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hello good morning, how are you

1. Tell us about yourself? ¿Cuéntanos sobre ti?

my name is cristian camilo, i am 31 (tri uan)years old, i live in neiva
1.may ney is Cristian camilo cuellar,I am tri uan year ol, I laisffin
2. What motivates you? ¿Qué te motiva?
I have an 8(eith)-year-old daughter, and I am her example
2.Hay jave in eth year ol dauster an may an her example
3. What are your hobbies? ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?
My hobbies are reading and soccer
3.May hobi ar readin an soquer
4. What are your future plans if you get this job? ¿Cuáles son tus planes de futuro si
consigues este trabajo?
have job stability and learn more every day
4.har yob estabili an leer mor ebri day

5. What are your future goals or what are your career goals? ¿Cuáles son sus metas
futuras o cuáles son sus metas profesionales?
finish my studies and continue growing as a person
5-finis may estudi an county groin az a person
6. What do you see as a major success in your life? ¿Qué ves como un gran éxito en tu
one of my greatest successes was graduating
6.uan of may grides sixeses was graduatin

7. Why did you leave your last job? ¿Por qué dejó su último trabajo?
due to the hours, they were very long
7.du tu de jour, dery guere very lon
8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? ¿Dónde te ves en 5 años?
In 5 years I see myself occupying a good position in this company
8.In fay year hay sii may soff obcupain an goo posichion in dis

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