ignis – (Third, First Year) - +2 Spellcraft Devotion points
Studies Everything, Does not seem to like anything, - +2 Cursecraft Devotion points
or company. - +2 Alchemy Devotion points

Onessa – (First, Fourth Year) Standing 8: Choose 1

Studies Magiko, Best friends with Asora, Loves being - +3 Reason
right and challenging others to debates. - +3 Dexterity
- +3 Intellect
Robia – (First, Second Year)
Studies Florastry, Likes talking about his life on the Standing 9: Choose 1
ranch and where he wants to go from here. - Become Class President
- Early Year Graduation
Timothy – (Third, First Year) - Pet Shimmer Owl
Studies Tempestry, Enjoys the small things in life, - +5 Devotion points
and exploration of oneself and the world.
Standing 10:
Viridian – (Third, Third Year) - Forbidden Spell Knowledge
Studies Curses, Loves baking and working with her - +3 Devotion points
hands, also enjoys a good write from time to time.
Standing 1: Choose 2
Basilisk House - +1 Intellect
The Basilisk House was the house that defined what - +1 Reason
a house was. Once it was introduced, students began - +1 Vitality
being sorted by them. It proved with its students, the
power of magic. The House Colors being Green and Standing 2: Choose 1
Blue. - +10 HP Maximum
- +1 Bonus to DC
Basilisks enjoy making things challenging and
surpassing those challenges with ease makes them Standing 3: Choose 2
feel troubled. They enjoy the rigorous energy it takes - +2 Dark Arts Devotion points
to make something work. The current head of house - +2 Dunamancy Devotion points
being, Wayne. - +2 Chemomancy Devotion points
Notable NPC’s… - +2 Pyromancy Devotion points
Alexandria – (Third, Second Year)
Studies Chemomancy, She enjoys her cats, and Standing 4: Choose 1
fashion. Does not being told hes girly. - +2 Intellect
- +2 Reason
Elizabeth – (Second, Third Year) - +2 Vitality
Studies Pyromancy, Likes hot foods, likes cold
drinks and brewing with others. Standing 5: Choose 2
- Class Rep Seat in Student Council
Larouge – (First, First Year) - Pet Basilisk
Studies Pyromancy, Likes training with swords and - Early Year Graduation
reading, also sewing clothes is enjoyable.
Standing 6: Choose 2
Lucia – (Second, First Year) - +5 MP Maximum
Studies Alchemy, Likes testing her potions out on - +20 HP Maximum
people, likes conversation, doesn’t like closeness. - +1 Bonus to DC

Nyx – (Second, Third Year) Standing 7: Choose 1

Studies Pyromancy, - +2 Rune Devotion points
- +2 Spellcraft Devotion points
Silvie – (First, Fourth Year) - +2 Cursecraft Devotion points
Studies Magiko, Likes helping the other students, - +2 Alchemy Devotion points
being close, writing romance.
Standing 8: Choose 1
Turner – (First, First Year) - +3 Intellect
Studies Tempestry, likes studying and pushing - +3 Reason
himself to his limits. - +3 Vitality

Wayne – (Third, Fourth Year) Standing 9: Choose 1

Studies Runes, Likes working out, writing runes, and - Become Class President
hunting with friends. - Early Year Graduation
- Pet Needle Basilisk
Zeke – (Second, Second Year) - +5 Devotion points
Studies Runes, Likes working out, studying his
weapons, and making schemes with his friends. Standing 10:
- Forbidden Spell Knowledge
Zina – (First, Second Year) - +3 Devotion points
Studies Chemomancy, Likes fish, eating fish, and
being a fish, loves fishing.
Standing 1: Choose 2
Wolf House - +1 Strength
- +1 Reason
The Wolf House is defined by its nature of community. - +1 Charm
All of its members have a level of fondness and respect
for one another. They enjoy projects and long lasting Standing 2: Choose 1
assignments You will never not find one working on - +10 HP Maximum
something, either in the background on directly. The - +1 Bonus to DC
House colors are Black and Red.
Standing 3: Choose 2
They enjoy collaboration with students of the other - +2 Dark Arts Devotion points
houses, although their form of getting things done is - +2 Florastry Devotion points
often seen as strange to most other students. The current - +2 Dunamancy Devotion points
head of house being Olive. - +2 Spiriturgy Devotion points
Notable NPC’s… Standing 4: Choose 1
Asora – (Second, Fourth Year) - +2 Strength
Studies Magiko, Likes being challenged in the - +2 Reason
Academy court. Likes being a dominant friend. - +2 Charm
Avery – (First, Second year) Standing 5: Choose 2
Studies Dark Arts, Likes writing unique spells, as well - Class Rep Seat in Student Council
as enjoying challenging puzzles. - Pet Volf
- Early Year Graduation
Deacon – (Second, Second Year)
Studies Dunamancy, Likes working out, training for Standing 6: Choose 2
Magia, and participating in school events. - +5 MP Maximum
- +20 HP Maximum
Eiris – (Third, First Year) - +1 Bonus to DC
Studies Spiriturgy, Enjoys the otherworldly friends
she encounters. Likes hexing people, doesn’t like real Standing 7: Choose 1
people. - +2 Rune Devotion points
- +2 Spellcraft Devotion points
Jessica – (Third, Second Year) - +2 Cursecraft Devotion points
Studies Magiko, Likes dressing up and making - +2 Alchemy Devotion points
clothes. Enjoys adventures with people she enjoys.
Standing 8: Choose 1
Korey – (First, Second Year) - +3 Strength
Studies Florastry, Likes writing, painting, and - +3 Reason
camping with friends. - +3 Charm
Olive – (Second, Third Year) Standing 9: Choose 1
Studies Chemomancy, Likes pushing her limits, likes - Become Class President
dueling with others. - Early Year Graduation
- Pet Timber Volf
Storia – (First, Third Year) - +5 Devotion points
Studies Runes, Enjoys watching animals, studying her
blade, is rather quiet and articulate Standing 10:
- Forbidden Spell Knowledge
Yor – (Second, Second Year) - +3 Devotion points
Studies Dark Arts, Likes subverting expectations,
learning about new people as well.
Standing 1: Choose 2
Dolphin House - +1 Intellect
- +1 Dexterity
Dolphins are the most chatterbox of the houses. Being - +1 Charm
the newest house certainly fills the group with
liveliness. They are always energetic, willing to make Standing 2: Choose 1
friends, and are passion driven. Most are gifted - +10 HP Maximum
performers, artists, or designers. - +5 MP Maximum

The dolphin lifestyle enjoys taking the simple things Standing 3: Choose 2
and making them extravagant. They dress this way as - +2 Frostcraft Devotion points
well, often designing their own clothes or altering their - +2 Pyromancy Devotion points
school uniforms. The current head of house being, - +2 Flairurgy Devotion points
Varus. - +2 Chemomancy Devotion points

Notable NPC’s… Standing 4: Choose 1

Camilla – (Third, Third Year) - +2 Intellect
Studies Runes, Enjoys taking her time, small thoughtful - +2 Dexterity
gestures, and standing authority over others. - +2 Charm

Ezekial – (First, Second Year) Standing 5: Choose 2

Studies Chemomancy, Likes being talked up, enjoys - Class Rep Seat in Student Council
drawing and writing spells. - Pet Palphin
- Early Year Graduation
Logan – (Second, Third Year)
Studies Worfcraft, does not interact with many people, Standing 6: Choose 2
likes chocolate. - +10 MP Maximum
- +20 HP Maximum
Rikard – (First, Fourth Year) - +1 Bonus to DC
Studies Frostcraft, hates warmness. Enjoys the cold,
and sculpting, also likes exploring the world. Standing 7: Choose 1
- +2 Rune Devotion points
Rolan – (Third, First Year) - +2 Spellcraft Devotion points
Studies Flairurgy, Likes gambling, making bets, and - +2 Cursecraft Devotion points
playing games. Does not like losing. - +2 Alchemy Devotion points

Salem – (Second, First Year) Standing 8: Choose 1

Studies Alchemy, Likes brewing with others, teaching - +3 Intellect
others, and sharing drinks with friends. - +3 Dexterity
- +3 Charm
Vale – (Third, Second Year)
Studies Frostcraft, Likes being embraced, physically Standing 9: Choose 1
and verbally. Likes tailoring clothes and sweets. - Become Class President
- Early Year Graduation
Varus – (Third, Fourth Year) - Pet Crystal Palphin
Studies Flairurgy, Likes performing, singing, and - +5 Devotion points
swimming. Enjoys napping as well.
Standing 10:
Yerrio – (Third, Second Year) - Forbidden Spell Knowledge
Studies Flairurgy, Likes interesting conversation, - +3 Devotion points
cooking, and challenges and debates.
Combat Flow
With the pillars of your character creation
done, all thats left is some finalization. You 1. Surprise Round
have your description, Code, House, Stats, - The surprised creatures do not act
beginning equipment. You are all fine and - The surprised creatures cannot defend
dandy! Ready to start your adventure in against incoming attacks
Spellwick. - The surprising creatures have advantage
on dexterity, and charm rolls against the
surprised creatures
So, now that you are here, you may be
wondering what is next if character creation 2. Initiative Round
is finished. Well moving forward we will be - All creatures roll initiative, with a d10,
talking about combat flow. Going over the adding their initiative (IN) bonus.
steps that go into a turn, into a round, what - creatures with the highest numbers go
you are capable of, and what dice to use. first, summons go after the summoners
Thankfully this system is designed with
high aggression and outsmarting the 3. Combat Round
opponent, so combat is pretty quick. - Creatures take turns making their actions.
There are multiple actions you can take on
If some questions are left unanswered, ask your turn. Your QA can be used outside of
your GM, and see what they can come up your own turn.
with as a ruling, as these are more so, to
- MA
give a shell of combat. It’s meant to be (Main Action)
structured but not set and stone. So get You cast cast a spell with the casting speed
creative, and start slinging some spells! of main cast, swing a main weapon, or
activate an enchantment or curse.
- QA
(Quick Action)
Before combat begins, there are some You can cast a spell with the casting speed
layers we should lay. In every combat of quick cast, swing a quick weapon, drink
scenario there are things to keep in a potion, Dodge, or Color Guard.
mind… - IA
(interaction Action)
1. Did you sneak up on them, or did You can interact with an object, such as
they sneak up on you? pulling a lever, opening a door, or picking a
2. What is the environment like? lock.
3. How much mana do I have left? - MoA
4. Does my enemy look strong? (Movement Action)
You can move your movement speed, cast a
Once you know at least some answer spell with the casting speed of movement
to those questions you can begin cast, or climb/swim half your movement
thinking about combat. Those questions speed.
alone should tell you exactly how an - CA
encounter will go. So lets run some (Commanding Action)
scenarios and illustarte the stages of You can shout a command to one
combat. summoned minion to give them instructions
on what to do.
With the structure of combat detailed,
Some manipulation spells can be used in
there are a few things to keep in mind. If a
place of guarding or dodging, such as
creature starts its turn with a DOT marker,
pyrokinesis, to stop other pyromancy spells.
essentially meaning it was hit previously
with a spell that had the property DOT. It
Boss creatures get 2 MA’s as well as a
will take 1d4 damage per marker, and there
reserved LA, or Legendary Action, which
can be a max of 3 markers. Starting your
they can use any casting speed spell or
turn in a dangerous area, will cause you to
action of their choice not on their turn. So
build up DOT markers as well. They
watch out!
cannot be removed unless the caster is
defeated, or in the case of gasses or fire,
Pyromancy, and Flairurgy, have halved
you put them out accordingly.
damage in the rain or while underwater, so
be careful of being in an watery scenario
Any creature starting its turn in the radius
and trying to light fires.
of a spell with the trap property, will take
said effects before its turn starts. As well,
You can have a maximum of 1 buff, 1
as any activation clauses stating so for
debuff, and 1 curse on you at a time, and
that goes for any other creature.
Manipulation spells while they seem like
With your quick action if a creature
they would fall into those categories, they
decides to attempt to avoid a spell, there
are free reign to cast as much as you want.
are 2 ways. Color guarding and dodging.
Melee strikes with just your legs or fists,
- Color Guarding (QA)
start as 1d4, but as you gain 3 Ranks in
When you color guard, you must use a
strength it goes up 1d-tier, so at 6 (STR)
spell defensively, that puts up a colored
your punches and kicks are 1d6, at 12 they
shield based on the color of the spell you
are 1d8. If you attack with an
cast. You still use the mana cost of this
unconventional item as a weapon, it has no
spell. But if the offensive color matches
dice and is just your appropriate modifier.
your defensive color, the spell is nullified.
You can do this as much as you want as
Being considered grappled, is when you
long as you can, but keep an eye on your
enter a (STR)/(DEX) contest with another
creature, every turn that one of you
participates in, the roll must be redone, if
- Dodging (QA)
the grappler rolls higher it stays in effect. A
When you dodge, you roll a contest with
grappled creature cannot move unless they
the target casting a spell on you. You roll a
teleport to escape. They cannot take any
d6, adding your (DC) bonus to the roll. The
actions until the escape.
one casting the spell, rolls a d6 and adds
their according skill modifier for that type
If a creature cannot see another one, due
of spell. For example, pyromancy would be
to a blindness or cloak of some kind, to hit
intellect, so they would add that Rank to
they must pass a 50 DC, 1d100 roll.
the roll. If the attacker rolls higher you take
full damage, if you roll higher, you nullify
Other than that, have fun! Combat is loose
the spell.
so you can barter and try to get away with
silly things. Don’t worry so much about any
With these things in mind, you seem
rules you don’t see, and maybe you can get
pretty good to go, to handle yourself in a
away with something.
combat scenario, although theres some
other niche things to keep in mind.
Simplified Weapon System
While often the last resort, most wizards are taught to defend themselves with weapons if necessary
a knife, sword, bow, crossbow, or tongfa on occasion will be thrown around. We will also go over a
way enchanters have found a way to produce weaponry through gemstone dust.

It is taught that sometimes, magic is not the solution to a situation. In efforts to make sure students
are properly protected, there are classes that teach the use of weaponry in self defense. While each of
these weapons are not individuals but instead grouped by weight and tiers, as well as range. Your GM
may feel free to make changes to the numbers and make their own justifications as for what goes

Light Weapon… Medium Melee Weapon… Heavy Melee Weapon…

Dodge Skill: Dexterity Dodge Skill: Dexterity or Strength Dodge Skill: Strength
Range: Touch Range: 5ft Range: 10ft
Grip Type: 1 Handed Grip Type: 1 or 2 Handed Grip Type: 1 Handed
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: MA Action Speed: MA
Tier 1: Tier 1: Tier 1:
Dice: 1d4 Dice: 1d6 Dice: 1d8
Cost: 15g Cost: 20g Cost: 30g
Tier 2: Tier 2: Tier 2:
Dice: 2d4 Dice: 2d6 Dice: 2d8
Cost: 35g Cost: 45g Cost: 80g
Tier 3: Tier 3: Tier 3:
Dice: 2d4 Dice: 2d6 Dice: 2d8
Cost: 70g Cost: 85g Cost: 100g
Bonus: +1 to Dodge Class Bonus: +1 to Dodge Class Bonus: +2 to Dodge Class

Light Ranged Weapon… Heavy Ranged Weapon…

Dodge Skill: Dexterity Dodge Skill: Dexterity or Strength

Range: 75ft Range: 150ft
Grip Type: 1 or 2 Handed Grip Type: 2 Handed
Action Speed: MA Action Speed: MA

Tier 1: Tier 1:
Dice: 1d6 Dice: 1d8
Cost: 20g Cost: 30g

Tier 2: Tier 2:
Dice: 2d6 Dice: 2d8
Cost: 35g Cost: 45g

Tier 3: Tier 3:
Dice: 2d6 Dice: 2d8
Cost: 75g Cost: 95g
Bonus: +1 to Dodge Class Bonus: +1 to Dodge Class
Expanded Weapon System
In the case you wish to use the expanded weapon system which hosts actual weapons instead of a
more loose design this is the page for you. The expanded weapon system will have lists of possible
weapons for the game that the young wizards could possibly obtain. Do they sneak into the royal
guards weapon bays and snag a spear? A rifle? Wait, who gave the students rifles?

Any how, now that you’ve given your wizards gunpowder and boom sticks, totally not allowed in
the academy by the way, lets go over the specific weapons in Spellwick. As always, you can create
your own in the case you find it doesn’t have a weapon of your liking. The weapons of Spellwick can
be quite unique unlike other fantasy games, the implementation of magic caused advancements in
technology to very strange degrees. Most would blame the gnomes however.

Weapon Name
Dice Cost Range Speed Grip Dodge Skill

Instead of tiers for the expanded list of weapons. There are special rules for upgrading them and
unique functions. You can Reinforce your weapon, silver it, or Infuse it. These functions are mutually
exclusive, so once your choose to do one, you cannot choose another one. All three of these options
giving you a unique path to take your weaponry. Later on you will learn about belts, which store your
weapons, so keep in mind how many you can keep at a time.

Weaponry Functions Ammunition Functions Systems

Reinforcing Ammo Dodge Skill

Costs 30g and double the cost for When you fire, you consume 1 ammunition. Allows you to change whether
each recurring reinforcement. you are using your DEX or STR
Can be done 5 times. Rifle Ammo: 15g for 10 modifiers for your DC. Pretty
Increases either the dice by +1 for Shotgun Shells: 15g for 5 handy right?
each reinforcement. Pistol Ammo: 15g for 20
Arrows: 10g for 30 1 or 2 handing
Silvering Allows you to use one or two
Costs 50g and double the cost for Misfire (Guns only) hands for a weapon. When using
each recurring silvering. When you attack if you roll a 1 on any of its 2 hands, you use your STR
Can be done 2 times. dice, you get a miss fire. Roll 1d4 for outcome. modifier for damage and dodge
Makes your weaponry deal an challenges. If you are using one
extra die of their damage type 1. Bullet Jam hand you use your DEX instead.
against Monsters. You must MA clear the jam before the weapon Except in the case of ranged
can be used again. weapons, they are always DEX.
Infusing 2. Combust in the Chamber
Costs 100g and double the cost for Gun is unusable unless repaired. Volley
upped cadence tiers. 3. Bad Magazine You can shoot up to 3 shots at
Can be done 1 time. All of your bullets flare out from the magazine once, the following shots all get a
The weapon is now your spell or chamber, you loose all of those bullets. -3 damage however. If the gun
casting focus. 4. Nothing has volley.
You get off scot free and it was just a bad shot.
Melee Weaponry
Your classic bladed weapons. The more versatile and convenient for any wizard, as these are allowed in
the academy unlike the cold steel of a gun. You often will find traveling wizards wondering around
with a spare longsword on their belt as it allows for more up close protection.

Longsword A long bladed sword, often made of steel

and designed intricately.
1d8 20g 5ft MA 1 or 2 hands DEX or STR

Short sword A short bladed sword, often made of steel

and given to beginners to train with.
1d6 15g Touch MA 1 hand DEX

Tongfa / Baton Long metal or wooden cylinders with a

grip that fits in your hand.
1d6 15g Touch MA 1 hand DEX or STR

Zweihander A very large german designed blade.

Meant for the strongman with a two
2d8 30g 5ft MA 2 hands STR handed grip.

Rapier A thin thrusting blade, cherished by the

french. Often with very designed hilt
1d6 Cost Touch QA 1 hand DEX guards.

Katana A Japanese blade, made for swift draws

from the sheathe and a powerful presence
1d6 20g 5ft QA 1 or 2 hands DEX on the battle field.

Dagger A small blade, often associated with

thieves and muggers. But its size makes it
2d4 10g Touch QA 1 hand DEX easy to carry around just incase.

Spear A long wooden or metal staff with a

pointed blade on the end. Designed to
1d8 20g 10ft MA 2 hands DEX or STR keep enemies back.

Halberd A long metal or wooden staff with an axe

head and spear tip to the end. Used by
1d10 30g 10ft MA 2 hands STR cavalry men and guards.

Battle Axe A large and weighty axe designed for

combat with both sides of the metal
2d6 25g 5ft MA 1 or 2 hands STR having a crescent design.
Ranged Weaponry
When you attempt to fire above the range you must roll a 1d100, if you get a 70 or more you land the
shot. Loading a shot, cylinder, bolt or magazine will take your QA, arrows are your IA instead. If you
volley shot and the target attempts to dodge, if they successfully do so, all of the bullets miss.

Bow 1 Arrow per load.

A nicely made wooden or compound bow.
1d6 10g 40ft QA 2 hands DEX

Crossbow 1 Bolt per load.

A nicely made wooden or compound
1d8 20g 70ft MA 2 hands DEX crossbow.

Revolver (Pistol) 6 Bullets per load, Volley.

A standard, spinning cylinder handgun.
1d8 40g 70ft QA 1 hand DEX

Lever Action Rifle (Rifle) 1 Bullet per load.

A single chamber, lever action rifle with
1d12 75g 150ft MA 2 hands DEX high precision.

Fire Cracker (Shotgun) 5 Shells per load.

A monstrous and beefy shotgun, top
2d10 80g 25ft MA 2 hands DEX loader action and explosive shots.

Automatic Rifle (Rifle) 20 Bullets per load, Volley.

A standard, trusty, steel made rifle with a
2d6 100g 100ft MA 2 hands DEX magazine slot underneath.

Lever Action Shotgun (Shotgun) 3 Shells per load, Volley.

A triple chamber, lever action shotgun
2d8 80g 35ft MA 2 hands DEX with a slider input in the side.

Chamber Loaded Rifle (Rifle) 1 Bullet per load.

A long rifle designed for sniping. With a
2d12 120g 200ft MA 2 hands DEX scope and kick stands for stability

Magazine Loaded Pistol (Pistol) 8 Bullets per load, Volley.

A classically designed automatic handgun.
1d6 50g 60ft QA 1 hand DEX

Haymaker (Shotgun) 2 Shells per load.

A hard hitting, massive shotgun with 3
2d12 90g 10ft MA 1 hand DEX barrels and a steel design.
Unique Weaponry
Any of type of weapon was put here for convenience. They are the more wacky types of weapons you
could find yourself using. These weapons could be considered to be placed in either of the previous
categories but, placing them here helps make it all work.

Improvised Melee Weapon (Uses STR) A chair leg, book or newspaper, why did
you pick this up? Why are you hitting
1d4 -g 5-10ft QA/MA 1 or 2 hands DEX someone with it?

Improvised Ranged Weapon (Uses Dex) A random rock or slingshot. Something

goofy you decide to pick up and throw.
1d4 -g 10-30ft QA/MA 1 or 2 hands DEX

Grenade (Uses DEX) A military graded explosive device with a

pull pin and collapsable handle.
3d12 20g 10ft R. QA 1 hand DEX

Chain Knife (Uses DEX) A chain with a knife on the end of it, you
can roll contested STR with the target it
1d8 25g 15ft MA 2 hands DEX hits to pull them towards you.

