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Accounting features:

Purchase Entry:
This could be used to record purchases related to loan servicing software,
such as software licenses, hardware purchases, or consultancy fees for
implementing the system.
Sales Entry:
While an LMS might not directly involve sales, it could include income
generated from loan origination fees, interest income, or late fees.
Bank Reconciliation:
Helps in reconciling bank statements with financial records, ensuring that
transactions in the LMS match bank transactions. This is essential for loan
repayments, interest income, and any associated fees.
Head and Main Head:
These could be structured to categorize income and expenses related to
the LMS. For instance, 'Loan Income' under income accounts and
'Software Expenses' under expense accounts.
It could include loan contracts, payment receipts, or invoices generated
within the system.
Ledger and Sub Ledger: Used to maintain records of specific accounts and
sub-accounts. For instance, a ledger for 'Loan Receivables' or 'Loan
Payables' can track individual loans or repayments.
Accounts associated with lenders or borrowers in the LMS. Merchant
accounts might track the financial interactions between the company and
the lending or borrowing entities.
Tracks taxes applicable to transactions within the LMS, such as taxes on
interest income or regulatory taxes associated with loan transactions.

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