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(cat vey Semester __ _Management Information Systems UNIT-V Collaboration | poration is working with others to achieve shared and explicit re laboration focuses on task or mission accomplishment and : ey takes place in a business, or other organization, and between mosis |laboration system uses software and technology to enable 5 to communicate and share documents in a digital space. ae use collaboration systems to solve work-related problems ve chaotic communication, paper-heavy processes, or inability to offer workers telecommuting opportunities. Importance of collaboration in Business Nowadays, many employers cite collaboration as a key employee skill But is it so important. + Collaboration can allow an organization to make full use of all its employees and solve challenges that prevent the company from reaching its objectives. It can also build a sense of Purpose in a business's employees, increase loyalty and improve corporate culture. It's a great way to encourage people to share knowledge and resources, Improves the way your team works together and problem solves. You can use it to Pool your negotiating power, to coordinate Strategies, or to create new products, for instance. It can provide great opportunities for cross-skilling and networking, and can even i improve employee engagement levels ’ Tt can help them to be more cost effective, creative and Competitive, Page 133 f A} Vr V Semester Management intore Keys Activities of Collaboration The two different key activities of collaboration are as follows Importance of Effective Critical Feedback * Feedback is the final component and one of the important facto, in the process of communication. * It is defined as the response given by the receiver to the Sende, * The sender needs response of the receiver in order to decige effectiveness of communication. * Feedback can be negative or positive. Positive feedback INdicate. that the sender can continue his communication in the Same manner as before. Negative feedback on the other hand, indicates | a need for a change in the manner of communication. * The feedback tells the sender many things such as whether the message is received successfully or not, whether the receiver likeg it or not, whether the choice of channel/medium was appropriate etc. « If the appropriate feedback is given by the receiver to the sender, then the sender can modify, remodel, his strategy of communication. Guidelines for Giving and Recei ing Critical Feedback Giving and receiving feedback in the workplace is important to change behaviors, improve productivity and evaluate performance. Employees and their managers need to know what they are doing well and areas in which they could do better so they know what to keep doing or what to change. The idea is to challenge yourself and your colleagues *° keep performing at a higher level. Inspiring growth: n0W Employees gain a new perspective when receiving feedback 0” n their behaviors impact those around them. | Page 134 semest .com (CA) Ill ¥rV Semester Management Information Systems Giving people purpose: feedback helps people feel useful and valued by reminding them what they do matters. improving employee engagement according to one study, employees are more likely to get involved in the workplace if they receive feedback at least once a week. nurturing and solidifying working relationships communication channels are open when giving or receiving peer-to- peer feedback, which can help to resolve problems before they become unmanageable. Collaboration System in Business There are many reasons why businesses need and use collaboration systems, but here are a few notable ones: 1. Collaboration is easier and faster No more phone calls, in-person meetings, or emails. If you need a question answered, write a comment in the appropriate channel and quickly receive your answer. If a coworker needs a document from you, give them access in a few clicks. Need to address the entire company? Create and post an announcement in seconds. And just in case other coworkers ask the same question, need the same document, or missed that particular announcement, everyone will see the same information because it’s permanently stored. 2. Remote and flexible work are possible Remote work is becoming normal and expected. The ability to offer telecommuting opportunities and the option to hire remote workers is Powerful. If a workforce successfully adopts a collaboration system, i Makes it possible to log in from anywhere. Collaboration software is Page 135 Management Information Systems B.Com (CA) Ill Yr V Semester - anywhere with an internet accessible through multiple devices, connection, and available 24/7. 3. Travel time and costs are reduced oe Traveling is time-consuming and expensive. ional nore fers system, companies can have important Cae hat each branch on private channels. Instead of delivering a speec! : o make an announcement to the collective company on a universa| newsfeed the entire workforce will see. Workers can converse indefinitely and the entire conversation plus documents will be saved. Use.power search to quickly find Previous comments and notes. 4. More opportunities to collaborate In addition to easier and faster collaboration, workers can collaborate More frequently with these software tools. Employees have constant, immediate access to every other worker. Collaboration systems offer their service 24/7, accessible from multiple devices, and available aim anywhere. Workers will see announcements, questions, comments, and documents with more frequency due to the availability of coliaborating, —_____ Types of Collaboration Systems | ———Stion Systems _ Collaboration systems can be broken UD into two broad categories: Asynchronous , Asynchronous Collaboration systems communication. The do not provide real-time @mple is email Or message Most common ex B.Com (CA) Ill Yr V Semester on Management Information Systems members a chance to reflect ‘ on responses rath j i reactions. er than just give Synchronous Synchronous collaboration systems provide real-time communication. Examples are instant messaging and video calls. Here, everyone is supposed to participate at the same time. Synchronous conversations are helpful when you are trying to get the mood of others or when something is a true emergency that requires immediate communication. _ Components of a Collaboration System There are several different components of a system that values collaboration, including- 1. Data In this component, there are two separate types of data. Project data is all of the information generated from a specific project, such as transactions, records, or user data. If there is a recommended solution to solve a business problem, the project data would include 2 document that describes this solution. a is all of the information required to handle a project. loyee schedules, to-do lists, company information. An information system II of the data into one location so Project metadati This may encompass emp! budgets, or management-related i can help to organize and aggregate a everyone can access it when they are working on a project. 