Scythe (Uses DEX) A long wooden scythe with a steely edge

that is always cold to the touch. No two
1d8 30g 5ft MA 2 hands DEX scythes are the same.

Throwing Knife (Uses DEX) A small knife that is designed to soar

through the air with ease.
1d4 5g 20ft QA 1 hand DEX

Ball of Returning (Uses STR) A runic kickball, with enchanted fabrics

the ball will always gravitate to you after
1d6 75g 30ft MA No hands DEX colliding with something.

Bladed Cards (Uses DEX) Cards with a bladed edge. They are
purchased in decks and are single use.
1d6 15g 20ft QA 1 hand DEX

Steel Ball (Uses INT, REA, CHA, or BOT) You loose the hand sized steel ball on the
enemy and control it with your mind.
1d6 60g Single T. QA 1 hand DEX Using your hand to orchestrate it.
Brittle Mana Weaponry
There are 5 different divisions when it
comes to weaponry, Light, Medium, and
Heavy Melee, as well as Light and Heavy
Ranged weapons. For those of you
Fire Brittle Mana: Amber
asking, yes guns do exist in this world
traditionally. Some weapons, like the Dice: 1d6
Medium and Heavy weapons, actually Range: Touch
allow you to change your DC while Charges: 5
wielding the weapon to be Strength Action Speed: QA
based, instead of Dexterity.
Dice: 1d10
One more thing of note, even though
Range: 5ft
guns are a thing in this world, being the Charges: 10
age of muskets, you most certainly should Action Speed: MA
not be sold one, but they will simply be
altered versions of the appropriate Ranged:
Ranged Weapon made by your GM. Dice: 1d6
Range: 50ft
Charges: 7
On top of that there is what the Action Speed: MA
enchanters have dubbed, “Brittle Mana”
where you have a hilt of various metals,
and using a focus, built into the hilt you
can emit a weapon. This happens by
charging it with gem stone dust and the
dust needed is varied and will change the Water Brittle Mana: Aquamarine
type of weapon it is, besides it taking the Light:
shape of a weapon you prefer. Every time Dice: 1d4
Range: 5ft
you attack with the Brittle Mana, whether
Charges: 8
it hits or not, you expend a charge. Action Speed: QA
Refilling the charges just requires a
handful of that gemstone dust mentioned Heavy:
earlier. Dice: 1d6
Range: 10ft
There are 5 different versions of Brittle Charges: 10
Action Speed: MA
Mana. When it comes to how they work,
they too have weights. Light versions can Ranged:
be used with one hand… heavy and Dice: 1d6
ranged versions have to have two hands. Range: 70ft
Those being listed on the second part to Charges: 10
this page. Without further adieu, Lets get Action Speed: MA
into those and take a look shall we?
Brittle Mana is unique in that the gnomes actually invented it, a man named Naurus thought up the
idea. Thinking of how components could be used to activate a focus, and viola, after years of testing
found this. Using a hilt specially designed with a crystal lens and a compartment in the rear end for
dust. Upon flicking the hilt made the weapon appear which is tied to the wielders inner Mana. This
connection allows you to force the weapon into any shape or weight you want. When you attack
with a Brittle Mana, you use your DEX for Light and Ranges versions, or STR for your Heavy
versions. So those stats provide your modifier for damage and hit contests when your target attempts
a dodge. These weapons also count as magic, not physical weaponry.

Lightning Brittle Mana: Topaz Frost Brittle Mana: Quartz

Light: Light:
Dice: 1d4 Dice: 1d6
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Charges: 10 Charges: 5
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: QA

Heavy: Heavy:
Dice: 1d8 Dice: 1d10
Range: 5ft Range: 5ft
Charges: 6 Charges: 10
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: MA

Ranged: Ranged:
Dice: 1d6 Dice: 1d8
Range: 80ft Range: 70ft
Charges: 8 Charges: 8
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: MA

Twilight Brittle Mana: Opal Bauble Brittle Mana: Bauble Stone

Light: Light:
Dice: 1d4 Dice: 1d4
Range: Touch Range: 10ft
Charges: 12 Charges: 15
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: QA

Heavy: Heavy:
Dice:1d8 Dice: 1d6
Range: 5ft Range: 15ft
Charges: 10 Charges: 15
Action Speed: MA Action Speed: QA

Ranged: Ranged:
Dice: 1d6 Dice: 1d4
Range: 60ft Range: 100ft
Charges: 8 Charges: 20
Action Speed: QA Action Speed: QA
Spellcraft, Brewcraft, and Runecraft
The art of spellcraft, and spellcrafting awoke immediately in people across the globe when Mana was
discovered. Allowing individuals to cast a menagerie of magics. From balls of fire to altering the time
of an object and restoring it.
Brewcraft was originally designed simply by mixing crushed ingredients and making remedies But
once Mana had awoken, all manners of flora and fauna had erupted with magical energies, causing the
practice to be truly magical.
Runecraft, or as some call it, the art of enchantment. As you learn more and more about it, the more
flexible and creative you can be with each Rune, making every enchantment exactly what you want.

Spell Name
Dice Cost Range Property Description and Conditions.

Size Color Duration Cast Speed

Devotion Points and Scores…

Skill Effects…
When you attend a class to review a spell or
Skills which are given after the magic class on
review the class of magic as a whole with your
their page, give you a plus 1 to dice for those
professor, you earn Devotion Points, 3 points
spells. As well as being the type of stat you
makes a Score for that class of magic. What
use when an opponent attempts to dodge a
can you do with a score? Well a score allows
spell, those stats being Reason, Intellect,
you to change existing spells in very different
Charm, and Botany. You must have a 6 to your
score or a +3 to use any magic class for that
- Dice (Up to +3, max of d20)
+1dtier Effect Spell Challenges…
When an effect spell, a Buff, Debuff, or
- Range (Up to +3) Manipulation spell hits you, you can challenge
+10ft or Change Spell Label with the according spell class stat against the
enemy to nullify it. You roll challenging stats
- Duration (Up to +2) such as INT, REA, CHA, or BOT, depending on
+1 Round what stat the enemy is using to cast the spell.
- Property (Up to +1)
Devotion for Properties…
Adjacent (see chart)
When you use devotion for a property, they
must be adjacent properties. So only
- Color (Up to +1)
Any offensive color besides Clear can be set.
Damage – DOT/HOT – Reap - Restoration
- Cost (Up to +3, no less than d4)
Illumination – Trap – Manipulation - Creation
Movement – Displacement – Buff - Debuff
- Cast (Up to +1)
You can change the cast speed of a spell to
another of your choice.
Properties of Spells:
- Damage
Range Labels: A simple damage spell, no extra flair.
- Line (L.)
A line coming from you, pierces - DOT/HOT
through enemies, unless stated Puts a DOT or HOT counter on the target
otherwise. (Up to 3) which is 1d4 at the start of that
creatures turn. Only once a dispel is used
- Radius (R.) can they be taken off, or in the case of
Spreads from a point that you can see, fire, put out on their main action.
or travels to that point and holds that
range on contact. - Reap
Restores 3 HP to the caster when the spell
- Cone (C.) successfully hits a living target.
A cone coming from you, pierces
through enemies in the range, - Buff
providing a max width of half the cone Applies a numerical benefit to the target.
- Debuff
- Single Target (ST.) Applies a numerical detriment to the
A single target within your vision. target.
- Touch (T.) - Illumination
You must be able to physically touch Creates a field of light, allowing for
the target of the spell to cast it on illumination of basic torch light.
- Creation
Cast Speed: Allows you to manifest a creature, object,
- Main Cast (MC) or structure.
Used on your MA of the turn.
- Manipulation
- Quick Cast (QC) Allows you to manipulate a target through
Used on either the MA or QA of the non-numerical values. More of a role-play
turn. property.

- Movement Cast (MoC) - Trap

Used on your movement action for the Creates a field, doing consistent damage
turn, you cannot move your movement and effects to targets in the range.
speed after casting this type of spell.
- Restoration
The damage property but it deals healing
Spell Colors: to a target with the dice.
The color of a spell applies to its
offensive and defensive color. Earlier in - Movement
the color guard section under combat, it A spell that physically moves your
explains how spell colors interact. character from one place to another.

You can also change the offensive color - Displacement

of you spell through Devotion Scores. Moves you, an object, or the target
But not the defensive color. somewhere else according to the spells
The definitive design of this entire game. We
finally got here! To explain, spells are the result
of a wizard channeling Mana through their - Pyromancy (Offensive Magic)
bodies and releasing it in a physical form. Spells The study of magical fire.
do not kill targets, they will only mentally
knock them out, as if they were struck in the - Baublestonomancy (Support Magic)
head or, fell asleep. Unless the spell is The study of liquid and solid material magic.
Tarnished, or states otherwise it is not designed
to kill or destroy targets. - Chronurgy (Support Magic)
The study of time and space alteration.
In the next pages, we will go over the 13 ½
classes of magic. Those being listed in full on - Dark Arts (Offensive Magic)
the right side of this page. Each of these is The study of ancient magic, used by the
designed around a classic form of magic from original wizards.
pop culture or even with a desired niche in
mind. While these spells may seem basic, that - Flairurgy (Offensive Magic)
brings up the next big idea of Spellwick. The study of flair filled pyromancy, very
Earning Devotion Score to enhance and build explosive.
magic up from what they are.
- Tempestry (Support Magic)
When you earn 3 Spell-Class Devotion Points to The study of wind and weather magics.
a specific class, you earn a Devotion score, and
that allows you to amplify the effects of a spell, - Spiriturgy (Offensive Magic)
or change it to your liking. This involves, The study of the connection between the
extending the range, damage, changing the beyond and apparitions.
color, or even changing how the spell operates
entirely. - Chemomancy (Support Magic)
The study of body manipulation, and
Spellcraft Education…
Spells all have a set of rules they play by - Florastry (Support Magic)
unless modified by Devotion Scores. Every The study of plants, life energy, and the raw
spell will have a Dice, Range, Duration, connection to Mana.
Property, Book Size, Color, Cost, and Speed
value. - Frostcraft (Offensive Magic)
The study of magical ice.
When you cast a spell, you roll the mana cost
first, which is composed of two dice. After you - Dunamancy (Offensive Magic)
roll the cost, removing it from your total MP, The study of Mana in its purest form.
you choose a target in the range of your spell,
and apply the proper effect and/or dice. - Magiko (Support Magic)
The study of classic entertainment magic.
If the target attempts to dodge one of your
spells, you roll a d6 and add whatever statistic - Worfcraft (Support Magic)
your magic uses, for Pyromancy, it is Intellect. The study of the fabric of reality.
This goes against their Dexterity and a d6 of
their own. On the next page we will go over - Core/Grand Core Magics (Support Magic)
the nuances of a spell. The study of the essentials of magic.
Crafting A Spell
Outside of just learning spells, and Spellcraft Devotion Cost…
making your spells better through
devotion, spellcrafting is another big - Dice
part. This allows you to make your very 0/0 = Free
own spells, and there just a few things +1dtier = 1 Devotion Point
you need to get it started. +1dice = 3 Devotion Points
Spellcrafting steps… - Cost
1. You need to pick a Class of Magic. 2d12 = Free
As listed on the previous page. -1dtier = 1 Devotion Point
2. You need to decide the Dice, Range, - Range
Property, Color, Duration, and Casting Touch = Free
Speed. The Size of a crafted spell will +5ft = 1 Devotion Points
always be 3 slots. +15ft = 2 Devotion Points
Cone = 2 Devotion Points
3. You need to calculate the Line = 1 Devotion Point
Spellcrafting Devotion Point cost of Radius = 2 Devotion Points
your new spell! The chart to the right Single Target = 1 Devotion point
will detail, with what you add.
- Color
4. After that you need only to talk to Primary Color = 1 Devotion Point
your professor in game for the class of Secondary Color = 2 Devotion Points
magic you designed and get it official! Tertiary Color = 2 Devotion Points
Colorless Color = 2 Devotion Points
5. Add it to your spell book and watch Clear = 3 Devotion Points
as the colors fly with your brand new
spell. - Duration
Instant = 1 Devotion Point
Some rules to consider… +1 Round = 1 Devotion Point
Unlimited = 5 Devotion Points
1. A buff or debuff cannot have the
Unlimited duration. It also cannot have - Cast Speed
Cone, Line, or Radius Ranges. Main Cast = 1 Devotion
Quick Cast = 2 Devotion
2. Traps require a Radius range. Movement Cast = 2 Devotion

3. Damage cannot have a duration other - Property

than instant. Damage, Restoration = 1 Devotion
Dot, Hot, Reap = 2 Devotion
4. Single Target does not require Illumination = 1 Devotion
additional feet of range. Creation = 3 Devotion
Manipulation = 2 Devotion
5. When describing your spell, be sure to Movement = 2 Devotion
state how the spell functions and looks. Displacement = 3 Devotion
Trap = 2 Devotion
6. Ask your GM before making any Trap, Buff = 3 Devotion
Buff or Debuff spells as they function by Debuff = 3 Devotion
their description.
Pyromancy (Intellect)
Pyromancies are aggressive magics that Pyromancies will light flammable
are volatile and destructive. Every objects, as well all Pyromancies have their
pyromancy was granted to the humanoids Dice and Range cut in half while in the
by El Diablo. A god like being that is one rain, or underwater. However, if you are in
with Mana. a very hot space, the opposite is true.

You grasp onto the target, burning their flesh as
1d8 2d4 Touch DOT it molds their skin to a black char.
1 slot Red Instant MA

Flame Veil
The targets body is cloaked In fire, they earn
1d10 2d4 Touch Buff temp health every round that doesn’t stack for
the duration.
2 slot Blue Instant QA

A quick burst of flames is loosed from your
1d6 2d4 10ft L. DOT hand.
1 slot Red Instant MA

A trail of fire bursts from your hands, singeing
1d4 2d4 30ft L. DOT the enemy.
1 slot Red Instant MA

Flame Song
A fiery performance bellows from your breath,
1d8 2d8 20ft C. DOT burning the enemy.
2 slot Red Instant MA

Firefly Swarm
Small fireflies melt into the air, illuminating the
1d4 2d4 15ft R. Illumination surroundings and burning enemies in range.
1 slot Yellow 3 Rounds MA
You can manipulate small flames or even nullify
0/0 2d4 ST Manipulation pyromancies other than your own, if you have a
higher INT.
1 slot Red Instant QA

A simple ball of flame is launched from your
1d8 2d6 10ft R. DOT hand at incredible speeds
2 slot Red Instant Main Cast

A pillar of flame explodes from underneath you,
3d4 2d8 15ft C. DOT melting enemies in range.
1 slot Red Instant MA

Lumination Floating lights spawn in the area, lighting the

surrounding with harmless warmth.
0/0 2d4 5ft R. Illumination
Condition: Until used again
1 slot Yellow Unlimited QA

Your Dice for Pyromancy spells are buffed as
+2dPB 2d4 Touch Buff fire envelopes your hands.
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds MA

Phoenix Feathers
The target is covered in the warmth of loose
1d10 2d6 Touch Restoration phoenix feathers that restore their body.
2 slot Green Instant MA

You alter the terrain to be burning magma
1d8 2d6 20ft R. Trap covered in brimstone.
1 slot Brown Instant MA

Hellhound (See Stat-block) A hell portal is quickly summoned from an

object you touch and from it leaps a hellhound
0/0 2d12 Touch Creation companion.

2 slot Red Instant MA Condition: Until used again

Baublestonomancy (Reason)
This form of magic is designed for
Baublemancy or the full name of
creatives, as it is able to form semi
Baublestonomancy, was designed by a permanent matter. It degrades much faster
group of individuals from Egypt. than any other form of solid material.
Named after Bauble, a small trinket,
and Stone, in modern times, is used to Baublestonomancy does not have any
create state defying magic. It can be particularly interesting interactions with
used as a liquid or solid, and is known other magics as it is entirely its own thing,
and while scientists tty to decipher just
to leave a residue known as Bauble
what it is, they can never pin it down. It is
Stone. truly, quite alien what was discovered in
Egypt the day Mana was discovered.

The targets body becomes covered in violent
1d4 2d6 Touch Buff spikes, when they melee or get attacked within
Touch Range, the enemy takes damage.
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds QC

The targets body becomes hard with crystal
1d4 2d6 Touch Buff features, they gain temp health that stacks for
the duration.
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds QC

You loose a flurry of shards at the targets in
1d6 2d4 15ft C. Damage range.
1 slot Red Instant MC

Bauble Glob
You lob a large glob of Bauble at the targets that
1d6 2d6 35ft L. Damage rams through them.
2 slot Red Instant MC

Bauble Bubble
A collection of Bauble bubbles expel from out
1d6 2d6 20ft C. Debuff in front of you hitting every target, halving their
speed for the duration.
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC
False Flesh
Using baubled flesh you restore some open
1d6 2d6 Touch Restoration wounds.
1 slot Green Instant MC

You create a large spire that can be any height or
1d8 2d6 5ft R. Creation any design.
2 slot Black Instant MC

You can create an object that can fit in range of
0/0 2d10 5ft R. Creation the space made of bauble. This object if
complex, is nonfunctioning.
1 slot Black Instant MC

Liquid Stone The targets body becomes like liquid or stone,

either granting them temp health or allowing
2d10 2d8 Touch Buff you to move through thin spaces for the
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC

Golem (See Stat-block) You summon a small golem companion, They

are nonaggressive but can help with simple
0/0 2d10 Touch Creation tasks.

3 slot Green Unlimited MC Condition: Until used again

You can Solidify or Liquify a Nonliving Object.
0/0 2d8 Touch Creation
Condition: Until used again
2 slot Blue Unlimited MC

Bauble You can summon a small hand sized trinket of

your design, the device is somehow functional.
0/0 2d12 Touch Creation
Condition: Until used again
1 slot Blue Unlimited MC

Greater Bauble You can summon a large object of your design,

this object is somehow fully functional.
0/0 2d20 Touch Creation
Condition: Until used again
3 slot Purple Unlimited MC
Chronurgy (Intellect)
When it comes to Chronurgy It was actually Chronurgy is the concept and control of
discovered and utilized by a craftsman. Their time manipulation. Where time is a figment
name being Gerard and he hailed from the of human understanding. Chronurgy is really
early Americas. One day as he describes, a a way to manipulate the states of an object.
flutter of gold flew from his hand and all of Moving its aging backwards or forwards
his clocks spun backwards until they all fell across the Time Scale.
apart on the spot. He later went bankrupt but
found a new passion in developing his skills. Mana finds this magic in ancient scripts to
be the most scientific of all magics. Given to
He later taught his magic to young travelers us humanoids to have a bridge to the magical
and built a new clock shop, where his business world.
flourished, and so did his magics.

1d6 2d4 20 ft C. Damage An ear splitting noise explodes from out of you.

1 slot Yellow Instant MC

You magically jump through space time a short
0/0 2d4 30ft Movement distance.
1 slot White Instant MoC

Surface Time
You can reverse or forward time on an object to
0/0 2d6 Touch Manipulation the point that it was brand new, or destroyed.

2 slot White Instant MC

You magically jump through space time a long
0/0 2d8 60ft Movement distance. This can take one other target in Touch
range with you.
2 slot White Instant MoC

You magically displace the target you see within
0/0 2d12 150ft Displacement range and can switch places if so desired.

3 slot Blue Instant MoC

Third Vision
The target can now view slightly forwards in
0/0 2d10 Touch Buff time, no enemies can dodge their spells.
2 slot Blue 2 Rounds MC

A pulsing and loud explosive force emits from
3d4 2d10 5ft R. Damage your point of choice. Any target struck with this
spell, cannot use their QA on their next turn.
2 slot Black Instant MC

Cloak Enemies have a 50% chance to hit the target for

the duration. You also cannot be noticed easily.
0/0 2d10 Touch Buff
Condition: An attack successfully hits you.
1 slot White Unlimited MC

Invisibility The target is entirely invisible while the spell is

active, but can still be heard or detected by
0/0 2d12 Touch Buff magical means.

1 slot Green Unlimited MC Condition: You attack a target or cast a spell.

The targets in range cannot use their QA and
0/0 2d8 10ft R. Debuff have halved movement speed for the duration.
1 slot Blue 2 Rounds MC

Instill You calm a target magically, amplifying a

chosen ability score by 2 for the duration.
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff Giving the target +1 to all checks involving that
1 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC

You loose a long warp in time from your hand,
1d8 2d6 15ft L. Damage lacerating any target in the way.
1 slot Yellow Instant MC

Avada Chronos
You loose a long thin warp in time space that
1d6 2d8 30ft L. DOT shatters any target in the way, as well they
cannot take a QA on their next turn.
2 slot Red Instant MC
Dark Arts (Reason)
The Arts of Darkness… With such a scary
title, one would imagine the evil that is done. The Dark Arts are naturally stronger in
While not entirely impossible, very little evil is ruins, dungeons, or relic cities. As the
done with the Dark Arts. connection with the ancients brings the Mana
great energies.
Developed in the ancient upbringing of
Mana, the magic itself was named from the While in those environments, expect a
dark ages. One of the oldest forms of magic, natural +1 Devotion Score to Dice, Range,
and is what grants us one of the most true and Cost.
windows into what magic truly is.
Maybe if you’re lucky… one of the spirits
This magic was designed and utilize from the will reach out to you directly...
humanoids natural desires, for everything we
think we need or want.

A dark bolt of cackling energy is loosed from
1d8 2d6 15ft L. Reap your hands that heals your wounds.
1 slot Black Instant MC

You gain Temp HP and lower the maximum HP
1d6 2d6 Touch Debuff of the target.
1 slot Purple 3 Rounds MC

1d8 2d6 Touch Damage You gain MP and remove the targets MP.

1 slot Purple Instant MC

Raise Dead (See Stat-block) You animate a single corpse within sight, it is
aggressive and can follow simple tasks.
0/0 2d10 Single T. Creation
Conditions: Until dispelled or used again.
3 slot Black Unlimited MC

Animate (See Stat-block)

You animate a solid nonliving object to life, it is
0/0 2d10 Single T. Creation aggressive, and can do simple tasks.

