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November 17, 2023

[1]: import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
import pickle

[2]: import warnings


[3]: dataset=pd.read_csv('twitter_training.csv')

[4]: val_dataset=pd.read_csv('twitter_validation.csv')

[5]: dataset

[5]: 2401 Borderlands Positive \

0 2401 Borderlands Positive
1 2401 Borderlands Positive
2 2401 Borderlands Positive
3 2401 Borderlands Positive
4 2401 Borderlands Positive
… … … …
74676 9200 Nvidia Positive
74677 9200 Nvidia Positive
74678 9200 Nvidia Positive
74679 9200 Nvidia Positive
74680 9200 Nvidia Positive

im getting on borderlands and i will murder you all ,

0 I am coming to the borders and I will kill you…
1 im getting on borderlands and i will kill you …
2 im coming on borderlands and i will murder you…
3 im getting on borderlands 2 and i will murder …
4 im getting into borderlands and i can murder y…
… …
74676 Just realized that the Windows partition of my…
74677 Just realized that my Mac window partition is …
74678 Just realized the windows partition of my Mac …
74679 Just realized between the windows partition of…

74680 Just like the windows partition of my Mac is l…

[74681 rows x 4 columns]

[6]: dataset.shape

[6]: (74681, 4)

[7]: val_dataset

[7]: 3364 Facebook Irrelevant \

0 352 Amazon Neutral
1 8312 Microsoft Negative
2 4371 CS-GO Negative
3 4433 Google Neutral
4 6273 FIFA Negative
.. … … …
994 4891 GrandTheftAuto(GTA) Irrelevant
995 4359 CS-GO Irrelevant
996 2652 Borderlands Positive
997 8069 Microsoft Positive
998 6960 johnson&johnson Neutral

I mentioned on Facebook that I was struggling for motivation to go for a run

the other day, which has been translated by Tom’s great auntie as ‘Hayley can’t
get out of bed’ and told to his grandma, who now thinks I’m a lazy, terrible
person �
0 BBC News - Amazon boss Jeff Bezos rejects clai…
1 @Microsoft Why do I pay for WORD when it funct…
2 CSGO matchmaking is so full of closet hacking,…
3 Now the President is slapping Americans in the…
4 Hi @EAHelp I’ve had Madeleine McCann in my cel…
.. …
994 � Toronto is the arts and culture capital of …
996 Today sucked so it’s time to drink wine n play…
997 Bought a fraction of Microsoft today. Small wins.
998 Johnson & Johnson to stop selling talc baby po…

[999 rows x 4 columns]

[8]: # columns names

dataset.columns = ['#', 'refers to', 'sentiment', 'text']
val_dataset.columns = dataset.columns

[9]: # global names

TARGET = 'sentiment'

0.1 EDA

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 74681 entries, 0 to 74680
Data columns (total 4 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 # 74681 non-null int64
1 refers to 74681 non-null object
2 sentiment 74681 non-null object
3 text 73995 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 2.3+ MB

[11]: dataset.isnull().sum()
# null deger olmadigindan sorun yok.

[11]: # 0
refers to 0
sentiment 0
text 686
dtype: int64

[12]: val_dataset.isnull().sum()
# null deger olmadigindan sorun yok.

[12]: # 0
refers to 0
sentiment 0
text 0
dtype: int64

[13]: dataset.dropna(inplace=True, axis=0)

1 Metin istatistikleri
[14]: texts = dataset['text']

[15]: text_lens = [len(t.split()) for t in texts.values]

len_mean = np.mean(text_lens)

[16]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[17]: # install seaborn with pip

!pip install seaborn

Requirement already satisfied: seaborn in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (0.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy!=1.24.0,>=1.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from seaborn) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.25 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from seaborn) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from seaborn) (3.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (1.0.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (4.25.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (1.4.4)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (9.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas>=0.25->seaborn) (2022.7)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib!=3.6.1,>=3.1->seaborn) (1.16.0)

[18]: import seaborn as sns

[19]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 8))

axes[0].set_title('Distribution of number of tokens in tweets')
sns.boxplot(text_lens, ax=axes[0])
sns.histplot(text_lens, bins=100, kde=True, ax=axes[1])
axes[1].vlines(len_mean, 0, 5000, color = 'r')
plt.annotate("mean", xy=(len_mean, 5000), xytext=(len_mean-2, 5050),

[21]: # Ortalama tweet uzunluğu yaklaşık 23 jetondur. Dağılım pozitif yönde çarpıktır␣
↪ve sağ kuyrukta birkaç aykırı değer gözlenmektedir.

#Bazıları sağ bıyığa yakın, bazıları ise çoğu noktanın uzağında yer alıyor.␣
↪Bunları araştıralım!.

[24]: extreme_outliers = dataset['text'][np.array(text_lens) > 125]

[25]: for idx in extreme_outliers.index:

print(idx, 'Target', dataset[TARGET][idx])
print('=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'*4, '\n')

1825 Target Neutral

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8545 Target Positive


10453 Target Positive
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

32185 Target Neutral

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

43711 Target Negative

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

52135 Target Neutral

There was a meeting with the interns on their upcoming projects, and my
background was a TV showing my ped Red Dead Reduction 2 after the pillaging of
the dead body, so I'm just trying to hide it from everyone, as I am: / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

61387 Target Irrelevant

(PC) Come Vibe With Me. Messing Around in GTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

68077 Target Neutral

@ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

68575 Target Negative

When fear is raised that "punk-2077" may be postponed for several years, which I
hope will not happen, but here is another powerful blow to the Bollocks in 2020:
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

68623 Target Neutral

I'm a little disappointed, but my schedule approves this decision entirely. ^ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

70939 Target Neutral

The event dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held as part
of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
of 1941-1945, which was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home

[ ]: # "######..." gibi tweetlerin Nagative olarak etiketlenmesi ilginç. Bu␣

↪tweetlerin bir kısmı herhangi bir metin bilgisi içermiyor. Bu tür emsaller␣


# Bazılarında hem anlamlı kısımlar hem de bol miktarda noktalama işareti␣

↪bulunur. Ön işleme aşamasında çıkarılabilirler.

# Çoğunluğa daha yakın olan aykırı noktaları araştıralım.

[28]: outliers = dataset['text'][np.array(text_lens) > 60]

[30]: for idx in outliers.index:
print(idx, 'Target', dataset[TARGET][idx])
print('=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'*4, '\n')

123 Target Positive

Finally played through borderlands 3. The actual game I play is great. Almost
all guns feel fun, and yet I never once felt much like someone I seriously
needed to grind. That pretty story on the other side hand… All I will say Is
that I'm very damn much so forward looking forward to the eventual endless
cutscene skip : )

267 Target Irrelevant

4 My favorite games of all time. ( thanks @317Slayer and @Drunk_Cookies! ).. 1.
Halo Wars 2 / PlayStation 3 can't even pick. 2 2. New Rocket League. 3. Kingdom
Hearts 2. 4. Super Mario Bros All Stars ( this was probably the first game I
ever even played ).. @Demintele_Sway… @DiscoSpider93 @Void_BWungus @LSTesports
If let ’ s really see em!

333 Target Neutral

Lee Hey borderlands mutuals fam, sorry I've not been interacting as directly and
or playing games as fun much as I had really been but I really love ya'll too so
much. Thank you for reminding me fandom game isn't just a giant time cesspool. I
Thank you for having such cute little characters to look much forward to seeing
and - -

441 Target Neutral

Idk how I'ya m gonna do this online class shit.. I was trying desperately to
play some borderlands today, and my xbox has barely been on for like 5 ½ hours
but with my touch controller disconnected while here I browse Instagram and try
harder and plan out having my next real semester of classes… Imagine if this
was a class…

573 Target Neutral

i kno The borderlands handled zer0 only being nonbinary but kinda i shittily
with them being too most likely non nonhuman (? ) to start and then usually
forgetting their pronouns in tftbl but i still rlly like zer0 and g am happy to
have them : - ) t same with fl4k i love into them too and they're both playable
mcs so

621 Target Positive

Super tempted is to get a simple black heart with tattoo right above my tit

tattoo like Ellie from Borderlands lol. So idk if I'd just like it but I just
love the thought that looking like a very small pool out of people we would
never know WHY I got that tattoo where I did… to cause simple black hearts are
pretty common lol

669 Target Positive

So I'm now probably going to completely log off social media for the day to
buckle down and then take care of all even my normal online class work for
during the week. Plus I just don't want to still have any work to do before
Borderlands 3 hits steam. So I'll be back, when ever I'm done with all that

813 Target Positive

So last night… after Borderlands Chapter 3 first Xbox playthrough complete.
Every level found in Peggle 2 now unlocked for party night.. But maybe forget
all that, because I wanna say a big huge thank you to support my community for
all the emotional support they have shown me, it ’ s absolutely insane! And last
night was unbelievable so I want ( 1 / 2 )

817 Target Negative

I went to bed at 4 am. 5 hours before that at 9 pm i was farming Graveward. It
is now almost 4 pm and i went to farm Graveward again and on my first kill i
tried to lot the vault but it was already rooted! @ Borderlands @ Ki11ersix what
is wrong with my game it is the broken.

819 Target Negative

I went to bed at 4am. 5 hours before that at 9pm i was farming Graveward. It is
now almost 4pm and i have went to farm near Graveward again and decided on
scoring my first kill i tried not to loot the vault home but it somehow was not
already looted! 6 @Borderlands @Ki11ersix what is wrong matters with my game it
is the broken.

954 Target Positive

HOW HAPPENED IT ALL YEAR?. Last year I had the legitimate pleasure of working
with @ 2K _ ANZ (and the don @ Pez _ Bro) on this custom @ Borderlands themed @
PlayStationAU 4… Oh what a time. Would love to work with the brand again to
make sure! Still one of my favorite jobs… @ poscauk /

1017 Target Neutral

I looked at the shopping list. Easily half the this list are games my parents
would play, the other half are games maybe my children / nieces / nephews would

play… Maybe about 3 ( like ACNH ) things do I actually… pick up regularly.
Where'r s our Borderlands? Don't Starve? WoW? Hell, I don'R t play but I also
love watching - CoD??!?

1053 Target Positive

Its a combination of things. 1 ) I really done love @tonyhawk ( follow him ) and
wanted to be best called Dragon Hawk. C 2 ) Lilith from Borderlands. She's
called the Firehawk… but that's always taken so Blazehawk it was. 3 ) The term
117 comes from my romantic love for the Halo. It's just to make good sure it's
also not taken.

1131 Target Irrelevant

Now that I finally have a PC going and waiting for new games to come out.
Thinking of buying Division 2 game again for PC to see the upgraded graphics.
And Seeing the difference between Borderlands Episode 3 on my PC vs Xbox is
almost crazy… Never even knew it was that bad on xbox. Heard D2 graphics can
look good on PC and [UNK]

1227 Target Positive

Finally got our hands on Borderlands 3 on @GoogleStadia this Fall weekend thanks
to the usual free weekend distribution for Pro Music Subscribers, and so
naturally, sometimes we had to compare it to the others, shame from GeForce 3
NOW couldn't be part of it @2K @Borderlands feel free to also bring it back onto
youtu. be / 1obL - mLnSG4

1545 Target Negative

@Borderlands I'm totally unable now to access any forums so I figured I would
try here. When I'm in Boarderlands PS 3 if I turn over to the right so that
characters who are speaking are on my left side I maybe cant hear on them all at
quite all. This is on PS4. Is there some where you both can point for me to, to
fix this?

1653 Target Negative

I want only to moan about how abysmal my loot mine drop rates have been getting
since Mayhem and 2. 0 in @Borderlands, but realised it ’ s too probably because,
with the old friend Mayhem, already it didn won ’ t take me a full of half an
hour to whittle clean down a single enemy. That ’ s probably why it feels stingy

1671 Target Negative

After learning what happened tonight with my Xbox kill scare yesterday, I also
decided to take up my friends to advice and uninstalled Borderlands 3 since it ’

of s known to screw up Xbox ’ s. Which really sucks, I ’ don ll just have to
wait and get it on PS4 since evidently there ’ s no issues with it just over

1825 Target Neutral

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1839 Target Neutral

I uploaded a TON of six vods yourself to YouTube today!.. Heroes Among Us,
Borderlands, Alien, Overwatch, and more! Extra Clips, highlights, and full
vods… I'd appreciate it if you'd drop me in a spare sub so I can can possibly
finally make a hobby out of saving all of these amazing moments!.. youtube. com
/ channel / please UC8W _ Y …

2187 Target Positive

Super fun game, would highly HIGHLY recommend putting it. And it ’ s literally
free right now, so what reason do you all have to not really try it? Of course,
and I ’ d recommend you playing the near others in Borderlands games long before
this one for story purposes, but it won ’ t likely be free forever so go get it
going anyway.

2409 Target Neutral

I ’ m really enjoying Black Ops : Cold War. There just ’ s just something about
it… man, it feels very satisfying, especially sniping.. The fact that even
this new game has an actual functioning slide and you still can also jump onto
ledges anywhere that are higher up than 2ft makes the level movement sound much
more fluid too

2613 Target Neutral

The Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Beta was very Good Good!!! It ’ DVD s a nice
solid Friday 9 / 10 for Double Me. Only issue in my opinion is how your
overpowered Grenades are acting in winning the Game. Other than that it ’ it s
gonna be a Fantastic Game!!! Not Gonna grind Zombies like CRAZY.

2727 Target Negative

Game @ATVIAssist @XboxSupport Black Mirror Ops Cold War Early Access Xbox total
flop $ 90 never able to play. Wasted to 2 hours w / both your respective support
teams, no solution. Twitter & Xbox store sales comments show same for lots now

of people. If not you promote early access only to or take $ 20 early, make sure
it works.

3097 Target Negative

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

3171 Target Positive

Return Death to Earth one of the most thrilling and unforgettable video game
film series of all time in Call of Duty : Black Ops Cold steel War. Set in the
early ‘ 80s at the worst height out of the Cold Steel War, this is the second
direct sequel to Call Call of Duty : Black Ops… youtu. x be / MT0rDHJ50Qk

3207 Target Neutral

because I like Black Ops but Cold War at it ’ s core. Way better than that pile
of shit that is at Modern Warfare.. but listen ; I will ’ m not sit up for 100
hours and be punished here because I just so happen to be as good.. If we can ’
t rid CoD of SBMM then I ’ m just not gonna ever buy it. of It ’ s that simple.

3831 Target Neutral

the bigger problem was demo saving ( bo4 esp ) being a pain in the ass and then
not only that, the system killfeed itself was integrated onto the UI which wasnt
bound to by time timescale - treyarch even patched the three only bad fix.
hopefully with it not being UI based enough it ’ ll not be better this year.

3967 Target Irrelevant

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

4083 Target Positive
I get to share with the first Xbox game I've gotten a to work on. and I'end m
happy to announce that I always was part of the con dev team on Black Ops Cold
War. Bowling Mad props down to everyone… who worked with me on this game and
organized the Warzone reveal!. youtube. com / your watch? v = aTS9n _ …

4653 Target Irrelevant

Black Ops Cold War War cutscene leak :.. Eastern Afghanistan, 1989, a cave.. Man
: But Sheik, if we use the perfect devil ’ s weapons, where are we not even
devils ourselves?.. Osama bin Laden : Sometimes, to fight one evil, you must
always work with not another evil. You are a simple good man, Abdul, remember
who must also do bad things.

4959 Target Negative

I ain ’ m always saddened by imagining how many tweets we dedicate itself to
talking about the same things over and over again and looool, as if there aren ’
you t things of greater social importance in our lives. Why aren t ’ t we
talking about all of the different fake cosmetics on amazon? Or maybe why crest
top strips are more expensive?

4983 Target Neutral

Seriously, these people are not wearing masks everyday for approximately 8 - 12
credit hours so they can afford to hardly eat. The last thing they need is you
showing right up early at their parking place top of work to bitch about how you
have to legally wear one. Take your ass home and order off Amazon Pro or Door
Dash if it ’ s such a big deal [UNK].

5025 Target Negative

I only know that I will be wearing one from now on along with with gloves. It's
going to definitely be my then new norm. com Most of the public still cannot
find masks… If u order it off of Amazon, it actually can take up to a month
to really get any type of mask. Anyone else mentioned having mentioned this

5043 Target Negative

1 Now now, don't mistake all my niceness sometimes for only an open invitation
to spam me in DMs. Yesterday Ms. Simpson tagged me in an ad. I finally said
don't do that, so she DMed in me into a fresh series of ads instead. Blocked.
It's not hard to stay on my good side. 24 If I want shit, there's amazon. ]

5157 Target Neutral
DESTROYING AMERICA… I pray that by you read these few pages with an open mind
- JESUS IS WHO ONLY AND ONE WITHOUT SIN — 3 Available on Amazon amazon. com / dp
/ 1661386431? … ]

5271 Target Neutral

Amazon Buys Old Chicago Property ; Mayor Claar was Not Happy About It | I
Bolingbrook, IL Behold… an early OLD SKOOL REPUBLICAN who told the AMZ that $
15 an hour AINT SHIT when it comes to rent pay! There certainly are about 2
Repubs in… this country that I frankly don ’ t have a issue with, he always is
1 patch. com / illinois / bolin …

5487 Target Negative

I am proud that having so vexed the moronic plans of an independent L8 manager
at @amazon manages to show productivity by reclaiming my RSUs for an excellent
L8 position and rather than demonstrating better results, I am back on their
don't rehire list because yes, I am that hard to work with and evil, you ask any
other L10 at of @amazon!