2. Hardware There are various hardware tools utilized to optimize collaboration and s multiple devices in the workplace. ensure communication acros (digital whiteboards), interactive projectors Examples include or any other types of systems that computers, iPads, smartphones, - — : Page 137 ™ Management Information System, B.Com (CA) 8 Vr V Semente taining these systems is essential as these are an be touched Maintainin nd stored the places where data is uploaded and are currently integrated into everyday ecause digital technologie aemgneeee asingly less focused on the hardware incre objects, organizations are incr ' ; Jiaboration systems. However, it is still critical to component of collaboration ensure proper hardware devices are employed as many digital files can be uploaded and shared with them 3 Software Different information systems remain the newest and most intuitive way to promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing. As time yrogresses, there are more options available for organizations that want to increase productivity and ensure projects are completed Sy utilizing the software component of a collaboration system, employee morale will increase as everyone has all of the necessary ‘formation to perform their jobs. Management can gain access to these systems and use a set of KPIs to track employee productivity. As @ result, the company can streamline several areas of the organization, such as the supply chain, inventory, accounting, ™erketing, Or Customer service. 4. Procedures Procedures are the various policies that dictate how a business intelligence solution will run In an organization. IT or a computer science specialist will code software to perform specific tasks to Meximize efficiency and ensure €veryone has access to the proper information It's essential to put the proper Policies In place to ensi re rkers can collaborate effectively when complet) ae "9 a task. If ms or other tools are not functioning Properly empl ne Software ee to work as productively as they should ‘ bloyees will be una Pape 14x, a > _icayiiyrV Semester Management Information Systems examples of Frequently Used Collaboration Tools . Microsoft teams Gooale docs ~ Goodale sheets e Skype « Zoom + Google Slides « Zimbra « Box « Xender s People For people to collaborate properly, they need to be able to maximize problem-solving, share knowledge, and make quick decisions A properly functioning set of software tools can provide the assistance needed to ensure workers can carry out these functions. Because accurate and non-duplicate data inputs are correlated to good decision-making, IT professionals have a responsibility to program software to weed out incorrect data. However, individual workers also have a responsibility to ensure their inputs are reliable to ensure collaboration efforts are streamlined. Goals Achieve with collaboration (Benefits) Here's a list of corporate goals that may benefit you or the organization for which you work: 1. Increased productivity Productivity is the ability of a company's employees to complete their goals efficiently: An increase 10 productivity can tasks and meet their accomplish necessary tasks help businesses expand thelr operations, Page 139 and reduce their overall costs. Increasing productivity often requires the cooperation of many people within a business, especially managers B.Com (CA) Ill Yr V Semester and human resources personnel. Human resources personnel can make scheduling changes and create Mandatory break schedules. Managers can then ensure that employees are taking breaks and using their time wisely. Leadership can also work on improving their communication in order to avoid unnecessary meetings. 2. Lower costs Company costs can include payroll, materials, advertising and distribution. Organizations may be able to lower their costs by increasing collaboration between HR personnel, department heads, accountants, marketing teams and company leadership. These individuals can meet to share and analyze their costs. They can then find ways to eliminate unnecessary expenses and identify methods of consolidation. They may reassign tasks between departments in order to save labor costs, identify ineffective marketing campaigns or find inefficiencies within departments. Company staff can also lower the cost of materials by increasing their communication and collaboration with their suppliers. 3. Greater customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is a measure of how positively customers view 4 company and its products or services. Increasing customer satisfaction can bring many benefits, including a larger customer base, higher profits, lower advertising costs and increased growth opportunities. Several employees typically share the responsibility of customer satisfaction, including marketing staff, managers, customer service personnel and product developers. Management Information Systems Management inbormation Systems ~~ a (CA) IIL Yr V Semester Increased commun! Management information Systems comes e venti how waween these individuals can allow eee ot how the heir customer satisfaction strategies are sues ers 'y could improve. Customer-facing staff can nts value and communicate their cone leadership. Managers can then work with marketing and so oment mn teams to improve messaging and tailor products to customer needs. 