1 slot Black 3 Rounds MC

Using a dark well of energy you heal the targets
1d6 2d6 Touch Restoration body.
2 slot Green Instant MC

Moonlit Terrors
Any Were-creatures caught within the spell will
0/0 2d6 30ft R. Trap revert back to their normal form.
2 slot White 3 Rounds MC

Your body is covered in ethereal eyes, you
0/0 2d4 Touch Buff cannot be surprised or hidden from.
1 slot Purple 3 Rounds QC

Hands of the Deep

You summon a portal full of black inky hands,
1d10 2d6 15ft R. Trap creatures take damage and have halved
3 slot Brown 5 Rounds MC

Crawlers (See Stat-block) You summon a swarm of hand spiders, they are
aggressive, but cannot perform tasks.
0/0 2d4 Touch Creation
Condition: Until dispelled or used again
2 slot Black Unlimited MC

Avada Evadicus
A cackling beam of green and black energy
1d12 2d8 15ft L. Reap explodes from your body, stealing the life force
of the targets.
3 slot Black Instant MC

Ancient Script
You can read any text you come across.
0/0 2d4 Touch Buff
Conditions: Until dispelled or used again.
2 slot Black Unlimited MC
Flairurgy (Charm)
Flairurgy, while not quite Pyromancy, is
still weakened by wet environments and
Flairurgy, while recently designed is rooted in rain. Their Dice and Range is cut in half in
the Pyromancy legends. Performers from these scenarios.
circuses needed something that popped, and
with enough effort was birthed the first Flairurgy Although, in a public space, with people
spell, Chroma. It was colorful, explosive, watching the events, Flairurgy spells have
everything an entertainer wanted, with less risk their dice and range doubled for the show
than a Pyromancy. of it.

As it was developed, the magic became a The natural Mana of this magic is truly
staple for designers, performers, and showoffs. awe inspiring, and loves to put on a good
It just hit that right itch people were looking for. show.

A rainbow chromatic orb appears in your hand
1d6 2d4 Single T. Dot and is launched with a paint like explosive
1 slot Red Instant MC

An explosive force of spectral energy bursts
1d8 2d6 15ft R. Dot forth from you burning colors into the target.
1 slot Yellow Instant MC

Body-Paint You cover a target in paint and the paint changes

colors reflecting the spell being casted. The
+2dPB 2d6 Touch Buff target gains a bonus to spell dice for the
3 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC

You create a swirling well of ink that halves the
1d6 2d6 15ft R. Trap speed of any targets in range.
2 slot Black 3 Rounds MC

Pixie Bomb A small swirling chaotic orb appears in a space

before rupturing, any creature hit by this spell
1d8 2d6 15ft R. Debuff takes twice as much damage from any spell for
the duration
2 slot Red 2 Rounds MC
The target gains temporary health, gaining it at
2d8 2d6 Touch Buff the start of their turn for the duration, but it does
not stack.
2 slot Blue 3 Rounds QC

Restorative Paints
You paint over a wound with your hand, causing
1d6 2d4 Touch Restoration it to be painted anew.
1 slot Green Instant QC

Ribbon Walk
A flow of ribbons emits from your feet before
0/0 2d8 35ft Movement you magically sink into one and appear
1 slot White Instant MoC

You create 3 flamenco dancing minions on a
0/0 2d10 Single T. Creation target, they each count as a DOT counter for the
duration, they cannot be destroyed.
3 slot Red 2 Rounds MC

Oil Brush
If an illustration is within view, You can cast the
0/0 2d12 Single T. Displacement target into it. They will remain there In the
painted world for the duration.
2 slot Blue 1 Hour MoC

Out from in front of you blasts a burst of color
1d8 2d6 10ft C. Damage and hard light confetti.
2 slot White Instant MC

An explosive collection of fire and color hits a
2d8 2d8 15ft R. Damage large radius of space.
2 slot White Instant MC

The target gains temporary health, and their
1d8 2d8 Single T. Buff Charm stat becomes a 15 for the duration.
2 slot Red 3 Rounds MC
Tempestry (Charm) While not normally used for violence,
wizards learned of ways to power their
Originating from a nomadic tribe of monks, inner storms of Mana. If you are in a
taught across the world to on lookers. storm of some kind, your Tempestry
Tempestry became a very big thing for pioneers spells have doubled range.
of the new world, travelers, and adventuring
wizards. It made movement swift, safe, and This does not apply to Ambience or
easy. Forecast however.

You create a duplicate of the target while they
0/0 2d6 Touch Buff become invisible, the same invisibility rules
2 slot Yellow 3 Rounds QC

You create a pulsing wave of wind that yanks
1d6 2d4 30ft L. Displacement any target in range half the length of the spell.

1 slot White Instant MC

You can hover up to 1 foot from your starting
0/0 2d4 Touch Buff point, in which you slowly descend if you are
above 1 foot of height.
1 slot White 1 Hour MoC

You gain temporary health, as well you don’t
1d8 2d12 15ft R. Buff use up any MP for the duration.
2 slot Yellow 2 Rounds MC

You cast a warm ball of light on a space, any
1d6 2d6 20ft R. Restoration target in the range gets healed.
1 slot Yellow Instant MC

A bolt of electricity forms in your hand. Casting
1d8 2d6 35ft L. DOT it out, if it hits only one target, its dice double.
1 slot Blue Instant MC
You can jump with a funnel of wind upwards
0/0 2d8 100ft Movement the range, bringing nearby targets with you.
1 slot White Instant MoC

Gift of Wings
Your movement speed becomes flying speed for
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff the duration as golden eagle wings sprout from
2 slot Blue 5 Rounds MC

You can breathe easily, no matter the
0/0 2d10 Touch Buff atmosphere or air conditions.
2 slot Blue 5 Rounds MC

Gaseous Body
Your body becomes incorporeal, in a gaseous
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff state no melee can hit you, and you can move
through thin spaces.
2 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC

Tempest Weapon You summon a golden wind weapon that takes

any shape you want it too.
1d6 2d4 10ft L. Damage
Condition: Until used again.
1 slot Red Unlimited MC

You make a pool of clouds that yank everyone
1d8 2d6 15ft R. Displacement in range to a center point.

2 slot White Instant MC

You neutralize a weather force in the range of
0/0 2d12 150ft R. Manipulation the spell, making it completely neutral weather.

3 slot White 1 Hour MC

You create a vicious storm of your choice
0/0 2d12 150ft R. Manipulation according to the environment.

3 slot Blue 1 Hour MC

Spiriturgy (Reason)
Holy sites and burial grounds give your
The art of seeing the other side of ones summoning spells benefits. The summons are
eternal slumber. This magic allows one to more comprehensive, will follow orders as if
connect the depths of the ether world to ours. they are a good friend, and are fully corporeal.
Bring back the retired souls of people,
creatures, and lost ones. In fact, a lost one, However, given the GM’s choice, they are
who are shapeless spirits that form themselves capable of rolling with a 50% chance you
to their liking, originally brought this magic to summon a demon of some kind… and well,
us during the inception of Mana by mingling that may or may not go well for you.
with a person during a séance.

Seance Every target within vision gains temp health and

the terrain flips to the ether world, all Spiriturgy
2d10 2d12 150ft R. Manipulation spells gain a natural +1 Devotion to Dice and
3 slot Blue Unlimited MC Condition: Until Dispelled or used again.

You summon a demonic presence that harasses
0/0 2d8 Single T. Debuff the mind of a target, their Intellect and Reason
scores drop by 2.
2 slot Red 3 Rounds MC

Spirit Body The target becomes ethereal, they can phase

through objects, but cannot stay in them, or
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff possess other beings and take their actions for
the duration.
2 slot Green 3 Rounds MC Condition: Cannot harm creature possessed.

You create a small visage of a demon that clings
1d4 2d8 Single T. DOT to a target, tearing at them until dispelled. This
counts as a DOT Counter.
1 slot Blue Instant MC

Spirit Bolt
Phantasmal energy leaps from your body and
1d8 2d6 25ft L. Reap strikes the targets, rewarding you with their life
2 slot Blue Instant MC

Ghost Flame
A spur of ghostly flames erupts on the target,
2d6 2d8 Single T. HOT healing their wounds.
2 slot Green Instant MC
Vacuum Wave
In the range, any targets are yanked into the
1d6 2d6 15ft R. Displacement center by ghostly beings.

1 slot Purple Instant MC

El Diablos Hour
The target that has been touched, cannot leave
0/0 2d12 Touch Debuff your sight, and has a 50% chance to hit any
target with a spell.
2 slot Red 3 Rounds MC

You Rip the soul energy out of the targets body,
3d4 2d8 Touch Damage striking it with great mana force and then force
it back into them, damaging them greatly.
3 slot Blue Instant MC

Otherworldly Companion
You can summon a small ghost friend, they are
(See Stat-block) intangible and cannot harm other creatures.
0/0 2d6 Touch Creation
Condition: Until used again.
3 slot Purple Unlimited MC

Apper Orb
You summon a large ghostly orb that links to the
1d10 2d10 30ft R. Trap targets in its range, sapping them of their health
and mana.
2 slot Green 3 Rounds MC

Ghostly Champion (See Stat-block) You summon a Ghostly Warrior from days past,
he can be aggressive and will follow complex
0/0 2d12 Touch Creation orders.

3 slot Green Unlimited MC Condition: Until used again.

You take control of another creature by leaping
0/0 2d20 Touch Manipulation into their body, this does not work if your
Reason is lower than theirs.
3 slot Black 3 Rounds MC
Chemomancy (Botany) A life magic that holds and knits our
bodies. These people after surviving an
Born of the were-curse. A young man with altercation with the werewolf, were
the curse found himself strangely able to granted a Mana unlike anything anyone
control his transformations. Later cursing had seen before.
others in his fits of transformation. This magic
originally thought to be some ancient dark During a full or new moon, casting
magic he was spreading turned out to simply be Morph doubles all bonuses. As well, it
the Mana of Chemomancy. removes the condition and restrictions.

Manipulate Self You can alter small portions of the targets body
to be like of a fish, bird, or mammal.
0/0 2d4 Touch Manipulation IE: Gills, Fur, Claws.

1 slot Brown Instant QC Condition: Until used again, or dispelled.

A flurry of needles shoots from your hand,
1d6 2d6 15ft L. Damage piercing through targets.
1 slot Green Instant MC

A vicious explosion of lacerating wind explodes
1d4 2d6 25ft C. DOT from out in front of you.
1 slot Brown Instant MC

Ara Agregia
A long twin needle bursts out ahead of you and
1d8 2d8 25ft L. Reap sinks back into your body, rejuvenating you.
2 slot Green Instant MC

Ara Agregio
An explosive burst of lacerating wind and
1d6 2d8 35ft C. DOT rubble, travels out in front of you and digs into
the targets.
2 slot Brown Instant MC

Polyform You completely transform the target into a

desired creature. They will remain in that form,
0/0 2d12 Single T. Manipulation if the form dies, they go back to the way they
were before.
3 slot Blue Unlimited MC Condition: Until used again or dispelled
Morph You become a large dangerous beast, akin to
were-creatures, you gain temp HP and your
1d10 2d10 Touch Manipulation strength and dexterity gain +2 score, but you
cannot cast spells or color guard.
2 slot Yellow 1 Hour MC Condition: Self use.

Elemental Mind Your mind ascends to the raw and dangerous

elemental plane, all of your senses are
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff heightened greatly and you become aware of all
enemies within the range.
1 slot Clear 3 Rounds QC Condition: Self use.

Primal Self Your heart bursts to life, filling you with vigor,
you gain temp HP and you cannot be startled.
1d10 2d6 Touch Manipulation
Condition: Self use.
1 slot Red 3 Rounds MC

Instill Creature You manipulate the targets mind into thinking it

is a beast of the wild, for the duration they will
0/0 2d8 Single T. Debuff act manically and without thought. They cannot
cast spells or discern friend from foe.
2 slot Red 3 Rounds MC

Summon Steed (See Stat-block) You summon a hardy steed, they are not
aggressive and can be given simple tasks to
0/0 2d6 Touch Creation perform.

2 slot Green Unlimited MC Condition: Until used again.

Summon Abomination
You summon an unholy abomination of your
(See Stat-block) design, its aggressive and cannot perform any
kind of tasks.
0/0 2d12 Touch Creation
Condition: Until used again.
3 slot Black Unlimited MC

Advanced Healing
Using the churning cells of Chemomancy, you
1d8 2d10 Instant HOT restore your body as you rapidly heal.
3 slot Blue instant MC
Florastry (Botany)
While bathed in sunlight, you will find that
After all their time in the woods, the druids your Florastry spells with Restoration
of old, began to really hear the woods speak property have double dice.
to them. Through natures Mana, they began
to truly hear the words of the woods on that When you cast a spell with the property
day Mana was discovered. Creation, the spells MP cost is halved. As
you use the raw Mana from nature to fuel
Since that day, Florastry has been taught to your energies.
farmers, traders, and botanists. This magic
proving so incredibly useful to their craft it Just make sure you don’t anger nature, it
was almost indispensable if an individual is a very fickle Mana. But you didn’t hear
was tuned with Mana. that from me.

You can communicate with plants, as well as
0/0 2d2 Touch Manipulation determine everything about a plant that is the
target of this spell.
1 slot Green Instant QC

Breathe of Life
You quickly blow a flurry of healing dandelions
1d4 2d6 Single T. HOT at a target. Restoring their wounds as the
dandelions cling to them.
1 slot Green Instant QC

Vine Wrap
You summon a growth of vicious vines that
1d8 2d8 20ft R. Trap entangle any caught in it, no one can move
while inside it.
1 slot Brown 3 Rounds MC

You cast from your hand a noxious purple gas
1d6 2d6 10ft C. Dot that poisons targets in the range.
1 slot Yellow Instant MC

Bulb of Life
You create a bulb of life targets in range heal on
2d6 2d8 15ft R. Creation the start of their turn.
2 slot Green 3 Rounds MC
Mito Dawdle
Allows you to cast a dawdle like spell for plants
0/0 2d2 Single T. Manipulation specifically.

1 slot Clear Instant MC

Pollen Field
From you expels a large spore filled space that
1d4 2d4 20ft R. Trap damages those inside it. As well, creatures
cannot see into or out of it.
1 slot Green 5 Rounds MC

You sew healing energies into a target, ridding it
1d10 2d8 Touch Restoration of poisons and disease as well as healing it.
2 slot Green Instant MC

Accelerate Growth
You choose a target of an animal or plant and
0/0 2d10 Single T. Manipulation accelerate its growth to full maturity.

1 slot Green MC

Flora Gate You touch a large tree that you could walk
through, if you know where your destination is,
0/0 2d20 Touch Displacement and it too has a large enough tree. You can
teleport anywhere.
3 slot Blue Unlimited MC Condition: Until used again.

Bladed Leaf You summon a Blade of Ivy leaves that poisons

the enemies wounds.
1d8 2d8 5ft L. DOT
Condition: Until used again.
1 slot Red Unlimited MC

Soul Dew
You restore the targets. MP while expending
1d8 Touch Restoration your HP.
2 slot Green Instant MC

Healing Visage
You summon a healing image of an animal, that
1d8 2d12 Single T. HOT stays by the target and heals them continuously.
This puts a HOT counter on them.
2 slot Green Instant MC
Frostcraft (Intellect)
Frostcraft when used in hot environments
The cold chill of ice that makes you seek the has its Dice and Range cut in half.
warmth of life. The antithesis of Pyromancy, Although, being a cold environment or
Frostcraft was born from those with hearts during the snow or hail, your Dice and
filled with sadness and despair. Instead of the Range double.
outgoing and explosive Pyromancy wizards,
Frostcraft wizards were cold, calculated and Any timey you attack a creature with
sleek. Frostcraft during the surprise round, before
initiative, your dice double.Any DOT
This magic should not be taken lightly, where counters apply twice as well.
Pyromancy is openly destructive, Frostcraft
will take you slowly, and you won’t know it Enemies shall feel the bitter tongue of the
until its too late. frost ridding up their spines.

Snow Storm
You create a sleet storm that does dot damage to
0/0 2d12 150ft R. Manipulation the surrounding targets as well as giving your
Frostcraft spells a natural +1 dice devotion.
2 slot White 1 Hour MC

A compact bundle of snow is loosed at the
1d6 2d6 15ft R. Damage target, covering them in snow, the targets
movement speed is halved on their next turn.
1 slot White Instant MC

Frost Shard
A small dagger of ice is launched at the target
1d4 2d6 Single T. DOT and splinters them afterwards.
1 slot Blue Instant MC

Chilling Grasp
A touched targets movement speed is halved as
1d6 2d6 Touch Debuff the frost builds up in their joints, they also
cannot use their QA for the duration.
1 slot Black 2 Rounds MC

Creates an overhead glowing aurora of light,
0/0 2d8 50ft R. Illumination illuminating enemies.
1 slot Green 1 Hour QC
Crystal Cradle The targets body becomes engulfed in ice, they
restore health and cannot be harmed for the rest
2d8 2d10 Touch Restoration of the round.
Condition: Pyromancies still damage you, you
2 slot Blue Instant MC cannot take a turn while the duration is active.

Black Ice
You create a slippery zone of black ice, any
0/0 2d8 30ft R. Trap targets can only use their MA, QA, or MoA on
their turn, if they start their turn in the range.
2 slot Black 5 Rounds MC

Deaths Hand
Your hands become covered in frost, freezing
1d12 2d8 Touch Damage any targets flesh. This spell can kill.
2 slot Black Instant MC

Jacks Frost
The targets speed is doubled for the round, as
0/0 2d8 Touch Buff icicles form under their feet.
2 slot White 3 Rounds QC

Powder Snow
The Target becomes enveloped in snow, dealing
1d8 2d6 Touch Buff damage to any other targets within Touch
1 slot White 3 Rounds MC

The target reflects all spells that are Red or Blue
0/0 2d6 Single T. Buff offensively without needing to use their color
1 slot Blue 2 Rounds QC

You push out a massive slush of ice that slams
1d8 2d6 10ft C. Damage into the targets.
1 slot White Instant MC

Subzero Burst
An icicle shard grows from a point of choice
1d10 2d10 20ft R. DOT exploding out with shards that lacerate the
targets in range.
3 slot Black Instant MC
Dunamancy (Vitality)
There has never been a magic more pure to the
form of Mana. Dunamancy which all takes on a
pure white and blue aesthetic is the most magic,
magic has ever been.

This magic was encountered at the original

inception of Mana, those who were located in the
Yellow Stone Sanctuary where it happened were
infused with Mana the most. These men and
women later became what we know as Elves,
Dwarves, Gnomes, and Tieflings. All of which
are exceptional casters of magic.

Mage Dart
A Magical bolt of raw mana is given a target
1d8 2d10 450ft L. Damage and flies off, no sight needed.
1 slot Clear Instant QC

Shelter of Stone The target cannot move, as they are encased in

stone, they cannot take any actions until their
0/0 2d12 Touch Buff next turn however they are impervious until
2 slot Clear 1 Round QC

Elemental Flux
With the chaos energies of the elements you
1d6 2d8 15ft L. Dot loose a charged bolt of energy, that fries the
enemy with multiple raw energies.
1 slot Clear Instant MC

Kinetics You can lift an object and move or interact with

it freely.
0/0 2d2 Single T. Manipulation
Condition: Must be below 5lbs.
1 slot Clear Instant QC

Caust You envelope the target in a gleaming mana

shield, they gain temp HP and cannot be moved
1d10 2d8 Single T. Buff physically or magically.

2 slot Clear Unlimited MC Condition: Until temp HP is broken.

You can exchange your HP and Mana freely, 1
0/0 2d4 Touch Manipulation HP to 1 MP.

Clear Instant MC

You heal the target for some of their HP and MP,
1d10 2d8 Touch Restoration using the dice to provide the pool.
Clear Instant MC

You instantly teleport the range and gain the
0/0 2d10 50ft Movement benefits of the Cloak spell for the remainder of
the round.
3 slot Clear Instant MoC

Capture You can capture a target, small, medium, large,

in an according glass container. Once opened
0/0 2d12 Touch Manipulation the spell is over and they fly out of the
3 slot Clear Instant MC

Protegiro You instantly deflect any spell that is the color

0/0 2d8 Touch Buff
Conditions: Acts as your color guard quick
2 slot Clear Instant QC action.

Fate Bane
You become incredibly lucky for one instance.
0/0 2d20 Touch Buff This spell is incredibly noticeable.
3 slot Clear Instant MC

Grave Mind You can mark up to 4 targets, they all begin to

share the same thoughts for the duration.
0/0 2d20 150ft Buff
Condition: Until dispelled.
3 slot Clear Unlimited MC
Magiko (Charm)

Designed by those who could only use very When Magiko is casted on a target that
simple magics at first. As well as those who cannot perform magic of any kind, they
took a more entertainment approach to magic. are extremely susceptible.

Those who study Magiko are referred to as Your spells Dice, Range, and Duration
“Magicians” by those who cannot perform (if its not instant) double. The spells
magic themselves. This is due to the more behave like normal if the target is
ingrained nature that Magiko wizards have with magically gifted.
those who are magically inept.

Not often trained or practiced in the wider

magical world, makes Magiko a very
interesting case.

Curtain Call You magically teleport yourself somewhere out

of site.
0/0 2d8 50ft Movement
Condition: You must be out of site.
1 slot Blue Instant MoC

You can magically teleport yourself or an object
0/0 2d10 30ft Displacement somewhere else entirely, even if they cant fit.

1 slot Black Instant QC

Segmentation You can lop off a part of your body, it getting

health according to the dice. If that part of you
2d8 2d6 Touch Manipulation dies, it cannot be reattached.

1 slot Black Instant QC Condition: Self use.

Perceptive Collection On a Charisma Roll of 20 or higher, you can

persuade a collective of people of one thing.
0/0 2d12 20ft R. Manipulation
Condition: Until dispelled.
3 slot Red Unlimited MC

Little Companion (See Stat-block)

You can summon a small creature, it is
0/0 2d6 Touch Creation nonaggressive but will follow simple
1 slot Blue Unlimited MC
Porthole You create a hole in space, you can step inside
and reside in the hole for the duration. Once the
0/0 2d10 Touch Displacement duration is up, everything is expelled. You can
visibly see the porthole from the outside.
2 slot Red 3 Rounds MoC

Insurmountable Odds
You become incredibly lucky for one instance.
0/0 2d20 Touch Buff
Condition: This spell is incredibly noticeable.
3 slot Black Instant QC

The target begins floating 5 feet in the air, their
0/0 2d10 Single T. Debuff dodge rolls are halved for the duration.
2 slot Yellow 2 Rounds MC

You magically summon a collection of cards
1d6 2d6 30ft C. Damage that wave outwards from you.
1 slot Purple Instant MC

Mana Marble
Summoning a number of marbles, you flick
1d8 2d8 Single T. DOT them outwards and they strike the target
1 slot Purple Instant MC

You can manipulate smoke, and make small
0/0 2d4 5ft R. Manipulation audible illusions.

