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MATERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI Seals, sea lion and walruses live both on land

and in the sea. When on dry land or on ice, They are

REPORT every clumsy in their movements. But in the water they
Definisi swim gracefully. They all leave the water for land or ice
fields to give birth to their young.
Text Report menguras suatu hasil pengamatan,
penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang Description
benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat participant pada The dolphins are larger. These animals are
Report cendrung general. Data yang tersaji umumnya mainly fish eaters. Experiments show that dolphins are
berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri dan atau intelligent and can communicate with each other. They
keberadaan dan keadaan participant. can be trained to perform various kinds of tricks and
Tujuan text Report adalah untuk menggambarkan acts.
participant apa adanya bila yang di bicarakan suatu The highly intelligent killer where whale belongs to the
benda. Text Report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda dolphins family. Despite of its scary name, it has never
tersebut been heard to attack human.
Text Repot lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi ANALYTICAL
akan participant yang di ulas, generalisasi ini umumnya
di dapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang Text Exposition bertujuan untuk menyodorkan
lain yang tergolong participant yang sejenis. pendapat/ide/pendapat/argumen penulis akan suatu
perkara/topik/permasalahan/fenomena. Terdapat dua
Generic Structure of Text Report fariasi dalam Text Exposition.
General Classification : Pernyataan umum yang 1. Analytical Exposition
menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan dan
klarifikasinya Definisi

Description : Penginformasian Ciri-ciri Dalam Analytical Exposition penulis

umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek misalnya sifat, menyodorkan pandangan/ide/opini/pendapat. Suatu
pesikologis, prilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur khas, kualitas topik atau fenomena atau masalah perjudapat
dan sejenisnya perhatian, ulasan atau penjelasan atau uraian atau data
penguat. Tanpa dimunculkannya usaha untuk
Grammatical Feature mempengaruhi/membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki
a. focus on Generic Participants sikap pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu. Analytical Exposition
juga dikenal dengan istilah Argumentative.
b. use of relational processes to state what is and what
which it is Generic structure of Analytical Exposition

c. use a simple past tense Thesis : Pernyataan pendapat penulis akan

sesuatu kasus/fenomena
d. no temporal sequences
Argument : Terdiri dari poin atau inti
Example masalah/perbandingan atau hal yang menjadi concern
dan elaboration. Penjelasan atau pemaparan dari point.
Title >> Different Types of Sea Mammals
Reiteration : Penguatan pernyataan
General classification
Unsur Kebahasaan/language feature yang digunakan Example
Text Analytical Exposition
Analytical Exposition
General noun misilnya pollution, car
Abstract noun misalnya policy, government
In Australia there are three levels of government, the
Jargon misalnya species, mammal federal government. All of there levels of government
are necessary. This is so for a number of reasons.
Modals misalnya must, should
Bahasa evaluative misalnya important, valuable
First, the federal government is necessary for the big
Kalimat passive things. They keep the economy in order and look after
things like defense. Similarly, the state governments
look after the middle-sized things. For example they
2. Hortatory Exposition look after low and order, preventing things like
vandalism in schools. Finally, local governments look
Text Hortatory Exposition bertujuan untuk
after the small things. They look after things like
menyodorkan pandangan/ide/opini/pendapat untuk
collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have
mempengaruhi/membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki
sikap pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu dan atau mengajak
pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu. Hortatory Reiteration
Exposition juga dikenal dengan istilah Persuasive
Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the
Generic structure of hortatory Exposition three levels of government are necessary.

Thesis : pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu

kasus/fenomena atau issue hal yang dipersoalkan
Hortatory Exposition
Argument : alasan mengapa ada keprihatinan dan
pengaruh pada saran atau rekomendasi Thesis In all the discussion over he removal of lead from
petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't teem to have
Re-Commendation : pernyataan tentang bagai mana been any mention of the difference between driving in
seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya sesuatu ada atau the city and the country.
Argument While I realize my leaded petrol car is
Unsur Kebahasaan/language feature Text Hortatory polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you
Exposition travel through the county, where you only see another
car very five to ten minutes, the problem is not as
Abstract noun misalnya polisi, government
severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Jargon misalnya species, mammal
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol
Modals misalnya must, should vehicles and their owners don't seen to appreciate that,
in the country, there is no public transport to fall back
Bahasa evaluatif misalnya important, valuable upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get
Kalimat passive
Re-commendation I feel that country people, who often
Thinking verb misalnya I believe, I think
have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and
who already spend a spec deal of money on petrol, EXPRESSION GIVING AND ASK FOR OPINION
should be treated differently to the people who live.
Asking for opinion
1. What do you think for/if...
1. Who : Bersifat kata orang {she, he}
2. Do you think...
2. Whom : Bersifat kata orang {me, you, her, him, than,
us, it} 3. What's your opinion about...

