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Wondrous item, common

A powerful drug from the kingdoms of Rondon, this new
version, improved by luyanhamite alchemists, is said to ease
all your worries and give you a brief moment of ecstasy.
Addicts to the drug say they can experience moments of
extreme happiness when they are high and that the tears that
follow are just the sadness of being unable to remember
them after.
Black powder that is consumed by sniffing it, it produces a
great sensation of bliss and happiness, relieving all short and
long term madness effects during 6h. A creature that
consumes this item can suppress any effect causing them to
be charmed or frightened and is stunned during two rounds.
Side effects:
6 hours after you sniff the powder, you must succeed on a
DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or crave more obscura. For
the next 1d4 hours, you desperately search for obscura
and sniff the first one you find. If you do not consume one,
you gain 1 level of exhaustion and the craving goes away.
After you sniff the black powder, you must succeed on a
DC 5 constitution saving throw or begin to segregate tears
involuntarily during 6 hours, you have disadvantage in
perception checks and ranged attacks at more than 30
feet for the duration. If you have failed 10 or more checks
during a 7-day period the effect makes you blind as the
tears overflow from your eyes.
Each subsequent obscura you consume in a 7-day period
increases the DCs for the saving throws you must make
by 1. Each three obscura you consume in a 7-day period
increases any exhaustion levels the drug causes by 1.

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