1 slot Black Instant MC

Dark Cape Enemies have a 50% chance to hit the target for
the duration. You also cannot be noticed easily.
0/0 2d8 Touch Manipulation
Condition: An attack successfully hits you.
2 slot Black 3 Rounds MC
Worfcraft (Vitality)
Worfcraft is the practice of weaving the The Worf Accuracy Table…
very fabric of reality, which is called the Roll a 1d100 to test the accuracy of your Worf
Worf. The god of reality, being Harin, started spells, when you cast one, your GM takes the
the trend of singularities, beings who became dice roll and tells you how accurate you were.
the only versions of themselves in all realities
and timelines. These beings later becoming 90 – 100 = You get exactly what you want.
Worf Weavers who live and train in The 75 – 89 = You likely get what you want.
Citadel, a cathedral lost in space time. 50 – 74 = Unlikely you get what you want
25 – 49 = Good luck getting what you want.
You cannot learn Worf Magic normally, 10 – 24 = You do not get what you want.
only a singularity has the ability to use this 2 – 9 = Nothing happens.
magic, and it comes naturally. 1 = You get something counter to what you

Worf You can summon objects that can fit in a sphere

of the range with a roll for effectiveness and
0/0 4d6 1ft R. Creation accuracy.

2 slot Blue Instant QC Condition: See Table.

Worf Rift You can summon objects that can fit in a sphere
of the range with a roll for effectiveness and
0/0 4d6 5ft R. Creation accuracy.

3 slot Blue Instant MC Condition: See Table.

Mass Worf Rift You can summon objects that can fit in a sphere
of the range with a roll for effectiveness and
0/0 4d8 10ft R. Creation accuracy.

4 slot Blue Instant MC Condition: See Table.

Alteration You can steal an alter from another universe and

replace the body from you universe with theirs.
0/0 4d8 Touch Manipulation Their memories merge and neither understand
who is the original.
4 slot Blue Instant QC

Worf Leap
You jump through space time the distance with
0/0 4d8 35ft Movement random scattered objects flying out with you
4 slot Blue Instant MoC
Worf Vault
You jump through space time the distance with
0/0 4d10 70ft Movement random scattered objects flying out with you.
5 slot Blue Instant MoC

Universal Hop You leap between universes be it alternate

timelines or worlds.
0/0 4d10 Touch Displacement
Conditions: See Table.
6 slot Blue 1 Hour MC

4th Communication You gain in-game knowledge from a strange

superior force.
0/0 2d100 Touch Buff
Conditions: See Table.
5 slot Blue Unlimited QC

Reality Shift You shift reality around you, changing it to your

desires in the range of the spell.
0/0 4d10 15ft R. Manipulation
Conditions: See Table, Until used again.
6 slot Blue Unlimited MC

You become cloaked in Worf, gaining temporary
3d6 4d6 Touch Buff HP on the start of your turn, that does not stack
and doubling your speed for the duration.
4 slot Blue 3 Rounds MC

Reality Loss You destroy or crash the reality of the target.

After this attack lands, you can restructure the
5d8 4d8 Touch Damage target to your liking.

5 slot Blue Instant MC Conditions: See Table.

You magically teleport yourself to the citadel,
0/0 4d6 Touch Displacement home of the Worf Weavers.

6 slot Blue Instant MC

Core Magics (Vitality)
The Core Magics are the fundamentals of
magics. They are often taught to students to
aide them in progressing to more complex Core Magics were designed from the ideas of
spells and classes. Dunamancy. Taking that raw Mana energy,
they were simplified and brought down a notch
These magics are considered beginner from where Dunamancy stood. These magics
fundamentals. They have little to no expense
have no special effects however, you cannot
on ones MP and are relatively harmless.
While the spells are simple, a number of use Devotion Scores on Core Magics.
wizards exclusively use these magics for a
number of things.

Mana Bolt
You loose a small bolt of pure mana to strike
1d4 0/0 Single T. Damage your target.
1 slot Clear Instant MC

Dawdle You create a harmless sensory effect, you can

change the color, warmth, taste of an object as
0/0 0/0 Single T. Manipulation well. You may also create a small nonfunctional
0 slot Clear Instant QC

Light Write
0/0 0/0 Touch Creation You can draw scribbles on objects or on thin air.

0 slot Clear Unlimited MC

If you feel lost, casting discover brings you to
0/0 0/0 35ft R. Manipulation the closest point of sense.

0 slot Clear Unlimited MC

You sling a glowing tether that can magically
0/0 0/0 30ft Movement latch to objects and hold your weight.
0 slot Clear Instant QC
0/0 0/0 25ft Movement You magically launch upwards the Range.

0 slot Clear Instant MoC

0/0 0/0 30ft R. Manipulation Reveals hidden, disguised, or invisible targets.

0 slot Clear Instant MC

Mana Coil
A coil of mana emanates from you striking the
1d6 2d4 20ft L. Damage targets. For every target it hits, it deal an extra
1d6 each.
0 slot Clear Instant MC

Memory Swathe
You can visibly display memories from the
0/0 0/0 Touch Manipulation targets mind.

0 slot Clear Instant MC

You can magically neutralize any spell that does
0/0 2d4 Single T. Manipulation under 5 damage.

0 slot Clear Instant QC

You magically dispel any enchantment, you
0/0 2d4 Single T. Manipulation must roll an INT, REA, CHA, or BOT higher
than an 18.
0 slot Clear Instant QC

Ensemble Your outfit and cosmetics magically are altered

to whatever you want it to look like.
0/0 0/0 Single T. Manipulation
Condition: Until dispelled or broken.
O slot Clear Unlimited QC
Imbuements vs Runes
In the world of Enchantments, there are two
major categories. The Imbuement, and the
Rune. While both serve the purpose of
Enchanting enchanting your items, they both work two
very different ways.
Runecraft Education…
Runes can be placed on your objects as a QA, A Rune, is something that has an effect in the
but activating them is your MA. Unless the inscription. This inscription has a dedicated
rune is on a weapon of some kind, and given effect, and is often used on buildings, objects,
the clause to active on hits. or interiors.
When writing a rune, you write a clause with An Imbuement, is designed, given the
the clause length that describes what the rune creativity of the student designing it. You
does with the applying property (which are write a small script in your mind and it lays
detailed on the next page) and what activates over the object that only you can see like an
it. engravement.
When using a Rune, you use up one of its Another way to think of it as if they were
charges, after the charges are used up, you do spells, and spellcrafting. The Rune being the
not receive the withheld mana back until the spell and the Imbuement being the
next day, same goes for dispelling or spellcrafting.
dismissing the enchantment.
All enchantments will hold some of your
Get creative! Use the clauses to write up some mana, so if you have an active enchantment at
insane but comprehensive clauses and effects, midnight, if you choose to keep the
keep in mind the GM must approve of the enchantment active it will take that mana as if
enchantment. Lest you have to rationalize it. you casted it. It is non-restorable, and does
not go back to you if you dispel or dismiss the
spell during the day. It essentially lowers your
maximum MP while active until midnight.

An object can only have 2 Runes or Imbuements on it at a time. Or 1 of each of the two. You
can have multiple of the same type however when it comes to Imbuements, so two Damage
Imbuements or two DOT Imbuements.

Your clause length is used to define how an enchantment, works, activates, and is deactivated if

Work with your GM to make sure the Imbuement or Rune is feasible. As most of the abilities
from an enchantment comes from its description. They hold the authority to say no.

Held MP Dice
Description and Clause Length
Uses Range

Duration Size
You can Devote to enchantments just like
spells, although there are some differences.

Dice (Up to +2)

Imbuements +1dtier

Range (Up to +3)

Imbuements are sigils you draw on +10ft
nonliving objects. These sigils imbue the
object with a specific property that aligns Uses (Up to +3)
with the spell properties from earlier. One +1 Use
of the options for an Imbuement is to put a
specific spell on it. Otherwise, you get to Clause Length (Up to +5)
make a very unique clause for each of the +5 Words
Imbuements you put on an object.
Withheld MP (Up to +5, no lower than 2)
Before you go ahead and enchant -2 MP
anything though check with your GM!

You enchant an object with the Damage property. Often used on
10 MP 1d6 weapons, although can be used to quickly enhance a random object.

3 uses Touch Clause Length: 25 words.

IE: enchant a sword with radiant energy.
Instant 1 slot

DOT/HOT You enchant an object with the DOT or HOT property. This grants
upon activation a counter for either you choose. This can be used for
15 MP 0/0 traps or acids.
3 uses Touch Clause Length: 20 words.
IE: enchant a knife with flames, or the floor with acid like effects.
Instant 1 slot

Reap You enchant an object with the Reap property. This grants upon
activating the imbuement, a life-steal property. Just like the spell
15 MP 1d4 property, upon the clause it will activate.
3 uses Touch Clause Length: 20 words.
IE: enchant a jar to steal the HP of a target and restore yours.
Instant 1 slot

Illumination You enchant an object with the Illumination property. This allows you
to have an object you imbue with this property cast light around it.
5 MP 0/0 Such as the end of a staff, or perhaps a pebble you cast away from you.
5 uses 15ft R. Clause Length: 25 words.
IE: enchant a stone you cast down a well to see how far it goes.
1 hour 1 slot
Manipulation You enchant an object with the Manipulation property. The trickiest to
pin down. When you imbue with Manipulation, it cannot directly
15 MP 0/0 hinder or benefit a target through numbers. Although it can given your
GM’s approval.
2 uses Touch
Clause Length: 15 words.
Instant 1 slot IE: enchant a baton so its spiky and wobbly, also the color pink.

Creation You enchant an object with the Creation property. Similar to

Manipulation, Creation should be handled with care and referenced
15 MP 0/0 especially with the GM as they might not be okay with you
summoning El Diablo for free.
1 use Touch
Clause Length: 15 words.
3 Rounds 1 slot IE: flicking your spoon and summoning a horde of sheep.

Buff You enchant an object with the Buff property. This properties buff
must pertain to the object you enchant in a logical way. If you are
15 MP 0/0 confused by this, reference with your GM for some ways this can work
in your favor.
2 uses Touch
Clause Length: 20 words.
2 Rounds 1 slot IE: clicking your heels as your speed doubles.

Debuff You enchant an object with the Debuff property. This properties debuff
must pertain to the object you enchant in a logical way. If you are
15 MP 0/0 confused by this, reference with your GM for some ways this can work
in your favor.
2 uses Touch
Clause Length: 20 words.
2 Rounds 1 slot IE: clicking your heels as your targets speed shrinks in half.

You enchant an object with the Restoration property. Like the Damage
10 MP 1d6 property it is pretty straight forwards.

3 uses Touch Clause Length: 20 words.

IE: stepping on this branch grants the target healing.
Instant 1 slot

Specific Spell You enchant an object with the Clause being the activation of a
spell. You cast the spell into the imbuement, and it resides there
Max MP x2 Dependent until used up.

2 uses Dependent Clause Length: 20 words.

IE: walking through this doorway casts Citadel.
Dependent 2 slot
When you enchant with Runes, you sting
a series of ancient text across the object,
Runes giving it a spell like effect thats unique but
specific. You can still illustrate a clause for
The first rune was written by Endratell the object and change some effects as you
Wellwick, the witch, sister of Harold write it. “Using a Rune” implies casting
Wellwick. The two of them together one on an object, not activating it. A 1 use
expanding the world of magics. Harold Rune means, 1 casting, and 1 activation.
defined the Rune given its more spell like
design with Endratells’ assistance. Devotion for Runes include being able to
Compared to the Imbuements which were extend the duration! So unlike
her own design and natural take to Imbuements, you can change how long
enchantments. they last!

Runes can be devoted to, the exact way Duration (Up to +3)
an Imbuement can. So make sure you x2 Duration
attend class for reviews if you want to
really work with enchantments!

Golem (See SB) Clause Length: 30 words max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
10 MP 0/0 Casting Golem on an object creates a golem to leap out of the rune,
building itself of the material, Devotion determines the size.
1 use Touch +0 = 3ft Golem
+1 ~ +3 = 8ft Golem
1 Hour 2 slot +4 ~ +8 = 15ft Golem

Clause Length: 25 words max.
10 MP 2d6 - Can be casted on holdable objects.

3 uses 20ft R. Casting Eruption on an object makes it incredibly volatile as it is

practically a magical bomb.
Instant 1 slot

Clause Length 25 words max.
15 MP 2d4
Casting Spring on an object causes it to on activation, erupt into a
2 uses 10ft R. burst of either healing or damaging energies. This can Heal HP, MP at
Devotion +3, and SP at Devotion +6.
2 Rounds 1 slot

Alarm Clause Length: 20 words max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects
5 MP 0/0 Casting Alarm requires you to pick a point and activation for the
clause. To which you will be mentally pinged if it met. You can do this
3 uses 10ft R. to set magical trip wires, or just to wake up in the morning. You are
made aware of what triggered it, and how, as well as a general idea of
1 Hour 1 slot they are capable of.
Domain Clause Length: 25 words max.

15 MP 0/0 Casting Domain allows you to describe a domain in the clause, as it

takes over an entire space to be of your design in a pocket dimension
1 use 100ft R. for the duration. Anything nearby will be trapped in it if not dispelled.
You can change the domain actively as your QA at Devotion +5.
2 Hours 2 slot

Imprison Clause Length: 20 words max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
10 MP 0/0
Casting Imprison makes a cage of your design. Be it a bird cage, or
1 use 5ft R. iron maiden (It cannot do damage unless you devote damage to it.) that
will trap the creature, it can also be made to stop teleportation at
1 Hour 1 slot Devotion +5.

Clause Length: 20 words max.
10 MP 0/0
Casting Warping on a structure makes it so you can jump from one
2 uses Infinite place to another through activation. You must have 2 runes or more
active to link them.
2 Hours 1 slot

Castle Clause Length: 20 words max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
15 MP 0/0
Casting Castle on an object makes a castle of that material burst to life
1 use 50ft R. of your design in the range allowed. You can add battlements and
supplies at Devotion +8.
1 Hour 1 slot

Clause Length: 20 words max.
10 MP 0/0 - Can be casted on holdable objects.

Infinite Touch Casting Ease on an object calms the target(s) in range. Putting all of
their emotions at ease, possibly lowering hostility.
Infinite 1 slot

Duplication Clause Length: 15 words max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
15 MP 0/0
Casting Duplication on an object makes it magically double, dispelling
1 use Touch the rune causes them to slam back into each other to form one object.
This triples at Devotion +3, and can be used on living targets at
Infinite 2 slot Devotion +7.
Visage Clause Length: 15 word max

15 MP 0/0 Casting Visage on a structure can be used to disguise it as an

illusionary building of a design of your choice. You could also change
1 use Touch the interior of a building, although there must be correlating exits at
Devotion +5.
1 Hour 3 slot

Clause Length: 15 word max.
10 MP 0/0
Casting Hiding on a structure makes it entirely invisible. You can mute
1 use Touch the noises at Devotion +4, and make it intangible at Devotion +8.
1 Hour 3 slot

Breathe (See SB) Clause Length: 20 word max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
15 MP 0/0
Casting Breathe on an object brings it to life on activation. It will listen
1 use Touch to your commands and perform actions to the best of its ability. It can
cast your spells on its action at Devotion +3, and you can cast this rune
Infinite 2 slot on objects of building size at Devotion +8.

Attachment Clause Length: 20 word max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
5 MP 0/0
Casting Attachment on two objects counts as 1 casting for the reasons
2 uses Touch of your uses. It triples the object at Devotion +4, and allows you to
duplicate magical properties at Devotion +8.
2 Hours 2 slot

Unbreaking Clause Length 20 word max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
15 MP 0/0
Casting Unbreaking on an object makes it physically unbreakable. No
Infinite Touch means can destroy the object. The object becomes immovable by
means other than what you decide in the clause at Devotion +8.
Infinite 3 slot

Waypoint Clause Length 25 word max.

- Can be casted on holdable objects.
15 MP 0/0
Casting Waypoint makes a magical beacon that you can teleport to at
2 use Infinite will. You must attach the rune to a place, and the other to a small
ornament or crystal., creating a “Waystone”.
Infinite 3 slot
Brews Brewing is one of the most in
depth systems in the system. There
Brewcraft Education… are 40 Brews in the game! So make
Brews can be made as a MA, but it requires a few things, a sure when you learn them you take
source of heat, a cauldron, and the required components. note of exactly how to craft each
When brewing you need to mix it correctly, with the one! You also add your Botany
ingredients put in, in the right order. This makes 1 potion. modifier to the dice of any Brew you
Drinking the potion is a QA and provides the benefits make.
When it comes to ingredients, you
Adding an enhancer to your potion provides it additive only need “A handful” of each
benefits, but not all potions can be made with all enhancers. ingredient, so when you collect
ingredients they will come in
If a player decides to mix a bunch of ingredients, and mash it bundles of handful amounts.
all together in a way that doesn’t make a potion listed, get
creative as a GM, think what would those components do You can devote to Brewing as
together given what they make already? Really when it comes well! Just like with Spells and
to brews, without their correct recipes, it can be cause of Enchantments.
explosive results.

Brew Name (Type) Ingredients

Mix Process
Property Dice Description and Enhancers.

Price Duration

Beware of Brew sickness!

Drinking more than 3 potions in a turn causes you to get sick, stopping you from drinking anymore,
causing you to drop your maximum HP and MP by half. As well, you have disadvantage with any
VIT, STR, or DEX checks. So don’t let that happen you silly drunkard goblin.

Devotion with Brews… While the mixture process and

While devoting to a brew does not have ingredients are important to each brew,
many options, you can effect how some of knowing the enhancers you can use on
them function, giving them more versatility. each is just as important!

Dice (Up to +2) Lacewing

+1dice - x2 Duration

Duration (Up to +2) Ale Water

+1 Round / +1 Hour (Whichever is applicable) +1dtier

Ingredient Liberty (Up to +1) Pixie Dust

You can swap an ingredient with something +3 to roll.
Not every Brew can use each, make
Bartering (Up to +2) sure to check with your professor which
You can inflate the price of a potion by enhancers work with what brews!
making it appear more than it is.
These Brews are designed with restoring
the body as the main point. These potions
resemble a fizzing soda or ale. They are
foamy and strong. Often having a rough after

The originator of the Tonic would be

Caulious, who is also the one man who
classified all Brews, this allows for young
brewers to understand the intricacies of all

Minor Healing Wiggen Berry, Fairy Grass, Thumble Root

This tonic restores your HP by a small amount.
Restoration 1d6
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust.
6g Instant

Healing Wiggen Berry, Glowing Fairy Grass, Thumble Root

This tonic restores your HP by a moderate amount.
Restoration 1d8
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
12g Instant

Grand Healing Golden Wiggen Berry, Glowing Fairy Grass, Thumble Root

This tonic restores your HP by a large amount.
Restoration 2d10
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
20g Instant

Perk-up Thumble Root, Wiggen Berry, Lolan Berry

Shake This tonic makes you full of energy and heals you a small amount, you
are not effected by effects of tiredness or exhaustion.
Magical 1d4
Enhancers: Lacewing, Ale Water, Pixie Dust
10g 2 Hours
Stamination Bolter Melon Seeds, Griffon Wood Bark, Wiggen Berry

Shake The tonic makes it so you do not have halved movement speed when
climbing or swimming.
Restoration 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
5g 1 Hour

Diehard Glister Hawk Feather, Glowing Fairy Grass, Deep Rot Glow Bulb

Blend This tonic will restore the body of a fallen creature, bringing them up
some health.
Revival 1d12
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
24g Instant

Chlearole Griffon Wood Bark, Thumble Root, Deep Rot Glow Bulb

This tonic will remove all poisons from you for the duration.
Cure 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
7g 1 Hour

De-Ailer Alis Twig, Fairy Grass, Griffon Wood Bark

This tonic cures curses and makes you immune to them for the duration.
Cure 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
8g 1 Hour

Ripe Fruit Parrot Pepper, Fairy Grass, Naurs Ars Excrete

Stir This tonic grants you an extra +2 Strength and +2 Dexterity for the
Buff 1d12
Enhancers: Lacewing, Ale Water, Pixie Dust
18g 1 Hour

Eneroot Garlic Root, Trumpet Daisy Root, Bubble-rock Shavings

You gain +10 movement speed and can cast MC as QC for the duration.
Buff 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
12g 1 Hour

Tinctures are normally very smooth in

texture, almost syrupy to the feel. They
were coined by an old wizard named
Vallus from Scotland.

Claiming they were to be used to restore

the mind and prolong the longevity of the
fragile humanoid body. Tinctures made a
staple in the household of all who could
cast magic.

Minor Mana Crystal Dew, Fairy Grass, Crumble Root

This Tincture restores a small amount of MP.
Restoration 1d6
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
7g Instant

Mana Crystal Dew, Glowing Fairy Grass, Crumble Root

This Tincture restores a moderate amount of MP.
Restoration 1d8
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
12g Instant

Grand Mana Golden Crystal Dew, Glowing Fairy Grass, Crumble Root

This Tincture restores a large amount of MP.
Restoration 1d10
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
20g Instant

Supreme Mana Dragon Dew, Silver Grass, Crumble Root

This Tincture restores a massive amount of MP.
Restoration 2d12
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
25g Instant
Rough Skin Bubble-rock Shaving, Wiggen Berry, Crumble Root

Blend This Tincture grants you a build up of stone like skin, that grants temp
HP. This brew wears off once the temp HP does.
Buff 2d12
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
18g Instant

Warming Parrot Pepper, Thumble Root, Owlbear Fat.

Beat This Tincture grants you a soothing warmth that envelopes your whole
body. Keeping you from freezing or feeling the effects of coldness.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
8g 5 Hours

Cooling Chilly Cube Bean, Thumble Root, Owlbear Fat.

Beat This Tincture grants you a soothing chill that envelopes your whole body.
Keeping you from overheating or feeling the effects of heat.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
8g 5 Hours

Adaptive Breathing Wiggle Kelp, Thumble Root, Siren Scales

Shake This Tincture makes it so you can breathe in any conditions, unless there
is absolutely no air.
Buff 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
15g 1 Hour

Invisibility Emerald Gint Flower, Aqua Water Petal, Cleansing Ash

This Tincture makes it so you are completely invisible, the same rules
apply from the spell, if you attack or get an attack that hits you, you lose
Buff 0/0 the brews effect. You can still be heard as well.

25g 1 Hour Enhancers: Lacewing

Swiftness Fairy Grass, Whistle Weed, Alis Twig

This Tincture grants you an extra 20 MS, You also can run up walls a
short distance, being half of your remaining movement while being able
Buff 0/0 to jump off for more height.

14g 1 Hour Enhancers: Lacewing


Elixirs are a little odd when it comes to the

world of brews. Their taste, textures, and
carbonation vary wildly. Thankfully the one who
coined Elixirs, Lois Laudry, Classified them as to
have unique and bolstering effects.

Most Elixirs were designed to enhance the

drinker in some way or give them a unique effect.
While this goes for most, many people wonder
why some brews are even considered Elixirs at all
when they much better fit other categories. These
people have since been silenced.

