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Checking Consistency in Categorical Variables:

 To check and correct inconsistent or misspelled values and consider

standardizing them for consistency.

Image 1.2.3 – Consistency in Categorical variables

b. Skewness of the variables:

 Right skewed Distribution is found, so it is a positively skewed.

Image1.2.4 - Skewness of the variables

c. Inspecting continuous fields for extreme values:

Figure 1.2.1 – Inspecting values of Age, Salary, Partnrer Salary and

d. Treating Outlier in the Total salary:

Figure 1.2.2 - Treating Outlier in the Total salary

3. Explore all the features of the data separately by using appropriate visualizations
and draw insights that can be utilized by the business
• To understand the data and draw insights, we perform exploratory data
analysis (EDA). The code above demonstrates the process of visualizing the
distribution of the 'Age' variable using a histogram and the relationship between the
'Age' and 'Annual Income' variables using a scatter plot. Additional visualizations can
be created for other variables present in the dataset.
• By analysing the visualizations, we can draw insights that can be
utilized by the business. For example, we can identify the age distribution of the target
audience, understand the relationship between age and annual income, identify
potential gender-related patterns, and more.

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