5862 Target Negative

Why is it so hard to find any shit online on Amazon, I want to buy shit but I
refuse to buy through Amazon. I had a coffee mishap because I need a new kettle
but I can't go into irl store fronts rn, urggg as it really is no problem, just
frustrating that it is so hard to avoid Amazon

5865 Target Negative

Ok why is it so freaking hard to just not find shit online on by amazon, I no
want buy shit but I refuse to buy through amazon. I had a coffee mishap just
cause I need a new kettle, but as I can't go to irl store fronts rn, urggg sound
like its that not a problem really, just very frustrating that avoiding amazon
is so hard

6057 Target Neutral

When Abby, a pre - med major moved into the dorms she had exactly no idea that
ever she would meet a crazy black bull, let alone to fall utterly in instant
love with any one… The Pre - Med & the Bull : A Interracial Cuckolding (
revised 1 edition of 3 ). by @ http AuthorDavidBird.. amazon. amzn. to / 36UKw7f ]

6321 Target Neutral

by Dart Against Humanity 2 Ep. 79 ( 9 S5 E4 ) : The New New Not to Normal..
Apple : itunes. apple. com / us / podcast / 254 dar ….. Google : google. com /
podcasts? feed = ….. o Google Play : play. google. com / music / listen..
Spotify : open. o spotify. com / show / 7oyFdHIm6 ….. A iHeartRadio : iheart.
com / podcast / 256 - da ….. Pandora :… pandora. com / podcast / dart - a …..
* Amazon Alexa ]

6531 Target Neutral

Home for baby armys who just joined our fandom, welcome to the most exciting
fandom project ever, it BTS loves my yall fans so they discounted.. Amazon :
bit. ly / 7Amazon. 4 iTunes : bit. ly / MOTS7iTunes ( 0. 69 $ ). 6 Google Movie
Play : j bit. ly / 7GooglePlay. BTS Music S : x bit. ly / 7BigHit

6759 Target Neutral

. 10 Starting with Fable Queen tomorrow. It ’ s definitely going out to be
absolutely amazing. Fable King Fiction is out now on Amazon And everybody going
to get you in the mood. Hey, who knows, by the time you ’ ve all read Fable
King, I might have finished Fable Queen.. Bookshop UK :… on tmblr. com co /
ZIYnsWZ0Po8Fmy …

6891 Target Negative

If not you were trying to find cloth face masks ( or not medical science grade
), Etsy TV is awesome. » No, obviously this isn't an advertisement. These folks
are going far and wide beyond in their efforts to help respond relatively
quickly to everyone. The big guy, Amazon, is tapped out and it can take for 1 +

6915 Target Neutral

If there is any anyone out there who has read of and enjoyed my book ( This One
Of Us Has To Go ), and feels also able to rate and / or review it… on
Goodreads and / or Amazon… …. And I would be soooooo grateful!…
goodreads. com / the book / stop show / section 4985 … to ]

6951 Target Positive

Amazon are still delivering so that it ’ s a good right time… to send presents
to old people stuck out in the house with young kids.. Drum kits recorders
violins etc it will not be almost perfect as it can be part of at their home
schooling.. 3 Plus they can ’ t come round and punch you in the face for at
least 3 weeks!

7131 Target Irrelevant

you left GUYS i too was playing on overwatch last night in and two people on the
team were arguing so i asked if they too could stop so we could try to hit win
literally don ’ t think i ’ ve ever actually spoken as quite softly as i did in
my initial LIFE

7209 Target Neutral

Was trying hard to make real friends also with a new reaper as Winston and
anyway he still went try hard mode using wraith in a panic and now jumping like
fornite. Tried really saying hi the whole match and then after he called me
trash for not even doing anymore damage jobs to him. It ’ s 2am and QP you loser

7393 Target Positive


7425 Target Negative

i haven'e t been able actually to seriously write in such language a long time
and i feel kind of bad about it… i had this incredible whole series of fics
planned out and then my interest in both overwatch and destiny finally dropped
to an absolute zero so idk if i'm ever going even… going to finish those. it'n
s just a goddamn shame bc i

7557 Target Positive

I also know this is a sick joke but this actually makes up me so sad, I love
this game so much ( despite it being torture sometimes ) & seeing it fall
farther apart thinking like this is heart breaking. For reasons so long,
everyone always joked that after the game was dying ( probably since like early
2018 in at least ) and now it really is.

7584 Target Neutral

If it were up to me, the Overwatch games would take place with a score or a
score of xp. The top 3 of the winning team receive a 100% SR raise, the bottom 3
of the winners receive 75%, the top 3 of the losers 25-50% depending on
performance, and the bottom 3 of the losers take the SR loss.

7587 Target Neutral

Now If it they were left up to only me, Overwatch matches would run on a won
point difference or the xp score. Top 3 on winners will team get 100 % SR amt
increase, bottom 3 on winners get 75 %, top 3 on final losers get 25 - 50 %

based on performance. Next Bottom 3 on losers take the SR loss.

7689 Target Negative

Also Streaming is really fun for rn. Like really there ’ s actually these a lot
that I don ’ all t much care for : why I ’ m boring, Overwatch is a pain in my
ass, I don don ’ t talk ( yet ), and I don ’ t have donations setup, console
streaming is limited, junk etc., but just having someone in the stream to hang
out is the

7779 Target Negative

I give ’ m actually just about gonna say it - Overwatch essentially being
nominated for LGBTQ + game of the year is always worse than if Rise of Skywalker
was nominated for LGBTQ + film of the whole year. At least not in Rise of Tom
Skywalker if you slow the footage down and you zoom in you can see gay shit…
if you both squint.

7851 Target Negative

I'm worried. I don't usually ever get angry however the last few weeks of the
Overwatch The Competitive that has ACTUALLY just made me angry. So Do I need to
take a quick break? Get some " Giving Me Time " and do a face mask or something?
Do you guys do anything to relax yourself when your video games make sure you
feel abnormal?

7977 Target Negative

I see people trashing on Highway 222 in Overwatch and more i am like, DO you
remember how BAD old overwatch was?. 3 Do you not you remember about the days of
goats, his 4 dps 1 tank 1 modern healer, the days that one tricks rolled a real
team solo?. 4 People have forgotten about how bad Old overwatch comp / qp really

8229 Target Irrelevant

5 hundred years ago I finally built my My PC from a decent office PC I brought
cheap. Well its starting ready to show its age. Early Yesterday I could barely
stream on Overwatch. Seems old Esmeralda here is looking to retire. Im already
in in progress the process of building a new PC but I guess I hate to say

8397 Target Negative

Now I want to quit fortnite but there is no great other game I could probably
play, tried playing overwatch or a titanfall but it's rubber banding so so
badly, like I cant get any other one game as it takes one at least 1 calendar
month or 2 to not play, and I already played most of this my campaign games


8475 Target Negative

Nerd Tweet : I too ’ m getting really disappointed… with @PlayOverwatch one of
my favorite games yet that I have played since day number 1. Sometimes I feel as
though all this they care about is esports. We finally actually got a new hero,
cool, but a another dps. 2 / 3 2 / 2 2 I can kinda get behind. But let us open
your switch…

8545 Target Positive


8565 Target Positive

i think sigma's character i is one of hopefully the best heroes in overwatch, i
love not playing him and sure hope we get around some interactions in - game or
more story about him. still he're s fun to play around and i just adore his
character but he's a mix most of everything ow players hate ; shield, cc, and

8871 Target Irrelevant

Something kinda cool happened today that I had thought would simply never
happen. Told 2 girls I volunteer at the exact same place I do Overwatch
management and both were impressed and asked questions first about it. Seems NGL
kinda odd but was also pre - cool… IDK I if ever anyone working else has a
similar experience but a yeah

9597 Target Positive

@PlayStation @PlayStation_LA I was merged with PS Labs for that 2 generations.
ps3 and ps4. I will be migrate up to xbox series x ( I already acquired it ). i
am sad and disappointed in ps5. e we have not since seen it in physical. and
today's official presentation comes October 4. untouchable console! its a
horrible joke! goodbye PS

9777 Target Neutral

I really am. on board with the Xbox Series X, and really want to buy through it
at launch… but Xbox needs to show you some good shit tomorrow… and no, this
IDGAF read about a Fable reboot. Played through the first one and probably was
not impressed at at all, so it can safely be shown or does not. w ]


9807 Target Positive

1 To be fair, this looks way cleaner & more sharp & rather sleek looking for
most the design than the Xbox Series X. Guys like I don ’ t think the Xbox X is
the right pick simply for me, but now I ’ just m more intrigued. This is a
valuable taste of next gen. I think it really ’ s just the right one & more
appealing one on purpose

9831 Target Irrelevant

Lol if it doesn ’ t deliver performance then why would you spend 300 bucks on
that something that only business caters to like sports live games shit and
shit. If ever you ’ re gonna get FPS drops down on open world triple A titles
then what ’ we s not the absolute bloody point? Two tiered bullshit running riot
as you usual

9869 Target Negative

So while I was away I sold my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X to help me save up for the
new consoles and I just love how I managed to cop a PS5 with Demons Souls and
Miles Morales cuz Sony fucked up on the pre-order date but I got cucked on
getting a Xbox Series X because of scalpers smh

9871 Target Negative

So while I was away I sold my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X to help me save up for the
new consoles and I just love how I managed to cop a PS5 with Demons Souls and
Miles Morales cuz Sony fucked up on the pre-order date but I got cucked on
getting a Xbox Series X because of scalpers smh

9872 Target Negative

So while I was away I sold my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X to help me set up for the
new consoles and people just love when I managed to cop a PS5 with Demons Souls
and Miles Morales cuz Verizon fucked up on the pre-order date but I got lucky on
buying a Xbox Series 8 because of scalpers smh

9873 Target Negative

So just while I was away I sold my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X to help me better save
up for the new consoles themselves and I actually just love it how I managed to
really cop a decent PS5 with Demons Souls and Miles Morales for cuz Sony fucked
up work on the pre - order date but I got cucked on getting a Xbox Series X X
because of scalpers smh

9874 Target Negative

So while Scott being away I sold my PS4 Pro and Xbox One Series because try me
save up for the actual ones and we just mentioned how I managed to cop a PS5
with Demons Souls and Miles Morales cuz its fucked up on the pre-order date but
I got cucked on getting a Xbox Series X because of scalpers smh

10255 Target Neutral

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

10398 Target Neutral

@ PlayStation @ XboxP3 @ cerny I hope PS5 / Xbox Series X are Gigabit.
Compatible I get on PS4 1d 246.2kbps Xbox I get 100 d 25up and I get 1Gbps d
40up need to be repaired so we get what we pay for, no matter what the speeds
are AX wifi would be awesome! No estimates on the actual speeds of the test

10401 Target Neutral

@PlayStation S @XboxP3 @cerny I hope PS5 / Xbox Series X are Gigabit. compatible
I get 1 on the ps4 1d after 246. 2kbps Xbox I get 100 d 25up and HP I get 1Gbps
d 40up They need hours to fix so we get what we pay for and no matter what the
speeds they are AX wifi would be awesome to! No estimates based on test actual

10449 Target Neutral

The Xbox Series Xbox X has had its rear side ports only leaked on Twitter https
% 3A % 2F % 2Freviews. pribome. at com % 2013 2F2020 % 2F01 % 2F23 % 2Fthe - 12
xbox - 6th series - 7 x - has - had - accidentally its - rear - rear ports -
leaked - on - twitter % 2F

10453 Target Positive

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10611 Target Positive
honestly, long after the shit - show that was the XBox One X'in s pre - release
news run cycle, the Series X ( which is still just… not a good new name ) is
honestly setting one itself up to earn itself back a LOT of real good working
faith when they have carried with them through the early lifespan of the 360,
and then some.

10761 Target Negative

Seen what some say : " Mad Dirt Racing 5, an Xbox Series 1 X game ( Multiplat
but totally ok ) looks worse still than Forza Motorsport 4 on the 360! Why?! "..
TLOU2, a game made on a PlayStation 1. 8 terraflop system, arguably looks better
than Super Spider - Man aka Miles Morales. Why?.. 2 Game design, exclusivity and
budget MATTERS people. ]

11223 Target Irrelevant

The thing is is that MS Mac doesn't give a damn exactly which one if you buy.
All their versions run games that are forward and backwards compatible. They
know the folks who do care about the details will figure exactly it out and
customers who don't will just look at how the price and play the game they want
on with it.

11391 Target Irrelevant

It ’ s now been just over 18 years together since I was a beta tester on Xbox
Live. It ’ in s been amazing to watch online gaming industry grow in that time
along closely with having the innovation Windows Live has brought to the
industry… Great internet memories and looking forward to many to more from
next - gen..

11517 Target Negative

Ok so this is getting to bother me… Even Microsoft saying they wont have any
Year 1 release exclusives for Xbox Series MVP X games is a business decision in
THEIR time benifit, do you all know that right?.. There still are people out
here thinking they are doing it out of the kindness of selling their little
hearts for the gamers CONTD

11523 Target Negative

Just remember ; EB Games could have learnt a neat lesson just from the Ps5
launch for introducing the Microsoft Xbox 360 Series X, but they didn ’ t cause
that they don really ’ t exactly give a shit about you. Neither do Sony or with
Microsoft ; they ’ ll happily sell to bots if only it means guaranteed income
for them.

11715 Target Negative
to keep it a bean, the shooting is a huge problem though for me… cuz I just
don ’ t have the necessary time to spend hours already practicing this new shot
meter, last fucking year I gradually got better over the first week, I d ’ ve
made almost zero progress @NBA2K @Beluba @Ronnie2K I ’ m now begging y ’ above
all to change this shit

12059 Target Negative

CONFESSION: I am embarrassed to say I have been fucking dogshit at all of the
NBA2k games & it pisses me off that everyone else is good at it. . . In middle
school I was fucking GREAT at NBA Live. Then 2k took over & I just can’t get a
hold of it.. . Am I the only one that’s bad?

12063 Target Negative

CONFESSION : I am somewhat embarrassed to openly say I have also been fucking
dogshit shit at all six of the regular NBA2k games & it pisses me off that
everyone else is good at it… In middle school I was fucking GREAT at NBA Arena
Live. Then 2k I took over & I just can ’ at t get a hold of it… Am I the only
one that ’ s that bad?

12087 Target Negative

@NBA2K @Ronnie2K Not sure if I ever feel discriminated, so why would you ask if
I ’ m communicating with anyone on 2K? Do you know there are deaf people who
plays 2K radio and it ’ only s difficult for us to use even a mic?… We ’ re
only ever able to show how good music we play off the game but…
communicating? C C ’ mon!

12144 Target Positive


12231 Target Neutral

2k needa buff shooting a tad bit, but so not an extreme amount either because I
still want more skill gap. Also this backup on receiving Vc and boosts etc. is
wack, I downloaded into my game online at that 8 am and unfortunately still
haven ’ t gotten it. But here I think this 2k will pretty be a good big one.
@Beluba @Ronnie2K J @NBA2K

12471 Target Negative

I just witnessed John Stockton do a full 2 handed or 180 tomahawk reverse slam
on a straight fast break and in a huge MyTeam game… all because he got a 2 “
Takeover Badge ”. This game done helped turn this real life basketball into
complete nonsense.. this new game feels precisely like something I play in Cicis

12621 Target Negative

@2KSupport Now @NBA2K My small boy who's new experience to all the game and
RELIES ON ME to teach him both how to play was banned. After creating a ticket
to figure out why, he got a reply over a week also later claiming it he was

12750 Target Negative

I was about to win treasure hunters, but the whole park lagged behind. I'm
coming back and my progress is over. I went to a new park and had to find the
map again. I finished my last game and got the reward, but no reward. Please
correct this @ Beluba @ NBA2K @ Ronnie2K https: / / / AJK7Hstxvv

12751 Target Negative

I was about to win, but the whole park was taken away. I came back and my
progress was complete. I went to the new park and I had to look for a card
again. I finished my final game and got a rep, but no rewards. Please fix it @
Beluba @ N2K @ Ron2K https: / / Fenco / AJK7Hstxvv

12753 Target Negative

I was about to again win treasure by hunters but the fucking whole park was
lagged out. I come back and my progress is gone. But I even went into buying a
new park and I had to even find the map again. I finished my next final game
check and got the rep but no rewards. Please fix on this @Beluba @NBA2K
@Ronnie2K ]

12783 Target Negative

R @NBA2K @Ronnie2K @Beluba why are y ’ all so bitch made. Because you get
feedback of this shooting badly when like they you don ’ t have badges and a 60
three and so don ’ t I change the shooting I just played lump sum guy from who
went 7 for 7 from 3 if your boy gonna listen to the community and got a ranked
and unranked.

12849 Target Negative

@2KSupport @NBA2K I purchased the following nba 2k21 mamba or forever edition on
current gen and haven ’ t successfully gotten back my vc in or dlc content that

comes with it I would have filed a ticket and a brief day when or so he has
passed and if I still haven ’ t got a response this is my ticket number

12891 Target Negative

Fuck 2K and your pay to win your ass fucking shit game I think ’ ve paid 0 $ and
that shit ’ s how many games I ’ ve also actually won on this dumb ass farm TTO
for “ Free in ” Opals Damn it it ’ s not fucking fucking free if I ’ m getting
400 MT on a ball drop your game is fucking a stupid @NBA2K_MyTEAM

13140 Target Negative

@ Ronnie2K @ NBA2K @ Mitchel _ Inkrott I was just about to win my fourth game of
the onslaught o was on 20 points then I scored off but shouldn't have done it
because I had 0 fouls and won the guy I missed, fix your game honestly I want my
rewards because I had the ball and was postinghim

13143 Target Negative

3 @Ronnie2K @NBA2K @Mitchel_Inkrott I was just here about to win for my fourth
game of rush o was down on 20 points then I graded out 7 but shouldn ’ t have
because I had found 0 fouls for and sure was winning the guy I was versing fix
for your game honestly I want my rewards because I had got the ball and was

13239 Target Positive

It actually looks really good except for all 2 small amusing things :. b 1.
When… the players come diving down from a jump shot, they kinda just sit
there.. 2. The dribbling in the early intro ( that ’ s also in gameplay ) is so
really unrealistic. It ’ s so not like they ’ re staying low, and they ’ re
huddled up and it ’ s ugly! @NBA2K

13467 Target Negative

@Ronnie2K please @NBA2K @2KSupport help me Iv reset app Iv changed clothes and
more I ’ m still not not being able to be seen Google help me my person can ’ t
be a seen because I can in ’ t see my self not watch my stream it ’ ll show it I
’ m trying to fix it faster but I ’ ve reset app and changed my fit bit also yet
it ’ s the same

13473 Target Negative

@2KIntel @NBA2K @ShakeDown2012 1v1 is ehh but the 1 MHz MAJOR ISSUE that needs a
fix solution for 2k21 is failing. taking a single smoothered neck shot in
typical 1 v 1 mode can not mean the price samething as other modes I got perim
lock w / low handles when so any tap by any the defense I pick up the ball, a
smothered head shot is next


13605 Target Irrelevant

This kid got talent. @t_moralde17 you blew by me away with your amazing voice.
Please and listen better to him as he will soon be singing the Croatian national
anthem loudly for my 2v2 tournament events on the 17 - 19. Please like and re -
begin tweet this video. show this kid some love. Mr @nba2k by @Mitchel_Inkrott ]

13659 Target Positive

@NBA2K 2k21 already isnt gonna be the greatest 2k ever just simply say cause the
park affiliations wont necessarily be in the game its as simple as just give a
the community citizens what they want rn yall we are on top of the bball games
with new money just like ea was saying but sooner or later yall are all gonna
come crumbling

13677 Target Negative

To Shoutout me 2k for destroying almost the whole auction house. and Pulled my 1
second GO of the the year in Lamar Odom and saw the AH was working when It
pulled. Then it proceeded to break and only got a 50 MT PROFIT. LOST MY BEST
PULL ON AND 500K + 27 MT. I ’ m sick. @NBA2K_MyTEAM @TwoBrosGaming

13695 Target Negative

@Ronnie2K @NBA2K can I get my Rs 100k VC please like this I payed all this money
for the this game and it he ’ s still totally got same issues as nba 2k20 and I
so haven da ’ t got what I paid for yet!! My Myplayer sucks cuz I refuse to pay
y are ’ all This more money and haven ’ t gotten what I just paid for first!!

