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ICM 2023 ONLINE | September 13-15 2023

Proceedings on the
1st International
Conference of
Research | Clinical Results | Perspectives
1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023


Organizers & Sponsors.....................................................................................................2

About the conference........................................................................................................3
Program............................................................................................................................ 4
Book of Abstracts..............................................................................................................5
General Introduction to Microdosing. Experiences and Testimonies with B. Caapi.... 6
The Process of Microdosing Tobacco......................................................................... 7
Exploring the Landscape of Microdosing: Understanding the Differences between
Substances and Their Effects......................................................................................8
Effects of Ayahuasca on Health.................................................................................. 9
Phenomenological Aspects of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: New
Perspectives for Cognitive Science and Welfare Technology Research................... 10
Foundations and Phases of Transdiagnostic Psychotherapeutic Processes Assisted
by Microdoses of Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms and Ayahuasca..........................11
The Multiple Uses of Microdosing: Clinical Experience, Patient Narratives, Dosage,
and Integration.......................................................................................................... 12
A Review on Psychedelic Microdosing: Mind or Matter?.......................................... 13
Perspectives and Challenges in the Future of Microdosing: A Proposal for a Legal
Framework................................................................................................................ 14
Microdosing as a Psychopharmacological Intervention: Synergy between Psilocybin
Microdoses and Psychotherapy.................................................................................15
Microdosing with Psilocybin-Containing Truffles....................................................... 16
Multidisciplinary Approach to the Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca and Psilocybe
Mushrooms Microdosing: Microhuasca Experience..................................................17
Conference Information & Acknowledgments.................................................................18

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Organizers &

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

About the

In recent years, the concept of microdosing has
gained significant attention as a potential tool for
personal growth and cognitive enhancement.
Microdosing involves taking sub-perceptual doses of
psychedelics, such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms,
to harness their benefits without flull-blown
psychedelic experiences. While research in this area
is still emerging, scientific studies suggest that
microdosing holds promise in various aspects of
human cognition, creativity, mental health, and
overall well-being.

As interest in microdosing continues to grow,
researchers are working to understand its
mechanisms of action, optimal dosing protocols,
and potential applications. Clinical trials exploring
the therapeutic effects of psychedelics, including
microdosing, are underway, offering hope for the
future. Continued scientific inquiry, coupled with
responsible use and public education, will help shed
light on the potential benefits and risks associated
with microdosing. In this conference you will learn
from the best experts in the field, putting both the
last scientific evidence and the traditional use at the
center of the discussion.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

No.01 Graphic Design

* The provided times are indicated in Central European Time (CET).

Wednesday, September 13th

15:30 | Congress Presentation

16:00 | Victor Lucía: General Introduction to Microdosing. Experiences and
Testimonials with B. Caapi.
17:00 | Adolfo Schmitt: Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Use of
Ayahuasca and Psilocybin Microdosing: Microhuasca Experience.
18:00 | Ronald Rivera: The Process of Tobacco Microdosing.
19:00 | Alicia Vera: Exploring the Landscape of Microdosing: Understanding the
Differences Between Substances and Their Effects.
20:00 | José Carlos Bouso: Effects of Ayahuasca on Health.

Thursday, September 14th

16:00 | Diego Gonzalez-Rodriguez: Phenomenological Aspects of Psychedelic

Experiences: Incremental Dosage and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.
17:00 | Federico Montero: Foundations and Phases of Transdiagnostic
Psychotherapeutic Processes Assisted by Microdosing of Psilocybe Cubensis and
18:00 | Antonia Regojo: The Multiple Uses of Microdosing. Clinical Experience,
Patient Accounts, Dosage, and Integration.
19:00 | Marquin Macias: Historical Journey through the Practices of Microdosing
with Master Plants and Psychedelics.
20:00 | Irene de Caso: A Review on Psychedelic Microdosing: Mind or Matter?