Flow Mana Drone Honey, Crystal Dew, Alis Twig

Stir This Elixir will restore your MP over time, giving your botany boost only
to the initial dice.
Restoration 2d6
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
24g 3 Rounds

Flow Health Drone Honey, Wiggen Berry, Alis Twig

Shake This Elixir will restore your HP over time, giving your botany boost only
to the initial dice.
Restoration 2d6
Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust
24g 3 Rounds

Polyform Fangle Down, Spider Fangs, Silver Grass

This Elixir transforms you into a creature who had their DNA put into
the brew as the fourth ingredient. For the duration, you are that creature
Manipulation 0/0 besides your mental stats, REA and INT. You cannot do anything the
creature couldn’t.
32g 2d6 Hours Enhancers: Lacewing

Reversal Cleansing Ash, Fairy Grass, Crystal Dew

This Elixir flips your gravity, making you at first slowly float, before
eventually taking the full reverse gravitational effects after about 10
Manipulation 0/0 minutes.

18g 1 Hour Enhancers: Lacewing

Maximize Leaping Toadstool, Ginger Root, Maple Leaf
This Elixir doubles a creatures size and slowly shrinks them back to
normal over an hour from the duration ending. The creature has an extra
Manipulation 0/0 +2 STR for the duration.

24g 1d4 Hours Enhancers: Lacewing

Miniaturize Spotted Capshroom, Fairy Dust, Trumpet Daisy Root

This Elixir thirds a creatures size and slowly grows them back to normal
over an hour from the duration ending. The creature has an extra +2 DEX
Manipulation 0/0 for the duration.

24g 1d4 Hours Enhancers: Lacewing

Giants Body Giant Tooth, Garlic Root, Wiggen Berry

Stir This Elixir grants a creature 20 strength, and for every subsequent
strength roll it goes down by 1 rank until its normal again.
Buff 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
30g 1 Hour

Focus Golden Crystal Dew, Bubble-rock Shavings, Silver Grass

Blend This Elixir grants you complete focus, giving you a bonus to your
damage for spells and weapon attack for the duration.
Buff +2dPB
Enhancers: Lacewing, Ale Water, Pixie Dust
35g 5 Rounds

Viciousness Fairy Dust, Rouge Dragon Scales, Owlbear Fat

This Elixir drives the drinker mad with a blood lust. This makes you
relentless and willing to do anything to destroy enemies and threats. You
Manipulation 1d6 gain extra dice for weapon attacks in melee range.

30g 2 Rounds Enhancers: Lacewing, Ale Water, Pixie Dust

Calming Wiggen Berry, Thumble Root, Wiggle Kelp

Blend This Elixir calms you to an almost catatonic state. Making them think
every thought through like it was a script.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
7g 2d6 Hours
Potions are taught to young brewers as they
were recently brought to the academy’s in the
last hundred years or so. They are mostly
taught as beginners brews, given their
inoffensive effects and simplicity.

This sort of brew in particular is said to be

quite zingy, with fizzy bubbles and foam that
pours from an open bottle. Most potions are
also very thin when drank, being very easy to

Poison Leaping Toadstool, Spotted Capshroom, Spider Fang

This Potion poisons you, giving you a DOT counter, using any enhancers
gives it an extra DOT counter. It cannot be removed unless by magic
Dot 0/0 cleansing.

30g Until Relieved Enhancers: Ale Water, Pixie Dust

Charming Rose Petals, Thumble Root, Worry Wort

Beat This Potion gives you advantage on persuasion, deception, and

intimidation rolls. Makes you irresistibly handsome or beautiful.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
45g 1d6 Hours

Tongues Rat Tongue, Thumble Root, Wiggle Kelp

Beat This Potion allows you to speak and comprehend any language you are
presented with. You however cannot read any language.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
20g 1 Hour

Truths Silver Grass, Fairy Grass, Glowing Fairy Grass

Stir This Potion forces you to only speak the truth to the best of your
knowledge. You cannot skirt the truth or tell a deliberate lie.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
20g 1 Hour
Luck 5 Leafed Clover, Fairy Dust, Golden Crystal Dew
This Potion grants you extreme luck for one instance during the duration.
If the GM deems this near impossible they may refuse to allow the
Buff 0/0 instance.

40g 1d4 Hours Enhancers: Lacewing.

Love Glass Rose Petals, Thumble Root, Wallop Wheat

You fall madly in love with the first thing you see. If a lock of hair is
mixed with the brew as a fourth ingredient, it is that person instead of the
Manipulation 0/0 first thing you see.

45g 2d6 Days Enhancers: Lacewing

Displacement Golden Crystal Dew, Parrot Pepper, Whistle Weed

Stir You begin to move in and out of space, Targets have a 25% chance to hit
you, rolling above a 75 on a d100.
Displacement 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
60g 2 Rounds

Gender Fluid Frogaliath Slime, Banana Slugus Excrete, Clownfish Scales

Stir Your body changes to the opposite sex. You gain all physical functions
and attributes of it.
Manipulation 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
25g 2d6 Hours

Gold Vision Glass Rose Petals, Rouge Dragon Scale, Drone Honey

Stir You can evaluate the gold cost of all things around you, as well, all rare
items are highlighted with a golden glow.
Buff 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
40g 1 Hour

Dangersensory Spider Fangs, Alis Twig, Naurs Ars Excrete

Beat You feel the presence of enemies around you within 100ft, as well as
how many and if they are magical or not.
Buff 0/0
Enhancers: Lacewing
18g 1 Hour
These known flora, fauna, bits, and bobbles are known to have unique effects when mixed together.
When it comes to brewing, knowing your ingredients, how to get them, and what it might cost you is
just as important. On these following pages we will go over those and make sure you are prepared to
get what you need to be the best brewer you can be! Happy foraging! Or… shopping, if you prefer the
easier route, I won’t judge you for buying dragon scales over fighting one yourself.

Prices shown are purchase price, they are sold for this amount at stores, most are only sold by the
players at half price to markets and shop keepers. As well, all prices go for the “bundle” or “handful”
rule. So buying Alis Twigs for 5g, means you will get enough to brew with that component. As well,
enhancers are all readily sold for 1g each, which makes life super easy. Lacewing being thin wings
from a lace fly, pixie dust and ale water being quite self explanatory.


Maple Leaf
A 3 pointed leaf with a soft brown and orange hue, found on Maple Trees.
- Very Common, 0g

5 Leaf Clover
A 5 leafed clover, even rarer than that of the 4 leafed clover. Found in grasslands and prairies, and is
distinct by its silver hue.
- Very Rare, 10g

Alis Twig
A special twig from an Alis tree, a white barked spruce with blue leaves. The Alis Twig however,
grows red leaves.
- Rare, 5g

Deep Rot Glow Bulb

A bulb of moss that grows in watery caves. Only in temperatures below 10 Celsius will it grow, and
its quite easy to find from its haunted glowing in a pitch black basin.
- Uncommon, 3g

Griffon Wood Bark

A scrap of bark from a Griffon Wood Oak tree. This tree grows amongst other oaks but is
recognizable from its gnarly looking patterns since it twists as it grows.
- Uncommon, 4g

Whistle Weed
A tall weeding reed that grows on the waters edge of lakes and rivers. Known to make a soft
whistling noise in the wind that attracts prey creatures.
- Common, 1g

Worry Wort
A growth that grows similarly to a fungus on flora. Its bulbous red glow gives it away in dark
environments. It slowly moves similarly to a starfish in the dead of night.
- Rare, 7g
Creature Bits

Giant Tooth
Found in the maws of giants, while sort of cruel, as giants are considered the most intelligent of
monsters behind those that cast magic innately, their teeth are quite valuable.
- Rare, 6g

Frogaliath Slime
Slime collected from the skin of a Frogaliath. A terrifying monstrosity of a frog. Tentacles, big hairy
arms like that of a gorilla, hopefully you make it out alive!
- Uncommon, 4g

Banana Slugus Excrete

Collected from Banana Slugus, large slugs that are completely immune to magic, so collecting it is
quite dangerous as Slugus are known to expel toxic gasses.
- Rare, 7g

Rat Tongue
A simple rats tongue, the only trick is catching one to give it to you peacefully.
- Common, 2g

Clownfish Scales
Scales from a clownfish, while not fished for food makes it less common to come across, they are still
sourced by magical communities for purposes of brewing.
- Common, 2g

Fangle Down
Down from a baby fangle. Legendary birds that can cast Tempestry Class magics, like that of a
phoenix, and Pyromancy.
- Very Rare, 9g

Spider Fangs
Large spider fangs are needed, not just your classic house spiders. Sourced from arachnias, large
spiders that often make maze like nests in forests and worship the Arqueen.
- Uncommon, 4g

Siren Scales
Scales from a siren, while sourcing them from a siren is considered cruel, they do molt these scales
monthly, meaning we can find them on shores quite often.
- Rare, 7g

Rouge Dragon Scales

One of the 3 dragons, and it had to be this one who's scales were found to be necessary in brewing.
The Rouge Dragon is incredibly rare and can shape shift at will, so finding its scales is near
- Very Rare, 20g

Owlbear Fat
Fat sourced from an owlbear, luckily, these creatures are quite available and love attacking traveling
merchants and wizards, meaning they are hunted quite often.
- Common, 3g

Glister Hawk Feather

Feathers from a glister hawk. They are sterling silver colored hawks, that use their reflective feathers
to confuse prey.
- Uncommon, 4g
Grasses and Flowers

Fairy Grass
A collection of grass blades that glows a soft pinkish silver color. It is often eaten by Witnessed
creatures, so if you see one, it may be nearby.
- Common, 1g

Glowing Fairy Grass

A rarer type of fairy grass that grows taller and shines brighter. With more color variety, being blues
and yellows as well.
- Uncommon, 3g

Silver Grass
A patch of grass that is a chrome color naturally. Has a metallic feel to it but crumbles and bends like
flora would normally.
- Uncommon, 3g

Wiggle Kelp
Kelp that grows about 30ft or lower below the surface of the water in lakes and ponds. It is very
rubbery and slippery to hold.
- Common, 2g

Emerald Glint Flower

A rare flower that grows solidarity as it only grows when the inner Mana of a creature nearby dies.
You could say the flower is naturally enchanted.
- Rare, 6g

Rose Petals
Petals from a rose flower, nothing too special besides it being a hardly seen flower in nature.
- Common, 1g

Glass Rose Petals

Petals from a very rare flower, the glass rose only grows deep underground and is a cluster of red
crystals. Mined exclusively in a mine found in China.
- Very Rare, 12g

Aqua Water Petal

A flower that grows just under the water surface, white petals and a yellow stem make picking it out
quite easy.
- Common, 1g
Dews and Dusts

Crystal Dew
A crystal dew is found mostly after rainy days, or while the weather is foggy in a humid and damp
space. It is recognizable by its shimmer in the light, like a prismatic crystal.
- Uncommon, 3g

Golden Crystal Dew

A rare form of crystal dew, its recognizable by its golden shine, more so appears on syrupy trees, or
from hives of insects that make honey.
- Rare, 5g

Dragon Dew
Dew from a dragons breath. While the Pale Dragon is known to create this the most from their innate
abilities over moisture, all do from their slow long breaths. Dangerous to collect without detection.
- Very Rare, 10g

Cleansing Ash
A special dust that builds up on remains of creatures. Like a remnant the ash builds up on the exposed
bone if left undisturbed. Theres no scientific reason to it.
- Uncommon, 4g

Fairy Dust
Dust that trails from a fairies wings. Most commonly a soft pink or blue color. While not rare, its
hard to get away with tailing a fairy.
- Uncommon, 3g

Bubble-rock Shavings
Shavings from a bubble-rock build up. When certain stones of bubble-rock get touched by ale water
they begin to hiss with a build up of bubbles as the air escapes the porous design.
- Common, 2g

Drone Honey
Honey from a drone bee. This honey is considered a dew based on how its made, given its only
collected from pollen that stews in the hive and leaks out of various holes they carve in the bottom.
Letting the warm moist air mix with it and chemically produce “Drone Honey”
- Uncommon, 3g

Naurs Ars Excrete

A naurs ars is a small bundle of thin plants that during their pollination period, excrete a thin wax
from their leaves. This wax often begins to weigh so much it tears the leaves away, so with careful
hands, you can both help the plant and get what you need.
- Common, 2g
Berrys and Mushrooms

Wiggen Berry
A silly looking yellow berry. It grows out from a collecting of green leaves attached to a vine. These
often grow, pretty much anywhere that is temperate.
- Common, 1g

Golden Wiggen Berry

A very plump and lustrous wiggen berry. Its hue shines even brighter and is filled with twice the
nutrients. Appears once every 20 or so berries by scientific calculations.
- Uncommon, 3g

Lolan Berry
A berry with external seeds like a strawberry, is a blue color and is shaped like a palm sized grape.
Rarer than the wiggen berry, but is still mass produced in Egypt and South America.
- Common, 1g

Bolter Melon Seeds

A bolter melon is a large cantaloupe sized melon. Its dark green with a rough and jagged casing. The
flesh inside is soft and filled with energizing vitamins.
- Common, 2g

Chilly Cube Bean

Beans found growing in Greenland and the ice caps of the world. They are incredibly small, and bear
no leaves, so no one knows how they grow exactly or for what purpose. Their small white designs are
cute though, and are used in icepacks.
- Common, 1g

Spotted Capshroom
A large mushroom with a cap that reaches about one foot in diameter on average. Ranging in colors of
black to brown to blue, depending on where you find them. They can be found in magical forests
often place.
- Uncommon, 2g

Leaping Toadstool
A miniature mushroom thats cap pops off when its done maturing, often leaving piles and piles of
caps left in the forest where a colony grows. Often place found in humid forests.
- Uncommon, 2g

Parrot Pepper
A pepper that when plucked from the vine makes a loud squawk like that of a parrot. Some have even
reported it repeating a word from a conversation near by. These are widely harvested but can still be
found naturally in oasis’s and other arid regions with water near.
- Common, 1g
Roots and Wheats

Thumble Root
Root to a young thumble wood tree. Its soft, malleable, and can be used in toy crafting. It has many
uses due to the vast nutrients locked in it when harvested however.
- Common, 2g

Crumble Root
A root that is so fickle, if you do not handle it carefully, it will quite literally crumble in your hand.
Coming from a crumb bush, which is known to simply litter anything nearby with this crumbly plant
- Common, 1g

Garlic Root
Root from a garlic. Easy to harvest, and mass grown. Not many issues finding it.
- Common, 1g

Ginger Root
Root from a ginger. Grown mostly in the Americas and China now, is easily harvested and collected.
- Common, 1g

Trumpet Daisy Root

Root from a trumpet daisy, which honk loudly when the soil around them gets pressurized. This often
shocks modern men and women as they think a car is nearby, but its just a flower.
- Uncommon, 2g

Wallop Wheat
A bundle of wheat plants that suddenly grew out of fashion from farms. As they would report their
own crops were bullying them. This plant can and will beat you up as it will suddenly move towards
a warm source.
- Uncommon, 3g

Misc Prices…
Well then! We certainly have come a long Starter Kit, 8g
Contains 2 bundles of Thumble Root,
way from the beginning. Now I hope you Crystal Dew, Wiggen Berry, and Fairy
understand a bit better about brewing and Grass. 3 bottles and a brewing case.
everything that goes into it. Now that we are
done looking over ingredients, we have a Cauldron, 10g
couple of things to look at like starter kits 6 Bottles, 3g
and such you might be offered, as well as Brewing Case, 5g
Heating Platter, 3g
some misc prices for other tools. Besides
that, our time in Brews is finished! Let us A brewing case has everything you need
move forward to Wizarding Wears. utensil wise to make a brew! The bottle
frame, some spoons, and even a place to
keep your extra stuff!
Wizarding Wear

Now that our three major components are

written out, being the whole reason you are at
the academy. Who doesn’t love some good old
fashion? You have to look your best to feel your
best. That is where the wizarding wear
mechanic comes in. Offering young wizards
with robes, cloaks and fit wear. As well as belts,
reservoirs, and Focuses, we will also go over the
weapons knowledge and patches.

Don’t worry about the ins and outs at the

moment, or the details, we will go over them all
one by one and make sure all the details are
explained to you.

When it comes to this portion of the game,

you should think of these as unique ways to
decorate your character and bring them to life
outside of initial descriptions. Perhaps your
wizard now has a very cool Onlooker Cloak,
make sure you show that off in high detail
scenarios! Some NPC’s might be impressed by
your immaculate fashion skills.

To set the general idea of wizarding wear,

everything revolves around your belt, which is
the main place for storage, focus, weapon, and
spell book keeping, as well as having loops for
reservoirs. Your wizarding wear also has loops,
but also has patch slots. On the following pages
we will go over everything you need to know.
Lets start with belts. They are iconic for the description of every wizard. There are 6 different types
of belts that are made for purchase. That goes for the Brown Leather, Black Leather, Studded Leather,
Belted Leather, Plated Leather, and Double Belted Leather. These all offer you unique amounts of
loops, inventory slots, focus slots, weapon slots, and what size of spell book you can carry. We will go
over Loops when we talk about Reservoirs later. So now lets look over all the belts the game offers.

Something to keep in mind… Inventory…

Your inventory and slots matter! You When storing things in your belt, you have
need both hands to cast magic, one inventory slots for a maximum capacity.
hand being your spell book and the Things like a helmet, a potion, a handful of
other your focus, so make sure you can pencils, all take 1 slot of your inventory. So
properly store them, if you need to use be careful, and make sure you accommodate
a weapon instead! with your GM if you would like an

Brown Leather Belt…

The simple, tried and true. Its soft brown leather, hooked hoops and universal design makes it a
beginning wizards first must have. While it’s nothing special, it’s not trying to be, it does its job as an
entry level belt perfectly as most leather smiths would say.

Tier 1: Very Common, 15g

2 Loops, 10 Inventory, 1 Focus, 1 Weapon, Small Spell Book

Tier 2: Common, 20g

3 Loops, 15 Inventory, 1 Focus, 1 Weapon, Small Spell Book

Tier 3, Uncommon, 25g

5 Loops, 25 Inventory, 2 Focus, 1 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Black Leather Belt…

An upgrade to the original leather belt design. Its black coloring from the special bull the leather is
collected from. This belt, besides sporting a darker color, is a bit more reinforced, offering more rings
for weapon keeping and focus stashing. Larger storage options and decent spell book sleeves.
Definitely for those who can afford a bit more than the standard.

Tier 1: Common, 15g

2 Loops, 15 Inventory, 1 Focus, 1 Weapon, Small Spell Book

Tier 2: Uncommon, 20g

3 Loops, 20 Inventory, 2 Focus, 1 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 3, Uncommon, 30g

5 Loops, 30 Inventory, 2 Focus, 2 Weapon, Medium Spell Book
This page hosts the midrange belts, offering
you decent storage and slots. When you
choose to buy a new belt, there is only
benefit. You gain more slots, thats a bonus,
and you can move over your looped
reservoirs, so there is no down side to
upgrading! When it comes to the rarity of the
belts, its so your GM knows how often these
should be available in magical shops. So just
know, make your purchases wisely! Maybe
you could save up a bit more and upgrade
what you would have purchased.

Studded Leather Belt…

With metallic studs that run the length of the belt, tight tanned leather lining it as a whole. Offering a
very unique design. The studded leather belt offers you the best middle ground you can get for any
belt. Is designed with the traveling wizard in mind.

Tier 1: Common, 35g

5 Loops, 20 Inventory, 2 Focus, 2 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 2: Uncommon, 45g

7 Loops, 25 Inventory, 2 Focus, 2 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 3, Rare, 55g

9 Loops, 35 Inventory, 3 Focus, 2 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Belted Leather Belt…

A leather belt, that guess what, uses more belts to reinforce itself. It has multiple branching lines of
leather that wrap around the leg for some extra style and space for weapons, spell books, and
inventory. For the fashion enthusiast, or the one who likes the mention how many belts they wear.

Tier 1: Uncommon, 55g

7 Loops, 30 Inventory, 3 Focus, 2 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 2: Uncommon, 65g

7 Loops, 35 Inventory, 3 Focus, 3 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 3, Rare, 70g

9 Loops, 45 Inventory, 3 Focus, 3 Weapon, Large Spell Book
The last page of belts, these show the
top tier you could possibly find in a shop.
The Double Belted being a favorite
among the elite wizards of Spellwick
Academy. With the double belted leather
belt being the only belt in the game that
can carry an extra large spellbook. So if
you have the coin make sure you grab one
of these, as they will support you through
the remainder of your wizards adventure.

Plated Leather Belt…

A belt with protective plating lining the sides of it like a piece of armor. Offering great sizes of
inventory and loops, this belt also just looks cool and can be tailored to your color of metal

Tier 1: Uncommon, 70g

9 Loops, 40 Inventory, 3 Focus, 3 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 2: Rare, 75g

11 Loops, 50 Inventory, 3 Focus, 3 Weapon, Medium Spell Book

Tier 3, Rare, 80g

13 Loops, 60 Inventory, 4 Focus, 3 Weapon, Large Spell Book

Double Belted Leather Belt…

Now, hear us at Belt Co. out. What if we offered the wizard something robust, strong, reinforced with
MORE BELTS, and at incredible prices! These belts are lined with wrappings and anchors to other
connection points and belts you have to wear. One for each thigh and one on the upper chest. So no,
there can never be too many belts.

Tier 1: Rare, 80g

13 Loops, 60 Inventory, 4 Focus, 4 Weapon, Large Spell Book

Tier 2: Rare, 100g

15 Loops, 15 Inventory, 4 Focus, 4 Weapon, Large Spell Book

Tier 3, Very Rare, 120g

20 Loops, 25 Inventory, 5 Focus, 4 Weapon, Extra Large Spell Book
Reservoirs are what most wizards use to push them past their physical limits. These small snow-globe
like charms come in many shapes, sizes, and provide many useful bonuses. While reservoirs can be
purchased occasionally in shops, you should find yourself lucky if you find even one, as they are
normally treasure items, crafted for an individual. So of course sneaking into the tower and stealing one
is the natural course of action.

When it comes to reservoirs, you cannot have two of the same shape of one, those shapes being,
Triangle, Circle, Square, Prism, Diamond, Stair, Oval, Rectangle, Heart, and Oblong. All reservoirs will
have a loop count, and that entails how many loops you need free on your belt or wizarding wear to
equip it. Some higher tier ones will require multiple loops to be equipped. Reservoirs come in tiers, just
like belts, so make sure you know exactly which one you are referring too!

