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Roll No
B.TECH/ 3rdnd /4th YEAR
(ODD SEM 2023-24)
SUBJECT NAME: Database Management System
Time:2Hr. Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all Sections.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 3 x 10= 30
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a) What is database management system? 3 CO1
(b) List and explain the advantages of DBMS over file based system. 3 CO1
(c) Define Strong & Weak Entity set? 3 CO1
(d) List and explain different categories/types of database users. 3 CO1
(e) Differentiate between Entity, Entity Set and Entity type with example. 3 CO1
(f) Draw an E-R diagram of Student & Project entities by keeping following points. 3 CO1
i) Take four attributes per entity with one primary key attribute.
ii) Keep proper relationship between two entities.
(g) Define Participation Constraints and its type with example. 3 CO2
(h) Write a note on mapping cardinality in E-R diagram. 3 CO1
(i) What is Relational model and RDBMS 3 CO2
(j) Find the Cartesian product of Employee and Department Relation. 3 CO2

2. Attempt any three of the following: 3 x 10 = 30
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a) Explain the Primary Key, Super Key, Foreign Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key 10 CO2
and Composite Key with example.
(b) Explain the following with example 10 CO2
(i) Generalization
(ii) Specialization
(iii) Aggregation
(c) Explain the difference between physical and logical data independence with 10 CO1
(d) What is ER Diagram? Explain different Components of an ER Diagram with their 10 CO1
(e) Draw the overall structure of DBMS and explain its various components. 10 CO1

3. Attempt any two part of the following: 2 x 10 = 20
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a) Define basic terms Data, Information, Metadata, Data Dictionary and Data 10 CO1
Warehouse with example.
(b) Describe three schema architecture/ANSI/SPARC architecture briefly. 10 CO1
(c) Write down the relational algebra for the student table any five. 5*2 CO2
a) Display the detail of students whose =10
RollNo is less than 104.
b) Display the detail of students belongs
to either “CE” or “ME” Branch.
c) Display the detail of students whose
SPI between 6 and 9.
d) Display Name and SPI of all students.
e) List the Name of students with their
Branch whose SPI is more than 8 and
belongs to “CE” Branch.
f) Display the Rollno, Name of students with their Branch name whose SPI
between 7 and 9.
4. Attempt any two part of the following: 2 x 10 = 20
Q Question Marks CO
(a) What is data model and different types of Data Models in DBMS? Explain them. 10 CO2
(b) In given Relation answer following 10 CO2
1) List of field
2) Relation name
3) List of tuple
4) Cardinality
5) Relation schema
6) Domain (Attribute: EmpID, Name)
7) Tuple Variable

(c) Find the minimum number of tables required to represent the given ER diagram in 10 CO1
relational model.

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