Friday, September 15th

16:00 | Maria Garai: Perspectives and Challenges in the Future of Microdosing: A

Proposal for a Model from Legal Security.
17:00 | Marta Perez-Carmona: Microdosing as a Psychopharmacological
Intervention: Synergy between Psilocybin Microdosing and Psychotherapy.
18:00 | ​Jakobien van der Weijden: Microdosing with Truffles Containing
19:00 | Closing.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Book of Abstracts

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

General Introduction to Microdosing. Experiences and

Testimonies with B. Caapi.

Victor Lucía

The growing interest in alternative medicine, as a response to widespread health issues

such as depression and anxiety, has popularized the use of the ayahuasca drink in the
West. For many people, conventional medicine does not offer adequate long-term
solutions for these conditions. Microdosing of psychedelics, which involves taking small,
sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances, has gained popularity in recent years
due to reports of its health and well-being benefits. In this presentation, we review the
main scientific studies that have demonstrated the benefits that the Banisteriopsis caapi
vine alone (without mixing with any DMT source) offers for mental health. We also share
some experiences and case studies that we have treated with microdoses of
concentrated caapi extract in our institute.

Short bio:

Victor Lucía is a Clinical Psychologist from Miguel Hernández University and the
University of Chile, with a Master's degree in Systemic Family Therapy from the Institut
Gestalt in Barcelona and a Ph.D. in Anthropology of Health. He is also an ACT
Psychotherapist. Since 2012, he has specialized in working with expanded states of
consciousness using master plants. He worked as a researcher at the Takiwasi Center
for Addiction Rehabilitation and Research in Traditional Amazonian Medicine. He is a
co-founder of the Wisdom of Plants Institute and has been balancing teaching and
private psychotherapy since 2017.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

The Process of Microdosing Tobacco

Ronald Rivera

This talk delves into the practical implementation of small doses of tobacco tea and the
Ayahuasca-Chacruna mixture within my role as a contemporary Amazonian healer
specializing in the use of master plants. The utilization of microdoses from these
medicinal plants serves as a preliminary step preceding macrodoses, as a
complementary element following macrodose experiences, or even as an independent
alternative process without the need for macrodoses. The intricate dynamics of
harnessing the potential of both medicinal sources are thoroughly examined,
encompassing standalone tobacco usage, independent application of the
Ayahuasca-Chacruna mixture, the synergistic combination of tobacco and ayahuasca,
as well as the art of alternating between them. Moreover, this abstract extends its scope
to contemplate the possible dynamics of integrating microdoses not only with tobacco
and ayahuasca but also with other medicinal compounds.

Short bio:

Ronald Rivera is a renowned Peruvian ayahuasquero healer with over 25 years of

experience conducting sessions, workshops, retreats, and diets with ayahuasca. He is a
co-founder of Microhuasca, responsible for ancestral developments, and has created
the dietary and energetic system for microdosing. He is also the Vice President of the
Nimairama Institute for Transcultural Health and Traditional Medicines and the director
of the Amazonian Ayahuasca Wisdom retreat center. With studies in Philosophy at San
Marcos University, Ronald conducts research on post-materialistic aspects of
ayahuasca science. He believes in the complementation of ancestral and modern
science for evolving new forms of healing.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Exploring the Landscape of Microdosing: Understanding the

Differences between Substances and Their Effects.

Alicia Vera

In this talk, the speaker will delve into the world of microdosing, focusing on understanding the differences
between substances and their effects. Drawing from their own personal experience and cases from their
coaching practice, the unique characteristics of various substances used in microdosing will be examined,
and how these differences can influence the outcomes experienced by users.
The potential benefits of microdosing will be discussed, ranging from improved concentration and
creativity to stress and anxiety management. This talk will provide a balanced perspective on
microdosing, allowing the audience to make informed decisions regarding its potential impact on mental
health and well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to explore an innovative approach to self-discovery and
well-being, supported by real-life experiences.