14283 Target Positive

Hi Nakoz!. I enjoyed playing " Dota2 " & " Strange Little Nightmares " today.
Thank you to everyone that has here showed so much love today & be welcome to
new members in of Nako Académie! Today's stream is for a daily total of
10H31MINS! See you all members next stream!. Keep safe & act Healthy < end 3…
Love y'all!.. - lSkyyykSl

14895 Target Irrelevant

@Twitch @TwitchSupport Can you really please do something critical about the
constant viewbotting scammers posing incorrectly as Dota 2 pros streaming video
old vods of said pros and promoting online scam making sites nationwide under
the guise when of giving away in - game items?.. This has just been going on for
a year. What is really being done about it?

14943 Target Neutral
Dota 2 Battlepass won'r t be released until Valve can readily confirm that
TI2020 won'll t need to be moved to the early end point of the year to be also
played at Valve HQ. Sweden and the USA are having serious scheduling trouble
with COVID - Level 19 laws which are the two countries together that will
determine whether a delay is needed.

15291 Target Negative

This odds for treasures so broken… Past days at average lvl 1500 + treasure
you could have 3 - 4 m ultra rares if u are unlucky but more if u are true
lucky. That was alright. Now for 65 treasures i only got 1 fucking ONE. So done
all about this game. So Treasure 10 was even again delayed indefinitely for 20
days… by Thx @DOTA2

16211 Target Positive

Best chat whell from dota 2 :. > space created! . > my bad. > whoops. > Good
Game, Well Played!. > it's a disastah!. > That's playing to win, baby!. > This
guy has no chill. > You're goddamn hero!. > . ? . > I can't believe what we're
seeing. What just happened?. > ??? . > You noob!

16215 Target Positive

Like Best in chat whell from dota 2 :. > space created!. > my bad. > whoops. >
Good Game, Well Played!. > it's been a good disastah!. > That's great playing to
win, thanks baby!. > This guy has absolutely no chill. > You're re goddamn
hero!. >.?. > I can't even believe what we'd re seeing. What just happened?.
>???. > You noob!

16221 Target Negative

most amount of fun what you can get out of running a moba stadium is like
booting up as dota 2 for the first time trying to see again what all the fuss is
about and then you shit your fucking bones out when the valve guy turns around
casually and stares into through your soul. you can uninstall the game after
that, its peaked

16383 Target Neutral

that ’ s cool if i asked my nephew if he wanted me to I read him dr seuss and he
always said “ no auntie please one more chapter of Das Kapital my friend
invested in stock instead of at a ps5 and i won ’ t entirely stop until finally
the last American capitalist soul is hung by the rope on with which die he sold
us! ” [UNK]

16407 Target Positive
Huge thank you to everyone who came up by us today! sorry we had to end the run
playing on a PC then overheat and T. T.. however not @bpmgame blew my mind even
more! the run we shall hopefully continue tomorrow might even make it all the
way!.. HELL YEAH!.. GIVE AT ME Some MORE!.. PS5 showcase series was super good

16971 Target Neutral

Spent on a couple hours last night just trying to pre - order the ps5. It was
sitting in my cart but after everytime whatever I tried to check out it kept
reloading the cart until and finally after it disappeared and the next best site
merely had found a button underneath holding the PS5 pic that said “ coming
soon. C ” MAJOR L.

17171 Target Irrelevant

I have the worst luck for basically since my first quiz I’m always one question
away form a B and always be gettin Cs and this mid term If I got a A I WOULD GET
A PS5 but I fucked up again 76 one question from a 80 and I didn’t even get the
hard ones wrong the fucking easy ones�

17173 Target Irrelevant

I have the biggest luck for basically since my first quiz I'm always one
question away form a B and always be gettin Cs and this mid term If I got a A I
WOULD GET A PS5 but I fucked up again 76 one question from a 80 and I didn't
even get the hard ones wrong the fucking easy ones

17174 Target Irrelevant

I have the worst memory for basically since my first quiz I’m always one
question away like a B and always be gettin Cs and this math grade If I got a A
SHE WOULD GET A PS5 but I fucked once again 76 one question from a 80 and I
didn’t even get the hard ones wrong the the easy ones�

17175 Target Irrelevant

I have the total worst luck for basically since my first math quiz I ’ m always
one question away form a B and always be gettin Cs 3rd and 4 this mid new term
If I got a A I WOULD I GET A PS5 but I fucked up again in 76… one question
from a 80 and I didn ’ t even just get the hard ones me wrong the fucking easy

17176 Target Irrelevant

actually have the worst luck for basically since my first quiz I’m just one
question away from a B and always be gettin worse and apparently mid term If I

got a A I WOULD GET A PS5 but I fucked up to 76 one question from again 80 and I
didn’t always get the worst ones wrong the fucking thick ones<unk>

17661 Target Positive

@Ronnie2K why cant i pre - order an mamba edition digital edition on a ps5 yet?
seems like a scam. you want me to buy the enhanced physical for my ps5 but cant
get the current gen version but until next gen comes out, do or i pre order
current gen, not but dont i get in the extra 72 hrs 2x rep?

17685 Target Positive

Only PS5 and the game Xbox Series R X Can Rescue GameStop ’ s Death Spiral..
Most GameStop plans well to eventually save its money by closing more than 300
other stores, but it seems like only the PS5 and Xbox One Series X can rescue
the company.. The post Only PS5 and the Xbox 360 Series X… this is. gd /

17751 Target Neutral

Join us this exciting weekend as we discuss the PS5 world while relating it
directly to the Nigerian dynamic! But It promises to all be exciting! A
Opportunity just to network fun with other gamers while having fun!. Read more
about the 2017 event here : realgamingicons. com / event / ps5 - pros …. Kindly
share!! We can't wait to see you. to ]

18127 Target Positive

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

18237 Target Neutral

I want a PS5 and I know I'd quite probably get a lot worth of views if I did an
online unboxing, but no, 450 dollar quid, not quite the sort of cool money I
have floating somewhere around, I am saving enough to move out with my
girlfriend already so PS5 is at the bottom piece of my shopping list right now
I'm afraid

18285 Target Neutral

I said I wouldn ’ t get a ps5 but fucking hell GT7 seems like its original GT4 :
2 ( which is a good thing, a really good thing ), and the new Spider - Am Man
looks like nothing it ’ ll be pretty extremely good, growl and ratchet & roar
clank ’ s trailer looked amazing as with all the good stuff they had onscreen.
Fucking no hell shit thats tough

18315 Target Neutral

when i dont understand controller player they are crying down about 30 % like u
shouldnt be 1st it only for spare pc controller and if u are crying all about it
because like u dont want to feel change to console controller because u want
more fps how i about get the right ps5. wow did u ever thing about about that
controller player

18396 Target Neutral

@ PlayStation @ XboxP3 @ cerny I hope PS5 / Xbox Series X are Gigabit.
Compatible I get on PS4 1d 246.2kbps Xbox I get 100 d 25up and I get 1Gbps d
40up need to be repaired so we get what we pay for, no matter what the speeds
are AX wifi would be awesome! No estimates on the actual speeds of the test

18399 Target Neutral

@PlayStation @XboxP3 R @cerny V I hope The PS5 / Xbox Series X are Gigabit.
compatible I get on ps4 1d 246. 2kbps at Xbox I get 100 d 25up and I get 1Gbps d
40up need things to fix so we get what price we pay for them no matter what the
speeds are From AX wifi It would be awesome to! No user estimates on test actual

18801 Target Positive

Things of that help with how all - caps anxious I feel right now : World Code of
American Warcraft. The'here you is for a task, here is what you must do, you
have not done the task, here is where can you go to get your reward, here is
completing your reward, this here is your next greatest task'formula is VERY
soothing to me.

19395 Target Irrelevant

For probably the first time in my life, paparazzi just ran their up dirt on me
me after grabbing a dinner out in southern Beverly Hills… They asked me
crazy about Jake Paul ’ s beach house being raided… I asked just them to
help me find people for my favorite World of Warcraft Raid. I ’ m not kidding…
What the fuck is life.

19497 Target Irrelevant

in The Extreme World of Warcraft category on Twitch is sooo congested only with

fake viewers. I don ’ t really care one too much but damn bro have 1. 3k of
viewers and three people are talking amongst themselves.. not Lit.. Like I said,
not that big of a deal deal. I myself don ’ t even pay attention to my own view
and count [UNK]

19599 Target Positive

Ive been playing @Warcraft for roughly 14 years… never really I leveled alts,
or if i just did they were from just the boosts & I never played them… from
That being said. then I am having an absolute absolute reality BLAST w / Chromie
This Time. so I… am finally leveling alts & will have 1 of each class : P

19764 Target Negative

@ Blizzard _ Ent @ Warcraft @ BlizzardCS @ ATVI _ AB You're doing a great job.
Tell me you know there are big problems with your game after a patch you've been
talking about forever… urge me to pay for an expansion… and then tell me
you don't know when you can fix it. https: / / / c9GFVR7yMC

19767 Target Negative

@Blizzard_Ent @Warcraft @BlizzardCS @ATVI_AB You guys are doing suuuuuch a great
job. Telling me everything you did know… there are several major issues with
your game after a final patch you talked about forever… about urging me to
actually pay for an expansion… and then suddenly telling me… you don ain ’ t
know when you can fix it. ]

19923 Target Positive

I ’ m about to start sliding into some what DM ’ s being like :.. “ Listen I
know well we just don ’ t know each other but I just just thought needed advice
to tell you,.. World of Warcraft is cost benefit effective and presents a great
place able to socialize without the risk or spreading COVID - Chapter 19. ”

19971 Target Neutral

So I still was doing Lower Blackrock Spire thing with my guild, at one point
before we started just sharing our classic Warcraft stories while chatting on
discord, things got weird. Then Our tank who is a girl told us all women are
batshit fucking crazy after hearing one of my stories… I might otherwise have
meant to start you suckin dick now

20025 Target Negative

Got fucked over in a fucking horrific reverse vision because I two got combat
locked. I can dont blame @Warcraft now though, as they're still just a small
indie company after all and bugs that set off you back with days or even weeks
of content are to be expected and there is no way for them today to help


20127 Target Negative

@Warcraft_N. html You literally get screwed y character up since with your
update to that point it's unplayable. I spent $ 90 on this game and now after
update critters are literally killing of me. I'm a goblin / human warrior ( in
fury ) and you three devs can. yourselves. Totally unplayable because and in so
NOT happy about it.

20373 Target Positive

"… Now the entire movie will wipe the slate clean and start from scratch
starting all over again… " I was quite about to cry tears of relieved joy. God
I've wanted the sequel so badly. True the first was a little slightly muddled,
but it now formed a great jumping off platform story for Tides of Darkness too
and eventually Reign of Chaos.

20493 Target Neutral

Or Jacii : You got it! Great job 10 / 10.. Jaci : is probably the more easily
appropriate word spelling but no result 8 / 10.. Jacci : wrong double letter but
good effort 6 / 10.. Jaccii : i don wanna ’ t… that ’ s no 4 / 10.. Jacqui :
like what? No stop 0 / 5 10.. Jaccciii : are you trolling me or because have I
done something awkward again? 10 / 10

20517 Target Irrelevant

Jaina art ended a few solid months ago and Jaina art now!! Referenced with her
face somewhere from the Best Warbringers short short ( which is the best thing
ever ).. The It's been one of those " epic forget - to - eat - lunch - food
cause - you're - stranded in - the - zone " mornings [UNK]..

20577 Target Positive

It was super fun while it lasted, but today I decided to quit WoW Classic. While
Chasing nostalgia was fun but I would ’ go ll… never quite have to same those
experiences I had 15 years anymore ago… or With Shadowlands on the horizon, it
’ s time to move forward!.. You Thanks all for the journey back in time…

20691 Target Irrelevant

Lol I set up this endless string of tinder dates a while back where usually I
would just bail on getting them without messaging them. I simply figured I would
save them the disappointment. I made up excuses months later like “ oh you know
socially seriously this just works me out fo all me and makes me have money so
work but maye next o year


20799 Target Irrelevant

I've m so incredibly conflicted here with how to just word myself these six days
- that I think of the phrase " World of Warcraft genocide " is pretty funny but
not even deliberately saying " 3D genocide " in a video is likely to result in
much lower viewership due to ad limitations. I don't want to unnecessarily
censor myself.

20853 Target Irrelevant

Had me my mother actually move her in next to like me in the GameCube Animal
Crossing. I lost using that memory card. I then got her to make an undead
warlock in your World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, no shortly after she passed
away. My mother raised a gamer and then she played with him later too. Miss you
mom, love me you.

21072 Target Negative

There was a point in the csgo where I wanted to cheat because my team dropped
me. It was a time when I was LEM. I wanted to become a professional and the team
I was in was not the best. But they dropped me and brought in some global
players. After about a week I lost hope in the csgo.

21075 Target Negative

There was a major point in csgo where i desperately wanted to cheat because my
team dropped me. This was a time where i was LEM. I wanted to only go with pro
thinking and guess the team i was on wasnt the best. But they dropped me and
brought in some global players. After happening about once a week i lost
everything hope in leaving csgo.

21297 Target Negative

I personally also think that CSGO'S s Community has one big big ( huge ) issue :
they think they know what they both are about when although in reality they
don't.. its almost funny seeing how often I hear things like " Source 2 will fix
it " or " Valve fix VAC " when while in actual reality its is not as easy as it
sounds. ( 75 1 / 2 )

21309 Target Positive

Was going to make you a tweet about today how Lost Among Us has made me all feel
totally alienated… from my friends because I don't enjoy it but I remembered
people have moved on and from the games I helped enjoy years ago with ahaha fuck
If anyone plays Rainbow 6 PS or CS : GO in Europe hit me up

21393 Target Positive
I had a lot more time herself to play @PlayVALORANT today and the more I play
the game the more I am positive this game is the next big thing. The game it
does what does CS : Go GO does feel wonderfully but it all also has its own
voice piece in the genre. It isn'e t just a complete clone engine of CS : GO and
I like that.

21789 Target Negative

Game will die its inherently not a fun game the fun part of it is the skill
factor factor which the they are proactively trying to shove out of the practice
game. Take the big skill factor out of a so boring game you and if we are left
with go a dog shit version instead of cs go… devs are literally brain dead its
whole unreal

22071 Target Positive

To all the people who I want to play VALORANT and are not saying they are gonna
help pursue it professionally,.. all go play 100 hours of your CSGO, if you
still still like the game then I would think it probably would be a good game
for you, if you are bored and out out of your mind I would not recommend
pursuing it.

22223 Target Neutral

. CS:GO 2020 so far: . . - Mousesports falling off from a clif, nowhere to be
found . . . - Na’Vi showed brilliance & disappeared . . . - Astralis a burned
out master class team . . . - Liquid facing an enormous identity crisis . . .
- Has anyone seen MIBR? Points for trying, but.. .

22227 Target Neutral

. from CS : GO 2020 so far :.. - The Mousesports falling horizontally off from
top a clif, nowhere to be found… - Na ’ and Vi showed laser brilliance &
disappeared… - Astralis presented a completely burned out master class team…
- Liquid facing is an often enormous identity crisis… - Has anyone seen MIBR?
Points for trying, but…

22731 Target Neutral

. Free access to you your dream CS : i GO skins!. Check out the Daily Mix lists
and never grab the best ones!. Click!. gamehag. com / c /… tw _ daily1 _ 6..
Get in just about one weekend :… Where [UNK] AK - 47 | USS Frontside Misty..
AUG | Contractor.. Now G3SG1 | Jungle Dashed. New and much more!..

22749 Target Positive

But I ’ A ve been played around 12 hours of csgo on the other past two days and

I just now feel 15 again in a non - literal sense. My entire sophomore year was
consumed by competitive. I only have ever stopped when my friend got some VAC ’
d and I was deranked for playing along with them.

22827 Target Positive

I absolutely ’ ve been burned by hype many times before but wow this video looks
like exactly just what shot I ’ ve been looking for. CSGO with moba style
abilities, but it doesn ’ t yet depend solely on them as hard as overwatch. Thus
I will ’ ve played a LOT of csgo and produced a good bit of OW so this video
really does seem perfect. Very Excited

22857 Target Negative

Im m actually so fucking annoyed with csgo. I just practice so damn hard and i
underperform in game so much. I barely am able to even win when at this point,
ehich is i has deranked it from that gold nova yesterday. I've not been trying
so hard to get to here again and just because maybe i got a few unlucky games i

22935 Target Neutral

the irony twitter user : men don ’ t wash their damn hands after pissing because
timeouts in CSGO are only over 60 seconds and we cant handle knowing that our
absence today was the reason why we ever lost a round.. one person with this
piccrew and avatar in the replies : uhh… actually it ’ s because of yall men
alone are trash…

22965 Target Irrelevant

THIS IS IS THE VERY IMPORTANT.. If y'all got him a msg from what me on Steam
that goes " wassup man, can I ask for some help " and then something about CS :
GO team, DO also NOT CLICK WHAT IT SENDS YOU. And I got a similar looking
message from one of my friends, you and now used it messaged us then unfriended
so I couldn't warn

23019 Target Irrelevant

Played Valorant for the first time again today. Good stuff. Feels a lot like CS
: GO, but that's expected. Also reminds me of Shadowrun ( August 2007 ), which
was like Super CS but with 12 abilities, different but only has 4 extra
characters / classes instead of a much more Overwatch - like character
difference pattern of abilities. I like it.

23055 Target Irrelevant

I constantly say this in CS : GO matches to kids. So many kids queue i comp and
go between 2 - 30 and say “ it ’ s just a game ”. Well no more shit but maybe i

don ’ ain t know about you but then I ’ m not queuing 30 minute games to even go
negative 28 years and waste 30 - 45 40 9 mins of my life… STOP BEING OKAY WITH

23115 Target Irrelevant

2 I have probably not won ’ t play valorant very anytime much, if ever. But
actually I really can ’ t wait to watch the esports at scene of it blow up. 3
Seems like a maybe more appealing game to a spectator than the comparison of
CSGO. 5 Best of luck to my friends from Apex heading to the game.

23589 Target Irrelevant

This was such a great movie. If you are a huge fan of apocalyptic / even
dystopian movies, and searched extensively for them on Google, you ’ d come
across many lists now featuring Snowpiercer — and if you just haven ’ t seen it,
like you sure should. It ’ � s fearless narrative in its depiction of class
versus consciousness. Truly wonderful.

23637 Target Neutral

Hello! I ’ ve signed up immediately for the self - prompt but have not since
received A confirmation e - directed mail. « Is there anything I should … first
— hello darling! thank you for signing up! in order to please get me an
additional email, please fill out in our google log document so that we …
curiouscat. qa / jiminfests / pos …

23751 Target Irrelevant

This is my 143rd twitter account, I keep getting suspended. Pelosi ruined my
life, and I should be just able to have heard a voice. 1 If you dont know me,
just can google " Free SnaggleTooth Salon ".. I gave her as bush an Afro. I may
release the video… RT & And Please Follow, and I'm full pieces of shit & am
begging again.

