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1019/23, 1220 PM 50 Millesimal Scale Potency -A critical study - Part I 50 Millesimal Scale Potency - A critical study - Part II Dr N Hari hara lyr Mo{Hom) Homoeopathic aggravation aph 280281, 282157 2) Acute ciesee ‘usualy happend that Homoeopathic aggravation wl acer during the ist hour or Fit few hours inthe treatment of acute dans or disece of recent origin Here we can observe thatthe dose of medicine not sufi all laphorli 157. But this aggravation wil susie by self and a recovery wil follow afer 2) chronic asease ‘A Homoeopathic aggravation wil usually occur a the end of treatment in chron and long standing cases where a cute has slast reached or ished. occurs nly atthe saturation pint of medicine when Its adminstered in very small cose and is repented by modifying the degree of potency each tine before administration. Ths i a favorable stage of cure. Here medicine can be stopped or repeated at longer Interals. After adequate watting the intensified orginal symptoms wll disappear leaving lasting and permanent cure in the case of 50 miles sale intensfeation of symptoms afer favorable medicine follow atthe end of treatment. Tat is a the stage when the cure is lmost fished or ertnin, But in autor chron ease if tis accurring initial indents tha the dose ofthe mescneilhrge and more than neece. Schein symptoms (aph 248) ‘Apparent symptoms used by the excess of hamosopatic medicine duet repetition in modified poteny, These symptoms wil ubsde by isl cure with So milleimal scale of potency Toattain this goal medicine selected should be suitable as far as possible highly ynamisd, shouldbe administered in water, repeated at definite intervals and In small dose are the parameters prescribed by Dr. Hahnemann. But the most important one to mention with partcuar stress s thatthe ever repestion wil be ‘marked by change in the degree potency trade by 8,10, 2 successors t the medicinal solution in between evry administration Or Hahnenann mace several experiments on repetition with unmodified patency. In all these occasion Hahnemann found ether a neutralization ofthe ation of ‘he former dose oF 3 cumulative effect ofthe mecixine due o frequent repetition. So he concludes tht the via fore will nat acept the repetition of se Unchanged poteney without resistance. A cure can accomplished en ifthe medicine i applied in several diferent forms. The mediation in degre af pateney wil xpable of extracting the disease force fom the grip of fe principle leading toa permanent and sting cre. ‘Neer administration of suitable medicine n small dese and following the law of repetiion exclusively to 50 milsimal scale a cure canbe witnessed by producing 2 homeeopathc aggravation at the end of treatment When a reappearance cf the old orignal symptoms s seen the medicine should be repeated a: longer Intervals stopped fer awhile. Meantime convalescence occurs andthe intense symptoms wilsubsie by i leaving the sick patient nothing but heath Significance of new altered but perfected method. 50 millesimal form of dyramisaton isthe most perfected method, Most perfected because the drug prepared according t tis eae i the most powerful but rldest in action. The material quaniy of drug substance Is reduced to lnflntesimal as dynarssatlon proceeds futher. The power is due tothe tue inner reciinal esence of deug substance sdisolved into spit ke conceptual essence by the mare numberof successions. Inthe cude state of the drug the ‘conceptual etence it undeveloped. Through the pecular process of potentiation crude drug substance rated tothe evel of spit ke power sir to that of Ife principle. Because ofthe development of sprit ke essence, the drug reaches Is fll capac for penetration deep nto the cseasd Ife principle. Due to the evelopment of fll apacty and high penetrating power the drug can forceful influence the suffering pars of the organism. Now the meadiine is capable of touching the suffering parts catively So naturally the influence of natural disease on fe principle is neutralized. This an be experienced to a sk person very ‘easy by the permanent and speedy disappearance ofhis morbid symtoms. Nutshell is» speedy. gentle and permanent cure especialy in chronic disease isthe result and highlight of this highly dynamised suitable medicine apoio modified degre of potency. Comments and ebservations on Dr. ahnemann's new altered but perfected method of ynamisaton. In ths Section of dissertation, the valuable opinion and views af eminent personalities who meditated on the SO milesima scale of potency ave included, These suggestions will definitely work san eye opener to those who ave keeping thei eyes ih closed deliberately towards tis scale It willbe a path finder to tose ie are ignorant of the hidden treasures ofthis sae of potency yt showed a dligence to study it “The fis par of tis section includes the commen ideas shared by all eminent hemecopaths who mace an in-depth study on LM sale of