Vitality Strength

Tier 1: +2 to Score Tier 1: +2 to Score

50g 40g
1 Loop, Triangle 2 Loop, Square

Tier 2: +3 to Score Tier 2: +3 to Score

75g 80g
2 Loops, Oval 2 Loops, Rectangle

Tier 3: +4 to Score Tier 3: +4 to Score

200g 160g
3 Loops, Oval 3 Loops, Rectangle

Dexterity Intellect

Tier 1: +2 to Score Tier 1: +2 to Score

70g 50g
1 Loop, Prism 1 Loop, Circle

Tier 2: +3 to Score Tier 2: +3 to Score

150g 75g
1 Loop, Diamond 1 Loop, Star

Tier 3: +4 to Score Tier 3: +4 to Score

250g 200g
1 Loop, Prism 1 Loop, Star
Reason Charm

Tier 1: +2 to Score Tier 1: +2 to Score

60g 60g
1 Loop, Diamond 1 Loop, Heart

Tier 2: +3 to Score Tier 2: +3 to Score

90g 90g
1 Loop, Prism 1 Loop, Heart

Tier 3: +4 to Score Tier 3: +4 to Score

180g 180g
2 Loops, Prism 2 Loops, Diamond

Botany Health

Tier 1: +2 to Score Tier 1: +10 Max HP

60g 80g
2 Loops, Rectangle 2 Loops, Diamond

Tier 2: +3 to Score Tier 2: +15 Max HP

90g 140g
2 Loops, Square 2 Loops, Heart

Tier 3: +4 to Score Tier 3: +25 Max HP

180g 260g
3 Loops, Circle 3 Loops, Heart

Mana Soul

Tier 1: +10 Max MP Tier 1: +5 Max SP

80g 150g
1 Loop, Circle 2 Loops, Oblong

Tier 2: +15 Max MP Tier 2: +10 Max SP

160g 250g
1 Loop, Oval 2 Loops, Oblong

Tier 3: +25 Max MP Tier 3: +20 Max SP

240g 400g
2 Loops, Oval 3 Loops, Oblong
With all 13 options, hopefully now you get
a better idea of what a reservoir offers you, On this page, the Devotion Reservoir
its somewhat of a charm that boosts some has some unique properties to it. Unlike
numbers for you here and there. Making sure other reservoirs it grants you a full natural
you can fir one, afford one, and that they devotion to a spell, enchantment, or brew.
aren't the same shape as one you already This gives you +1 devotion to all aspects
have is the key to understand how best to of it. When the GM provides one, they
combine these for maximum effectiveness. should also provide the devotion it comes
May your mix and matching adventues be
grand and may you collect them all! Or just As well, the Temp HP Reservoir has a
the ones you want, either is fine. unique property. Whenever you start your
day after a long nights rest, you gain over
health for that day, keep in mind, Temp
HP does not stack, so if you buff and grant
yourself Temp HP, it will over write it.
Finally the Mana Holding Reservoir, this
Tier 1: +1 Natural Devotion is used by enchanters to hold a source of
170g Mana to keep their enchantments from
2 Loops, Triangle holding onto their main pool of Mana.
This Mana cannot be used to cast spells
Tier 2: +2 Natural Devotion however.
3 Loops, Prism

Tier 3: +1 Natural Devotion to 2 options

3 Loops, Triangle

Temp HP Mana Holding

Tier 1: +5 Temp HP after Long Rests Tier 1: +10 MP Pool

75g 50g
1 Loop, Square 2 Loops, Oval

Tier 2: +10 Temp HP after Long Rests Tier 2: +20 MP Pool

145g 75g
2 Loops, Rectangle 3 Loops, Rectangle

Tier 3: +15 Temp HP after Long Rests Tier 3: +30 MP Pool

210g 200g
3 Loops, Prism 3 Loops, Rectangle

While every student starts off with a

focus of their own, it’s nothing special.
When time comes around for them to
upgrade, this is where you want to be.
There are 4 types of focuses, and we have
Madam Cadence to thank for these. As she
was the one who designed the first
publicly sold Focus, and allowed wizards
to better hone their abilities.

These are called, “Cadence Focuses” and

come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Looking back at belts look at how many
focuses you can hold at a time, and what
sizes. Why would you need to hold
multiple focuses at a time? Well Cadence
focuses have a unique property that when
met with the hand of a wizard, they are
attuned to Mana directly and awaken an
inner devotion to a class of magic.The
different tiers offer different levels of
perhaps getting the type of devotion you

On the following pages we will go over

the 4 different focuses, what they offer,
what you can buy them for, and what
chance they have of having the devotion
you want. So happy hunting wizards!

When using a focus, you must have a

certain Rank in the class of magic you are
casting. So if you wanted to cast a
pyromancy, which is Intellect, with a Tier
0 wand, you would need a Rank of +4.
This is to keep young wizards from using
wands way out of their league, so don’t get
too bummed out and train those skills of

As well, all manner of focuses and all

their tiers are available practically at any
magical shop, so if you're in the market,
just ask your GM for a field trip to the
closest one!
The Wand… The Staff…
Your staple of wizards everywhere, its handy, A new version of the wand that came out only
lightweight and is just iconic to the wizards months after the first wand. It was designed to be
design. You can never go wrong with a good bulky and strong, but most wizards use it as a cane
wand. Designed of course by Madam Cadence, if they aren’t combating something. While not
her first wand was made of palm wood, and entirely practical for day to day use, the staff will
shaved to be thin like a chalk stick, about a foot prove very useful for traveling wizards. It also
and a half in length, and served as the original comes in many sizes being a full 6 foot, or a
design for a wand. walking cane at about 3 feet.

Beginners Wand: Beginners Staff:

Focus Slots: 1 Focus Slots: 1

Price: 5g Price: 5g
Modifier: +0 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +0 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 3 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 3 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 0% Devotion Chance: 0%

Tier 1: Tier 1:

Focus Slots: 1 Focus Slots: 2

Price: 20g Price: 25g
Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 4 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 4 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 15% Devotion Chance: 20%

Tier 2: Tier 2:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 80g Price: 100g
Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +2 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 5 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 6 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 30% Devotion Chance: 40%

Tier 3: Tier 3:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 140g Price: 175g
Modifier: +2 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +3 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 6 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 7 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 45% Devotion Chance: 55%

Artifact: Artifact:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 280g Price: 320g
Modifier: +3 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +4 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 8 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 9 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 100% Devotion Chance: 100%
The Charm… The Crystal Orb…
As magic became more mainstream in the public A favorite among fortune tellers, the crystal orb
eyes, those who could cast magic but preferred to when paired with a Cadence Glove, which are
keep it on the down low would purchase a sold together will hover around your body and
Cadence Charm. These charms are small even act as a makeshift weapon if needed.
pendants, or objects that when focused allow a Everyones orbs are unique as they are usually
wizard to cast magic. So think twice about casting hand crafted and incredibly personalized. These
magic on the large rich man with a very fancy became popular around the renaissance era in
watch. While not as practical as a wand, it is great London. Men and women who were gifted would
at keeping your magical presence at a low for purchase them and hold collectives with their
being in public. friends.

Beginners Charm: Beginners Orb:

Focus Slots: 1 Focus Slots: 1

Price: 10g Price: 5g
Modifier: +0 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +0 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 2 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 2 of Casting Skill
Devotion Chance: 0% Devotion Chance: 5%

Tier 1: Tier 1:

Focus Slots: 1 Focus Slots: 1

Price: 50g Price: 45g
Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +0 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 3 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 2 of Skill Mod
Devotion Chance: 10% Devotion Chance: 30%

Tier 2: Tier 2:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 85g Price: 95g
Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 3 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 3 of Skill Mod
Devotion Chance: 20% Devotion Chance: 45%

Tier 3: Tier 3:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 150g Price: 135g
Modifier: +2 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +1 Casting Skill Mod
Requirement: Rank 4 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 3 of Skill Mod
Devotion Chance: 35% Devotion Chance: 75%

Artifact: Artifact:

Focus Slot: 1 Focus Slot: 2

Price: 380g Price: 400g
Modifier: +3 Casting Skill Mod Modifier: +3 Casting Mod
Requirement: Rank 6 of Casting Skill Requirement: Rank 5 of Skill Mod
Devotion Chance: 100% Devotion Chance: 100%
Spell Books
Now besides all of the fancy focuses When it comes to spell books, the best
and Belts, there is your spell book. The practice is to know it as well as your
second half to your focus. The book is focus has to be in your hands to cast
what you refer to, to pull the spell into magic. Think of it like the spell book
reality and focus it… through your being the fuel and the focus being the
focus. There are 4 different types of output. So if you are missing one, you
spell books, and each offer different can’t cast a spell… (Unless your GM is
bonuses to your spell keeping needs. cool and lets you make a charm book
mark focus).
When you begin your adventure you
start with a Leather Book, which is at In the heat of combat you don’t want to
Tier 1. Standard, nothing special, but be fumbling around with your book so
should get you through your first year you can grab a quick sword and defend
at the academy. While spell books do yourself up close. So make sure whatever
have a limit of spells, thats only for book you end up with properly fits in
those that are readily available. You can your belt! All Books have a size tier,
keep a backlog of spells out of the ranging from Small, Medium, Large, and
book. You decide daily what spells to Extra Large. There are 2 extra large spell
prepare for the day. Some spells will books, and one belt that can fit extra
use multiple slots in your spell book large spell books, so keep that in mind.
however, so just because you have 10
slots, doesn’t always mean you can fit
10 spells in it.

So on these next few pages we will

go in depth into what each spell book
will offer you, and their special bonuses
if they have any.
Leather Book Designed Book
The Classic Leather bounded Spell Book. A spell book with unique colored covers and
Designed with many unique prints on the fanciful designs of fire, water, electricity,
front of whimsical dangers such as the anything you could imagine. These books are
Onlooker, or Keeper, or even griffons and designed to give those truly devoted to a class
Krakens. These books were designed for the of magic a boost to their innate powers
student wizard. Those who are young and through the book. The designed books all
don’t need anything too fancy. For those come with the unique factor of coming with
purposes the leather book will do you just fine Natural Devotion to a class of magic as a
until you go to buy a new and fancy one, or whole. So when you attempt to purchase one,
even find one as treasure. ask your GM what Devotion it is, and for
what class. As it could be for Dice, Range, or
Tier 1: the like. So in concept, the designed book is
the most diverse spell book with millions of
Price: 25g possibilities.
Spell Slots: 10
Size: Small
Bonus: None Tier 1:

Tier 2: Price: 60g

Spell Slots: 13
Price: 35g Size: Small
Spell Slots: 12 Bonus: +1 Natural Devotion
Size: Small
Bonus: None Tier 2:

Tier 3: Price: 75g

Spell Slots: 15
Price: 50g Size: Small
Spell Slots: 15 Bonus: +1 Natural Devotion
Size: Small
Bonus: None Tier 3:

Tier 4: Price: 90g

Spell Slots: 20
Price: 70g Size: Small
Spell Slots: 18 Bonus: +1 Natural Devotion
Size: Medium
Bonus: None Tier 4:

Tier 5: Price: 110g

Spell Slots: 24
Price: 85g Size: Small
Spell Slots: 20 Bonus: +1 Natural Devotion
Size: Medium
Bonus: None Tier 5:

Price: 180g
Spell Slots: 25
Size: Medium
Bonus: +2 Natural Devotion
Encyclopedic Book Spellwick Book
While on the surface is looks no more than a The “Spellwick Spell Book” which was
leather spell book, the encyclopedic book is personally designed by Wellwick, the founder
much more. As the name sake entails, these of Magics. Its pages are thick, the covers
books are massive and can hold whole classes rimmed with gold or other valuable metals.
worth of spells between the covers. They are Often small gem stones around the front cover
big, heavy duty, but one of the most expensive as well. These spell books are powerful as
sets of books. As all of those pages are pretty they give you an innate bonus to any dice
expensive with all that required wizarding from a spell. Proving more healing, or
paper. damage.

Tier 1: Tier 1:

Price: 80g Price: 70g

Spell Slots: 20 Spell Slots: 15
Size: Medium Size: Medium
Bonus: None Bonus: +1 to Dice

Tier 2: Tier 2:

Price: 95g Price: 80g

Spell Slots: 25 Spell Slots: 18
Size: Medium Size: Medium
Bonus: None Bonus: +1 to Dice

Tier 3: Tier 3:

Price: 120g Price: 100g

Spell Slots: 30 Spell Slots: 21
Size: Large Size: Large
Bonus: None Bonus: +2 to Dice

Tier 4: Tier 4:

Price: 140g Price: 110g

Spell Slots: 35 Spell Slots: 24
Size: Large Size: Large
Bonus: None Bonus: +2 to Dice

Tier 5: Tier 5:

Price: 200g Price: 150g

Spell Slots: 40 Spell Slots: 27
Size: Extra Large Size: Extra Large
Bonus: None Bonus: +3 to Dice
Wizarding Wear

Now we are onto the final part of the Patches can be removed from your
Wizarding Wear. The actual dressings you wear by a tailor, so you aren’t locked
will be wearing as a wizard! These section into that wear for the future if you want
to keep the patches you earn for the
includes the numerous Robes, Cloaks, and
Wears. We will be detailing each one, as
they all hold some sort of unique property Accessories are allocated to different
besides the beginning Plain ones you would parts of the body. You can only have 1
be wearing at the start. per part of the body they go on, besides
the hands where you can have 2. So just
make sure you don’t have 3 accessories
Robes are long, ankle reaching fabrics,
equipped to your face or waist.
with large hoods and sleeves. Cloaks hold
at the shoulder and go down to about the
mid section of your core, also including a
hood. Fit Wear as its called, is body tight
clothing, often with some loose parts that
wraps around you as a whole.

As well, we will be going over what are

called Artifact Accessories. These are
magical rings, gloves, what have you, that
can be purchased and are things enhanced
by Mana. While not all too common to find
in magical shops, they are often treasure to
a villainous magical creature.

With these 3 categories of wears and

accessories, there are also patches which
can be sewn onto your wizarding wear
which we will go over later. However keep
that in mind as we move forward, each
wear having its own amount of patch slots.
As well, they will have loops for your
reservoirs, much like your belt.

Wears as well will have rarities so your

GM should know how available to make
these items. So lets dive in on these next
few pages, and get them all listed out for

No Effects
Plain Robe (Common)
7g 1 Loops 2 Patch Slots Plain and simple robe of your houses design.

No Effects
Rugged Robe (Common)
20g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots Stitched together, roughneck and rugged design.

+1 to all Charm related non-combat rolls.

Designed Robe (Uncommon)
Beautifully designed robe with golden dangly bits.
25g 2 Loops 3 Patch Slots

You do not feel the effects of intense heat or cold.

Thermal Robe (Uncommon)
60g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots Packed tight with fabrics that is cool to the touch and smooth.

+1 Devotion to purple and black spells for their Range

Star-Mangled Robe (Rare)
80g 3 Loops 3 Patch Slots Galaxy effects roll down the body of the robe.

Jump Height is doubled and you cannot be harmed by fall

Feathered Robe (Rare) damage.

70g 3 Loops 2 Patch Slots Thin and white with owl and falcon feathers on the shoulders.

Summons take on a skeletal appearance and all can be

Necros Robe (Legendary) aggressive with the according stat block.

130g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots Long and black with skeletal bits hanging off of it.

+1 Devotion to white and yellow spells for their Dice

Holy Robes (Rare)
70g 3 Loops 2 Patch Slots White and silver linings, very large and decorative.

+2 Botany Score, you do not consume inventory slots with

Moss Robes (Uncommon) alchemy supplies.

45g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots Thick and covered in foliage and living vegetation.

Plain Cloak (Common)
7g 1 Loops 2 Patch Slots Plain and simple cloak of your houses design.

Rugged Cloak (Common)
20g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots Stitched together, roughneck and rugged design.

+1 to all Charm related non-combat rolls.

Designed Cloak (Uncommon)
Beautifully designed cloak with golden dangly bits.
30g 2 Loops 3 Patch Slots

You can cast the cloak spell for free once using the cloak.
Veiled Cloak (Uncommon)
45g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots A translucent blue veil on a dark under garment.

This cloak does not have an enchantment limit, all mana

Sigil Cloak (Rare) reserved for this cloaks enchantments are halved.

65g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots Simply colored with tailored ends.

You can teleport your MS.

Displacer Cloak (Rare)
70g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots Displacer hide, fined down to be smooth and knitted.

You can cast two MC spells on your MA instead of one.

Onlookers Cloak (Legendary)
150g 4 Loops 2 Patch Slots A burgundy cowl with eyes that roll down it, smoke billowing.

You can cast a spell on a piece of wizarding paper for later use.
Paged Cloak (Rare) Activating the pages only counts as a QA.
Covered in papyrus letters and wizarding paper with strange
70g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots runes written on them.

You magically draw the attention of NPC’s, they are more

Half-Cloak (Uncommon) willing to speak with you.

35g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots An elbow length half cloak, made with soft fabrics.
Fit Wear

Plain Wear (Common)
7g 1 Loop 2 Patch Slots Plain and simple cloak of your houses design.

Rugged Wear (Common)
20g 2 Loops 4 Patch Slots Stitched together, roughneck and rugged design.

+1 to all Charm related non-combat rolls.

Designed Wear (Uncommon)
Beautifully designed wear with golden dangly bits.
30g 2 Loops 3 Patch Slots

You make no noise while moving, advantage on all Sneak rolls.

Light-Foot Wear (Uncommon)
35g 1 Loops 2 Patch Slots Soft fabrics and leather ends, darker colors in blue and purple.

Your, STR, DEX, and VIT scores all gain +1.

Enhancer Wear (Rare)
50g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots Thin and loose fabrics, wrapped in colored magical trails.

You see outlines of nearby creatures within 50ft of you, as well

Bloodhound Wear (Legendary) you know their current mentality, stress, and intentions.
140g 3 Loops 4 Patch Slots Maple brown with a vibrant red pulse down it and gold trims.

Advantage to all Charm based rolls, even combat ones.

Nobleman Wear (Rare)
75g 2 Loops 2 Patch Slots Classic nobleman wear, fancy decorum and bits and bobbles.

+1 to your DC as well, you gain advantage to avoid Pyromancy,

Armored Wear (Uncommon) Dark Arts, and Frostcraft.

45g 3 Loops 2 Patch Slots Metal plated shoulders and knees with a chest piece.

Gain +10 MS, climbing and swimming don’t halve your MS.
Runner Wear (Rare)
65g 2 Loops 3 Patch Slots Thick body tight sports fabric with bright colors.
Artifact Accessories

Your hands cannot be felt by another creature.

Silken Gloves
30g Infinite Hands Plain, white embroidered silk gloves.

Your MS is now a flying speed upon use, this lasts for your turn.
Winged Boots
45g 5 Charges Feet Fancy, brown, knee height boots with small feathered wings.

You move completely silently.

Thieves Boots
50g Infinite Feet Sleek, belted black boots.

You can see in the darkness, its colorless however.

Thieves Cowl
60g Infinite Face Simple, cross designed dark cowl.

You can disguise yourself as any object you desire, however you
Mimic Buckle do not function if you pick a complex object.

230g 3 Changes Waist Bronze buckle with a mimic engraved into it.

Spells with the Black color cannot be color guarded, as well if

Necromancers Chain the dodge, they have disadvantage with the roll.

300g 3 Charges Neck Chain necklace with beast skulls melted into it.

Will have a +1 Devotion Score to a Class of Magic and it would

Devotion Ring be for, Dice, Range, or Duration.

80g Infinite Hands Silver bangle with a gemstone in it.

You can see invisible and cloaked targets as if they were

Revealing Spectacles perfectly visible. Their spells are neutralized just for you.

200g 3 Charges Face Spectacles with a ghostly veil to the lenses.

Allows you to cast Worfcraft Spells.

Auburn Scarf
- Infinite Neck A simple red, knitted scarf, it seems to free float in the air.
Advantage to Menace and Convincing.
Cape of Warding
100g Infinite Shoulders A blue, billowing cape with gold trim.

You cannot be surprised or snuck up on unless they are invisible.

Veil of Eyes You also gain advantage on IN.

150g Infinite Shoulders A thin veil with an eye pattern.

You can invert your gravity at will.

Reverse Buckle
150g 3 Charges Waist Buckle made of silver with twisting arrows in the design.

You leave behind no tracks while moving. As well your MS is

Boots of no Trace increased by 10.

70g Infinite Feet Boots with thick pads under the foot and layered wave designs,

+1 Natural Alchemy Devotion to Dice for all brews.

Witches Hat
40g Infinite Head Your Classic wide brimmed witch hat.

You can read the maximum HP, SP, and MP of a creature you
Soul Spectacles look at.

350g 3 Charges Face Double layered spectacles with silver frames and red lenses.

You can fly your MS at will.

Solars Cape
400g Infinite Shoulders Flowing white cape with a red sigil and trim.

You can change your entire body structure while the cowl is up.
Cowl of Disguise But its only one structure that is determined on discovery.

70g Infinite Face Checkered cowl with a purple trim.

+1 Natural Devotion to Range for Black and White spells.

Silver Skull Buckle
130g Infinite Waist A silver buckle with a large spiky skull printed on it.
+15 Maximum MP, and +5 Maximum SP.
Pearlescent Rings
90g Infinite Head Pearl loop earrings, laced in Mana energy.

NPC’s are naturally intrigued by you, they are more willing to

Wanderers Fedora speak with you or keep their eyes on you.

40g Infinite Head A simple, black fedora.

When you attack with a Touch range spell, you deal double
Magus Hands strength damage dice if you punch or kick with it.

75g 3 Charges Hands Gauntlet made of various metals, with runes carved into it.

With the hood up, you cannot be recognized.

Nomads Hood
60g Infinite Head A hooded cowl and a veil that flows over the face.

Your MS doubles for the round.

Boots of Swiftness
70g 3 Charges Feet Thin, yellow colored boots with grips under the boot.

You become incredibly lucky for one instance.

20 Sided Ring
500g 1 Charge Hands Platinum ring with an abstract band.

You become incredibly lucky for one instance

Necklace of Dice
500g 1 Charge Neck Platinum necklace with diamond dice chain linked to it.

You can understand spider-speech, as well they will treat you as

Webbed Veil one of their own, unless their intellect is above 8.

70g Infinite Shoulders Veil designed with a spiderweb motif.

You can infinitely store non-living objects inside it, thinking of

Satchel of Infinity what you want brings it to the mouth of the bag.

300g Infinite Shoulders Satchel with a mouth like design and bright blues for accents.
+1 Natural Florastry Devotion for Dice.
Druidcraft Scarf
60g Infinite Neck A mossy long scarf.

+1 Natural Baublestonomancy Devotion for Range.

Baublemancers Pot
75g Infinite Head A large pot you can see through somehow...

Allows you to draw/write Runes and Imbuements on living

Rune Carver Ring objects.

200g 3 Charges Hands A golden ring with “Mana” carved into the inside of the band.

You can store a spell in the cuff, allowing you to cast the spell at
Cuff of Spell Storing no MP cost.

350g 2 Charges Hands Large golden cuff with runes etched into it.

You can climb any surface, and your MS is not hindered.

Spider Gloves
120g Infinite Hands Silky gloves with a web design and webbing between the digits.

Your Strength and Vitality scores are now 18 if it isn’t already.