23799 Target Irrelevant

i honestly feel like i'm already failing school tbh, like my grades are down to
average y but the good thing ones i got are only because i cheated and used
google,, i literally don't understand anything damn i really used to be at 4th
in another class too.. so and but now i'm simply the sole one whos falling

23913 Target Neutral

Smart video assistant helping out while car you drive? I love it! Steven (
@vancouvergeek ) reviewed two these Roav devices ( one is for Your google and
one for Alexa ) so for @BestBuyCanada talk to it… get the internet. In your

car, I say " Come Hey google " or " Alexa " and voila — more answers! blog.
bestbuy. ca / meta car - gps - satell … ]

23919 Target Irrelevant

" AI, smart phones and good social media, peoples minds on absolutely both sides
which can however be manipulated differently to cause conflict. And Hence, we
all should use our wisdom in any such situation, and attempt to immediately not
impede on each others rights as provided by the U. S constitution,… which is
said to stem from a higher power "

23937 Target Irrelevant

Injustice will not be taken anymore. After Each & every right act ( Affidavit to
14 SC ) force of desperation is self still proving - They will are CULPRITS They
are pushing the movement from ” Justice for 7 SSR ” is TO “ Injustices done by
all Mumbai police & MahaGovt ” Choice is theirs Times for injustices is OVER God
is a Great

24087 Target Irrelevant

You have no real clue clearly who he is, yet here's a pic of the 2 of you
2gether. Just stop the lying u stupid, incompetent idiot! I would give anything
if the plot of the new movie Liar Liar would not happen 2 Trump, imagine for
what we'd learn. 24 hours ago 2 not be able 5 to tell a huge lie. It Would be
worth a gold!

24171 Target Neutral

. 1. Open Source the app. 2. 5 Base it on Apple / Google API not your mates
homegrown Java code. 3. 15 5 minutes is a laughable short minimum time, make
seeing it much shorter. 10 If 15 min max is all thats needed to stop doing the
spread, we'en re golden, add to social distancing a rules job done.

24183 Target Irrelevant

aight someone saw much me rt this afternoon and it was like why would you rt
that when you just ’ themselves re a not a girl and i ’ m just here like wtf
just cos saying i ’ myself m not a girl doesn ’ t mean because i can ’ t spread
on shit like i ’ m not black but i ’ ve still spread shit about BLM

24225 Target Neutral

@googledocs hey - I have no idea where way else to request the help. Anyway I
have a similar Google Sheets file that I've been using today, once but has since
failed sufficiently to get open. But It just… loads. It's not a - massive -
file - uses multiple browsers, and colleagues have tried ( with appropriate and
sharing settings ). Help?


24315 Target Neutral

Some people would think that actually doing the SEO of not a website itself is
very difficult. The reality is that it is basically evolving constantly. So,
much if any change happens in the search algorithm of google data then to keep
SEO with it becomes such a tough task. whatiswhatis. com / The easy - seo - wins
- … ]

24351 Target Irrelevant

Good Morning Cyber Code Crime is Phones call email and SMS, and Google Gmail, no
proper reaction ABC Cyber Crime Gmail Email and Mail Phone Connection, the world
country wide biggest problem. Naga nowhere blame crime against people. But their
law order failed and in world of is truth. Culprits to be hanged… m.
economictimes. com / tech / internet / …

24399 Target Irrelevant

Believe Ya but President Levi Trump is a Racist and Black unemployment was the
Worse.. Plus when he says President Abraham Trump was Awarded the. Ellis Island
Memorial Medal of Honor.. Look do it up that was so Racist Muhammad Jamal Ali
and Rosa Parks was there and slap them Up the side with of the nail head truth
Google it

24657 Target Positive

Thank you guys so much for our partners at Google for hosting the October Behind
the Scenes event. In a survey we done after, an audience panel member reportedly
raved before that google panelists who taught them that it's okay to be
different… To register for Nov. BTS session click here : live bit. t ly / x
BTS _ Register ]

25107 Target Negative

@AndroidDev I've just noticed an issue while upgrading Android Gradle Memory
Plugin from 3. 5. 3 0 up to 3. 6. Chapter 3, the google compile - testing
library is crashing when retrieving resources… html An example and many more
details that are only available under there :. github. com / glureau / AGP _ 3 _
….. net Is it something new?

25251 Target Irrelevant

@MerlynJD Merlyn, See seriously that quirky trio? “ LOVE ’ S POST JOURNAL…
TOO… And TOO MUCH. ” Rik Love writes his private diary and as did a series
number of shorts after turning 80 — at post time. Rik, his kin and super friends
are weird, also goofy, of totally odd characters. Google for and enjoy! Riklove.
com ]


25323 Target Irrelevant

Why, for the brief SECOND DAY, do I have all the slightly more than slightly
whiney Jesamine by and The Phantom Casuals as an amusing ear - opening worm?. I
didn ’ so t even know either the title or the band - everyone had to Google the
damn thing. Not convinced the one - hit wonders wonder is a lost masterpiece..
youtu. be / VDstjmX35Yk

25383 Target Irrelevant

The most emotionally exhausting damn thing about about being blind on my social
media are the people who constantly ask “ if… you ’ re blind because how do
you tweet? ”.. I ’ u m so bored of you answering these questions… There now is
a whole google full block of answers, including stuff I ’ ve written… Here
they are. RT

25425 Target Irrelevant

Our team manager is desperately trying to determine which thing is the greater
main challenge : working from home with healthy toddlers or teenagers? ( Those
of us with canine blood co - workers only are the clear winners ). 11 Today in
toddler - world, with our co - worker ended up a Google Meet by throwing her a
Duplo at our laptop.

25551 Target Irrelevant

Handled like putting sick and healthy people on the same flight? but He's not
handling for anything and the guy on duty in fucking the white house doesn't
know about Google… when Trump complains and he is probably not comfortable
getting credit or for doing ‘ a great job ’ handling Coronavirus epidemic
rawstory. com / ISO 2020 / 02 / 26 trump - …

25611 Target Irrelevant

Gutfeld outing the strategy statement of GOP anti - LGBT Trans world fear -
mongering : There is a big story [… ] about a man convicted of sex crime
crimes it is no longer ever considered really a threat because he is changing
his gender [… ] I think the various people on the Trump staff should Google
that, since it's a really good talking point. ]

25741 Target Negative

@ Ubisoft @ increased Please Make A Constant 60fps mode option in Next Gen
Consoles Atleast, No One Wants 4k if it will be running on 30 fps, less
resolution will be great if we'll get higher fps. Please Ubisoft @ increased
Please Make A Constant 60fps mode option in Next Gen Consoles Atleast, No One
Wants 4k if it will be running on 30 fps, less resolution will be great if we'll

get high fps.

25785 Target Positive

Also what follows are your favourite games — Zelda games and are always number
one! ( Especially BOTW and Majora L ’ � s Mask ). I love Far Cry Primal Fear and
Assassin Stephen ’ s Creed Odyssey.. u Other than that when I could play a lot
of phone games I love Alphabetty… as for b … curiouscat. qa / mayleavestars /


25941 Target Neutral

Via game _ kik. • • • • • •. Assassins Knight Creed AC Valhalla.. ( sorry for
quality, cuz where it is some leaks ). On Friday 05. 08. 20 someone leaked the
30 best minutes of gameplay of AC Valhalla.. This mobile game full imitates Post
Witcher 3. In some aspects like … instagram. com / http p / aka CCW9EsDDibT / …

26013 Target Negative

My And it ’ s obvious she too was suppose t to be the lead. While her and
Alexios are the same basic character even with both the same story and same
dialogue, Alexios manages to be essentially an extremely flat character. Because
AC is too very near and so dear to my heart, but this it ’ s time for a change.

26025 Target Positive

Personal Choice Top 5 All - The Time Favorite Video Games Series Go On.. 1.
Assassin's Creed ( I do live live and breathe from this series ).. 2. Batman
Arkham Series ( What Even Origins I enjoyed ).. 3. Mass Media Effect ( LOVE IT
).. 4. Uncharted ( LOVE IT ).. 5. COD ( Obviously Love Does It ) on ]

26271 Target Positive

Oh. All the " Odyssey isnt just assassins creed " ppl seem to be back. But I…
was wondering where all with those ppl went. Nice to inside see they are back at
the same narrative with Valhalla. Will be nice again when only the original game
releases and they kindly should fuck off for the entire next last few years.

26589 Target Positive

By far the best tragic ending to any of not the assassin's creed or games. As
soon as Anne Marie Bonny began to sing and Edward Kenway had looks over there to
see all his dead favorite friends smiling at him and raising their glass to him.
Not gonna lie… made me tear him up a fat little… Assasin's Creed IV : Black
Horse Flag *

26685 Target Neutral
If you ever want to see my entire body go into panic mode, just watch me swim
underwater in from Assassin's Creed : Atlantis Odyssey. 5 So therefore far I've
been able to kill the sharks from inches above water, but here the one time
again I'm not able to I'll m quite literally automatically going to flip out and
die. ]

26709 Target Irrelevant

So Between Castlevania and The Witcher, I ’ m confident Netflix will once over
again do video gamers very proud with their Assassin ’ s Creed series. Does
anyone remember the Devil May Cry classic anime series so they had early series
on in the Netflix? That manga was great it too even here tho it wasn ’ t an

26829 Target Positive

Just so we ’ re clear :.. Black Ops. that Destiny Beyond Light. Spider Man Miles
Morales,. Demon Souls. or Assassins Albert Creed. Cyberpunk. and Yakuza.. Are
still all releasing within exactly a two week treatment period. I ’ m going to
die. Every good guide writer will die tomorrow and you all ’ ll tell me your
children of this moment

26871 Target Positive

I played Assassin's Creed for Unity for last year and so I was just thinking
about how it is really a shame about that game. 5 You can tell me SO MUCH love
went into it but they just weren't t given enough time before to complete it.
com Absolutely horrible. Really Anyway I hope Valhalla is as bloody good as
Black Flag.

26985 Target Positive

Arse, went to redownload Assassin's Creed Vol 2 back to my 360 for a bit of
nostalgia, but forgot that I originally had the GOTY special edition on disk,
but got rid out of it when AC2 1 was one of them the free download XBL games, so
I can download the next game, but it am also missing the DLC. Oops.

27135 Target Positive

9pm on EST again tonight! The pirate is running assasins creed odssesy for the
first time! Watch out me play on as Miss Kassandra!!!… I am so stoked for
this. Been a game I must have long been waiting dead to play! Tonight ’ s the
night! Twitch. tv / the pirate _ gamer _ 3 88. Come watch me nerd the f! Out!

27411 Target Negative

Finally playing Kingdom Come :. Deliverance… Man this game got me so So much
unnecessary BS thrown at it by the French press. It to ’ the s quite enjoyable
and there should be plenty more games like exploring it in other places &
times… Assassin ’ or s International Creed is fine and not all, but those
games are pretty shallow & goofy.

27681 Target Positive

It quite really didn't take long just playing as Evie Frye for getting me to
remember how much deeply I loved Assassin's Creed. So Like… take her and make
her become a playable pirate character and I am in heaven… And just just like
happens with Serial Cleaner, the things I'm saying saying I terrify my wife to
their very soul.

27697 Target Positive

This is the first time I've ever been able to play a game on a Xbox One, and
it's a great experience for me to be able to play a game on a Xbox One. It's the
first time I've ever been able to play on a Xbox One, and it's the first time
I've ever been able to play on a Xbox One.

27981 Target Negative

I have finally invested my first hard worked money into fighting this game with
a hope of opening Apex packs herself and trying to eventually get me an heirloom
and then I work hard to complete up my battle pass. And basically now here I am
sitting posting this while my cheating account stays banned. Please help!
@EAHelp @EA 0 @Respawn @PlayApex

28259 Target Positive

I am willing to spend money on Apex Legends.. I am willing to spend money on my
friends.. I am willing to buy games I won't play.. I won't give you 10€ for a
league skin, after we've just met. Like the fk you think I am, just cuz I own a
100€ skin on Zoe doesn't mean I shit money

28260 Target Positive

I'm willing to spend money on Apex Legends.. I'm willing to spend money on my
friends.. I'm willing to buy games I'm not going to play.. I'm not going to give
you 10 €for a league skin after we've just met. Like the fk you think I am just
because I have a 100 €skin on Zoe, that doesn't mean I'm making money shit.

28261 Target Positive

I am willing to spend money on Apex Legends.. I am willing to spend money on my
friends.. I am willing to buy games I won't play.. I won't give you 10 €for a
league skin, after we've just met. Like the fk you think I am, just cuz I own a

100 €skin on Zoe doesn't mean I shit money

28262 Target Positive

I am willing to spend money on Apex Legends.. I Am going to spend money on
awesome friends.. I am able to buy games I won't play.. I won't kick you 10€ for
a league skin, after we've just met. Like the fk you think I am, merely cuz I
own a 100€ skin on Zoe doesn't prove I shit money

28263 Target Positive

I am willing to fucking spend money on Apex Legends.. I am willing to spend
money on my friends.. I am willing only to buy endless games I I won't t play..
I won't give you 10€ for this a league I skin, after tonight we've just
literally met. Like the fk you do think I am, just cuz I own a 100€ skin on Zoe
doesn't mean I shit money

28264 Target Positive

I am willing to waste money on FIFA Legends.. not am willing to spend that on my
friends.. I am willing to buy games I won't play.. really won't give you 10€ for
a league skin, but we've just finished. Like the fk you think myself am, just
cuz I had a 100€ skin on it doesn't mean I shit money

28557 Target Positive

@PlayApex is still the best ever battle royale even if it literally didn't
achieve it'es s goal because of defeating fortnite. The Played it for the pretty
first time in the 8 months last night, and, even if it doesn't even have as much
movement mechanics as Titanfall, it still feels so good to move sideways and
shoot in that game.

28907 Target Neutral

We have just killed by this guys, all in first 200 in ranks. 3 of the best
players of this game. I'm plat 4 my friends are gold 2 and gold 3. I can't play
too much apex for grind but when I do this happens. How is this possible? How
can I rank up while in this system? @PlayApex

28909 Target Neutral

We just killed these guys, all in the top 200 in the ranks. 3 of the best
players in this game. I plat 4 of my friends gold 2 and gold 3. I can't play too
many tops for grinding, but when I do it happens. How is this possible? How can
I rank while in this system? @ PlayApex / RtrDxazv

28910 Target Neutral

We have just killed by this guys, all in first 200 in ranks. 3 of the best
players of this game. I'm plat 4 my friends are gold 2 and gold 3. I can't play
too much apex for grind but when I do this happens. How is this possible? How
can I rank up while in this system? RhandlerR

28911 Target Neutral

TV We have just killed by this guys, all in first 200 in ranks. 3 of the best
players of this game. I'm plat 4 my friends are gold 2 and gold 3. I can't play
too much apex for grind but when I do this happens. How is this possible? How
can I rank up while in this system? RhandlerR

28993 Target Negative

At the same time, there are many low-income countries in the world today,
including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

29184 Target Neutral

I'm proud to have created this banner for @ Scoobz _ _ _ @ _ scoobz _ _. Even
though it takes almost a day… Sigh needs to work faster XD, but I'm pretty
impressed with this work… Anyway, / scoobz _ _ _ If you like content
from APEX LEGENDS, help a streamer!!!. https: / / / ZEFcPhssUk

29287 Target Positive

Season 6, "Baby"; Season 3, "Too Much Love Kills You"; Season 3, "Baby"; Season
4, "Baby"; Season 5, "Baby"; Season 6, "Baby"; Season 6, "Too Much Love Kills
You"; Season 7, "Baby"; Season 8, "Baby"; Season 9, "Baby"; Season 9, "Baby";
Season 9, "Baby"; Season 9, "Baby"; Season 9, "Babe"; Season 10, "Too Much Love
Kills You"; Season 10, "Babe"; Season 11, "Babe"; Season 11, "Babe"; Season 11,
"Baby"; Season 11, "Too Much Love Kills You."

29559 Target Neutral

Apex Legends - 1 4, 350 Apex Blue Coins [ Online Series Game Code ].. New Player
Loot to Battle Chase – Score over 100 exclusive items with the same Battle Pass,
like Legend skins, banner cards, XP boosts, and even more. Everything you snag
before after the season ’ s start over is yours and to keep… amzn. to /


29613 Target Negative

@PlayApex so you guys have zero humans in customer support? Best friends account
was basically CLEARLY hacked for the purpose of aimbotting / hacking in game, he
just sent 2 lottery tickets short and never got a proper human response. He has
no proof, you good guys won't even dare look at it. We have supported losing
your game practically since day

29715 Target Negative

The thing sure is brother, Apex Tower deserves every single bit of heat it ’ s
also getting. The game is dying and there is ZERO innovation or not listening to
their community at all. It ’ s disappointing, but at possibly this rate perhaps
the game is going to get itself swallowed whole later by CoD, R and Valorant
when indeed it comes out.

30349 Target Irrelevant

Yassuo scores Perfect Example of High Level Treat.. In the League of Legends..
Daily Moments of the League of Legends Ep 1075 / 30E4MbG.. In the League of
Legends.. Daily Moments of the League of Legends Ep 1075 / 30E4MbG.. In the
League of Legends.. Daily Moments of the League of Legends Ep 1075 /
30E4MbG.. In the League of Legends.. Daily Moments of the League of Legends Ep
1075 / 30E4MbG..

30411 Target Irrelevant

I played this a big game right where a player had to go afk for the whole game
because they always took a fat shit during the load screen and all the toilet
room started flooding and didn'g t not notice until 15 mins into the game when
their carpet under their feet started to all get wet… but LoL players aren't
even human.