4. Company growth Corporate growth involves a business expanding into new markets, gaining new customers, developing new products and raising its profits. Growth is often a primary goal of many companies and it usually requires close collaboration between many individuals. Data 's one of the most important parts of analyzing a company's success and th, and effective communication can ensure planning for its future grow’ \d how they can increase their growth that corporate leaders understan potential. Department managers, employees and executives can meet to share for growth. performance metrics and identify new opportunities Customer service and marketing personnel may be able to identify new product opportunities or advertising strategies based on their experiences, while financial experts may find new investments tO increase revenue or ways to save money. Company leaders can then take these ideas and transform them into corporate growth. 5. Employee engagement 5 a measure of how dedicated and invested @ in their work. Increasing employee etain its most valuable employees f its output. One of the to create ¢ Employee engagement i company's employees are engagement can help 4 business © increase productivity and i most effective Ways inc collavorative work priority and conduct! munication c ing surveys 0! ~*~ Aanagement Information Syste Manag at Stems, B Com (CA) 111 ¥1 V Semeste Increased communication and collaboration can help staff member voice their opinions and feel more valued. This can allow businesses t benefit from good ideas and can give staff a greater sense of nvestment in their job © Improved recruitment Strong recruitment strategies can help businesses locate and attracy the most qualified employees and build an effective and competi¢ ve team Recruitment is often a joint process that includes human resources staff, managers and _ low-level employees. Open communication between these groups is often essential for hiring ang training staff in the most efficient way. Better company culture A company's culture includes how its employees conduct themselves ‘ts work environment and its values. A healthy and well-defineg compeny culture can increase employee morale, Productivity, e gement and trust. Collaboration and open communication can nelp create a company culture that serves the needs of all employees Open communication can allow both leaders and employees to influence the building of a company's culture. Leaders can share their vision for the company, their core values and their future plans. cate their experiences and describe what for them. This collaborative effort can help you build @ culture of respect and trust in & More effective marketing makes work meaningful your company. Efficient marketing is often a ke y compone end sustainable company, Marketing 's.usu, that involves customer different departments wit Nt of building a profitable ally a collaborative process interaction as well 4S coordination between hina company, Page 142 — a Management information Systems BCom (CA) HH Semecte: d nication and collaboration can help staff members von the shinies a feel more valued. This can allow businesses to benefit from good ideas and can give staff a greater iAvestment in their job. 6 nse of Improved recruitment Strong recruitment strategies can help businesses locate and attract the most qualified employees and build an effective and com Petitive team Recruitment is often a joint process that includes human resources staff, managers and low-level employees. Open communication between these groups is often essential for hirin, training staff in the most efficient way. ig and Better company culture & company's culture includes how its em ployees conduct themselves, *s work environment and its values. A healthy and well-defined company culture can increase employee morale, Productivity, engagement and trust. Collaboration and open communication can help create a company culture that serves the needs of all employees Open communication can allow both influence the building of a com, vision leaders and employees to Pany's culture. Leaders can share their for the company, Employees can communi makes More effective marketing Efficient Marketing is often a 4nd sustainable COMpany, Mark that involves customer interaction as wel different de; aS Coordination between Partments within a Company Pae 142 be -_ com (CA) Yr V Semester Management information Systems customer service personne! can conduct surveys and speak with ustomers to determine how their business might improve its services They can then pass these insights on to marketing tearns who can use the information to modify their messaging and make it more offactive Marketers can also work closely with development teams to build products that respond to customer needs Cloud Collaboration and its Benefits Cloud collaboration allows employees to work together and collaborate on documents and other file types which might be stored off-premises or outside the firewall of the company. Cloud collaboration happens when a user creates/uploads a file online and then shares access to other individuals. The idea is to enable employees to share, edit, and view documents in real-time. all changes made are saved and synced to the cloud so all users always have access to the same, updated version of the document. Benefits of cloud collaboration 1. Improved team collaboration When documents are stored in a shared place online, it becomes easier to find and access them. Employees no longer have to constantly email their team members just for an updated version of a file. Moreover, when team members have access to the correct file versions, it makes discussions smoother, ensures everyone is on the same page (quite literally), and remarkably improves team collaboration. 