Short bio:

Alicia Vera García is the founder of The Microdosing Coach, a microdosing and
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) coaching service based in Amsterdam,
Europe. She is an educator, coach, and facilitator of psychedelics. After experiencing
burnout, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression, Alicia embarked on a
personal healing journey with the help of medicinal plants. This transformative
experience in the world of entheogens inspired her to establish her own microdosing
coaching practice in 2020, dedicated to guiding individuals and groups in safe and
conscious microdosing practices. Through personalized coaching sessions,
consultations, courses, and products available in her online store, she has already
helped hundreds of people across Europe. Alicia also offers training for professionals
interested in becoming microdosing facilitators, preparing them to offer microdosing to
their own clients or patients. She specializes in working with individuals facing
depression, burnout, and PTSD. She has extensive knowledge and experience with
various microdosing substances, such as truffles, mushrooms, 1P-LSD, and caapi. In
her practice, she uses mindfulness, Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE),
and ACT techniques to support her clients. Recognized as an expert in microdosing,
Alicia is frequently invited as a guest on podcasts, conferences, and seminars. She
maintains regular contact with journalists who share her mission of reshaping the public
perception of these substances. She believes that psychedelics are not merely drugs
but powerful natural medicines that can have a profound impact on individuals and
serve as catalysts for personal growth.
1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Effects of Ayahuasca on Health.

José Carlos Bouso

The use of ayahuasca has experienced international expansion in recent years, reaching numerous
countries on all continents. In this talk, we will review the research conducted by ICEERS on ayahuasca
over the past 15 years, where we will explain acute effects, long-term neuropsychiatric effects,
therapeutic potential, and overall health effects.

Short bio:

José Carlos Bouso is a Clinical Psychologist and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology. His areas of
interest are psychopharmacology and the therapeutic properties of entactogens,
psychedelics, and cannabis. He has conducted therapeutic research with MDMA,
pharmacological research with various plant-derived and synthetic substances, as well
as studies on the long-term neuropsychological effects of substances such as cannabis,
ayahuasca, and cocaine. He is the author of multiple books, and his research has been
published in scientific journals. Currently, he serves as the Scientific Director of the
ICEERS Foundation.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Phenomenological Aspects of Non-Ordinary States of

Consciousness: New Perspectives for Cognitive Science and
Welfare Technology Research

Diego Gonzalez-Rodriguez

The study of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness, particularly those induced by

psychedelics, finds significant overlap with Cognitive Science and Welfare Technology
research. This talk delves into the synergy between digital technologies,
pharmacological agents, and phenomenological approaches, opening new paths for
academic research and practical applications. This work highlights how psychedelics
can uncover hidden dimensions of consciousness and their significance in human
cognition studies. We also examine the emerging synergies between these agents and
digital technologies, specifically in the realm of Mental Health. This interdisciplinary
approach successfully reconciles domains often considered antithetical, such as nature
and technology. The methodological integration provides a robust and holistic
framework for enhancing our understanding of conscious experience. This expanded
interdisciplinary scope not only broadens the epistemological reach of each discipline
involved but also paves the way for more effective, personalized therapeutic
interventions in Mental Health.

Short bio:

Diego Gonzalez is a professor of the Department of Technology and Science at

Universidad Camilo José Cela. He is also the Director of the European Institute of
Consciousness Research and a board member of SENSE-GARDEN, a European
organization dedicated to research and the development of new technologies for Mental
Health. He has collaborated for several years with the Department of Neuroscience at
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), teaching and conducting
research. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with various institutions and
research groups, including the University of Toronto, CNRS, the University of North
Carolina, Tallinn University of Technology, Rey Juan Carlos University, Polytechnic
University of Madrid, and the University of Valencia. His work spans various areas such
as Cognitive Sciences, Well-being Technologies, Complexity Sciences, Consciousness
Studies, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Mind, Decentralized Systems, Information
Technologies, and Mental Health.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Foundations and Phases of Transdiagnostic Psychotherapeutic

Processes Assisted by Microdoses of Psilocybe Cubensis
Mushrooms and Ayahuasca.