3. Whose : Bersifat kata orang {her, his, my, your, our, 4. What your idea about...
their, its} Giving for opinion
4. Which : Bersifat kata benda {me, you, her, their, us, 1. In myopinion abaut...
2. I think...
3. in myview...
4. I assume...
I thanked the woman. She helped me
I thanked the woman. Who helped me
What's your opinion about mrs.Dini?
In myopinion about mrs.Dini is beautiful, she is have
The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him high body and in studying she is very explicit. He
The man whom was Mr. Jones I raw student late go to school, she give a punishment which
the people were very nice. We visited than yesterday
the people were very nice. Whom we visited yesterday
The Expression of love :
I love son much
I apologized the woman. I spelled her coffee
I love you, baby
I apologized the woman Whose I spelled coffee
I do care about you
I know the man His bicycle was stolen
I really care about you
I know the man Whose bicycle was stolen
I like you, honey
You are my love, sweetheart
the book was good. I red it
My dear, I always think about you
the book which I red was good
The expression of sadness :
the move wasn't very good. We say it last night
I am feeding so sad
the move wasn't very good which we say last night.
I am really sad
Please make leaved me alone Example

It’s the sadness day in my live X: I will go away because I'm anger some you

You make me sad Y: I'm sorry, I must make you anger


Merupakan untuk menunjukan sikap atau posisi Pola conditional merupakan bentuk kalimat
seseorang penutur akan suatu pengandaian dengan ciri hadirnya kata jika/apabila,
masalah/pendapat/situasi. yang umumnya dinyatakan dangan kata IF. Terdapat
dua kategori besar pola pengandaian yakni : The real
Enquiring about (mencari tahu pendapat) (factual dan nabiutral) dan unreal (centrary to the fact).
Wouldn't you agree ( that )...? The real conditional yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah
Wouldn't you say (that)...? future conditional, merupakan pola lamunan yang
menyatakan sesuatu memiliki peluang untuk terjadi bila
Don't you think (that)...? syarat tertentu terpenuhi selanjutnya disebut
conditional type 1.
Expressing agreement (menyatakan persetujuan)
Type unreal merupakan pola lamunan yang merupakan
I agree (with you)
pengingkaran dari fakta sebenarnya akan terjadi atau
You are right sedang terjadi sekarang yang lebih dikenal dengan
present conditional atau conditional type 2.
That' right
Dan kedua lamunan yang berkontradiksi dengan yang
I know sebenarnya sudah terjadi yang lebih dikenal dengan
past conditional atau conditional type 3.

1. Future Conditional (Conditional Type 1)
Expressing disagreement (menyatakan tidak
persetujuan) Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu mungkin terjadi
pada waktu mendatang atau sekarang, jika syarat atau
I disagree
kondisi tertentu terpenuhi. Conditional type 1 dibentuk
I don't agree oleh rangkaian simple present sebagai sub-clause dan
simple future sebagai
I am not sure (about that)
main clause.
I don't know (about that)
If + subject 1 + present + subject 2 +
I am cann't agree [will/can/may/must] + verb 1 (simple form)


go away: 1. If you come with me for a jogride to night, you will

have a great fun.
I have you:
2. You must study hard, if you want to enter favorite
Shouth your mounth:
"If" Pada pola diatas dapat dilesapkan / dihilangkan If + subject 1 + past perfect + subject 2 + [would /
tanpa mengubah makna dengan mengubah structur could / might] + have + verb 3 / been
polanya didalam bentuk inverse
Should + subject 1 + simple form + subject 2 +
[will/can/may/must] + verb 1 (simple form) 1. If I had known you were there, I would have writen
you a letter
2. If you had asked me I would, have told you the whole
~ If you come with me for a jogride to night, you will story
have a gread fun
Bentuk inversi (tanpa menggunakan kata "if") untuk
~ Should you want to enter favorite university, you type ini adalah
must study hard
Had + subject 1 + verb 3/been + subject 2 +
2. Present Conditional (Conditional Type 2) [would/could/might] + have + verb 3/been

Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang

bertentangan dengan apa yang ada / terjadi sekarang /
belakangan ini. Example

If + subject 1 + simple past + subject 2 + [would / could / ~ Had I known you were there, I would have written you
might] + verb 1 / be a letter

Example ~ Had you asked me I would have told you the whole
1. If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this
week and Example of Conditional

2. He would tell you about, it if he were here 1. If I were in town, I would go

"If" dengan menggunakan to be "were" pada pola diatas I do not were in town, pn i would not go
dapat dilesapkan / dihilangkan tanpa mengubah makna 2. If I had known you were, I would come to have you.
dengan mengubah structur polanya kedalam bentuk
inversi. I do not had known you were, so I would not came to
have you.
Were +subject 1 + adjective + noun + subject 2 + [would
/ could / might] + verb / be

Example SPOOF

~ Were I to have time, I would go to the beach with you Goal/purpose : To retell/to tell funny story
this weekend
The structures
~ Were he here, he would tell you about it
Orientation : Pengenalan waktu,tokoh dan tempat.
3. Past Conditional (Conditional Type 3)
Event : Kejadian.
Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangn
Twist : Akhir yang tidak terduga atau lucu.
dengan apa yang telah terjadi sesuatu yang sudah
Keterangan F- I would prefer eat out rather than go/to go/going to
the movies
Dalam satu Sroof text, dapat terjadi beberapa event.
1} Dalam kalimat Tanya kita menggunakan or untuk
Title Penguin in the par memperkenalkan suatu pilihan, sedangkan dalam
Orientation Once a man was walking in a park when he kalimat pasif yang menggunakan would rather kita
came a class a penguin. menggunakan than.