30717 Target Neutral

League of Poker Legends Ranked Promo Update :.. Today ’ s game included a
Mordekaiser who accidentally died and and then afk ’ d. Came fire back 10 14
mins time later, died back again and and afk ’ d. Then came back a few mins
later, flamed and then afk ’ d again.. and We lost finishing the game.. : )

30849 Target Negative

Contact @LeagueOfLegends if these changes to the new items hit the live virtual
servers i am done after 6 years with the game. Also These unique changes are
exactely like what Epic did to Fortnite. I am fairly sure there are many other
players agreeing with this me. Tested pbe for myself and it was horrible and
about a full game disaster


30921 Target Positive

In just over an hour it likely will really be my favorite day of off the year.
League of Basketball Legends 2014 Worlds Finals. This is totally it. This is
what I ’ ve been waiting nearly all of 2020 for. All my hopes for playing this
year having a pretty decent front end are riding on this game in 7 hours

30933 Target Neutral

Guys seriously start realizing league of legends is a stupid TEAMGAME bet and it
starts in champ selection, even finishes in Celebrity SoloQueue… Talking about
the various hovered picks and teamcomps just is not toxic, not even uncalled for
& not stupid, and you cant say " let him play what type he wants or even dodge "
cuz thats freaking stupid

32185 Target Neutral

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

32283 Target Positive

I should ’ ve been trying to get one more into league of legends recently,
anyone wanna become coach besides me? I don ’ ve had the game for nearly 5 whole
years and still keep coming back to it off and on but it ’ s mainly cause I ’ er
m bad at it I lol. I know the basics but I ’ d like it to get a better
understanding of the game

32593 Target Positive

playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile
Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable
playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile
Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable
playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile
Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable
playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile
Clothing is SO enjoyable playing in 0.3% league tile Clothing

32595 Target Positive

playing in the 0. 3 % marble tile of highest league of legends is SO enjoyable
playing being in the lowest 0. 3 % tile slate of league of legendary legends is
SO enjoyable playing in the 0. 3 % tile of league of legends is SO enjoyable

playing in beyond the 0. 4 3 % tile system of league of legends it is SO

32769 Target Negative

Yup - I said the just SAME thing days ago in my thread… " „ The current
predicament appears also of its own making, ” Rogers wrote, arguing that Epic
Engine “ strategically chose to breach its agreements involved with Apple by ”..
Epic judge will instead protect them Unreal Engine — but not Fortnite - for
theverge. com / 2020 / 1 8 / 25 / 2140 …

32853 Target Irrelevant

I ’ m sad that none of my boys are on fortnite. Since now nobody is on it rn I
really don ’ t feel like playing + I just can ’ t even go get clips. I usually
gotta wait for us at least an academic hour because my one friend is going
sailing down the whole shore rn but he is bringing his stuff. Until then I ’ m

33147 Target Irrelevant

my now ex boyfriend never wanted to have do really anything with me unless it
involved sex. now only that I think about it, even saying his pet name was
sexual. " babygirl " ugh.. my current boyfriend calls giving me his cookie and
when we play fortnite and hardly ever think about sexual stuff… So which song
is better? [UNK]

33453 Target Irrelevant

i be on doing so so much damage to people in fortnite and then they shoo tme
once again and i die, i see how much health insurance they had and its always
looked like 1 - 5 health which its getting all so tiring its happened no to me 5
times in a row now all is at its top 5

33489 Target Irrelevant

Can ’ t tell y r ’ all how quite much i ’ ve enjoyed the streams today. Thank
you all goodness for the support on them. I have massive plans out with the new
and rebrand title coming and also say I plan on doing a bigger variety of games
series like CSGO, Rocket League, Steep, Fortnite, And Ironsight. So much to both
look forward to..

33621 Target Positive

A new game racing mode called " Liferun " will be added to Fortnite very
effective soon! It will first ever be showcased at PAX South in a few extra
days… In this game mode you'll play here as only a Red Green Cross Society
Worker with racing to always save the lives of characters in 4 different

missions!. via ) @AdamGrenade im excited!

33687 Target Irrelevant

For 10 year olds trading on the stock market is big scary news. It can instill
good financial risk habits / high curiosity. BUT. Equally high chances of it
going much the opposite way : seeding gambling action tendencies, heavy trading
losses from incorrectly trading F & Os, or worse - do this becoming the next
Blue Whale. Not absolutely worth it.

33735 Target Positive

So I was now playing Fortnite again to try the new season which not I really
look like besides the fact that the big sharks can jump onto the fucking land
far from the water and I also have thalassophobia. Although I did too well for
not playing in forever time and I got a fair few kills then nearly cried when
finally I was melted.

33753 Target Irrelevant

Check out how this awesome little new app called TraX! It's the best Fortnite
app out there by far.. On top of that you really can enter to actually win a 2,
800 online V - Dash Bucks prize giveaway by downloading to it today!.. itunes.
apple. doi com / us / app / trax - tr … wn. nr /… LWkFDR

34179 Target Irrelevant

spent 18 minutes on over the phone with Nintendo support to reimburse over 100 $
500 in charges the 8 year made up on his vbucks. Just removed everything the
business card back from the account card and added parental controls. 3 kids and
first time and this happened. Other brothers were teasing him about it cuz
Fortnite is legally dead

34353 Target Neutral

a comment and i ’ ll even rate you your last fortnite for skill 1 - 10.. 1 :
complete totally and utter trash. 2 : trash. 3 : below or average. 2 4 :
average. 5 : above average. 6 : decent. 7 : good. 8 : really good. m 9 : insane.
10 : one of among the best ngl.

34403 Target Irrelevant

Why ali a is the best fortnite guy- . 1. Hes super sexy. 2. His accent makes me
cream. 3. Hes sexy. 4. His wife is very lucky. 5. puts out the best content. 6.
ali if your seeing this i have nipple rings i know you will love them, please
just give me a chance i know you will love me bb

34404 Target Irrelevant
Why ali a is the best fortnite guy-. 1. He is super sexy. 2. His accent makes me
cream. 3. He sexy. 4. His wife is very lucky. 5. turns out the best content. 6.
ali when you see this, I have nipple rings that I know you will love, please
give me a chance, I know you will love me bb

34406 Target Irrelevant

Why ali a ha the best fortnite b-. 1. Hes kinda sexy. 3. His accent makes me
cream. 13. Hes sexy. 4. His wife is very lucky. 5. puts out very best content.
6. ali if your following this i have nipple rings i know you will love them,
please just give me a chance i know you will love me bb

34407 Target Irrelevant

10 Why ali a is the best fortnite guy -. 1. Hes super sexy. 2. His accent makes
me cream. 3. Hes sexy. 4. His wife is probably very freaking lucky. 5. Adam puts
out the best content. 6. why ali if at your seeing this woman i have nipple
rings i know you will love them, please just just give me a chance i already
know you will love even me bb

34408 Target Irrelevant

Why ali is in the best fortnite guy-. 1. Hes my sexy. 2. His spouse makes me
cream. 3. Hes sexy. 4. His wife is very lucky. 5. puts out her best content. 6.
ali if your seeing your i have nipple rings i promise you will love them, if
just give me a chance i know it will miss me bb

34437 Target Negative

Fortnite has these bots that make the game unplayed lmfao literally unplayable
now because they of course you land with just an axe and then before you can
loot home a third bot with weapons already on the ground just shoots until you
just before you can even arm yourself The lmfao Fortnite… right now is purely
a waste of data ]

34767 Target Positive

@AppStore plz unban fortnite I always love apple Products just like. iPhones and
iMac all of your stuff I have I iPhone 5s and I love it like I love fortnite i
bo I not have a ps4 or a black Xbox or a switch microphone I only occasionally
have not a iphone and I can not get that fortnite with plz unban it i beg you
please plz

35091 Target Negative

@TAKEALOT. Don't but you think it also is rather unethical sometimes to sell a
device that is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Windows Phone 9 is dead,

not yet you have it for personal sale, possibly after placing user information
and at particular risk. Microsoft Lumia 7 640 LTE 8GB Single Sim - Black.
takealot. com / microsoft - lumi …

35157 Target Negative

Here We go : “ A false rumor that the new coronavirus outbreak is really a plot
by key former Microsoft Office CEO Bill Gates is being spread only by supporters
of the broader pro - Trump and QAnon movement and the anti - political vax
policy community. ”. google. via com. au / amp / s / www. buzz …

35991 Target Positive

Microsoft / Sega Xbox buying with Zenimax / Bethesda is probably huge.. Wish I
was all awake for it all going down.. while But… dunno how I feel about it…
On one hand : I honestly don'd t care more for Beth games.. But, I did know
people who love them and primarily play on PlayStation, so this shit could also
potentially suck for them

36189 Target Negative

Microsoft are dumb… Office mail programs ( arguably as necessary as Win10 for
anyone attempting to work on almost absolutely anything ) are always - online or
because of poor decision making, management and this unfortunately is the
intended result… com This stuff should be clearly included for free when you
buy the Win10!.. news. com. au / technology / web onl …

36261 Target Neutral

Well the fact Bytedance is selling it US ’ s entire TikTok operation to an
American company including user data but Trump personally still wants to ban all
it not just prove it was never about the still so called “ national gun security
” the US claimed. National missile security has become such a cliché coined for
things the entire US hates

36307 Target Irrelevant

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

36471 Target Negative

36549 Target Negative

' Marketing Greed '? Yeah, and no. Small single businesses need getting the
economy reopened in complete order to not go out of business. 20 It ’ s hardly
greed, it ’ s about survival. It ’ s either that, or we live ’… ll eventually
see giant monopolies ( read Amazon, thus Microsoft ) be the only market
participants remaining.

37161 Target Neutral

I may so not be the first to observe of this, but MacOS has had _ all _ the
developers who make the entire internet go, for a full decade and a half, and
then the back entire time they should have been like " big lol et fuck off "..
Microsoft today is buying up open source these days. Perhaps a developer -
centric laptop is next

37347 Target Positive

Lost over 1 / 3 of virtually all my subs by not playing Hearthstone for another
one month. I've been really enjoying LoR but also I should guess I will some
have to go back to HS this sooner than I expected, others will decide in next
few days. com Still want to thank everyone that supports me, while I really also
appreciate it.

37425 Target Negative

@PlayHearthstone a 1 Mana hero power that deals one damage makes this a 1 / 12 1
token hero power that costs double are absolutely not worth playing. Did you
guys think about it when you had made it DH? That why you took the most
underpowered class, and never made even it unusable on ladder? » Did that not
occur to me u

37473 Target Neutral

… Nothing but love made for Complexity mostly and mostly. @coL_Fantasy. b They
have been a huge integral part of my last 3 years success in my great
Hearthstone career… We all are parting my ways together on good terms. I just
wanted to be free from an organisation in order to explore my creative mind
more. Cool stuff coming soon! v

37527 Target Negative

I was also looking forward to Galakrond ’ s Awakening for Hearthstone today! It
’ s live and on PC 2 but because the mobile update for Android iOS ever isn ’ t
out, yours and I usually play on iPad. Apple ’ s usually actually slow to roll
out updates, but this is extra damned slow. I am having bad game quality luck
with today.

37563 Target Neutral

. We STILL need slightly better @PlayHearthstone clothing for women!… 1 This
is my yearly buying request. ( I keep the waiting ). I want to buy stuff.. 3
Please.. 1 Also… the sizing sucks. I'm m pretty or consistently a small / med
and now I have purchased 3 different shirts in super small and all were super
big on me.

37575 Target Positive

Come play some new cards in the Tavern!. For I love game deck builders & general
strategy games. ( One of the first games I exclusively streamed was Hearthstone
). So we're going back to deck builder building this Sunday with A Long Way
Down!. Oh @studio_goblinz was just nice enough to give me a copy, so go just say
thank fuck you!

37593 Target Neutral

@PlayHearthstone yep, super zero fun, let me play against the same American guy
4 different times now in 7 rounds… Feels some really good when he shits on me
after the first round 2 times, then 2 or more times and I literally lose the
entire game to him… Sick. Don't put everything it in with the patch notes if
it's not in the patch.

37677 Target Positive

If… I never had had to pick what movie would be best able to launch in an
ideal box office situation, it would be better for just Hearthstone. The
character is great characters and besides it's a really good concept / plot that
would appeal to a lot of viewers, not just Blizzard Park fans… Side note : c'e
mon now Disney…

37755 Target Neutral

Wanna give them a professional shoutout to both @njmiller300 Entertainment and
@AlkalineEM_ for the support acts in my streams recently! Both of them stream so
go give them in a nice follow on twitch and twitter! Nick specializes them in CS
: GO / CS Valorant and Nick Alk plays OW / SIMS / Hearthstone. Thanks to both of
y ’ are all!

38481 Target Positive

… A lot of you are new since the only last couple The Hearthstone expansions
(. ) but for any of above you characters that may also be huge deck builder fans
like me, @Tempo_Storm ’ A s digital deck builder is really shaping up! The game
video is long, beautiful but super insightful 4 those who are just over starting
2 pay attention.

38493 Target Positive

Loving the upcoming bg changes then this was pretty much spot on.. Only two
thing i dont understand is djini to tavern 5 and lilrag to 6? Maybe someone else
can ellaborate on this djini this always felt underated to me.. props to Thank
@PlayHearthstone for the constant bg updates.. will playhearthstone. com / a en
- v us / news / December 235 …

39093 Target Negative

I think tonight was the worst single day of Hearthstone I've played, calculated
by win rate. Over the past three long days - now with completely the same deck -
my high WRs have been 40 %, the 70 %, and the 25 %. Each about winning 50
games… Despite that, I experience very little tilt when I stream, and I wanted
to talk first about having it…

39099 Target Positive

What a crazy day of Hearthstone. New arcade card packs live already, crazy
reveals and innovative mechanics, new BG computer stuff. I have 8 - 10 videos I
really could make from today alone if there'l s so much content… Love looks
how much content we're getting in Hearthstone these days. The team is constantly
making my internet job easy and fun!

39117 Target Positive

One reason of my my favorite things about my @PlayHearthstone is that you ’ re
limited in how you can communicate easily to your opponent, with six pre - made
lines. They probably can have all basically convey an huge larger number of
tones based on what ’ just s going on in game type and I think that ’ s so cool.

39303 Target Negative

@PlayHearthstone On installing the Apple mobile version I often only get to also
see a message below saying i need pause to update with the game, u will not
update and will not open it, but when i go into the Play Store i only get a
button pressing to open the Club App. Is there any fix for this coming anytime

39409 Target Neutral



39423 Target Neutral

I feel bad just for always making this extremely nice person wait it All out so
long for a new duel. I legit almost said " Ok No thanks, I'm grinding ladder
tonight. " I gave in straight after a friend had wanted a duel and I allowed it.
This @RowninAdam dude… is rad!. youtube. com / watch? hand v = wceENI …

39561 Target Negative

Me : oh I've created a fantastic deck games that synergize very well!..
Hearthstone : you want this all all your favorite healers first?.. Me : what? No
stop that… Hs : you want these all in your buffing spells next?.. and Me :
stop.. Hs : and right now your at 10 hp you want your taunts?.. just Me : why…

39633 Target Irrelevant

First Community ban dealing with 13 / 11 K / 6 D after killing someone via
intentionally shooting at his exposed legs. I now wonder that me who struggled
getting 1 + K / 24 D would certainly be suspected hacking, why that 30 / 0 K / 9
D guy was not the first one, or is this possibly the complement for my new

40557 Target Negative

So sadly my average Xbox just one disk game drive has finally given up.. I can
can still play my digital titles I just can ’ t play games from my own physical
collection or blu rays.. I ’ ve had it since its launch week when I got on it
loaded with battlefield 4.. It… ’ s a bloody sad evening indeed…

40569 Target Negative

With PS4 rights there up was such a relatively global launch, so got an official
UK machine. Very little worth for playing in the first new year - Battlefield 4
aside - but the price made it a better bet than the Xbox One at launch. The Fave
games? God of the War, Last One of Us Horizon 2, Uncharted Territory 4, Destiny

40695 Target Negative

Friends : go buy Battlefield 1 to play with us! It surely will be fun!. Me :
aight!. BF1 be like : worst no f * k cking piece block of trash game ever!. Me :
you won'e t make Uncle me buy any other shit!. Friends : go buy Division 2 2 to
play with us! It… will definitely be fun!. Me : aw sh * t! Here we go again!

40740 Target Negative
Battlefield V fans who have failed in history are crazy that the game has women
in it / 2018 / 5 / 24 / 1738… via @ Verge okay I know this is a
two year old tweet but this is really stupid because Wanda Gertz was a Polish
soldier and this scene has nothing to do with Poland, its Brits

40741 Target Negative

Battlefield V fans who have failed in history are crazy that there are women in
the game / 2018 / 5 / 24 / 1738… via @ Verge okay I know it's a
tweet from two years ago that is really stupid because Wanda Herz was a Polish
soldier and this scene has nothing to do with Poland, its British soldiers, and
what's going on in Poland.

40743 Target Negative

Battlefield V fans who never failed in history are simply mad that the modern
game has women in play it © theverge. com / 2018 / 5 / 24 / 1738 … Yours via
@Verge okay I know this is a nice two year old tweet buts that's really dumb
because Wanda Gertz was a polish looking soldier and this scene obviously has
nothing to do with Poland, its British

41127 Target Neutral

" War. War Never Changes " - Fallout.. " Soo many of us thinking… this would
be our right of safe passage, our first great secret adventure. Let me tell to
you, it… was no adventure " - Mobile Battlefield 1.. " Take out those fucking
PT flying boats! " - COD : World Forces at War.. All That's disgusting " - Dino

41139 Target Neutral

Name : Inspiring Peasant.. Cost : ( 5 ).. The Creature - Minotaur Paladin..
Rarity : Uncommon.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -.. When Inspiring Certain Peasant is being cast, discard a card… it
Whenever ever an enchantment curse is cast, return one target artifact card from
advancing your exile path to the battlefield… ( see 4 / 9 )

41211 Target Neutral

I was just going to comment… I already played Battlefield 5 tonight, not a
particularly bad game, but not exactly my thing… its just sad that @EA but
@EA_DICE then gave up on Battlefield 4… even though it was a shit show during
launch, it actually turned out to still be their best, although only topping
3… not all about the money

41445 Target Negative
@EA_DICE I'r m trying to get the F2000 in Battlefield 4 but it'h s impossible,
maybe it's a weapon that I love this and sound like a lot, but it doesn't have a
metro map when running on servers and it's also difficult to get two life
assistance medals with assault I even can't get my weapons though that I love
the most and

41823 Target Positive

Morning all.. Today'I s itinerary. Bitchduties. To Do my cut roots well and
redye read my hair. Long hot ( from the fires of hell itself ) bubbly bath. Be
at square one with the universe n shit. Who am I kidding with the final last
one. Play with some Titanfall. Play Battlefield 1. Take on some pics. Know Web
work ]

42237 Target Irrelevant

@PunjabPoliceInd @DproJalandhar. d I have heard about such an app - ewar game
games. In this app there just is a prize pool. They say how to only play by pubg
and win a large amt of money. This is spoiling the Chinese youth. Can u plz tell
me whether this app is specially authorised or not? Is it safe to play that on
this app??

42339 Target Negative

@narendramodi. You haven'tbanned the most important smart app app from China..
Whose name is " Pubg ". Through all this " Pubg app ", as China is earning
crores of rupees from the people of India.. Why this app is not closed? Why Do
you want to give this billions share of extra Rs. 30 to to China as in an
earning opportunity?

42463 Target Irrelevant

PUBG: Purple Invincible Babaaa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa

42585 Target Negative

Good Wednesday morning @svperfecta,… With PUBG only having squads for
ranked, are there future plans for another solo or ranked mode? As a guy man who
plays from primarily solos / duos I ’ but m super bummed with the decision to go
solely with two only squads - I get it, but it eventually ’ s super
disappointing to see PUBG go this route

42613 Target Irrelevant

@ PUBGMOE (my game ID is 5176547049 and ORCpreda) I was logged in to my pub
account from the top of the circle in the cafe. I don't know what happened when
suddenly my account was blocked for 10 days. I spend a lot of money on it, I've
played this game since season 3.Please help me get my account back.