Astral Giants Buckle
Large wrestling belt with giants craved into it with a galaxy
400g Infinite Waist plate design.

Your Focus counts as a tier higher if it is not Artifact Tier.

Cadence Watch
350g Infinite Hands Wristwatch made of platinum and ether crystal.

You do not feel exhaustion from travel as well, you

Nomadic Foot Wrappings automatically pass any Endurance rolls.

60g Infinite Feet Brown Bandage wraps with gold guards on the shins and foot.

When you use your legs for melee strikes, you can push the
Boots of Force object back triple your STR score in feet.

100g 5 Charges Feet White boots with a magical aura, blue bangles lining it.
+1 Natural Rune Devotion for Dice.
Enchanters Buckle
120g Infinite Waist Gold buckle with a black trim and a book engraved in it.

You do not take fall damage, as well +2 DEX score.

Cat Blessed Boots
60g Infinite Feet Brown boots with embroidered cats down the length of it.

+2 Natural Frostcraft Devotion for Dice.

Ice Queens Tiara
200g Infinite Head Frozen texture to a snow white floppy witch hat.

You cast the Morph spell every time you put on the mask. You
Stone Mask do not expend any MP.

- 2 Charges Face A stone mask with a strange vampiric face design.

Any simple liquid you put inside it, will never run out.
Bottomless Bottle Necklace
60g Infinite Neck A small chain linked necklace with a caramel bottle charm.

You can change the color of a spell, offensively or defensively to

Colorful Veil any other color besides, Black, White, and Clear.

200g 2 Charges Shoulders A shroud of flowing chromatic colors and golden flakes.

+2 DEX Score, +1 STR score, and you gain an extra Dice to

Monks Braces melee strikes.

70g Infinite Hands Wrappings with metal cuffs around the wrists.

You can astrally project your body, leaving your physical form
Lillians Half Cape behind, while your sprit wanders, unable to be seen or heard.

- Infinite Shoulders Royal Purple half cape with a royal guard design and trim.

+2 Natural Devotion to any spell class of your choice for Dice

Wellwicks Wizard Cape and Range. You can change this choice daily.

- Infinite Shoulders Astral projections float across its exterior, royal purple interior.
Patches are unique as they are stitched onto As well, while patches are not officially sold,
your robe given you have enough patch slots. they are all considered treasure items, you
These grant you bonuses, their Mana could possibly find market traders who are
providing you with extra powers beyond what willing to sell them. In which case your GM
you could normally accomplish. will decide the price according to the seller,
settings and situations.
There are patches for stats, skills, and what
are called “reward” or “bonus” patches. Each There are around 50 patches with them all
of these categories should make it clear what having unique effects. The most often way to
the purpose of the patches is. As stated before find a patch is through rewards in classes or
you can get the patches removed from one plays or sporting events. Being a part of the
wear to another through a tailor, so you don’t school community as a whole is a very good
have to worry about it being stuck on the one way to earn them. Lets start with the Stat
you put it on first. Patches and go from there...

Vitality (VIT)
Two interlocked hands.
+1 Score

Strength (STR) Stat patches have the unique

Upper body of a figure. property of being scaleable with
+1 Score rarities. Around a patch is a
sewing work of a specific color.
The colors go as follows…
Dexterity (DEX)
A radiant glowing figure.
Bronze: Common, Tier 1
+1 Score Score bonus as stated.

Intellect (INT) Silver: Uncommon, Tier 2

A brain with a magical glow. Additional +1 to Score.
+1 Score
Gold: Rare, Tier 3
Additional +2 to Score.
Reason (REA)
Face of an owl with glasses.
So there are 3 types of stat
+1 Score
patch, all of which can stack so
make sure you put together the
Charm (CHA) most beneficial and rarest versions
A swirling heart. you have!
+1 Score

Botany (BOT)
A wind trail of ivy leaves.
+1 Score
Nimbleness Sneak A shadowy figure against a
A figure vaulting a fence.
+Proficiency wall.

Sleight of Hand Athletics A figure flexing with a

A thin hand with a coin.
+Proficiency barbell overhead.

Gusto Endurance A figure running with speed

A posing, muscly figure.
+Proficiency lines.

Occult History A shimmering textbook with

A glowing blue orb.
+Proficiency runes on it.

Investigation A magnifying glass over Husbandry A small dog being bet by a

footsteps. +Proficiency hand.

Comprehension Religion A holy figure with light

A small figure through a lens.
+Proficiency fingers around them.

Perception A spanning horizon with Survival A lion with a figure in their

birds. +Proficiency mouth.

Gaslight A shady figure with a dark Menace An imposing figure with an

speech bubble. +Proficiency evil grin.

Performance Convincing A light figure with a cheery

A ballerina dance figure.
+Proficiency speech bubble.

Nature A glowing tree with a rabbit Medicine

A tincture with yellow fizz
underneath. +Proficiency

Forage A pile of leaves around a Brewing A red potion that sparks and
mushroom. +Proficiency fizzes.
When it comes to patches, their
natural Mana helps bolster your
natural capabilities far beyond what
they were originally. When it comes
to the Skill patches, you earn PB for
that skill if you don’t already have it.
Your proficiency is equal to your tier
for your magic code.

You may notice there are 3 skills

that are not included on the list of
skill patches that is because the 3 of
them are unique to how they
Luck function, making them any higher
A four leafed clover. through a patch would be a little
+Proficiency unbalanced or strange… but we did it
An arrow with a wind trail.
So just know, these 3 patches if
used by the right players could get
away with a lot of silly things. Hand
Memory them out sparingly as rewards.
A thought cloud.
Now besides these, there are what
are referred to as Bonus Patches.
Which seem to grant the wearer an
innate power or ability. Their Mana is
much stronger and relies on less of
the wearers own strengths.

These patches are more so what

you could expect to find on an
adventure or when you find a treasure
trove from a defeated monster. Given
you infiltrate a hostiles den you could
also find these.

These patches are also incredibly

powerful, so make sure you know
what you are doing as a GM before
handing them out to your players.
Bolsters ones mana capacity.

Arcane +10 Maximum Mana.

They just appeared in his pocket!

Coin Collector Every creature you defeat drops money for some reason.

Keeps one from falling in battle, once.

Evergreen Restores HP equal to code tier upon your turn after reaching 0 HP.

A bronze decorated reward.

Bronze Award +1 Renown gain retroactively. Removing the patch removes all bonuses.

A silver decorated reward.

Silver Award +1 Renown gain retroactively. Removing the patch removes all bonuses.

A gold decorated reward.

Gold Award +2 Renown gain retroactively. Removing the patch removes all bonuses.

While in the clutter, I am the clutter.

Mimic Advantage to Sneak while in cluttered areas.

You just really know how to use a chair.

Brawler You can use anything in your environment as the appropriate type of weapon.

The Birds! They scream at me!

Feather Tongue You can speak freely with avians.

The Beasts! They sing to me!

Beast Tongue You can speak freely with beasts.

Can they hear through your lies?

Silver Tongue Advantage to all Gaslight and Convincing Rolls.

Muscles? On a Wizard? Preposterous!

Bolstered Advantage to all Athletics and Endurance Rolls.

Some would say you are quite adept.

Actor You can easily pull off the voice and mannerisms of a person you’ve observed.

How are you doing that?!

Weapons Master You can one hand, two handed weapons.

My mom taught me everything I know.

Chef You cannot fail to cook, unless you want to purposefully.

Who needs magic darts?

Arcane Sniper Your spell ranges naturally double.

No monster, can hide its true colors from me.

Monster Studied You can identify any monster and what it should be capable of.

Erm, actually, this is how you cast that spell.

Magic Studied You can identify any magics and what they can do.

Runes are my second language.

Enchant Studied You can identify any imbuement or rune and what they do.

This texture, consistency, and color!

Brew Studied You know the contents and effects of any brew you investigate.


Minion Master You can command 3 minion summons at once on your commanding action.

HP, MP, I dunno the difference anymore.

Mana Weaver When you recover HP, you can allocate some of it to MP.
Now as the players are part of the academy.
How to Run Spellwick Academy Lets get to know it a bit better. The school is
currently under the authority of Headmaster
Now that we know everything we need Hugo, and his assistant Headmaster Harlin
to know about the mechanics of the Parker Lovecraft. The two of them have shaped
a strong and powerful future for the academy.
game, lets get to know where our
students will be spending the most of There are also those who help in the
their day to day lives. The first academy, background known as the academies faculty.
which is the default starting area is These lovely gentlemen and ladies help the
known as, you guessed it “Spellwick whole wheel turn.
Academy” founded by Wellwick in the
1400’s. Since that very day, the academy Academic Advisor – Isabell
- Aides students in their academics and
has grown and changed to the point of
personal lives.
almost being entirely different. Now Janitor – Laurence
under the watch of Headmaster Hugo, - Keeps the academy clean and running
and the recently brought on Vice properly.
Headmaster Harlin Parker Lovecraft. West Wing Chef – Inagio
- Provides food for the West wing of the
schools dorms.
This academy was brought on by
East Wing Chef – Amano
Wellwick wanting to teach the now - Provides food for the East wing of the school
magically inclined peoples of the world, dorms.
and to bring them together to learn what Treasury Holder – Benefield
magic truly is. Training their Mana, and - Keeps track of funds for activities and
helping them to understand what it means expenses brought up by the Headmaster or the
to be a wizard. student council.
Academic Assistant – Samuel
- Helps in class auditoriums when requested by
With this noble goal, Wellwick and the professor, often the guinea pig of spells.
Lillian both created the curriculum and Spokesperson – Mina
created the magnum opus of magic. - Speaks on behalf of the school to the magic
While now the academy is quite a bit council, and vice versa, works closely with
different than it was, most of the original Hugo and Harlin.
things that made the academy special are Archivist – Vivian
- Runs the academies archive. Helps students
still around. So lets go over what a young
navigate its seemingly endless halls.
wizard could expect to see and do while Academy On-boarder – Marques
going through their lives here. - Seeks out the magically inclined and
personally invites them to the academy.
This portion will go over what the
typical day for a student looks like, how These lovely people all help make the wheels
you should run a session of Spellwick, turn at the academy. In their own special ways,
with them the academy stay in shape. Students
what activities and down times the can learn more about them and what they do
wizards have access too and much more. for the academy if they choose to spend time
with them. All through the academy you will
see their influence.
The Teachers and Curriculum

To begin, there is a teacher for all classes of A typical school day for a young wizard
magic shown previously in the academy. Each one goes as follows… Freshen up, attend their
of them teaches the full list of spells but we will two Core Classes, attend a Extra
go into how they teach the spells later. There are Curricular Activity if they’d like, and then
as well, extra curricular activities that players can have the evening to do as they wish.
participate in and learn new skills and talents.
Sessions in Spellwick ideally should
follow that idea. What classes they attend
Core Classes
The very core of what the academy teaches. These is up to the GM. You can choose what you
all are taught by a professor in the academy. think may be fun, roll some dice for a
random set of classes, or ask the students
Pyromancy what they want to participate in. The extra
Baublestonomancy curricular activity should be chosen by the
students however if they so choose to do
Dark Arts
Flairurgy one.
Spiriturgy When a student attends a Core Class,
Chemomancy they learn a spell or gain spell class
Florastry devotion for that class. The spells being
Frostcraft taught should be chosen by the GM. So
the class may be Pyromancy, and the
Core Magics teacher would teach the spell Fireball. To
Enchanting… Runes/Imbuements keep up with natural game progression
Brews that means a student should learn 2
Botany spells/brews/enchantments a session
Weapon Training unless they are away from the academy.

Extra Curricular Activities

It is up to you as the GM to ensure your
These activities are made to provide student
engagement in a number of fun magical pass wizards are properly equipped for any
times. future encounters, you could use spells to
fore shadow the future. You could give
Broom Flight Classes them a fun new spell to try out. Or you
Tailoring Club could give them something new just to
Theater Club
fiddle around with.
Magical Creatures
TTRPG Club Use classes and activities to structure
Fine Dining Club your game, and allow for some interesting
Student Council scenarios. Now on these next pages we
Astronomy Club will go a bit more in depth into each of
World Tour these classes and learn what they offer the
Academy Visitation Program
Magia Sport Practice
Archive Studies
The Flow of Classes Pyromancy
Taught by Professor Wick

In class practices... Baublestonomancy

Taught by Professor Quill
When you attend a class for learning a spell or
enchantment or brew, you of course can learn what Chronurgy
the GM has in store or devotion points with Taught by Professor Charles
review. When you are taught a new spell you roll
Dark Arts
the stat associated with the class of magic you are Taught by Professor Lola
attending. Pyromancy for example is an Intellect
class, so you would roll intellect. In the case it is a Flairurgy
brew or enchantment, you roll comprehension. Taught by Professor Lane
You get special bonuses to a learned spell based on
what you roll. Tempestry
Taught by Professor Vona
15+ Spiriturgy
You gain a Devotion Point for the Class. Taught by Professor Claire

20+ Chemomancy
You gain a Devotion Score to use on that spell. Taught by Professor Anita

Natural 10 Taught by Professor Willow
You gain a Devotion Score to use on that spell.
In class, you can visit with students you know Taught by Professor Noct
and learn with them. Doing so gives you
advantage on the skill roll after learning the new Dunamancy
Taught by Professor Lewis
magic. This as well could give you a new
relationship tier with that character if your GM Magiko
deems it. Taught by Professor Maria

Each class has its own professor, and after a Core Magics
class is finished you can attempt to interact with Taught by Professor Zhar
your professor for some pointers and such, talk to
your classmates or move on to the next thing. All
Taught by Professor Thimble
of which your GM could work with to get you
some extra points, challenge rolls for interactions Brews
and so forth. Taught by Professor Al

You on average will attend 2 classes per session Botany

at the start if you begin in the academy. So make Taught by Professor Wittick
sure you earn a bunch of new spells and grow your
repertoire of magics. Weapon Training
Taught by Coach Baruch
Extra Curricular Activities After a session, players get 3 downtime
activities they can do. During that
downtime, they can pick any 3 classes, or
Occasionally the GM should plan for extra
curricular activities to happen for the whole group. extra curricular activites to participate in
Normally an extra curricular would be done during and earn the benefits of. Each of these
down time. activities will have their own sections to
better explain the benefits of each. Given
Broom Flight Classes they are not as straight forward as the
Instructed by Professor Thimble. classes of the academy. Each gives unique
benefits and role play opportunities to the
Tailoring Club
Instructed by local seamstress Laura. players.

Theater Club These activities also allow for the

Instructed by Professor Gwindel. players to better express their characters
in the game world. Of course player can
also decide to interact with their peers
Instructed by Professor Zhar.
during down time. But quest progression
Magical Creatures is not possible, neither is earning
Instructed by Professor Wittick. proficiency towards a magic code.

TTRPG Club Extra curricular activities were designed

Instructed by Doctor Ronin.
for role play opportunities and a way for
Fine Dining Club students to earn more unique ways of
Instructed by Amano and Inagio the school Chefs. progression. Such as Proficiency in skills,
unique world knowledge, more
Student Council relationship with NPC’s, or a way to gain
Instructed by Asora the School President. special abilities or licensees.

Astronomy Club
Every time you sit at a table to play
Instructed by Professor Claire.
Spellwick, each session should be about a
World Tour week apart for continuity and gameplay
Instructed by Professor Quill. sense. To make sense of downtime
activities that are taken. This rule does not
Protection against Evil apply if the students start a session outside
Instructed by Isabell the Academic Advisor. of the academy.
Archive Studies
Instructed by Vivian the school Archivist. When you decide your 3 downtime
activities, be it hanging out with friends,
being in class or doing an activity, let your
GM know. As a GM you provide the
player with what happens for each of the
activities, be it learning a new spell, a new
relationship, or the like. Don’t be afraid to
act out any unique interactions!
Broom Flying With the Broom Flying Class, you can
earn a broom license. This will allow you
to take any broom and make it your tool
Benefits: for travel. They can fly at around 60kph
or around 40mph. Having one will
- Relationship growth with notable certainly make travel quite a bit easier.
NPC’s. Keep in mind however they can also only
go about 1,000 feet in the air from the
- Learning to fly a broom. After 5 ground, so be careful up there! You can
attendances you are able to fly one only visit this class once per downtime.
freely with your license. So be patient and you’ll have this down
in no time!
- Relationship growth with Professor
Thimble. Once you have purchased your own
broom and have it marked with your
- Ease of access to exploring around license, you can control it through
the Academy. whistles and commands. Here are some
examples of commands you can give it.
- Earn-able Proficiencies.
Athletics Go!
Perception Illustrate a place you wish the broom to
Nimbleness go to. It will do so to the best of its
Standard Broom The broom will stay in place and not
Speed: 25kph (40ft in Combat) move from its current position.
HP: 10 Come!
Price: 20g The broom will go from where it is to
your hand as soon as possible, having to
Burner Thunder Blaze navigate.
Speed: 60kph (90ft in Combat) Fetch!
HP: 15 The broom will follow the command to
Price: 80g catch or collect what you command.

Twilight Rider Professor Thimble who is also the

Speed: 35kph (60ft in Combat) enchantments professor runs the show
HP: 20 here and is known for her quite
Price: 65g incredible broom skills. She as well has
her own hand crafted broom. Talking to
Wind Carver her, she may be able to get you set up
Speed: 80kph (120ft in Combat) with a broom of extra capabilities.
HP: 15
Price: 100g All brooms are living creatures, and
you in turn could find a very interesting
Ken Golden Breed one to be in your hands. All of them with
Speed: 45kph (70ft in Combat) their very own personalities that can shift
HP: 20 with a mood swing. So be kind to your
Price: 150g brooms, and don’t purposefully light
them on fire.
Tailoring Club Instead of needing to go visit and pay a
tailor to sew your collected patches to your
Benefits: robes, you can learn to do it yourself! With
the right tools and some practice you can
- Relationship growth with notable
NPC’s. be a master of placing and removing
patches. Instructed by an actual seamstress
- Learning to tailor your own clothes in the area from Volfgang town, she can
so you don’t have to pay a tailor to share the art of seaming with the young
put patches on your robes. After 5 wizards of the future.
attendances you can do so freely
with the right tools.
You need only a Patch-Machine and
- Learn wear trims. thread to do any sort of patching. You can
also add custom trims to your robes
- Learn unique spells. through this machine after learning to use
the equipment. You can only visit this class
- Relationship growth with Laura. once per downtime so be wise with your
- Earn-able Proficiencies.
Sleight of Hand
Accuracy Learning these trims from Laura will
Investigation become more often as you participate in
her class and she will be more willing to
teach them the higher your relationship.
She doesn’t just want her secrets to go out
the window and ruin her business for good!
So make sure if you want to raise your
Trimming Wear wizarding wear game to the maximum that
you engage in class and raise that
Slim Trim relationship score as high as possible!
+2 to all DEX skills rolls.
Perhaps once you are done, you can make
Rough Trim a service in the academy to fix up your
+2 to all STR skill rolls.
peers wears, tailor them or even sew
Gilded Trim patches to their liking!
+2 to all VIT skill rolls.

Sporty Trim
+10 MS to maximum.

Fashion Trim
+1 renown gain retroactively.

Hunter Trim
+1 to IN and advantage.
Theater Club

Benefits: In theater club, your young wizards can take

roles of upcoming plays and perform on the
- Relationship growth with notable
day it is shown to the academy. Or you can
practice skits, improv or study the arts of
- You get to play a role in a play showman ship.
your GM can design. This gives you
+7 Renown for every play you If you choose to take on a role for a play you
perform in. are given that character. While the whole play
is not laid out usually, you still have to attend
- Learn unique Magics.
theater club at least once more to rehearse. You
- Relationship growth with Professor will do a performance roll every time your
Gwindel. character has to perform in the play. Attending
should make the PR of the play easier, where
- Performing well in a role gives you as, as a main character your starting PR would
and inherit +1 to your Charm score. be 18. The more you attend the rehearse the
lower it will go, turn time for the play to take
- Earn-able Proficiencies.
Convincing stage.
Menace Of course the whole production is looked
Performance over by Professor Gwindel. An older
Sneak gentleman who is looking for the great next
Sleight of Hand talent for the upcoming Broadway in the
Americas. He is tough but enjoys the energy
all the students bring to the shows.

When you participate in theater you get the

opportunity to make new friends easily, and
impress the ones you have during your
performances. Maybe even catch the eye of a
talent agent. You can learn unique magics
developed by the students and spectators.

With the likes of Gnomeo and Julielf, go out

there kiddo and make a show for the academy
and get your name out there! You never know
who you’ll impress!


- Relationship growth with notable This class is all about helping wizards to
NPC’s. create their very own spell! You can attend
this class as much as you want, earning one
- You earn 1 Spellcrafting Devotion devotion point to spellcrafting with every
Point per visit. visit. As you are instructed by Professor Zhar
who aides all the students in creating new
- Relationship growth with Professor
and wondrous unique spells.

While there is not much to this class, you

can often come across other students who are
there to learn to make their own spells as
well. Thankfully you have all of them and the
professor to aide you through the process.
Keep in mind, you have the “Crafting a
Spell” section of this document that goes
over all of the rules of crafting your very own
spell. Some refreshers being your GM has
final say on the description of a spell since it
really can be anything. As well you must
know at least 1 spell from a class to create
the spell under that class.

If you are making a spell alongside an

notable NPC, both of you working on the
same project you can actually build the spell
at an enhanced rate. The NPC can roll a
comprehension check, and upon passing the
PR for them, could give you more
spellcrafting devotion points per visit.

On top of that, you could also attempt to

work with Professor Zhar on getting some
guilding words. Giving you more devotion
points or even giving you a free upgrade.
Magical Creatures When you attend Magical Creatures,
you sign yourself up for an incredibly
unique experience. Professor Wittick,
who used to be a traveling wizard. Has a
- Relationship growth with notable number of these incredible creatures
NPC’s. tucked away in a specialized pocket
dimension zoo she developed in her
- Knowledge on Monsters and days at the academy. You can only
Creatures of the game world. Such attend once per downtime, so make sure
as what they are capable of in
you visit when you can if you are
- Learn unique Magics.
As you learn from her, hearing about a
- Relationship with Professor new monster, or creature every time you
Wittick. visit, you learn of their combat
capabilities, how they behave, and how
- Earn-able Proficiencies.
you can exploit any weaknesses. You are
Occult able to physically be around these
History creatures as well. As they are sedated
Survival and trapped in her zoo they cannot harm
Husbandry the students. Her prized possession
being an Adult Onlooker, who are
notorious for snatching wizards up in a
single attack.

Professor Al also frequents her classes

on magical creatures so keep your eyes
out for him! It’s almost like these two
have some sort of connection… But
thats beside the point as you are just a
young academic wizard.