potency. cues 1 Name and Designation = Why the new sale of potency is designated a 50 milsimal scale of potency. + The ist promoters 1 The est pharmacy in nao Difference between 6" eition and ealier editions of Organon with an emphasis o 50 millesima sae of potency. Special features with advantages an disadvantages of LM scale The second paris an abstract of the ideas and vison of those who fathomed in LM sae of potency They carved and chiseled ther immense practical experience htipstwawwhomeobook.comi50-milesimal-scale-potency-2-rtica-study-partll a0 1019/23, 1220 PM 50 Millesimal Scale Potency -A critical study - Part I and wanslateditinto paper as valuable articles. The extract from the same ae taken an excerpted it whereever necessary. To avd the arrogance of duplication, che same ideas of. Hahnemann fom the writings of others are deliberately voided, So the points referred to inthis note are the one which are strongly sald or vehemently objected in reltion othe writings of Dr. Hahnemann. Te personal vews of these erudite with strong perusal of arguments among themselves are also remarkes inthis ection of sty. In shor. the fact which pave way forthe smeath promotion and propagation of LM scale of potency are pasted in this part, Listof seholes ae Pere Schmit 2. Ramana Pete 2. De Harman Choudhary 6 Dr. Rima Honey 1 Ra Kumar Muka) 8 Dr. Luce Schepper 9.00 7.06% 71.6 Richard Heh "2, Charles Pah, 1.DE IN. Kania “W.De Wena Brewer OR 15, br AVoegel 16 Dr $4. Bhattacharya Ee Sun et 18.De P. Sankaran, [Name and Designation The new method of éynamisation proposed in the sith edition of Organon is called as Nlesimal scale, 50 milesimal scale, LM potency. Q potency ee. Qi the abbreviation of ‘Quinquagestnilasimal derived {rom latin word quinguagesimus ~ $0" and millsimus means thousand. In LM L stands. for 50 In roman ‘numerals and Mfr 1000, is designated and represented in ferent ways They are WO, 2/0, 3/0 ete LIAN, LW2, UW ete mi m2, mV te: QNL Q2, QI et. But the usual method followed in nda is 07,02 0/3 ee Here the zeros prefixed, The numerator‘ represents smbalcaly the poppy seed sized globule richard Haeht in hie works sys"In centesial scale of potencies Or Hahnemann always expressed in Roman gies The new preparation from globules he deserved with Arabic figures surmounted by a ccle 07, 72 O7 ete Patencesobined by the new ways were described by Or. Hahnemann as"Mediaments au lobule (medicinein globules) a distinc from medicaments a gout (medicine in drops Sut Dr Rima Handley’ note shows that Or Hahnemann was writing In his case records, wth reference tothe cas of M Roussel to whom Sulphur LM was oven {as sulphur 70/0 meaning one poppy seed sized globules of LM 10 poten of one das of sulphur 50 millesimal designated iis designated as 50 millesimal because the drug strength is reduced to 50,000 part to every successive potency. The process of potentisation starts inthe lobule form and ends in lobule form, couse oflew popularity anemann complete the manusrptof sith edition of Organon by 1847 but was unable te publish in hs fe ine. But Iter, due to various reasons, the anateript wat made avaiable in 820. Dr. Richard Haehl published the German edition in the same year and the English transition made by Dr Boericke was ‘come to light in the year 1921 By this time, Homeopathic practice war well established by the wat and watch palicy based onthe 4 edton of Organon. Dr. 15.Kent was an authority on Homoeopathic practice and he established the practice and 12 prognestc obseraations on the basis of centesimal potences ‘aging romlow to high. He ded in 1916 before the publiation of 6 edition and was totally unaware of new scale of potency. ‘Anater strong eitism was that pharmaceutial companies and physians started comparing this scale of patency with centesimal scale f potency. They made a false conception on the mind of physicians through an erroneous mathemati potency of lobule method of dyaamisstion of crags (120 corresponds to seventy thi potency of erp method on cetesoa cle (72). al calculation. The allegation reads lke this "Hahnerannans thitit ‘Another cause of low popularty according to Or. Choudhary is none of the pharmacopoeia has included the preparation of SO milesimal, This reduced Is uthency as well as availabilty for use, Even thought Bosrcke transite the 6 edtion, the pharmaceutical company, Boricke and Tafel never prapaed medicine according to new sale Then the other diflelies suchas poor patient complance and lack of adequate knowledge about the pinclples of LM scale worked as 2 real hindrance tothe propagation ofthis scale htipsitwwwchomeobook.comi50-milesimal: cale-potency-a-citicalstudy-par-il 210 1019/23, 1220 PM 50 Millesimal Scale Potency -A critical study - Part I First promotes Ot, Chases Pabud of Lozen, France, through his article “My experience about Hahnemann’: fifty milesal scle of potency, publbed in the ‘Bxteh Homoeopathic Journal 1850 Aprilissue drew the attention of Homoecpathic fraternity