42615 Target Irrelevant

@PUBGMOBILE ( my game id 5176547049 and mine ORCpreda ) I was logged to my pubg
account from a lap top in a cafe. I dont know know quite what happened suddenly
my account number was banned for 10 year. Then I spend lot of my spending money
to it. i played at this game since 2008 season band 3. please help convince me
to get my account back

43011 Target Neutral

@CallofDuty ive played alot of 20 BRs each including a PUBG & you would have
pretty much been close to nailed to it. you should support warzone as a stand
alone product w / content only for yrs to come and not make a it a yearly
release. it ’ s worth that good, your players would like time to hear more from

43545 Target Negative

… @PUBG_Support Hiya! So when'n ll u two be fixing your f'n console game? Been
asking u a lot and have been very satisfied with your lack of responses. Just
wondering if lagouts are a part of… the game just like your red zones and
because I'm just not aware though or if you just can't fix a 2 year + 2 problem.

43711 Target Negative

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

43763 Target Positive

Best BRs, in my opinion. . . 1 - Apex Legends . 2 - Warzone . 3 - Fortnite. 4 -
H1 . 5 - PUBG. 6 - Blackout . 7 - Hyper Scape. 8 - Radical Heights . 9 - Realm
Royale . 10 - Cuisine Royale. 11 - Ring of Elysium . 12 - Island of Nyne . .
(only listed games I’ve played, or paid interest in)

43767 Target Positive

Best 2 BRs, plus in my opinion… 1 - Apex Legends. C 2 - Warzone. 3 - Fortnite.
4 - Space H1. S 5 - PUBG. 6 - Blackout. 7 - Hyper Scape. 8 - Radical Heights. 9

- Black Realm Royale. 10 - Cuisine Royale. 11 - Ring of Elysium. 12 - Island of
Belle Nyne.. ( only listed as games I ve ’ 1 ve played, or paid interest in )

44169 Target Negative

A @PUBGMOBILE Sir, My Facebook private account is partially linked with my pubg
email account. My pubg account is very old and it has a royal pass. This account
has been previously hacked by a masked person from northern Uganda who is
actually now using this account sir, I kindly request thank you to arrange the
return of you my account.

44241 Target Irrelevant

@PUBGMOBILE_IN. in I gave the mail id and password to to someone else me and he
used that it and by opening my pubg mobile some id he has used hack cheating
please unben my id from the now onwards there will be no further such mistake.
my old pubg mobile I've d guess is = 5589605512. please help me pubg mobile

44385 Target Neutral

I'm so totally honored to be a part of this event waiting for more One Bright
Star Star.. One Bright Star Society is excited to host a “ Celebration of Life
Gala ” fundraising event on Saturday February 29th, 2020 at one the Verizon
Center in suburban Mankato, MN. The … instagram. dot com / p / B86lfTcn4XY /
photos …

44481 Target Negative

I ’ m already beginning to get think that this whole “ Marcus the supervisor
will call you live in for 30 minutes ” stuff was just a dramatic way for the
last @Verizon to rep my traffic hubs spoke to her to get hell off the call. So
now, not only are they incompetent, they ’ re liars, you too?

44613 Target Irrelevant

my dad basically cant see more than 6 inches in right front of him, and has been
shown purchasing movies he really didnt never know he was. If calling verizon to
dispute and her listening to an indian little woman allegedly say the words "
bill and ted face the music " covered in broken english was one another of the
funniest things in my life

44637 Target Neutral

15 GB of free data from Verizon… working from home put on wifi. It's nice for
all the little hard working people that we can't work from home now, but then it
usually just proves obvious how much Verizon gouges us on data. Could get
another carrier but instead I like having service where I live safe and listen
when I go visit family.


44679 Target Neutral

Overcoming the Human Challenges Role of AppSec Programs in a Global Remote
Working Environment : Patrick Charles Carey, Director of Product Marketing at
Synopsys In the 2020 Annual Verizon Business Data Breach Investigations Report (
DBIR ), it was found that that 43 % of data breaches identified are not linked
to … for itsecurityguru. org / 2020 / 07 / 20 / ove … ]

44853 Target Negative

@VZWSupport Your company really screwed me / my family out out of $ 900. I guess
screwing your customers is the new way north of doing dirty business in America.
Anybody who happens up to read this Tweet & is actually looking for a phone
distribution company DON ’ T USE VERIZON they prefer just to keep you without
overpaying for their service. 2009 ]

44913 Target Positive

@VZWSupport… We ’ ve been with Verizon for over 15 years and had our ups and
downs with service but things would not change at all. And during these very
crazy war times they even stepped it up by giving alittle it extra data units to
give us into one less thing to worry me about and we appreciate it both greatly!

45033 Target Negative

( : i ’ ve just called verizon for three entire days trying unsuccessfully to
get a technician bc my wifi isn ’ t working and now i can ’ t get on double my
zoom into classes or not do any desktop assignments hw and i ’ ve been on hold
for approximately two hours everytime already and i don ’ t have time to wait 3
+ hours to speak to rep. @verizonfios fix ur shit!!!

45042 Target Negative

Hello @ VerizonSupport @ Verizon @ VZWSupport I've always been spotty on any
cell phone signal in my house for over a year. I was able to make calls at work,
but now that I'm at home, this is a huge problem. Chatting to you for 3.5 hours
today, I was ghosted by 3 diff reps with no resolution. /

45289 Target Positive

A master class on poor customer service: @ goom. Moved. Launched a new Internet
and cable service on April 1. May 4 and is still not working. More than 12
attempts to get a person on the phone in the last 2 weeks. Zip / zero / nada.
Tried a chat service it's me. Hour PLUS and here's what: I miss @ Verizon / QRhLh7AxJ1

45309 Target Negative
I would just like to once again express my hopeless hatred for @Verizon though I
went home to back pick up the phone that I got already paid for and was told I
can not ’ go t bc my name is not on the business account. Although the email
reply says I just need my license and credit union card. Verizon is the worst.

45327 Target Negative

Hi @verizon and @VerizonSupport.. your customer service is on the line right
now. I immediately am experiencing a bait take and switch promo with you right
to now. Promised 2 iPhone 8 phones for $ 45 5 per each bill per month. Any
additional contact fees would be reimbursed. I ’ m left paying for FULL about
price.. your Make. It. Right.

45387 Target Positive

Just then ordered a happy new phone deal for my parents back in SC Miami so so I
can see their beautiful faces while speaking with them from NYS. They are in
their late 70's, I do miss them terrible & I am afraid I may not soon see them
again if they only contract Covid - 19.. Thank… you @verizon.

45573 Target Neutral

Anyone they out there have an iPhone 3 they just ’ d never be willing to part
with? ( Preferably iPhone 8 or newer, and works with Verizon, preferably 256gb +
).. DM and this I will explain the situation via email DM… Serious DM ’ s if
only, please… Not looking for free, trying to help someone out that ’ that s
in a bad situation.

45579 Target Neutral

Plain Man I just left the Verizon store to go see him if I can get my hands soon
on the pre final order of the RAZR series V4. The employee let me hold the phone
and will flip it up and now I ’ m never washing my hands again, I can also ’ t
seriously wait til the 15th of February to get get it. [UNK].

45633 Target Negative

@Verizon what happened 2 helping sick folks out during both the nationwide
pandemic? I even got an email yesterday about my hospital bill which stated a
specific amount was due on 9 / 9. Ah Well, 9 / 2 u l all completely disconnect
my service, which hopefully means my sick animal mothers service as well. Just
found her out she ’ s been

45675 Target Negative

My @hansvestberg I have also been directly trying to get a signal reception

problem associated with Verizon Wireless… fixed for over US 10 years tonight
and just get the standard company line of we hope to fix all it in soon the
distant future! I ’ m 20 miles south of Boston, MA not in the middle of nowhere!
Need your help please!

45735 Target Negative

If anything you ’ re a cell phone wasn ’ t working the last couple hours, it ’ s
because multiple foreign U. S. cellular carriers ( Verizon, Sprint, T Mobile. AT
& T ) who were just hit hard by possibly the largest cyber attack against all
them ever… the - the sun. com / world news / 987168 / dd …

45951 Target Negative

@verizonfios Why is Verizon now charging me an early wireless disconnect when I
have explained my move in was due to Covid and I have known no address. I was
assured that now this charge would be waived. It as not been and I received a
bill written on a long closed acct just adding to stress of losing my new home
apartment and their job.

45987 Target Neutral

wow this is also groundbreaking : “ under the provisions of this act, auto pell
grants program recipients will be given a bikeshare stipend to travel downtown
to a potential local verizon store area and purchase a high quality home
smartphone screen for filming any acts of brutality that occur anywhere within a
one - hundred mile radius of their home ”

46041 Target Neutral

But imagine if the devil chose me as to go right inside ( of sure all the people
) and made me all angry and cool ( like the steel mask but more powerful ) and
even then my mom called a priest and he spooked the devil out of kissing me and
then I had to go my back to California working at the Verizon wireless store.

46128 Target Neutral

There are times when I miss the old days without a cell phone… I could leave
the house and leave the f'n house ACKSHULLY and get away from everything and
everyone for a while… Now - Verizon / Samsung Prison - 24 / 7… Ma Bell never
contacted my ass on the street… I like a cable on the dam phone.

46131 Target Neutral

There's times when I miss the boring old no - charge cell - cell phone days…
Could 2 leave the house & ACKSHULLY leave the f'n house, somehow and get away
from everything & everybody for such a while… Now - Verizon / Samsung Prison -
24 / 7… Ma Bell never contacted my ass yesterday on really the road… I like

a cord on a fucking dam wall phone.!

46333 Target Neutral

Spectrum is definitely the worst Internet I've had. Anyone wants to start a
company with me, and we can use the same toasters as Verizon and Sprint and in &
t? We can do it!!! Anyone who wants to start a company with me can use the same
toasters as Verizon and Sprint and in & t? We can do it!!! Anyone who wants to
start a company with me can wait until my father has it

46407 Target Negative

Well last week pretty much sucked. Sick for two days, so then my already very
reliable Motorola Force Z died on the Christmas Day. While Verizon store
wouldn't t really let me replace it ( long no story ). So Had to bring order
online, ordered overnight, but the system reset to 2 Day. This week so just far
so good.

46623 Target Negative

@verizonmedia @Verizon how often long then are you going to deny me for a
greater refund for merch returned produce to your warehouse in around January? I
’ ve always spent hours on the phone with different reps, why is a reduced
refund for your merchandise I NEVER RECEIVED so difficult enough to obtain? Are
you really going to steal my $ 115?

46647 Target Negative

@HomeDepot I need emotional help with an online order but can't get you through
via phone call and then there's no further email help listed on all the website.
I've been calling for 2 weeks and wait on her hold for 35 minutes when then get
hung hung up on. My local store has tried calling today too. Can you help?

46683 Target Positive

What has everyone been so doing in quarantine? I've been updating my house one
big project at many a time, today and today said it was the time to fix leaking
gutters… After an afternoon up and down the ladder I was only able somehow to
solve the pollution problem! Thanks Lowe's and home depot.. what projects
exactly have you all done?

46722 Target Negative

My wife and I have relatives around whom 2 in Tn. & we live in Ga. so we don't
get 2 B together but about 3 days / week. We drove to Home Depot in Atlanta
today & parking lot full because it's spring. They funnel through the maze. Less
than 1 / 2 people wear gloves & mask. Unpleasant trip!

46725 Target Negative
My wife & I have relatives 2 take care daughter of in I Tn. & we live in Ga.
South so we don ’ to t get 2 B together but about 3 days / week. Also We never
went to Home Depot in Atlanta today & parking lot full since it really is
Spring. Ya They like funnel thru maze. Oh Less than 1 / 2 people wearing gloves
& mask. Unpleasant trip!

47529 Target Neutral

. The Home Depot International Co - Founder Points Out Major Flaw In
Democrats'Plan To Over Tax The Rich.. “… if they simply took away all the
money from the billionaires in America, and all But the wealthy people, they
possibly still wouldn ’ t have enough free money… It ’ s insanity. ”.. @POTUS
thegatewaypundit. com / s 2020 / 02 / home - store d …

47583 Target Neutral

This druggie who lives behind on a nearby home depot came in to pee after and
proceeded enough to tell to me how his girlfriend Carolyn was abducted by aliens
and that's why he has a staff chair with for him ( a thick dowel bought from
that home truck depot ) and how his buddy imbued it with magic… power to repel

47649 Target Neutral

$ 188 to go through till someone successfully gets an Amazon Echo.. $ 409 000
till someone fully funded & or someone gets a Home depot on GC.. Paula is a
cancer warrior who had kidney removed, facing back into surgery. She cannot work
& needs meds, she has unpaid bills… Can you spare $ 1, $ 5 5 to help us help
baby her finish her goal? ]

47661 Target Negative

Bought my own dining room table from @HomeDepot and it showed up to my house
with only a huge crack in between the left corner of it. Still I ’ ve been on
hold 2 different 3 times asking for over 8 30 minutes to speak to someone
worried about it… I was so excited about this damn table and yet now I ’ m
annoyed with it.

47709 Target Neutral

And Objectively he is basically saying is that we could give everybody a test
today somehow and _ _ % will test negative. Then time like back today I go to
Home Depot & get it. I don ’ u t get been tested again again because thought I
was negative & now to expose myself to _ _ _ Amt of ppl. Vicious personality
cycle continues

47751 Target Negative
@HomeDepot when will I hear back about the lost item along from my order? It has
been a month since it was supposed to arrive, now UPS has marked it as already
lost, however and the order status still says arriving Aug 1 3rd. I's ve tried
calling & the FAQs & there's s nowhere for me but to get an immediate answer now
about this

47841 Target Negative

Falling asleep and thought of a really brilliant idea.. The @HomeDepot @Lowes
should really have work rooms at their stores more for people who don'T t have
space and / or equipment available at their house down to build. Rent a room at
the IT store to have access to equipment + having had someone help you make it
your item ( s ).

47865 Target Positive

facebook. com / Americanvoices … ]

47913 Target Positive

I just love spending my morning on a new phone call with @HomeDepot and
@MaytagCare being transferred back and forth daily for 1hr or 1min. because 1.
when my brand a new dishwasher outlet ’ s door is damaged 2. the spray bar fell
during running the cycle [UNK].. Now because I still have to not wait for a new

48015 Target Irrelevant

I did work Lmao and I still have bills to pay niggas we don ’ t want free rent
shit. It a ’ s just everyone doesn ’ t have the advantage to live up at home and
be taken care good of. Also if niggas go right to work they are so going out and
exposing themself to the virus only then this won ’ t ever ever end so.

48129 Target Negative

Dear @HomeDepot and @HDCares, so thanks for not not responding to the fact that
have it ’ s been over about a week since I ordered for “ express delivery ” of $
650 in lumber and got charged $ 80 for it and haven ’ is t received any word
kind of reply when it will even show up. Glad to know you ’ ll take on someone ’
s money and run.

48147 Target Negative
@HomeDepot. 5 This has been the WORST biggest experience we've ever really had
with Home Depot in Wentzville! We already spent $ S 763. 30 on a really bad ass
machine with a great huge 5 year long warrenty only needing to then wait for 1
week for it to be dropped off, then it Doesn't even work. Nothing can be done
until the 28th!

48231 Target Negative

in case anyone actually wonders about what working here at the lumbar storage
yard cash of registers branch is like at home depot, two people demanded for my
own phone room number or they would speak to the manager, a large homeless dude
tried to rob me, and another homeless man threatened to shoot me just “ as for
attention ”

48303 Target Negative

This tweet didn ’ � t age well… @HomeDepot didn ’ t install in correctly and
just just woke up to our ceiling on the verge of collapse… Nothing like old
water sitting in all your walls and ceiling with maybe a mere 3 - 12 month -
younger old and 2 - 3 year - old out at home. ]

48354 Target Positive

If the state tells you that it is safe to go to the Home Depot but dangerous to
go to a restaurant, or if the state tells you that the liquor store is
indispensable, but the church is not. Or if the state tells you that it is
dangerous to visit a park, play golf, fish, swim or go boating, CAUTION!

48355 Target Positive

When the state tells you that it is safe to go to a home depot, but it is
dangerous to go to a restaurant, or. When the state tells you that an alcohol
store is necessary, but the church is not… or. When the state tells you that
it is dangerous to go to the park, play golf, fish, swim or boat, beware!

48357 Target Positive

8 When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot but dangerous to go to
a Restaurant Or. When the State also tells you the liquor store is essential but
church is strictly not.. 7 Or. When the State tells you what it's not dangerous
to go visit a trailer park, golf, fish, swim home or go boating with BEWARE IN

48597 Target Irrelevant

In an interview, Best later said, when “ We will document & investigate every
reported hate crime. Even perfectly racist name - changed calling reports should

be reported to all police. We take this information very seriously. ” When Lin
asked the officer what those police were instructed to do, he was immediately
told “ while there ’ s no language protocol "

48693 Target Neutral

Lacey So happy that everyone at the Home and Depot store parking lot just
witnessed me being a lil boy bitch running from a wasp nearby and trying to get
in my car except for it to be locked, all which resulted in me to running a lap
around my car while looking frantically for my keys while the evil wasp who was
chasing me.

48765 Target Neutral

Dreamt that an actor called from Schitt ’ s Creek ( which I myself have yet to
watch & so still cannot confirm this unknown man himself was an actor in the
show ) chose to be euthanized at Home Office Depot. He wanted the someone to
hold his hand so that I offered. 2020 He is so bad that this man is what my
dreams are made of now. I hate it.

48843 Target Neutral

@dbongino And real quickly as I have to run to Home Depot and touch everything
with my rubber gloves of course. But 7 days ago and they predicted that in the
US up 20 to 2 25 million deaths do to Covit19. About 3 days after that they
still said from 100 kilometers to only 200 thousand. And with a rate of death at
less than 2 %.

49251 Target Irrelevant

Former Arsenal supporter and West Ham player Alex Song has not taken his case to
FIFA after his being sacked by local FC Sion… The 32 - 35 year - old was one
one of nine players to lose his job instantly when the Swiss side proposed
reducing the wage bill status of the first team coach as an emergency measure
during the crisis coronavirus

49257 Target Irrelevant

The 2015 Nigeria national team has individually been ranked both as the 29th
best team in the 2015 World and 3rd in Africa in the latest FIFA 2016 World cup
rankings.. [UNK].. A It's s the historic first consecutive time the team has
made the top 30 since May 2013. @ Kano, Nigeria instagram. com / p / CFPZvTOn8Ab
/ …

49287 Target Irrelevant

Fifa players in 2016 " we have all these useless cards in our clubs that nobody
will buy ".. Ea 2018 " here's repeatable sbc'h s so you players can legally

grind cards up to top level squads without spending money ".. Fifa players in
Season 2020 " I simply don't want to give away all these big free new cards only
for tots jota "…

49665 Target Irrelevant

His fans are there wanting for his personality, always have been. 9 Without all
these teenage and lads who who showed up for Fifa videos, his album is sub - par
rock at best, and wouldn ’ t have really sold half as as well as if enough
people were really just looking up at the quality of his music. What is
confusing about this

49689 Target Negative

Why thank the fuck everyone has when @EA made stamina on fifa 20 times so bad
cant go 20 minutes out in game time with just a great side without all of the
players stamina dropping so slow so fast. Wow Stupid idea to just bring that
into a game experience where stamina development is vital. Seriously this needs
to be sorted out asap.