Bringing along NPC’s you intend on

going on future adventures with may
help them and in turn you in the long
run! Incase you run into these monsters
the more who know how to take care of
it the better! So make sure your
companions are just as informed as you
Benefits: In the TTRPG club, all the young wizards who
attend get together and play mostly 3 different
- Relationship growth with notable games. C&C otherwise known as Corners and
NPC’s. Cubicles, Thetcher, and Wyvern Chess. Ronin
actually crafts his own C&C miniatures and Wyvern
- Getting to plat C&C, or Corners chess pieces. Of which are incredible quality. No
and Cubicles. one has beaten him in Wyvern Chess actually. His
double Drake, infiltrator Wyrm build has yet to be
- Relationship growth with Doctor stopped.
Some students will actually make bets as they take
- Learn unique Magics. these games very seriously. Becoming popular and
good at all of these games will easily make you very
- Ability to Talk to Ronin Regularly, famous in the crowd. Even possible to move on to
which opens up possibilities to get championships in the wide world of TTRPG’s.
restorative brews for free.
How to Play C&C…
- Earn-able Proficiencies. - You roll 1d6 for every action you take. Higher the
Convincing number, the better. On a 2 or lower you fail.
Gaslight - You have to complete your tasks and work day to
Performance leave before your time is up.
Luck - The GM will have things randomly come up and
you must get past them.
- You must avoid the Supervisor at all costs.

How to Play Thetcher...

- You have a collection of 6 cards. Each using the
stats of a real monster or person in the game.
- You win by having your cards defeat the enemies.
- You roll 1d6 for which cards you pull. You only
can play 3.
- You flip a coin for who goes first. You can play
one card at a time, with a max of 2 on the field.

How to Play Wyvern Chess…

- You have 4 Wyverns to pick from, Wyrm, Drake,
Wyvern, Dragon.
- You can have 3 pieces of any, but only one dragon.
- Dragon beats anything, but if it is defeated you
lose entirely. Dragon only loses when its attacked by
2 units.
- Drake beats Wyrm, Wyrm beats Wyvern, Wyvern
beats Drake.
- You choose who defends and who attacks on your
turn. Both players reveal their decisions at the same
time as the blocker board is removed.
Fine Dining Club As esteemed chefs from both France and
China, Inagio and Amano both have a truly
Benefits: powerful desire to cook. They share this by
both being chefs of their own wings of the
- Relationship growth with notable Academy. But they have come together when
it is not meal time in the academy to bring
- Learn to make exquisite food, together a truly wonderful display to help
which makes earning relationships young wizards make impeccable food.
faster, after 5 attendances.
You learn the dish version of any brew you
- Learn unique Magics. could want. Or just some really damn good
food, which will improve the relationship of
- Earn Relationship with Amano and
Inagio. any foodies you know by a big margin.
Perhaps even being able to impress the biggest
- Learn to make food versions of sticklers around.
Attending Fine Dining will also net you
- Earn-able Proficiencies. some very special magics that you can use to
bolster your cooking repertoire. The two chefs
Survival together are an unstoppable force that not even
Memory the great Wellwick could stop. So take your
time and jump into the kitchen, learn some
truly special meals, and impress all those
lovers who’ve been eyeing you.
Dining Dish Moments

1 – 20 Learning alongside an NPC will give you

The dish explodes into something advantage on skill rolls regarding being in the
horrifying. kitchen. As well as being able to share their
own knowledge about special dishes. Make
21 – 40 sure you bring some friends along for the fun
You learn a regular delicious dish.
and madness of the kitchen!
41 – 60
You make an exquisite dish, any NPC Now these recipes are true to form in our
who eats it immediately ranks up. own world, perhaps you mix in some magical
creature bits here and there, but otherwise
61 – 80 GM, steer the players through!
You learn a brew dish, when you make
it, it will have a brews effects.

81 – 100
The perfect dish! Imagine what brew
effect it would have.
Student Council When you participate in the student council,
you act as a representative of the student body as
Benefits: a whole. You are responsible for making changes
that will improve the lives of the young wizards
- Relationship growth with notable all around you on a day to day basis. Ran by the
NPC’s. student head Asora, and the assistant head
Onessa, you begin as a simply jury member.
- Relationship growth with Onessa Moving up the ranks gets you more and more of
and Asora. a voice, lets go over the ranks in the council at
the end of this.
- Make decisions for school projects
and questions. You can go up in the Whenever a party, get together, academy
ranks and have more of a voice the project, or big decisions need to be made. The
more you participate. council has a meeting and reviews. The opinions
going up the ladder with minor changes before it
- Learn unique Magics. officially reaches Asora who presents the
information to the Headmasters of the Academy.
- Earn-able Proficiencies. Maybe you being here means you can get a new
Convincing Club started or an academy wide project kicking
Gaslight off. Who knows what you can be capable of.
Gusto Jury
Comprehension The very beginning seat, you have little influence
Perception as an individual. Mostly you witness the major
Memory changes and plans for events.
Stand Member
There are only 20 of you, so your individual
voice is much more important, after visiting
around 5 times you are promoted here.

Body Judge
There are only 5 of you. You are given a chance
to stand in the center of the meeting hall and give
formal presentations on upcoming issues,
projects, and plans.

Head Seat
There are only 3 of you. Including Onessa, you
sit next to Asora and have extreme value of
opinion, only Asora can veto your decisions at
this point.

Student Head
Only Asora has stood here in the whole time she
has been at the academy. Good luck dethroning
her as it takes a debate during a magical duel.
During astronomy club, which is brought
Astronomy Club
together through Professor Claire you enter the
academies cosmodrome. Where you study the
Benefits: skies, stars, solar system, and what lays beyond.
In this activity you can learn of the many circles
- Relationship growth with notable of gods or how the world has advanced into
- Learn unique Magics.
When it comes to the gods and the circles
- Study the stars and history of space they reside in… here is a quick list.
and the circle of gods.
Circle of the Sky
- Relationship growth with Professor
Defined by truths and ideals.
Ruled by: Te’ah, Or’ah, and Ve’ah
- Relationship growth happens faster
here. Circle of the Moon
Defined by determination and inner strength.
- Earn-able Proficiencies. Ruled by: Airis, Sonis, and Thoris
Circle of the Sun
Luck Defined by love and passion.
Ruled by: Solar, Crolar, and Balor

Circle of Meaning
Defined by life and death.
Ruled by: Reaper, Guardian, and Judge

Circle of Mana
Defined by advancement and vision.
Ruled by: Mana

All of which can be studied through the club

with Ms. Claire. Visiting this club with a
notable NPC however and just relaxing with
them, taking in the beauty of it, may increase
your relationship gain.

This club is meant for enthusiasts to gather

and cultivate a learning environment. Where
students can either enjoy the fancy sites within
the cosmodrome or learn in depth the existence
of the world. A true club for lore junkie wizards
who enjoy digging into the world.
World Tour
Wide World Table Tour Benefit (Rolled by GM)
2–5 1 – 10
- Relationship growth with notable You Visit Cairo Learn the Culture
NPC’s. 6 – 10
You Visit the Amazon 11 – 20
- Roll 1d100 for exploring the world 11 – 15 Meet a unique NPC
with the Professor and your group. You Visit Australia
16 – 20 21 – 30
- Learn Magics, and unique Magics. You Visit Guatemala Learn a unique Magic
21 – 25
- Learn to make exquisite food. You Visit North America 31 – 40
26 – 30 Grow extra with an NPC
- Learn history of the world, and the You Visit New Antarctica
people of it. 31 – 35 41 – 50
You Visit Arabia Learn of a unique Creature
- Meet unique NPC’s. 36 – 40
You Visit France 51 – 60
- Relationship growth with Professor 41 – 45 Learn a unique brew dish
Quill. You Visit South America
46 – 50 61 – 70
- Earn-able Proficiencies. You Visit Canada Random nonsense stops the trip
All of them through the d100. 51 – 55
You Visit Russia 71 – 80
56 – 60 You learn of the Evil of the Game
Organized by Professor Quill, the You Visit Japan
purpose of the World Tour is to help 61 – 65 81 – 85
young wizards explore the wider You Visit China Meet a Tarnished or Emblematic
world. One way he does this out of 66 – 70 Spell teacher. (Expansion books)
the class room is by taking a number You Visit Vietnam
of students on his ventures around the 71 – 75 86 – 90
world. This runs by the player rolling You Visit Egypt You gain a +1 to any Score
1d100 and the GM rolling 1d100. The 76 – 80
two combined rolls make up where You Visit Turkey 91 – 95
the player goes, and what they get out 81 – 85 You learn a random proficiency
of it. You Visit Hawaii
86 – 90 96 – 99
The most amount of rewards of any You Visit Iceland Random dangerous Encounter
activity, but also the most varied of 91 – 95
them. Take this as a bonus to learn a You Visit Moon Base A 100
variety of things. You can only take 96 – 99 You get to choose what you find
World Tour once per down time You Visit Germany from the list above.
however, unlike all the other 1 or 100
activities. You decide where you go.
In an effort to keep the students safe.
Protection against Evil The school had started a program to help
train the young wizards to keep them safer
through knowledge in battle. Attending
- Relationship growth with notable this program gives you combat
NPC’s. knowledge, education on destructive
forces and those who wish to deal evil
- Learn of the dangers of the world. such as the Adjudicators and the
Nevadicus. Or the horrific monsters who
- Learn unique Magics. lurk, waiting to eat innocent wizards such
as the Onlooker or the Keeper.
- Relationship growth with Isabell.

- Earn-able Proficiencies. Given the fact that monsters only seem

Religion to truly target those who are magically
Occult inclined for some reason, wizards are more
Athletics prone to be attacked every day they spend
Gusto away from the academies. Since the world
is so dangerous for them to live in, making
Perception sure they are properly equipped is very
Performance essential. You can learn unique combative
spells, learn more about specific dangers
in the world and raise relationship with
notable NPC’s you partner up with for the
combat challenges.

You will fight in a simulated room

against these creatures and enemies in a
magically simulated space. While it may
feel real, its only to give you the proper
idea of how it all should and would feel.
So make sure you give it your all in there.
You also can practice using weapons to
better understand their ability to protect
you up close compared to the more ranged
orientation of magic.

Isabell being the advisor for the students

actually made a big fuss for this program
to exist after a number of students were
lost to an Onlooker that nested in the
forest near by. Marking the biggest tragedy
the academy had ever seen.
Archive Studies The purpose of Archive studies is to help
you gain in game lore and knowledge
Benefits: without having to be in a session to do so.
So if you are a lore junkie you may want to
- Relationship growth with notable step inside the archive of the Academy. Ran
NPC’s. by Vivian, the lovely and ever old
Archivist, you may visit it and with her
- Learn unique Magics.
help, find what you need.
- Relationship growth with Vivian.
You can study any Spell Class,
- Learn history of the world and lore. Enchantments, or Brews here. You can
learn on the history of monsters or
- Study unique monsters. important figures, you are not bound by
anything as Lillians Archives are all linked
- Study Magics if the professor is
away. magically through a series of Runes. A
mysterious and ancient Rune known as
- Increase INT, REA, and BOT “Linking” which mirrors an entire space.
through studies by +1.
You can also study just for fun at times,
- Earn-able Proficiencies.
earning yourself new proficiencies or
Husbandry increases to your magical skills. So make
Comprehension sure you are on top of your studies.
Memory When you are visiting the archive ensure
History your silence as there are phantoms that
Occult wander the shelves that will ensure you are
quiet. If you cause too much of a ruckus
Forage you won’t be allowed back in for another
week. Although, there may be some
Happening Roll (Done by the GM) mishaps that cause your adventure to be not
so silent…
1 – 20
A phantom picks a fight with you.

21 – 40
You bump into an NPC who you know.

41 – 60
The book you grab flies away like a bird.

61 – 80
Nothing happens, you study like usual.

81 – 100
You stumble upon a very unique book you
didn’t notice before. This book either contains a
unique spell or important knowledge.
Magia is a sport celebrated by the world
Magia, The Magic Sport around. With all of the academies having their
own league teams trained across the ages and
Magia League Teams years. With other groups of people having got
teams together. There are in total 9 teams that
Ocular Onlookers are in the official Magia League.
Home team of Spellwick Academy
So how do you play Magia? Well it is a sport
The Displacers where there are 3 teams, each consisting of 4
Home team of Orubia Academy players, 2 runners and 2 defenders. On a large
clover shaped arena, each section having a
Chaos Cryptids 100ft radius, 2 Large golems defending the
Home team of Twiddle-dee Academy center of the zones for each team and random
objects obscuring movement and visibility such
Party-foul Phoenix's as pillars. With large hills that cover the
Home team of the Valentino Academy intersection between zones.

Yorkshire Yokai There are 3 stages in every Magia game.

Home team of Eastern America Gather, Control, Intercept. The gather portion
consisting of 3 rounds of initiative where all 3
The Mallards teams have their runners book it to the center
Home team of Canada of the arena, where the balls spawn. Collecting
as many as you can. Casting magic is fully
Sidewinders legal, in fact when you cast a spell your dice
Home team of Arabia deal knock back for the dice value x10 in feet
instead of damage. You can use this to knock
Gold Griffons out opponents off the arena into the water
Home team of Egypt below where they are eliminated from the
Terrorizing Tarantulas
Home team of Australia The goal is the get as many of those balls to
your goal which is located at the center of your
zone as possible. The second stage is known as
control and lasts for 5 rounds of initiative
which is when the teams infiltrate the
The Gold Griffons and Yorkshire Yokai opponents zones and steal their balls for points,
are known as thee top dogs in Magia. knocking enemies out. If a team loses all of its
Both holding the most amount of players, their golems shut down and are fully
Championship Titles and gold star eliminated. If only one team stands, they will
players. While the academy teams are no by wipe out.
slouches, some how those two teams just
keep coming through. Maybe it has to do The final stage known as Intercept is all
with American Baseball. The Yokai do in about the final rounds, lasting 3 rounds of
fact have unique magics that let them initiative, is the control round with more stakes
play like the game is baseball. The as half the balls turn gold counting for double
Griffons athleticism is nothing to scoff at points. As well, the golems begin to move
either though. Getting past these teams if around, and seeking to attack opponents in
you ever end up against them will be a their zone. So be careful out there wizard and
real show. may your games be plenty for the gold
Rules: Stages Overview…
There are only a few rules in Magia, as the arena is
enchanted to make all damage knock back so no Stage 1: Gather
one can be harmed in the game. The sport was
designed to make the most imaginative wizards Lasts for 3 Rounds of initiative, afterwards,
out there. Another matter was the birth of a new the remaining balls in the center disapear,
Code of Magic, which is called “Gridlock Mage” leaving the teams with only what they
but we will visit them another time. removed.

1. If you fly off the ground of the arena into a 20 balls spawn in the very center of all 3
place where you would fall, you are considered teams arenas that float around in an empty
out, even if you fly. gazebo like space.

2. You can hold as many balls as you want, any Your goal is to capture as many as possible
balls in your goal are considered your points. onto your side without getting knocked out
by the enemy team.
3. You can cast magic on the balls to launch them,
and its advised you do. Stage 2: Control

4. If your whole team is eliminated by stage outs, Lasts for 5 Rounds of initiative, afterwards
your team instantly loses. a bell rings and the golems activate.

5. Ties are handled by elimination to stage outs. Be aware of the arena, while the golems are
not active, they will still swing at you if
6. Laying and planning traps is allowed and you get too close. Be aware of obstructions
advised. in the arena as well to use to your
7. You are not allowed to bring weapons into the
arena. You are given your uniform and that is all Your goal is to secure points on your side
you enter with. of the arena as well as infiltrate the
enemies zones to steal their points. You can
8. If one team ends up with all points in play in knock out opponents as well, but be careful
their goal, they win by landslide ruling. if they are carrying points on them.

Stage 3: Intercept
As you play…
If your side of the stands in the coliseum explodes Lasts for 3 Rounds, golems will roam and
out in cheer at a play you get inspired to play seek opponent players, half the balls in
better. If your team is riled up and you get play will turn gold and have double points.
inspired, you gain advantage to your STR and
DEX skill checks. As well your MS gains +10 to Your goal is to stay alive and safe from
its maximum. We call this effect “Cheer enemy golems, while securing any points
Inspiration” and is magically induced to the team you can, cleaning up scattered enemies,
with the most support. and finishing the game!

Your team wins if the end of the last round

of initiative passes and your team has the
most points, if landslide ruling is not in
What is a Unique Spell?

The world of magics is vast. Most of it Hopefully with the examples on the next
untouched by even the great wizard Wellwick. pages you can come up with some very
While his companion Lillian got close to unique and fitting unique spells for your
knowing the full potential around the 1500’s, adventures. Be careful of giving out
something dangerous washed over her, and we incredibly strong spells, as you don’t know
have never heard from her since. what come of them later, some students are
incredibly crafty.
Due to this flexibility, we are allowed as
wizards to create entirely new magics and bend The opportunities are truly endless. As with
the established ones to our will with Devotion. the rest of the game, feel free to truly make it
Through our innate connection to Mana, over your own. This whole world is to your design
the course of history since their inception, we’ve after all. One could say all spells are unique
made magics that aren’t regularly taught to the spells, but just, not as unique since they are
masses. In Spellwick there is a curriculum of broadly taught. Wellwick being the originator
established magics taught to the students. But of spell classes.
that isn’t all there is.

A unique spell, as they are called are magics

written down or passed down, that is not your
usual magics. It is altered and changed or
something entirely different from the
established normal. While I will give some
examples of unique spells, the beauty of it is
you the GM, coming up with fantastical spells
for your players to find while exploring in your

As you probably saw in the earlier pages

many of the extra curricular activities give you
unique spells. So I will present you with a
couple for each to get you started. You do not
have to worry about writing the spell through
the rules of the creating a spell page. You can
come up with a spell that just, turns people into
a frog and give it to your Tier 1 Blue Mage
player if you wanted. No consequences! You are
the GM! Go wild!
Threaded Needle
A Tailoring Unique Spell
1d6 2d4 Touch Restoration You can instantly mend any broken object, or
you can close wounds and heal them.
1 slot Green Instant QC

Exit Stage Left

A Theater Club Unique Spell
0/0 2d8 Touch Manipulation If you are out of site of a creature, they forget
about you completely.
2 slot Purple Instant MC

The Perfect Role

A Theater Club Unique Spell
0/0 2d12 Touch Manipulation You magically convince a creature it is friendly
or hostile to another creature.
3 slot Blue 2 Rounds MC

Dampen Hostility A Magical Creatures Unique Spell

You magically soothe the target, making it non-
0/0 2d12 Single T. Manipulation hostile. If they are attacked the spell breaks, if
not they remain that way until dispelled.
1 slot Green 1 Hour MC

Change of Initiative A TTRPG Club Unique Spell

You magically swap places in initiative order
0/0 2d20 Single T. Manipulation with the target. This ends your turn, if the
exchanged creature already went, they don’t
take a turn, if not they take their turn
2 slot White Instant MC immediately.

Roll of the Dice A TTRPG Club Unique Spell

You roll a d20, on a 15 or above your next skill
0/0 2d20 Touch Buff check is an auto success. Otherwise its an auto
fail. This magic is not noticeable.
3 slot Black Instant QC

Banquet Feast A Fine Dining Unique Spell

You create a menagerie of food, all of it is to
0/0 2d20 5 ft R. Creation your liking, you control the contents and
conditions, until eaten it does not full exist.
1 slot Red 1 Hour MC
Debate Theorem A Student Council Unique Spell
You choose a hostile target, roll challenging
0/0 2d20 Single T. Buff CHA. The winner gains +10 temp HP, but if you
win, you gain an additional +10 temp HP.
2 slot Red Instant QC

Celestial Egg An Astronomy Club Unique Spell

You summon a celestial egg, on its turn roll a
0/0 2d12 Touch Creation 1d10, on a 10 it hatches into a dragling of your
choice, otherwise it does nothing.
3 slot Black 24 Hours QC

Protection from Monsters A Protection against Evil Unique Spell

The target takes half as much damage from any
0/0 2d10 Touch Buff monster with the classification of, Abomination,
Horror, Reborn, Demon, and Apparition.
2 slot White 3 Rounds QC

Eternal Walls An Archive Studies Unique Spell

You magically expand a room to limitless
0/0 2d12 Touch Manipulation dimensions. This replicates the current design
and contents while active. Anything above 5g
3 slot Brown 1 Hour MC does not get duplicated however.

Mana Ball A Magia Unique Spell

You summon a ball of energy at your feet, it will
1d6 2d10 Single T. Creation always return to you, any target this strikes will
fly back a number of feet equal to your STR
1 slot Blue 1 Hour MC rank, times 10.

Base Bat A Magia Unique Spell

You summon an ethereal baseball bat in your
1d12 2d10 5ft L. Damage hands, any target this strikes is sent flying a
number of feet equal to your STR rank, times
1 slot Blue Instant MC 10.

Frogify A Unique Spell

Transforms the target in a small frog, if they die
0/0 2d12 Single T. Manipulation as a frog they return to the state they were in
2 slot Green 1 Hour MC

Mind Scape A Unique Spell

You exchange minds with the target, you control
0/0 2d20 Single T. Manipulation their body and they control yours for the
duration. This spell cannot be dispelled.
3 slot Black 1 Hour MC
Whats Left?

With how our students spend their time Thank You for getting to the end of my
at the academy established its time to Proof of Concept. This system is a true
begin thinking of the future, the work of love and passion from me and my
adventures they go on. An adventure in friends who helped listen to me and write
Spellwick is called a “Book” and books this all out. Their ideas have been very
can be anything you desire. Spellwick is helpful to me. I would like to close this
very inviting to Home-brew and self document with giving them some credit,
design after all. and the last page be a monster I couldn’t
have imagined without them.
Perhaps you even already have some
ideas as a GM for an adventure you could I hope this all gives you a very clear idea
run. The possibilities are endless. There one what this system is. Freedom to grow
are going to be future supplements for the and explore as a character. In a fun and
system in the future with some already in zany school with endless creativity
mind I can detail here. abound. I have a lot more lore tucked
away that I’d like to save before showing
The Tarnished World of Magic off for this world but I can’t wait to show
A couple of years has passed and the it off.
world of magic has reared its dark past.
Showing just how dangerous the magical Discord Name Tags… of course…
world can be.
This book will bring in new… Revensmith
Races SnowyRG
Magical Codes Nova
Spell Classes Diane Snow
Enchantments Darin
Brews Shimmering Grimace
Academies Alukain
Monsters Jamesuki
The Great Dragon Hive
A parallel universe has been opened by a And of course my family that was very
mysterious force not too dissimilar to into the process and encouraging of it all
Mana. Their world has collided with ours through the entire process. I hope you
and is causing pure mayhem! have enjoyed looking through this all.
With love, care, and passion I have
This book will bring new… designed this entire thing.
Magical Codes
Spell Classes
Places to go
Major Characters
Spellwick Academy
The Mechanics Manual

By: Jeremiah Eastman


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