tothe new method. Another signifieant name to mention i Dr Pierre Schmit He vansated Organon to French, His famous lectures given inthe faculty of Homoeopathy at Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital in 984 awakened the idea of LM potency among audience, Apart frm this his article on LM seal published from 1954 to 1956 in Srish Homoeopathic Journal and Jounal of American Institute of Homoeopathy igrited the idea of perfect cure tough LM potency to Homoeopaths all ever 1 world In India, Ors. Debencra Kumar Roy Khagenéra Nath Bose an Bejoy Kumar Bose introduced ths scale of potency around 1957 First Pharmacy to prepare LM Scale potency was Hahnemann publishing Co. ed Caleutta HAPCO} Differences between the 6 and earlier editons of Organon with specal emphasis on LM scale, inthe cali ection the dosage, poteny repetition wasa great cause of cancer and controversial pint Due to these fallacies te cure was much prolonged, so also the patent sufferings The sestive patients and patients who harbor a deep seated pathologically daganeated state suffer from furious aggravatons even from well elected medicine, The repetition rule vas vague and was not able to ascertain the exact time of repetition of medicine. The preparation of medicine, numberof succession to prepare new potency, ingle phial method or maitiple pil method, the gap between each potency and a ot more rized a number of skeptic onthe mind of Dr. Hahnemann himself [Al these lacunae are rece in the new preparation where the power of medkne i Increased but capable of acting ln amide way thereby preparing the vial principle of patent to face the Homoeapathic aggravations only atthe end of treatment The aificlties in aforesaid eaivons of Organon with reference to preparation, dosage, repetition potency selection, administration, the gap between the potencies unnecessary ‘eactons of Life principle ave slved to extend of 2 pinnate of perfect cre, ‘Advantages of 50 millesimalscale “he drug srength is reuced to 50,000 times to previous potency. But the number of succession rose to 100 times. So the penetrating power sigh and touches all sutering parts curative. Being highly dynamiad the spritual conceptual essence of erug substances intenly developed, Fuller power of drug ie capable of ‘extracting te disease force fom Life principe ina complete and permanent manne. So duet these special features of LM sale. has eal advantage over centesinal sale 1. Useful in both acute and chron disease 2. No wolent reston's produced by Life force against of olowing the action of medicine. 3. Actions immediate. Time span for cure i reduced to minimum, 5. Medicine can be repeated acess. 6 The gap between the two consectve potencies is very meager So the change of potency creates no problem ‘othe patent. 1 Convenient to use n hyper sensitive persons 8. Useful in condtions produced after suppresiono repeated pallation 9. No worry of over desing 10. Aste ation I quick wrong selection of medcne can be quickly dented. TN antidot is equted if the medicines wrongly administered 1D, Nothing wil antidote the effec of medicine asthe plane of ynamistion is er high 1B. Can be sfly administered with maixines of ther therapeutic system in unavoidable circumstances 1 0711007305 a limite range. So easy to choose. 15 Tonle medicines can be used safely and canbe repeated frequent 16. Can be used for pallative cases ao “W:Same medicine can be uted both ae 2 curative and palliative remedy 1 Patient’ co-operation Is more and he himself an adjust the dase if Homeeopathc aggravation is produced, 19. Inprimary stages of three chronic mismalc states, Hahnemann advised frequent repetition FN aph262) 20, Deep acting medicines canbe repeated feces, Disadvantages “Patients compliance spor. 2 Administration an repeated succession In between dose ia real obstacle of trust. 2. iterate patients must be educated propel 4 the patients donot properly co-operate, administration and change in degree of potency before every administration i fic 5 ilerate patients canna propelyjudge Homoeopathic aggravation. So they wl eantinue medicine even after required dose 6 Limited poteney is avaiable All medicines in this sale ace not aval, 8. No clear mentioning onthe amount of wate tobe cissoled with medicine. ‘9 Second prescription restricted only tothe new emedy cale-potency-a-citicalstudy-par-il ano htipsitwwwchomeobook.comi50-milesimal: 1019/23, 1220 PM 50 Millesimal Scale Potency -A critical study - Part I 10 No mentioning of complementary remedy mult miasmati cas treatment. (Observations of Dr Plerre Schmidt Or Pete Schmit is making # meticulously caefl abservation onthe pharmacopllaireption) pharmacoprexy [Preparation Homoeepathc aggravation ee on an innovative essa published inthe British Homoeopathic Journal in 1954, nthe title nnavations and Last Advice of Hahneman Iwas later published asa book Thehiden treasures thelast Organon He says that in acate cases one dose may be necessary to inate a cure