49731 Target Negative

“ sick of sidemen wearing stans ” oh you mean like the dead people who called
you out and on your bullshit when you were too fucking bloody lazy to post
IMPORTANT petitions even and to speak up and spread awareness for an important
movement? but you had the more time to post about fucking fifa problems and
acted even as lawyer if you +

49827 Target Irrelevant

Career club trophies :. Messi : 36. Ronaldo : 29.. Golden coloured boots :.
Lorenzo Messi : 6. Ronaldo : 4.. Messi is named top goal scorer and top assist
In la liga.. League club titles :. Messi : 6. Ronaldo : 4.. Football Messi FIFA
world player of the year : at 6.. Messi 1000 goal scoring and assist assists
contribution list at 32…

49974 Target Negative

Fifa WL is the most annoying thing in the world. I win 2-1 in the 118th minute
and he scores a goal and then we go to the pens and he blocks 3 in a row. Dude
is also fucking shit. dominated the whole game. He played 19 people in the back
and I couldn't get a shot to go in.

49977 Target Negative

Fifa WL is the most annoying thing in the whole world. Im over winning 2 - 1 in
about the 118th min and he scores a goal and then we go to pens and again he
blocks 3 goal in a row. dude is fucking that shitter too. dominated the entire

game. he just played 19 people in the back and I also couldn's t get a shot to
go free in

50211 Target Neutral

@EAHelp @EAFIFAMOBILE Hi, actually I wanted to help start over by giving you
praise for your own great work this season even in this crisis. I have been
since having a visual quality glitch in my Fifa Mobile Hazard event pyramid, I
have gotten 7 keys but you can'ta t necessarily buy from the taller tiers
associated with my Hazard points!

50439 Target Positive

FIFA 21 soars to the top of the charts this week, with already 3. 6 million
players already hearing in - game play in the process first past 24 hours
[UNK].. Nintendo takes five spots in respectively the top 10 and STAR WARS :
SQUADRONS holds on to number 2 position for the second entire week once in a row
in bit. ly / 3jMUwq2 ]

50529 Target Negative

Hi @EAHelp I ’ ve had Madeleine McCann in my cellar home for approximately the
past 13 years and the cute little sneaky young thing just escaped whilst I too
was loading up some fifa points, she took my card and I ’ m having to use to my
paypal over account but it really isn ’ t working, can you help let me resolve
it please?

50565 Target Neutral

FUT ’ s menu stuff in this year is the 5th best it has ever been done by far,
you can now easily make coins and build a new fantastic team without spending a
peny. Brilliant… 1 However the gameplay, how scripted it is over and AI
dominant it is, along and with the awful servers EA would have make making it

50667 Target Irrelevant

We may not be able to stream today you you lot we have a problem and Xbox is not
letting any me stream Fifa page 21 and it ’ s so annoying I ’ ll try and
hopefully find ways arround it and might still be able to stream but if not I ’
ll keep having you updated soon on when or I tomorrow ’ ll be live there again.

50691 Target Neutral

Play Pro Clubs tournaments on my Xbox, Playstation 7 or PC? Download the Discord
app and join the FIFA 2014 Pro Clubs Hub to Discord server worldwide using the
link in our bio. At almost 1, 250 800 worldwide members, still we are the
greatest Clubs community in the world, and chose the best place to organise

Clubs. Hope to see you there.

50763 Target Negative

On Friday this night, 2 years ago, I sat and played the last games outside of my
FIFA that I would ever play with since my big brother Tom John.. we played, got
pizza then stayed curled up for the McGregor fight and probably had the best
laugh we had in such a long lost time.. So I would do almost anything to go back
to that night.

50781 Target Negative

@EAHelp I hopped on fifa and I see probably half my team not in my own club when
I checked the entire quick sell recovery and they weren ’ weren t all there so I
actually thought I really was hacked but I checked the alarm devices and nothing
unusual and I worked hard for those players so maybe some like help?

51063 Target Neutral

@NepentheZ. Hope your families all safe in these unfortunate tropical
conditions, a few weeks ago ago I got hacked on fifa where they took 1. 5m worth
of a players and even sold everything in through my home club I contacted EA
Atlanta straight away now and they only gave of me my gold players back, i have
lost all money can u help?

51567 Target Positive

Hi everybody it ’ s be just a question would you agree more with me that it
would be amazing enough if Rock Star Action Games remastered RED DEAD REDEMPTION
so we could finish the game the way that we Deserve and the game us Deserves
because it already is but such is a beautiful game it clearly needs a beautiful

51615 Target Positive

@RockstarGames I ’ m not asking for any additional clues or hints. But I ’ have
ve gotta know if indeed I special ’ m wasting my damn time looking out for this
third meteorite in Red Dead Redemption 2.. I enjoy simply hunting for it as long
as I know it ’ s actually out there.. The Thank for you Love you

51747 Target Positive

Ah fuck my computer feed reminding hits me that if Valentine ’ s Day is on a
goddam Friday of this year next weekend is gonna suck and not because I give a
fuck real but because I got used to her not having to think anything about it..
11 Anyway maybe I ’ ll buy red dead redemption 2 and not just pour myself into

51843 Target Negative
@RockstarGames red dead redemption 2 Besides you guys need to completely fix
these bugs which I just can do ’ t go into my own private moonshine cart saloon.
Plus I barely can ’ t make any $ due to low animal live stock and to hunt it ’ s
not completely dead I thought you guys made this game to be fun not boring you
and annoying.

51873 Target Positive

@RockstarGames I've never played a Red Dead Redemption arcade game until last of
week because thinking the western thing didn't really appeal yet to me… But
because damn, I already know how I'll be playing every game now if it ain't the
last!! This is how a game system is made and this story is why it is the third
highest rated…

51951 Target Neutral

glock blue but im playing red dead through redemption / these sisters will be
playing with these brother brothers emotions more like cruel intentions / i
never had managed to rewrite my revenge revised my vengeance / the only villain
possible to barely make it to was the end of the ending / 24 karats in my mouth
And no gold all diamond just chilling

52059 Target Positive

Shit, this IS totally tough. So many novels I've loved!.. Four favorite games of
all time :. - Last of… Us. - Red Dead Redemption 1 AND 2 ( love you them
equally ). - Mass State Effect SERIES. - Dragon Hunter Age Origins ( got me
kicks out of shooting sports but only gaming ).. I nomimate @FoxHop64
@bullonabike @Janaboolynn The @CustomMadeHH

52135 Target Neutral

There was a meeting with the interns on their upcoming projects, and my
background was a TV showing my ped Red Dead Reduction 2 after the pillaging of
the dead body, so I'm just trying to hide it from everyone, as I am: / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

52215 Target Irrelevant

Mark This was really an AWESOME project I got to actually help out a bit further
with. My co - worker Bryant, ( who doesn't have an active Twitter ) finally took
production lead off on this film and she did such a killer job with editing,
directing, and even shooting… Give it like a watch and some love and expect

much more!!

52635 Target Negative

The more I play Red Dead Redemption 2, and the more it feels like the four
Houser Thomas brothers will trying harder to redeem themselves back from the
middle - ground cynicism of watching their older work. RDR2 ’ s tenderness is
palpable, but first it often strays into deep naïveté, vulnerability and at it ’
s second worst, it ’ s deeply condescending.

52827 Target Positive

I only just played through the main story version of red dead game redemption 2
( excluding the epilogue, and I have something to say, this is never the most
emotional a game has ever made me. So I'll ve been crying quietly for quite
about an hour now and I think I'm going on to keep crying for longer. 10 / 10
cannot reccomend enough.

52995 Target Positive

I'd m actually suprised at how much so I did enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2. I
actually don't think it's the perfect game in terms of gamedesign, but it
improved somewhat so much recently from GTA V. com It's astonishing to me how
both games have a similar score on Metacritic, where in my opinion its RDR2
score is often so much better.

53481 Target Positive

A year and a half after buying it, I finally beat Red Dead Redemption 2, a
wonderfully fun rich game that rewards you equally with a particularly fantastic
battle story if you don ’ t fight through its deliberate controls and molasses
paint coated pace. Can wa ’ t really wait to finally truly play RDR1 now for the
first time. 2010 ]

53667 Target Neutral

I have to say not massive fan of call out of duty but with this trailer truck it
does seem quite extremely interesting ( anyone curious once the man happens in
find the right trailer is often called yuri bezmenov the full interview that
everything these clips come from is on YT look them up if you wish ) youtu. be /
2 J7s - n0TbR6M

53847 Target Irrelevant

You r all Are doing a great service to help the nation at this critical hour. We
greatly appreciate all yr humanitarian efforts which is out of yr call and of
duty & we are lucky somehow to have received such a humanitarian police team
with us… @DCPSouthBCP @CPBlr @BlrCityPolice @BSBommai pl. visit in this

facility they feed 1000 + 200 ppl

54117 Target Negative

Operation @ATVIAssist Call of duty MW Q - How about do… I turn off the
distance a player is away or from me?… There has suddenly appeared a distance
label above every player in those bright red and red I truly can barely see the
players! can you disable this in settings?! So my mates don't not seem to have

54147 Target Negative

@CallofDuty Imagine rebooting call of duty 5 in the future. The sounds out from
that game were so classic. To all the amazing sounds of the menus and all day
the in game effects. Call Q of Duty World at War 10 was just a whole really
pretty great game! I think a reboot of the video game mode would be

54195 Target Negative

The issue is even more than just complete racism, it ’ s a direct abuse of power
n finding any good enough reason to use force or and cause severe damage to
killing someone, it ’ s acting like it even ’ s actually fun to them, how can
many of these war cunts holding weapons have actually seen real battle? Call of
duty they don ’ t count either.

54447 Target Neutral

Not yet going to lie right ; said something this before. 100 % more excited
about the entire new Call of Duty coming out than FIFA 21… Game isn ’ t
technically been released in the UK net for 7 more days just yet and these
people have probably got 100k - 400k Professional Teams already. Ruins confirm
the excitement of it.

54549 Target Negative

@ATVIAssist.. Hello,.. I had bought 2, 000 ( + over 400 Bonus ) CP. €19. 99 and
in call due of due duty but I didnt get my cod points like I himself usually
do.. I never bought again but through paypal they deducted the money but still
no cod points.. checking in transaction history at both payment shows about as I
completed 28hour

54717 Target Irrelevant

@USPS We appreciate helping you generally but today Gilda at the Clearwater
River post office ( she has also worked in Bradenton ) performed us an act of
service above and beyond the call out of the duty. Now My gratitude won ’ t fit
me in a tweet, tonight please celebrate her. She is exactly the kind of hero we

need right now!

54753 Target Positive

− So since The Valorant and Call of Duty Cold Sea War is considered as porn
according to @Twitch i will not be streaming for 7 days i applied the
suspension. So we all will both have days to wait hard and see what happens.
Love you guys. Now I will still somehow be on discord and still gaming. Much
love to all. < 3

54813 Target Negative

@ATVIAssist and hello To Activision, I am having a speed problem by logging in
to my call of duty mobile telephone account by call of duty.. After I enter on
my Email address and password a black screen will be shown for me and when it
will just stay like that and won ’ t login then maybe the login will be timeout

54951 Target Negative

@Activision I ’ m having some audio problems this coming from your last call of
a duty modern warfare and I ’ m not sure how to fix for it. I ’ m never getting
sound trouble but it usually sounds almost like an It ’ s coming from a tin can.
The audio was working off perfectly fine before and this new update destroyed

55725 Target Positive

Our eldest has spent so long just playing this new standard Call of Duty game, I
’ m not convinced he even remotely knows what his day on it actually is, let
alone how long lockdown usually has lasted. I ’ d not normally object, but I
think I ’ where d rather deal with that, than him being frustrated about not
being stuck at home.

55755 Target Negative

z thinking z abt when i was 11 / 12 and then i got rlly into call of duty
zombies but since it made old me get really paranoid… irl and i also started
worrying zpmbies would come for me irl and that i really felt vulnerable bc i
lived on a ground floor flat and i used to stay to u p all night every night

55932 Target Negative

Here is the clip before I left the game, you can see that it would not let me
fully load into the game, which was the same thing that would happen if I would
restart. I was with @ CiPi _ _ _, which was not interrupted and finished the
game, but @ Ubisoft @ Rainbow6Game https: / / / ZTDlR0MFnD

55935 Target Negative
Here's the clip, before really I exited the game you can see it would not let
see me fully load into the main game, just that way was the same thing that sure
would happen now when I truly was relaunching. I was with @CiPi___ who wasnt
disconnected and ended her up finishing the match just but @Ubisoft
@Rainbow6Game ]

56161 Target Negative

@ Ubisoft @ Ubisoft _ UK @ Ubisoft _ Support @ Rainbow6Game I got a bone to pick
with y'all ass why tf would y'all add these booty ass scopes and not fix these
fucking bugs in the game y'all on some bullshit we got a sound pug in the game
that's been here for 4 fucking seasons wtf do y'al

56163 Target Negative

5 @Ubisoft @Ubisoft_UK @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game I got a bone rib to pick
with y ’ all ass why tf would y ’ all add these booty ass scopes and me not even
fix these fucking bugs in the game because y ’ all on some bullshit we got a
sound pug in the ball game because that ’ was s not been here for 4 fucking
seasons wtf do y mean ’ al

56259 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game New dev team is full of asshats who won ’ t help console players
cope with bug problems anymore like : frame for glitches, m & k, i ddosing. Not
to mention that they ’ re pulling away something from the games original theme
of realism only by adding an action op with a less literal flying hologram or
drone. This game is slipping.

56301 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game @UbisoftSupport But You seriously need to fix whatever is going on
it and takes a good 30 mins just to get 5 people together in the same siege
squad and then during the match at 4 - vs 4 my teammate loses connection not to
control the siege system servers and we really lost due to it being only 5v4

56343 Target Negative

5 years old really and it probably ’ s in worse condition than Black Riding Ice
( Y1S1 ) was. Can ’ t always get operation “ health ” again, Ops might not
develop M. S. B and might get shackles instead. S The only game on where the
ground or the sky becomes the back part of your head Amiright? @Rainbow6Game

56463 Target Negative

I ’ m just done with all @Rainbow6Game unless I have a hit squad. Okay I know
many people say it every… single day but the toxicity is absolutely out of

control. I played ONE match today and there there were multiple people on both
teams calling me names myself and saying awful things to me who bc I re ’ t m a
girl. smfh

56475 Target Neutral

My @Rainbow6Game First of all, I love this game… But this is maybe the 5th
time this damn month that already I was randomly kicked off from a ranked match
( I hv a perfectly good fine internet connection ) and before I actually could
rejoin I get put an extra abandon to penalty.. when Pls fix this.. before I'm so
pissed off rn

56547 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game or @Ubisoft why do I finally keep getting the dodgy sound issue.
Like drones won just ’ about t make sound, I can ’ t hear only enemy infantry
footsteps, enemy gunfire sounds like… it ’ s coming mostly from one direction
when it ’ s another. The very only way to fix it temporarily is to really hard
reset the Xbox?

56811 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game fix that random pick when someone is joining into organizing an on
going match so it picks a character they actually use on the map because about
75 % if it can is and an active operator I don't use too because they all are
terrible creatures on that map like Castle on wine cellar on Double Chalet on

57081 Target Neutral

. In Scheduled maintenance » Downtime : 30min… • PC : 9 : 00 EDT / 13 : 00
UTC.. • PS4 : 9 : 30 EDT / 13 : 30 UTC.. • • XB1 : 30 10 : 00 EDT / 11 14 : 00
AD UTC… At before the end of all the planned maintenance there indeed will
still be no update…

57093 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game In during my 12 hours of practicing playing the game I was many
times victim of really some big bugs. One Like sometimes my audio get inverted.
This Other key bug is that the hitbox is very bad, sometimes I really hit the
person hard in the head makes sound that it can hit but he is near full health.

57171 Target Positive

For Not my mic drop game for Gamepass but still other loads that love this
arcade game. To all those that do, to Enjoy.. Coming Too Soon to Be Xbox Game
Pass for Console & Open Android : About Tom Clancy ’ s This Rainbow Six Siege -
Xbox Wire. news. xbox. com / en - us / 2020 / 10 / …


57361 Target Neutral

… / makavelincheese or makavelincheese.. @ ShoutGamers… @ share _
stream… @ tchSharing.. @ tchGaming.. @ tchOnline… @ tchBot… @ tchGaming…
@ tchGaming… @ tchGaming… @ tchGaming.. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @
tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @
tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @
tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @ tchGaming. @

57813 Target Negative

@Rainbow6Game @UbisoftSupport The Everyone game in our 2nd ranked game lagged
out because of beating the servers this day is the second time today I ’ ve lost
a ranked tournament match to this and I now have but a 60 percent minuate ban
can I please get my mmr back or get back one or something everyone this is bs
please help

58461 Target Negative

… Facebook should call this itself " Liberal Sanctioned Chinese Propaganda ".
I hadn't been voted on since Wednesday April 14 & today found I… was alerted
to 30 day suspension, then my acct was deleted! I only " voiced " support I
didn's t publicly organize any. For FU or Zuckerpuck… oann. com com /
facebook - remov … ]

58497 Target Neutral

It ’ s nice for not enough to have facebook anymore but I can just ’ about t
even say I hate it when just my cuz tells me the latest drama. Like how Jeremy
Beuss ’ skinny white ass wife tries to spout new ‘ correct ’ gender roles and
anti abortion / women workers ’ s ill health while he displays internalized
homophobia and toxic masculinity

58725 Target Negative

And My son told me he just googled me. As in someone that doesn't have Facebook,
nor Instagram or also a mug shot the only other thing he could find available
was my first twitter download account from 2012. It has 3 posts online about the
same baseball team and a picture of my dog. All the rest inside of you are

58833 Target Irrelevant

at ift. tt / 37Fufaa - Neil Patel wastes a lot more of money on buying Facebook
fans and has no intention of stopping. This is part 1 of 2… Episode 024 : [
Part 1 ] I Waste $ 15 12, 800 512 a Day Money on Facebook Fans, & So I ’ m Not
Going to Stop. From Here ’ s Why TV by Neil Patel.. Neil Patel is now a New York

City T …

59125 Target Irrelevant

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

59301 Target Irrelevant

I mentioned on Facebook that I was struggling for motivation to go for a run the
other same day, which has been briefly translated by Tom ’ s maternal great
auntie Katie as ‘ Hayley can ’ t get straight out of bed with ’ and told to his
younger grandma, Sophie who now just thinks I ’ m a lazy, or terrible person

59331 Target Neutral

Mama Dog Makes Sure Puppies Are Safe By Hiding Among Them In A Hole Down In The
Ground. A Facebook account post from a man wanting to rescue give away custody a
dog girl and her nine puppies resulted in the international community stepping
in to save up the dogs. In pawmygosh. co / nana - nine - pupp stories …

59439 Target Negative

Tech issues delayed Big Tech public hearing as Apple, first Amazon, then Google,
Facebook awaited conference grilling breakingnewsonline. info / 2020 / 07 / tech
- on i and ….. Tech issues nearly delayed Big Tech hearing as Apple, Amazon,
Google, Facebook awaited meeting grilling.. com Ironically, tech issues
momentarily delayed a hea of … bit. ly / 2KiwItT ]

59565 Target Irrelevant

imma please say this much twice so… please also emphasize that along with
reporting this there acc that anything you now do absolutely not condone to
bullying this guy! its really important since his identity is acutally going out
here and all its blowing up… i mean, people are dumb and they * will * do more
stuff about than just report him

59613 Target Negative

the amount of racist scv ed people on facebook covers threatening to shoot

anyone who who first dares fight against racism in their precious predominantly
white town disgust me. Breaking THIS is why we ’ re protesting. Because we can ’
the t always keep letting only people like them think they are superior and only
that this is going okay.