Federico Montero

Psychotherapeutic interventions in the field of psychedelics are beginning to be designed. We have

started from classic models such as the typical macrodoses in controlled clinical trials and we are
advancing in the development of contextualized psychotherapeutic treatments in the real conditions of
people's daily lives. From a transdiagnostic psychotraumatological perspective, which states that the
various disorders are influenced by the dissociative consequences that trauma has left in people's bodies,
it is proposed that psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies should include a perspective that considers
gradual exposure to memories. injuries as a central axis for the development of therapeutic models
related to microdosing. Thus, the importance of the preparation phase is highlighted, as a resource
development phase for information processing systems to operate assimilating and accommodating
experiential information in long-term memories, thus consolidating new learning. In this sense, the classic
psychedelics could operate as associative drugs that promote the connection between parts or
subsystems that have been dissociated as a consequence of the trauma. In addition, it has been shown
that some information processing functions are modulated by psychedelics, such as: reduced cognitive
control, cognitive flexibility, increased interoceptive exposure, reduced experiential avoidance, increased
appetitive responses, the extinction of conditioned responses, among others. It is proposed that the
preparation phase should be focused not only on informing the participants about the process and
exploring their perceptions, but also using this phase to experientially stimulate the processes that will be
modulated by the relationship with psychedelics to increase the processing of resources of the system,
generate more optimal conditions in the processing of traumatic memories and thus tend to higher levels
of internal coherence.

Short bio:

Federico Montero is a Uruguayan psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in

trauma treatment. In his practice, he employs cognitive-behavioral therapies, EMDR,
mindfulness, and somatic approaches, combined with microdoses of mushrooms and
ayahuasca. He is also the president of the Uruguayan Society for Psychotherapies
Assisted by Psychedelics and Entheogens and a co-founder of the Latin American
Psychedelics Network.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

The Multiple Uses of Microdosing: Clinical Experience, Patient

Narratives, Dosage, and Integration.

Antonia Regojo

The use of sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances has gained popular and academic interest in
the last 10 years or so. And this interest is increasing exponentially as scientific evidence on the
therapeutic use of psychedelics is becoming strong and infiltrating clinical practice. I will examine the
most common microdosing practices surrounding my personal and professional life and reflect on the
clinical aspects of these practices from the point of view of therapeutic gains, risk, as well as personal and
spiritual growth. I will explain how, from the perspective of Integrative Mental Health, the potential benefits
of microdosing psychedelics in different areas of a human being's life, is no different from what we call
clinical benefits. I will discuss the overlaps between different areas where microdosing has been
identified to be effective such as mood, cognition, creativity, productivity and pain management. I will
reflect on the possibility that all those areas can be Inter-connected under the umbrella of “Overall Health”
under the integrative health perspective. I will share written statements from Microdosers, so to document
the wide range of experiences while microdosing and the ways in which those gains can be achieved,
enhanced and maintained. I will offer an open discussion the the end to bring the topic alive and to
answer some of your questions.

Short bio:

Antonia Regojo holds a medical degree from Complutense University of Madrid and
specializes in Psychiatry from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and King's
College University, London. She further specializes in Medical Psychotherapy from St.
George's University, London, and has training in Family and Couples Systemic Therapy
from Birkbeck College, London. She is a member of the British Psychoanalytic Council,
General Medical Council, and Royal College of Psychiatrists. She has extensive
experience (since 2019) in therapeutic support with psychedelics, including MDMA and
Psilocybin, as well as therapy with microdoses of LSD, Ayahuasca, and Psilocybin. She
has experience in preparing and integrating psychedelic experiences, both individually
and in integration groups.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

A Review on Psychedelic Microdosing: Mind or Matter?

Irene de Caso

In this talk we will discus the main results found in the microdosing literature. We will see how, whereas
studies that lack a control group or don´t control for the effects of expectancy find positive significant
results on several measures, this is not necessarily the case in more controlled studies, when the effects
of expectation are taken into account, or in cases when participants break the blind. We will discuss
possible reasons for such results. Not only the placebo effect, but also the possible substance*setting
interaction, the potential lack of sensitivity in the instruments that we are using or individual differences in
dosing requirements. We will also revise the results found in the microdosing neuroscience studies, and
their potential implications.

