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Copywriters frequently differ on whether it is preferable to produce a brief sales

piece with lots of white space or a big, in-depth one. In summary, the question is
this: Which kind of customer are you trying to attract?

Essentially, there are two types of purchasers.

1. The Impulsive Purchaser

This is the type of guy who doesn't have a lot of time but has "places to go and
people to see." He usually scans the headlines and subtopics, looks at the images
and subtitles, and decides quickly.

2. The Buyer Who Is Analytical

For this particular set of purchasers, the devil is in the details. Everything
will be read by them, including the fine print.

Regardless of length, an effective copy will logically satisfy the needs of both
buyers. Let's examine the steps you must take to connect with both buyers.

How to go to...

Impulsive Purchaser

1. Make use of headlines and subheadings that grab attention.

2. Make the most of images that support your points.
Images with captions
Changing the fonts and sizes
Make bold headlines
Use bullets or darkened areas to highlight

The Critical Purchaser

1. Use the impulsive buyer's headlines, subheadings, and images as a reference. If

you provide the specific details the analytical buyer need under the appropriate
heading, you will have a marketing piece that is sure to be successful.

Understanding your potential customers' inner workings is essential to capturing

their interest and generating additional revenue. It is advantageous for you as
the copywriter that the needs of the analytical and impulsive buyers coincide!

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