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Why has using USD for trading become popular in Venezuela?

In economies affected by high inflation, credit is limited, especially for the poor.
While governments struggle with budget problems, people have found ways to overcome these
situations. One of the most popular solutions is to use more stable currencies, especially the
According to Mr. Guevara, using US currency for transactions is common in Venezuela, because
people do not trust the local currency, which easily depreciates.

As hyperinflation causes cash to lose value, why do many Venezuelans turn to 'mining'
Electricity prices are becoming cheaper than most basic goods. This is because under President
Nicolás Maduro, electricity is funded to the point of being almost free.
The trend of mining and storing bitcoins in Venezuela spread quickly in society, according to (a website that manages and allows people in all countries to exchange cash
for bitcoins), they can just store Keep your savings in bitcoin, and you can exchange it for cash
to buy, sell, and exchange essential goods.

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