Short bio:

Irene de Caso works in the Scientific Office of the Beckley Foundation, helping Amanda
Feilding advance the Foundation's future psychedelic research lines. Always passionate
about life, consciousness, and the human psyche, Irene first studied biology,
specializing in neuroscience, followed by a Master's and Ph.D. in Cognitive
Neuroscience and Neuroimaging at the University of York. During her Ph.D., she
worked with Jonathan Smallwood in the Mind-Wandering Laboratory, studying the
relationship between excessive self-focused attention and impaired inhibitory control
and how this relationship manifests in large-scale connectivity networks. In the later
stages of her career, she became fascinated by the therapeutic potential that altered
states of consciousness, such as meditation, holotropic breathwork, or psychedelic
experiences, can have on individuals, leading her to complete a master's in mindfulness
applied to mental health and research. She is also the author of a popular science book
titled "Psychedelics and Mental Health: The Neuroscience Behind a New

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Perspectives and Challenges in the Future of Microdosing: A

Proposal for a Legal Framework.

Maria Garai

In this talk, we delve into the fascinating world of microdosing psychedelics, exploring the critical aspects
of legal safety and its implications. We navigate through the current legal framework surrounding both
psychedelics and microdosing, while also addressing the ethical and legal considerations essential for
fostering responsible and secure microdosing practices. Furthermore, we examine the evolving
perspectives and legislative progress in the realm of psychedelics. With an eye on the future, we will talk
about the foundational principles of a model grounded in rigor, accessibility, and legal safety. We tackle
the challenges, risks, and models to avoid, offering practical insights on overcoming these obstacles to
pave the way for a more promising future in the practice of microdosing.

Short bio:

Maria Garai stands out as a microdosing advocate and coach, focusing on self-care and
leadership development. Her mission is to promote the integration of microdosing as a
tool for self-awareness and personal transformation within a framework of legal rigor
and safety. With a background in law and previous experience as a Consultant in
International Law at the United Nations, as well as in managing a U.S.-based company,
Maria combines her legal knowledge with her passion for personal growth. She is
currently immersed in writing her first book titled "Somos Alas," which explores personal
consciousness on the journey toward love.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Microdosing as a Psychopharmacological Intervention: Synergy

between Psilocybin Microdoses and Psychotherapy.

Marta Perez-Carmona

While in research with psychedelic compounds, high doses have solid evidence of their therapeutic
effects, microdosing has not yet achieved such robustness in efficacy. However, through clinical practice,
there appear to be improvements stemming from the use of microdoses. In this presentation, we will
explore the psychological effects of microdosing, focusing on their use as enhancers of the
psychotherapeutic process. From their historical use in psycholytic therapy to their current applications,
we will delve into the screening process, different protocol designs, dosage adjustments, and their
combination with antidepressants. From a clinical perspective, we will also investigate various protocols
tailored to specific psychopathologies (depression, ADHD, addiction, bipolar disorder, etc.), as well as
their risks and benefits. This information will be supported by real case studies to integrate scientific data
with insights from clinical practice.

Short bio:

Marta Pérez Carmona is a psychologist, psychotherapist, Master in Neuropsychology,

and Master in Psychoexpressive Therapy. She is currently the Co-Director of Inawe
(Spanish Observatory of Psychotherapy Assisted with Psychedelics), Director and
Psychotherapist at Soma Psychology, Coordinator of the Psychedelic Society of Madrid
and Costa Rica, Co-Director and editor of Micelia Magazine. She has served as the
Director of the Mental Health Department at First Dimension Fungi (Psilocybin
Microdosing Costa Rica) and as Director and psychotherapist at Ceiba Therapeutics
Costa Rica (Design of Psychopharmacological Experiences). She has extensive
experience in TAP, including psychotherapeutic support (preparation, ingestion, and
integration) and the design of therapeutic experiences tailored to the user, as well as
supporting psychotherapeutic processes with psilocybin microdoses.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Microdosing with Psilocybin-Containing Truffles.