Event 1 2} kita menggunakan rather than dengan would prefer +

to invinitive.
He took him to a policeman and said.” I have just Found
this penguin what should ? Do?” 3} Untuk kalimat negative. Kita menambahkan not
setelah would rather/would prefer dan sebelum kata
The policeman replied" take him to the zoo. kerja utama sehingga kalimat

Event 2 - I would rather not have ice cream

The next day the policeman saw the some in the some - I would prefer not to have ice cream
park and the man was still carrying the penguin with
him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up 4} kita menggunakan
to the man and asked. "Why are you still earring that Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + infinitive
penguin about ? Didn't you take it to the zoo" "I
Certainly did" Repaired the man. Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + to infinitive

Twist would prefer + to infinitive + rather than +V ing(dalam

contoh f diatas)
And it was great idea because he really enjoyed it so
today I am taking him to the movies. 5} Kita mengatakan 'I’d rather not' sebagai jawaban
pendek. kita menggunakan prefer dengan cara berikut

~ Prefer to + infinitive + rather than + infinitive/to

WOULD RATHER... (THAN), (WOULD) PREFER TO infinitive/verb/ing
I prefer to swim rather than play/to play/playing basket
'Would rather' mempunyai arti: Would prefer to ( lebih ball
suka ).
~ Prefer + verb + ing + to + verb + ing
I prefer swimming to playing basket ball
A- I would rather have ice cream than milk shake.
~ Prefer + verb + ing + rather than + verb + ing
B- Would you rather have ice cream or milk shake?
I prefer swimming rather than playing basket ball
C- I would prefer to have ice cream rather than milk
shake ~ Prefer + something + to + something

D- I would rather not have anything I prefer tea to coffee

E- Do you want to eat out? 'no I’d rather not'

A} "Rather than" dalam kalimat diatas dapat diganti Harder : lebih keras, lebih telat, dan lebih tajam
dengan instead of tetapi kata kerja yang mengikuti
'instead of' harus dalam bentuk Verb + ing Hurrledly : terburu-buru, tergopoh-gopoh

Example Late: terlambat

I prefer to stay (at) home instead of going out Well: baik, jauh, benar

B} "rather than” dapat diikuti oleh infinitive, to infinitive Example

atau verb + ing, tetapi penggunaannya lebih baik di a. I am Felling better today
sesuaikan dengan kata kerja sebelumnya
b. She is best language spanis in the class
C} Jika kita lebih suka seseorang melakukan sesuatu kita
menyatakannya dengan prefer : I prefer you to do it for c. He driver carefully every where

(Prefer + somebody + to + infinitive)

B. Adverb of place (keterangan tempat)
D} Dengan would rather (would rather + some body +
Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of place
the past form) - I'd rather you did it for me
- I'd rather you didn't smoke

Above : Diatas
Abroad : Luar negri, dengan luas, tersiar, tersebar
A. Adverb of manner (kata keterangan cara)
Below : Dibawah, kebawah
Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of manner
Down town : Kota
diantaranya adalah :
Far : Jauh
Best : terbaik yang paling baik
Gance : Dari sini
Better : makin baik, lebih sehat, lebih suka
Here : Disini
Calmly : dengan tenang
In side : Kedalam
Carefully : dengan hati-hati, dengan teliti
Near : Keluar, diluar
Carelesly : dengan sembarangan, gegabah,tanpa
tanggung jawab Thence : Dari Sana
Early : pagi-pagi There : Disana, disitu, kesana
Fast : cepat Example
Faster : lebih cepat a. She lives above tree
Grandually : secara berangsur-angsur b. They go to abroad every year
Hard : keras, lebat, dengan tajam c. We go to down town

C. adverb of definite time (keterangan waktu yang jelas) Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang
terjadi pada masa lalu dimasa waktu tidak tertentu
Kata-kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of definite (bentuk waktu selesai sekarang).
time diantaranya :
S + have/has + V3 + O

A few days Ag : Beberapa hari yang lalu
Have untuk subjek they, we, I, youhas untuk subjek she,
A few minute Ag : Beberapa saat yang lalu he, it
At the moment : Sekarang ini Example
Farmerly : Dahulu, tadinya 1. They have cathee this morning
In the past : Dimasa lalu 2. Dedi has antihu pencil in the market.
Last night : Tadi malam

Now : sekarang Preference

Right now : sekarang ini juga Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbandingan
The other day : beberapa hari yang lalu, baru-baru ini ….. like….. better than…..
Tomorrow : besok ….. prefer….. to …..
To nigh : malam ini ….. would rather….. than….
Yesterday : kemarin

Example 1. I like coffee batter than tea

a. I met than a few days ago (Suka ) (dari pada)
b. They finished their work a few minute ago 2. Eka prefer fried rice to fried noodle
c. I lived in bandung formerly (Lebih suka) (daripada)

3. siti would rather ice than milkshake

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