But in chron cases the repetition of same unchanged potency will produce a therapeutic saturation anda blunt reaction wil be the result. So potency has to be modified before every administration and ca be repeated daly none or two doses. He is reterting that mesiine should be administered only in qui form. “The absorption of any homoeopathic remedy to be repented shall henceforth be exclusively i gud form”. His stong objection to the dry form of administration can be seen inthe folowing words. “Even today, | occasionally read in somneopathi ourals about cures affected by 50 millesima in globules. This is postive proof thatthe prescribers of such doses have not understood the ‘new method a alas the remedies ought to be administered in Lquid form on. Dr Pete Schmidt finds reason for quid administration: onthe fact hat the sprtual energy ef mediine is Iberated to the non-medieamental substratum only if it is used in water media. More than that the energy berated willbe sbsorbed by dveasd vita force when there i more contac of sentient nerves. This hidden meaning of fllowing nat reveals the above ides that “There was a time when sucession was considered allumportant. Then dltion was brought to pay te leading par. In the sath eden Dc Hahnemann ascribes the ral efficiency of homacopathc remedies tothe combination ef these two pharmaco- practical factors, bt he also lays stress on the non-meicamental substratum nich enables te active substance to be depersed and provides a were by contact new influence of enero} inthe preparation medicinal soliton he sys 2 single poppy sed sted globules crshed in Itle sug of milk which so be aasolue in 100 grams of clean Slightly alcoholised water an isto be vigorously shaken 10 tmes before each administration. He als favors low potency to high dynamisation when a change of He contemplates the homeopathic aggravation with rebound phenomena of modern medicine and inthe cas of 50 mllesmal scale the “belated aggravation” she coined is de tothe saturation point of medicine. inthe process of dynamisaton of new method, the chemist should follow the Hahnemannian way of multiple pial system in contrast tothe single pal system of korsakott in be-all note, r, Pierre Schmiat reterates that che ws af entesmal sale potency and dosage ae redress in the new altered method and an ardent cof new sale an retrieve what he deprived elie Observations of Dr RP-Patel, Or RPPatel is considered a fest among the authorities In 50 mllsimal sae of potencles. Dr. RP. Patel conducted many experiments onthe new dyramisaton though not keeping him much away from the rut prescribed nthe eation of Organon by Dr Hahnemann. Or. Patel ha shown the audacity to spi ut the resuts of these experiments in “My Experiments with 50 mulls scale of potencies. n site of having some ciference of opinions withthe tustworthy followers The main among them are about dey potency. ming potency rule of repetition, stating of medicine with OP, preparation beyond 0, opinion on lssing metho et. inthe opening pages Or RPPatel makes a erick on the dea of Hahnemann t find out the new scale, Hahnemann medated onthe reduction ofthe materia quantity of drug substance so as to reduce medicinal aggravator. So he made the rato af dutents to medline as 50.000: 1. The numberof succession was ‘ised e100 to increase the power onthe other hand (on the administration of medicine, OLR. Patel keeps the view that it can be administered in globules oF in iqud form. He quot Hahnemann himself administered mene in dry form a5 reported “one globule in ik sugar for seven days". Dr. RP. Patel nds merit n globules and ‘emphatically asks ust follow hr. The ment obzaned is “The dose is vastly diminished by lying one sucn globule alone upon the tongue ané giving nothing to rine. The wl touch es umber of nerves and reduce the chance of aggravation fil work as uniform dose nal persone and we can make perusal of for a further stud til then he amis that Ligue potences have given him better results than dy globules. Dr Hannemann that (on the preparation ef medicinal solution als he difers. He says usually ane or two No. 10 pil of indlcated medicine are dsolved in 30 el of wate This in contast to cherished nations 100 grams of Pete Schmidt and 120ml of Havimehan Chowdhary and at lest tablespoon of Hahnemann. The quant to be ‘eaten a time according to De RP. Patel als varies fom 10 raps ta ounce a a time, tothe standard one ea spoonful dose of Hahnemann Cone obsersation in 1 rule of reption in acute dseaseis that when the patent is feeling improvernen, medicine should net be stopped on alla sudden. The same medicne or the higher dynamsation of same medicine shouldbe repates at vals and withdraw slowly. Only fewer epetiions are requ to recicine belonging £9 mineral and norode sources. On the repetition in chronic disease he say the repetition can be done after the observing the nature of patent. In one famous case onl one dose of Nux Vomics 0720 mproved the so calle dangerous