Jakobien van der Weijden

At the moment, microdosing with psychedelics is quickly gaining popularity in Europe and Latin-America.
There is an increasing need for high quality education, guidance from experts, and microdosing
substances that can be legally obtained. The Netherlands, where psilocybin containing truffles and
several other psychedelics are legal, provides all of the above. Moreover, it has become an
multidisciplinary hub for pioneers in the microdosing community, including researchers, coaches and
product developers.
Jakobien van der Weijden, cofounder of the Dutch Microdosing Institute, speaks about the use of truffles
containing psilocybin for therapeutic purposes and self-exploration, with a focus on microdosing. She'll
discuss the most interesting findings from the microdosing community, that include microdosing for
ADHD, autism, cluster headaches, menopause, PMS, and depression. With regard to truffles containing
psilocybin, she speaks to their history, effects and how truffles differ from psilocybin mushrooms and other
psychedelics. And lastly, how can microdosers build a personal, meaningful relationship with psilocybin
truffles as sacred earth medicine?

Short bio:

Jakobien is a coach, educator, and lead facilitator at the Microdosing Institute. She has
been professionally active in the psychedelic field for over twenty years, working in
areas such as sales, communications, advocacy, ceremonies, coaching, and education.
In 2017, she co-founded the Microdosing Institute as a global platform for education,
community, and research. Her mission is to build vital connections in society and bridge
ancestral wisdom with modern science to enable safe, conscious, and effective
microdosing with psychedelics.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Multidisciplinary Approach to the Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca

and Psilocybe Mushrooms Microdosing: Microhuasca Experience.

Adolfo Schmitt

We describe how the combination of the ancestral Amazonian approach and the transpersonal
contributes to a new health paradigm. This is done to create or adapt protocols, methods, models, and
tools for therapeutic work with microdoses of sacred plants. We have systematized the most common
cases with Microhuasca and studied the mechanisms that enabled sustained transformation processes
over time, even having paused the intake of microdoses.
Taking microdoses of sacred plants can also lead to physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual
challenges as part of personal evolution. The integration process occurs during and after this process,
and it's necessary to adapt the resources discussed here specifically to what each individual needs.
In summary, 4 tools, 3 models, 2 protocols, and 2 methods have been adapted, tested, and evaluated
through real cases. These have allowed us to address these psycho-spiritual processes by understanding
them as a system (holism) and not just from their separate parts (reductionism), contributing to building a
scientific paradigm complementary to the current neurophysiological one.

Short bio:

Adolfo Schmitt is a Peruvian Forestry Engineer with extensive research experience in

ayahuasca, mushrooms, and medicinal plants of the Peruvian Amazon. He is the
Co-Founder and Director of Microhuasca, an organization dedicated to the therapeutic
use of ayahuasca and mushroom microdosing, as well as the training of professionals in
the field. He has created the community therapeutic model for microdosing to establish
accessible and responsible spaces, along with the dosing and calibration protocol for
microdosing. Additionally, he is a founding member of the International Microdosing
Association (IMA), alongside James Fadiman.

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

Information &
1st International Conference of Microdosis (ICM 2023)

September 13-15, 2023 | Online

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, presenters, and attendees
who made the 1st International Conference of Microdosis (ICM 2023) a resounding
success. Your dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering
collaboration is commendable.

Organizing Committee

● Dr. Victor Lucía

● Dr. Diego Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Conference Support Team

● Adela Schiman
● Vicky Paris-Herrera
● Magdalena Mayol-Ferrer
● Ana P. Restrepo-Giraldo
● Indira Ricardo-Noya

Sponsors and Partners

Our gratitude extends to the generous sponsors and partners who have supported

1st International Conference of Microdosing | ICM 2023

this event. Your commitment to scientific advancement and sustainability is truly


Contact Information

For any inquiries related to the symposium or abstract publication, please contact
our organizing team at or visit our website

We look forward to your continued participation in future events that contribute to

the progress of science and a sustainable future.

Thank you and see you at the next symposium!


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