2. Faster access to large files Most email servers cannot handle documents that are bigger than 20- 25 MB. To send large files to team members you would either have to Page 143 Moe” Management bitorinatien Ve BCom (CA) LV Sernester share them offline through USBs and external hard di OF Just uf the files on a cloud storage provider. Sharing files offline isn’t just time-consuming, but it is alg ar Impossible option for teams working remotely, Cloud storage ang Collaboration allows teams to quickly share large files with no delay distribution dilernmas. Once you upload a file online, you can share the same shared link with all team members at once. 3. Support for remote employees Cloud-based applications allow remote tears to collaborate and wory together even when they are all located in different parts of the woria In fact, efficient cloud collaboration is one of the major factors behing the success of remote teams. Without dedicated cloud storage, rernote employees would get stuck in an endless spiral of emails with no time to get their core work done. 4. Embracing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend Over 67 percent of employees already use their own devices at wort and 69 percent of company decision-makers believe BYOD leads to great results in the workforce. Employees in BYOD-ernbracing companies work at least two extra hours Cloud collaboration helps support and facilitates, Device (BYOD) policies by allowing employees to log in from their personal devices to access all the work-related files and data without having to hardwire it to a separate network or VPN. Bring Your Own Collaboration Software and Its Common Features Collaboration software is designed to maximize teamwork effective e55 by providing a central platform whe. openly share knowledge, data, business problems or comple: re employees 62" and documents to solve specifié te Creative projects together. Te?” Pape 144 > m (CA) ILE Semester Management information Systems mbers interact from any location on the cloud, sparking innovation me! ad driving progress to boost profits and company growth commen features in collaboration software ne collaboration software market is vast, but most tools will include che following core features: social networking Internal communication is organized into channels that are categorized py topic. Employees can view all public conversations but don’t have to «cro. through irrelevant discussions to find answers from team members regarding specific projects or work segments. 2 Document management Cloud document management is non-negotiable and highly effective when tied into collaboration software. Team members can collectively craft and edit documents or share individually created documents directly into social networking feeds for feedback. 5. Powerful search engine Tracking down siloed data can put a significant strain on pre 2cts and problem-solving. A wiki search enables employees to find any public Socument or prior conversation through a simple search in a single Diatform, instantaneously. 4 Task management ‘f the purpose of collaboration software is to expedite projects and problem-solving, then managing the necessary tasks to achieve €solution in the same platform further simplifies processes M onitoring project progress keeps goals on track and team members on the same page. x NS Management Information Systems B.Com (CA) III Yr V Semester ice iny dev! 5 Smooth user-interface 0” any ttle for clunky, difficult-to-navigate reason to se won't to use it, and yo ion't want ur re mployees ms ; Your emp op- jotch tools are a bree, collaboration fware Oe ev ential. TOP-M “ ment will not er are bile device. whether on a desktop oF am There is no invest to maneuver 6 Security measures While server encryption on the vendor's side is essential, the e securi each! intern, ‘ontrol. Collaboratio, st f urity breaches is slack internal t' orati oul c ions at appropriate levels fo, software should offer flexible permissi tications and se controlled internal data access. Additional authentic ‘Curity c d-down protocols are included in some platforms to ensure locke “gown data, Web 2.0 — ee Represents the evolution of the World Wide Web; it stands for the web applications that enable interactive information sharing, user-centereg Gesign, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 is 3 collective term of Web-based technologies that include blogging, wikis, multimedia sharing sites, Podcasting, social networks, social Dookmarking sites, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, content generator and other evolving forms of Participating and social media. hind Web 2.0 is to enhance the interconnectivity and allows users to access Web in easy and People to collaborate and ernet of Course clay web based communities Me MEW Web anny OW fOr Web social media is @ PPlications Such as azax ind more al blogging and int Major compone Page 146 is Vv Semester bao a comic) WE Management information Systerns modern browser providing opportunities for people to express their views: penefits of Web 2.0 , wecan access all the services available at internet anyume or from anywhere Today's web services are user friendly or has better user nterface multiple kind or different type of media is available on wed . qtcan build a dynamic learning community. anyone can have real time discussion now. thing or every Everybody is an author and an editor now, every change is traceable now. Learners can actively be involved in knowledge building « Successes for search results are efficient. « Update of any information is easy- « Web 2.0 is speedy, collaborative, trustworthy etc. Social Media to Improve Business Processes Social media has become a crowded network where peopie snare 3° get information they need. Social media can also be used to lot of areas in your business, especially areas which directly inVo) your customers. If you have an active campaign and 3 great levet engagement with your followers, you will find many of these tas easier to do with the use of so media as a media to meet Custo' formal way for a better approac @ppeal to some people cial media. Businesses Nas used Soe mers and potential customers in ak hh than the formal ways that may Since it was first introduced, social media has taken the wed to Next step into the Web 2.0 where content generation |s made by us Pave l4 TTT Mortis, anization and Managemen, | application is serious because r rformed well. if we can ‘ay of decision making disseminated and Useg ‘ “ "big t yey semester ym (CA) HHLY a s od oO of go ngtations 7 manifes mo nagerial and operation mana > proc ' Reemaltn the raw materia is a generated, is not | or computer-i, -manua .. then no system m ee informati nformation management,

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