crease diabetes (onz type). Onl two doses were given ith in A months afer Fist presripton” longer inte ‘As only upto 0/30 are avaiable, De Patel himself prepared up to O50. nthe preparation of the same he was using the muliple pha system of Hahnemann. Nux Voi Sulphur Sepia ete were prepared upto O15. fe made proving with 50,000 scales. Drug Sryonia was used and few new symptoms abtaine, Certain potencies are suitable to certain patients. Te change of potency produced no favorable responses in certain patients. Likewise certain drugs produced favorable responses nied potencies lice Bltta in, Aconite i O, Luff in 0/3 Balin and Sepia in 0/30 et. In chronic pathological cases itis bette always te begin with 02 and it produces a favorable reapondes, In stubborn cases miles scale of potency aa expecially in Bronchial sth, Diabetes ee. are more cffecive, When 50 milesima is given after cetesimal produces severe aggravations Or. RP Patel strongly supports the jumping method of sdminitration of recicine, That i the meine sgiven inthe order OF to OF6 then to 0/2 ete instead ofa tre successwe potency. Jumping produced not much hacm 9 the patents He noticed that in most ofthe eases the homeeepathic aggravation ae revealed as itching htipstwawwhomeobook.comi50-milesimal-scale-potency-2-rtica-study-partll ano 1019/23, 1220 PM 50 Millesimal Scale Potency -A critical study - Part I ‘nother strong justfation which does not stands clase tothe argument ofr, Pee Schmidt and Elzabe sles Wright is that plus 10d Is exclusively for 50 ‘Tosum up Dr RP Pate enviches even a casual eader rough his magic af experiences and observations He conches that 50 millesimal ithe masterpiece by ‘he master hand rom the master min! ‘Observations of Dr Harimehan Choudhary. 0 Choudhary ea wel Known Homoeopath wth rel ‘than 30 years. He narrates the well established ditums le outlook He has immence experience of cna practice with SO millesima scale ofp veugh ls famous book “50 milesimal potency in theory and practice” ene fr more + Choudhary sympathies tht the new concept was not property: Innovations and findings which flamed that it isa neary perfect one. ‘As Homoecpathy isa revolution inthe fil of medicine, sis the Corganon 6" eciton in Homoeopathy” udied and ured bythe Homoeopathic fraternity. Physicians with rational outlook should elcome Masters Inte He inks the dynamisation wth lleccl materialism. When a matter (medicinal substance] comes into unity and contradiction with is opposite mater (e Vehicle) creates a new thing and forms ince a wholly new mater (anty and contradiction of opposites) and it changes qualtatnely. These are the fundamentals of dalectial materialism. During succession of 100 tines In every patency ItImparts a knetlc energy tothe molecules of drug and vehide resulting in qual change. That isthe reason why medicines become more dynamic and also gente their action in LM sae. inthe LM scale of potency, mesine has tobe state from low to high in ascending order That is if medicine started wth LAI ithas to be followed by UMD, LM i beter in any case to start form LM, This rules applicable inthe administration new eredy after the previous remedy has produced the desired effect and 2 new grup of symptoms emerged demanding new remedy, It is contradictory te the epision of Dr. RP. Patel that he had tied O/ then O16 then O72 of He considers the medicinal solution once prepared in water with ofthe doz botl shouldbe used or 7 days or 14 days. The formers for aly repetition andthe later for alternate day's repetition. Then the patent must raises potency to the next higher ne. His logic behing the cescendng scale can be hear fom his own words. Iisa fact that after application of simllimum, dsease state become weaker the patient feels improverent both mestaly and physically. Usually tthe weaker state of seas, stronger and higher scale of medicine is applied, Natural cs-imilarity between diseases state and medicinal state arse as a matter of consequence. This snot at all desirable in Homoeopathy being a science of similarity. So the pplication of medicine in descending scales more logis and scientfie™, For tat he advice medcnes shouldbe started rom LMS, IMB or LMB and descend, O cs saying that for over serve patients lfction isthe best method, This is beter effected by dsolving tn. 10 pilin hop of water and part aleshol nT Hahnemann advised 810,12 successions to the medicinal solution to change the degre of potency. Dr Harimchan Choushar ives interpretation toi that 8 succession to very sensitiv patents, 10 ta less sensitive anes and 12 to least sensitive persons. Repetition Hnecessay= “This is the word that we have to consider seriously on repetition in 5 millesinal scales alo, acording to Or. Harahan Choudhary. He referring tothe foot ote top. 266 of Hahnemann in this context Ms ast experience inthe tretment of chronic disease shows thatthe pallent cannot endure dail repetition inal

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