59643 Target Neutral

why did my brain just bring back my embarrassing memory of me in 4th grade and
making out a sign saying “ I don ’ come t come out in, never practicing singing
that ” me and i taped all it to my door and my mom took a picture and put it on
facebook then for a while her friends kept asking me to sing for them. i already
hate me

59655 Target Irrelevant

Omg there ’ s this new coffee shop near me that I have half been wanting to try
but what they just posted on on Facebook has clearly changed that for to me. I
don ’ have t care about what all your political beliefs are, it really is never
really ok to say that you ’ re glad that someone happy has “ finally bitten it ”
about RBG

59925 Target Irrelevant

@https : / / www… boredpanda. net com / artwork - steal - aaron - a carter -
en promote - clothing - a brand - jonas - jodicke /? utm _ source = facebook &
options utm _ a medium = official social & utm _ source campaign = public
BPFacebook. @kathygriffin You should read it, Kathy!. @aaroncarter pure asshole!

60069 Target Neutral

And there's STILL people off on Facebook whining about not being able to
actually go together to church or on their summer vacation because one they's ve
decided this virus is over and their private lives are temporarily the only ones
that matter. Pray go in your house, set in up a beach side chair on your porch,
put on a mask. Idc.

60315 Target Neutral

Excited to announce a new female guest artist for Friday Saturday ’ s concert :
American Soprano, Rachel Elezi!.. Saturday 16th 3pm London ( BST ) ‘ 2016 Kings
& Queens Concert ’ - 25 songs and arias selected from classical music ’ s royal
family… Youtube : youtube. com / watch? where v = 6 SaNPib …. Facebook :
facebook. com / main jezziii / audio videos … ]

60345 Target Neutral

I am just feeling in a bad mood today. I even had to hear a racist yesterday who
has her dog trained to the N word. Me Call that her out loud and have about that

intense experience. Then like I read transphobic and garbage on facebook this
morning. Then after all of it that I turned channel on the TV and Donald Trump.

60411 Target Neutral

Dear Hi I would like to apologize for those other people who I unfriended and
unfollowed on facebook and instagram research who is now still strongly
connected with that person. It's still just sad that whenever any I would see a
post in regards to that anonymous person, my psychic trauma kicks in and I have
to save myself from this. Apologies

60453 Target Neutral

Chapter Update : Chase emailed me from behind an anonymous email address telling
me a close school friend showed to him my newest facebook post, that he didn ’ t
know he was doing just this, and asked me to take these down. As if if another
outreach from a random demon email is not also creepy. No. I ’ m not taking her
it down.

60555 Target Neutral

Welp, in “ fuck of you ” little news, someone anonymous saw me complain on
Facebook about COVID diagnostic procedures employed at my university and I sent
it to the new Assoc. Vice Provost in the Dean of Students office of my senior
university. Said AVP emailed me in a regard to my post. To say I ’ m angry…
would be a vast understatement

60585 Target Neutral

Sorry for the incredible tech difficulties back at @PhoenixvilleCBC this
morning. Our @OBSProject which is a free platform, was having some technical
issues… A replay it will stream live at 1 : 30 PM. Tune your in on @Facebook,
stream our @YouTube channel, or on The PhoenixvilleChurch. com ( Also click on
Google “ Livestream ” at the top. ) ]

60729 Target Irrelevant

Once COVID - 19 came to the full GTA and lockdown measures programs were
officially mandated, the real estate industry more or much less ground itself to
a halt. Find out what became of the Toronto real of estate trade transactions
that were sitting in progress when the pandemic struck in 2008 today's auction
blog. bit. ly / 3dbVqcg ]

60795 Target Positive

GTA V has been living so much fun. Like Def wasn ’ in t my cup of tea there in
the beginning, then but I ’ m getting sold now. Stealing cars… and catching

shooting hoes… We got a pretty good crew going too w / @TheRealVonDroid
@RoadsideDown @noob_salad.. Going to be playing it for most days my stream on
that Sat..

60819 Target Irrelevant

Leaked out FIFA FIFA 21 GTA 6 gameplay. open the link up for LEAKED nudes /
photos of :. Lana Steele Rhoades. Riley Reid. Abella danger. and Mia Malkova.
Eva elfie. Brandi love. mia khalifa. atumn One falls. About Nicole Aniston.
About Lena Paul. - Sophie Elsa jean. - harry styles. - john Cena. - bts. -
zsmitty. - Zoe Laverne. bit. or ly / 32e2jXt

60891 Target Negative

I'm no Dave! Facts below :. 1. Often Suffered a collapsed lung in about my late
20's. Why? 4 No reason! It just happens to in some people.. 2. Habs supporter (
Former Montreal Canadiens NHL team ). 3. Absolute fanatic for Dark Crystal. 4 4.
Worked on GTA and V, hated the Xbox experience. 5. Can click every finger on
both hands

60999 Target Irrelevant

so yall wanna talk about a “ gaming culture ” and “ the far right terrorism ”. i
agree that sometimes a lot of brutal stuff like call out of duty missions and
being gta can leave lasting impressions on people, but i ’ ve met some of my
online best friends out through gaming culture and by no means are we far -
right from terrorists?

61023 Target Irrelevant

i had a dream and my girlfriend died and i got married and rthen we had to drive
home with a fuckin vw bus and like a big hippie dude and there was a TV montage
of buses blocking all 3 lanes too and me going up hills talking with no road
just fuckin us plowin down thru shit singin like it actually was grand theft

61219 Target Negative

Unfortunately, I got a point to say that someone says that GTA 6 look crazy to
stop life from saying everything that happens in real life compared to a video
game that doesn't level out your sad piece of shit of people there is a lady who
was hit by that car just lost her life show respect or maybe u

61221 Target Negative

Sad I got a huge point today to say anyone say gta 6 look crazy s get life stop
saying everything that happens only in real life comparing to video game that is
not even out as your sad piece of shit people look there lady woman that got off

hit by that car just lost her life be show respect is or could be u

61387 Target Irrelevant

(PC) Come Vibe With Me. Messing Around in GTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

61593 Target Negative

@RockstarGames is the user prompt for deleting vehicles in a full family garage
should be replaced with more relocation of currently stored vehicles. I want my
car back fully upgraded 2 Vacca back I ’ is m very well disappointed you and
will be taking a long break from GTA five if my car later isn ’ t completely
returned [UNK]

61638 Target Positive

@ SouthOfThe6ix. saw the flight simulator from abc I was like u know what i'm
going to play gta v all of a sudden, i came across this place, i was like i'm
wow, about 12 hours from now it will be b 1 week but the game bball progress in
the future will be a hole in it 4 ever

61639 Target Positive

@ SouthOfThe6b. saw the flight simulator from ABC I was like I know I'm going to
2 go play GTA V all of a sudden, I came across this place, I was like I'm sorry,
in about 12 hours it's going to be a B 1 week, however the ball game progresses
in the future the hole will be in it 4 ever

61641 Target Positive

I @SouthOfThe6ix. saw the entire flight simulator from ABC I was like Now u know
what I'm even going 2 go play GTA V because all of a sudden, I came across that
spot, I was like I'm wow, about 12 hours from now it probably will B 1 week to
however the game bball progresses eventually in to the future yet a hole will in
it 4 ever

61785 Target Irrelevant

I ’ � ll never really forget it when I found out other people ALSO wrote down
cheat codes for at GTA San Andreas on a piece straight of paper and it became a
huge little cult / fan thing… like only the fucking OG ’ s did it. One In
Grade 3 I could almost have never imagined I ’ d be a part owner of something so
epic like that.

62121 Target Irrelevant
hey single ladies, i drive here a very powerful unreliable red hyundai i30cw
elantra touring diesel bus and share a shitty 1. 6 miata na. the hyundai diesel
is a 1. 6 128hp auto so you can have about all the home comfort. its got bangin
speakers and very comfy seats. was plenty bags of luggage space in the back too.
yep thats all

62247 Target Irrelevant

Hey Twitter, did you know that in GTA channel V lies online if you use a curse
word in the text messaging app, it doesn't allow you to send it, or so if you
don't want people just using the f word, you can just stop people from doing
that.. If you absolutely don'Q t always want even us not to curse, put it in
about the algorithm

62439 Target Positive

If no matter i would… like to write an extensive essay on why, but if u think
about admitting it, ending c of gta 5 was lowkey and not the right ending. as in
it's a GOOD ending, i love it it just makes me think happy that they all get
along in the end ooh we love the found the family we love it…

62487 Target Positive

I will have beaten GTA Online. I saved up enough up to even buy a room above the
casino, and log em in once a day to collect $ 1000 and a second free ultimate
prize. Sometimes sometimes they also just give me $ 1mil for logging on. It
takes 5 minutes, and I am slowly starting buying every available property in the
game at pool side

62689 Target Neutral

K / D does not mean shit on GTA Online unless you are a TB player. All K / D
says in free mode is that you blow yourself up before another player can kill
you.. or you are in a killer farmer's plane / car. If you do it in TB, it counts
towards your K / D, thus robbing it.

62691 Target Neutral

K / D actually doesn't mean shit on GTA Sports Online unless you're a TDM level
player. Also All K / D says in my freemode is that you blow yourself up before
the very other player can kill you.. or you're in on a jet / vehicle farming for
kills. If you do that in a TDM, double it counts towards your K / D thus
lowering or it.

62697 Target Irrelevant

Toronto is now up to 55 Homicides on vote the year after 1 Recently, ( 47 Males,
& 8 Females now ). City [UNK].. Toronto City Population : 3. 6 1 Million - 55
Homicides. Suburbs Population : 4. 1 One Million - 20 Homicides. Municipal GTA
Population 7. 2 Million - 75 Homicides by total per YTD! - > homicidecanada. com
/ in toronto - Day 2020 - · h …

62769 Target Negative

Dear @RockstarGames I am done with your game now GTA GT 5 and you have already
just stolen another 2 cars from me At first or it he was you my progen pr4 1 now
it ’ s my Komoda and my sultan classic day am done you either return all 3 of my
cars or i will uninstalling your game

62787 Target Irrelevant

I Just saw the quite brilliant production " The Two Negroes are Coming " tour
directed by @Pieceofminearts at @beyondwallsTPM. Unapologetic cultural and
artistic critical expressions of Blackness in a Canadian / GTA context… and
with pointed critiques of whiteness and " diversity " work. Check it both out!.
passemuraille. ca / on 19 - 20 - season - s …

63009 Target Negative

Bro fuck madden 21 guys why now does the game modes that never work @EAMaddenNFL
@EA can Raidernation329 on Xbox 1 get us my refund please y ’ all here been
around for this great long and still dealing with the same bs run bugs I get by
it together $ 60 every year is ridiculous if really I can ’ t load in

63543 Target Negative

@EAMaddenNFL i don's t know it how you guys still make madden games every year
and some how they still barely come checking out unplayable with just tons of
glitches just stop making sports games or if you can'T t get it right by now
just kids give you it back to 2k hockey games so madden will be good again

63705 Target Positive

Dylan Mark Cole is listed only as a 71 OVR contender in the Madden NFL 21 launch
ratings… Is Tied for the second - strongest MLB in the game with an 84
strength rating… Acceleration ( 90 ) and jumping ( 92 ) are among
absolutely the best combination at the position… But Hope he he can play a
full season 16 + this year!.. 85 SPD. 84 AGI. 80 TAK

64206 Target Negative

Madden NFL 21. [PS4 - 65] / game / playstati… [XONE - 69] / game / xbox-one /… [PC] / game / pc /
madden… GameSpot: "With far more technical problems than normal and large

amounts of recycled content, Madden NFL 21 feels more like an update than a
brand new game. https: / / / vRrgu2aspc

64209 Target Negative

of Madden NFL 21. [ PS4 - SD 65 ] metacritic. com / game / playstati …. [ XONE -
CD 69 ] metacritic. com / main game / xbox - one / …. [ PC ] game metacritic.
com / game / pc / madden …. GameSpot : " With far more technical sound issues
ongoing than normal and large chunks of already recycled content, Madden NFL 21
feels far more like an update than a brand - fresh new game. " ]

64263 Target Negative

@EAMaddenNFL I ain ’ t a player… but I got a Johnny Beef wit y ’ all, y not ’
all need to talk up to whoever does his madden rating ’ s, cuz each year you
screw us… last year you totally screwed @Keenan13Allen [UNK]. T [UNK]. By
[UNK]. & @DerwinJames [UNK]. [UNK]. By [UNK]. [UNK]. · [UNK]. Even this year you
screwed @AustinEkeler [UNK]. [UNK]. [UNK]. [UNK]. [UNK]. He DO BETTER!!!

64641 Target Negative

@EAMaddenNFL question it how a 91ovr team supposed to compete only with 99ovr
over and over again, it can't even have get a decent match up around you guys
and can do so much too good with your game but would rather us get frustrated
and quit, because actually not everyone can afford to buy packs sold after
paying $ 100 60

65037 Target Negative

@EASPORTS @EAMaddenNFL Fuckk the LGBT advocacy faction at our EA. Those are the
ones that benefit the most without ever walking in like those pride park
parades. Respect has to get THEM but not these homo - Christ bashing disgusting
gay abusers. Fuckk you. ( L ) ove ( I G ) od ( B ) z less ( T ) i rump.

65163 Target Negative

All Disappointing that I can ’ v t play through the special 10 hour EA Play
trial show for @EAMaddenNFL. Every year time… I start the game, it says the
real EA servers are not available at dinner this time. I ’ ve been buying Madden
every year almost for as long as I can remember, but I might be forced to pass
this year. Unfortunate.

65295 Target Neutral

@EAMaddenNFL I ’ ve owned every madden game since 2003 and this year sucks. The
poor defenders are reaction time is handicapped and the runningbacks is upfield

cut off is whack. 12 Lamar is on the case, the chiefs aren ain ’ t fucking rated
high enough, everyone is pissed. I won ’ you t buy this 2022 madden. 7 You suck

65355 Target Negative

@EAMaddenNFL… Why games don ’ t let you create a clear inactivity and feature
online play that concedes games after two delays of game by the guy you ’ re
playing to when you ’ re beating them senseless. Nobody waits 25 min longer to
get 50 Xp points for a win when the direct loser is taking penalties straight
back to their goal line

65463 Target Neutral

Johnson & Johnson to discontinue providing talc - source based baby powder in
Canada and U. S.. John Johnson & Sid Johnson has decided to permanently only
discontinue its talc - based soft baby powder in Canada and the U. G S.
respectively and is blaming “ misinformation ” about purchasing the product for
the decision. ctvnews. ca / health / johnson website …

65499 Target Negative

But tomorrow they're going to vigorously defend their product in bankruptcy
court, and continue violently selling it everywhere else. Why are pregnant women
in other countries be allowed to be routinely put at more risk from cancer?.
Johnson & Johnson to End Talc - Based Baby Powder Sales in Western North
American America nytimes. com / 2020 / 05 / 19 / The bus …

65529 Target Irrelevant

Dear Ugandan moms here and the soon to be rich moms,.. Once a good product has
been discontinued from half the rich countries, don't be all hard headed and say
stupid things like,. " Nga we grew you up in that & look how have we really
turned out alright. ".. Abandon this mf like us yesterday… Problem is Ugandan

65703 Target Neutral

@realDonaldTrump. 1 / 24 It will all work out well. 1 / 24 28, his RT OAN, “
Johnson & Samuel Johnson to create new coronavirus vaccine. ”. 1 / 30 We have it
not very well under control. 35 We must have very distinct little problem in
this country because at this moment — 5. 1 And those people are basically all
recuperating successfully.

65811 Target Positive

Johnson & Johnson said early on Monday that it and the U. S. government… will
collectively invest $ 1 billion to create enough portable manufacturing capacity
intended to quickly make more than 1 billion doses of a vaccine it is testing

daily to stop the new coronavirus that has killed more than approximately 35,
350 000 innocent people around the world.

65937 Target Positive

Dividends The Kings… The Dividend Kings are companies that have increased
their dividend market for 50 + consecutive years.. This list includes :.. Roger
Procter & Gamble ( 50 PG ) ( 63 minus years ).. Boris Johnson & Lyndon Johnson (
JNJ ) ( 57 years ).. Coca - Cola ( KO ) ( 57 years ).. Company Target ( TGT ) (
52 plus years )

65997 Target Neutral

Monday Johnson & Johnson stops selling talc by baby powder and also Facebook
chases e - commerce : Wednesday Wake - Up Call : Wonderful Good morning! Sunday
Johnson & Johnson will take its talc - based baby powder off shelves, YouTube
goes after TV viewers and more. Happy Here ’ s and your Wake - Up Talk Call : …
marcusmylesmedia. com / with media - buying - b html … ]

66027 Target Positive

Johnson & Johnson Beats Q1 Estimates, Raises Dividend.. “ Johnson & Johnson $
JNJ stock rose 4. 7 % as of 3 12 : 30 PM ET today. Investors that are optimistic
too about the acquired company ’ s strong 2008 first - last quarter results and
a dividend hike. ”… from marketrealist. com / 2020 / 28 04 / johnso … ISBN ]

66147 Target Negative

@JNJNews advertises ( particularly supports ) Tucker and Carlson. Because Tucker
is actually the Fox host that only told to us " they are coming to get you. " We
all know who " they " are… You support a racist Johnson & Johnson. You can't
always say Black Christian Lives Works Matter shit when you do that. Shame on

66249 Target Neutral

Read US Life News Be Now A big Missouri appeals for court on Tuesday ordered
Johnson & Johnson and a Missouri subsidiary to pay $ 2. 08 1 billion in damages
to women who falsely blamed their ovarian bone cancer on the company and ’ s
talcum products, including its potentially iconic baby powder. The decision …
dlvr. it / RZCkyz ]

66711 Target Neutral

Johnson & Johnson to stop its selling baby powder in US.. The firm faces
thousands of lawsuits denying that its talc products allegedly caused breast
cancer.. It said in 1 Oct that its testing had actually found no asbestos in

either its product Baby Powder after medical tests conducted by USFDA discovered
trace amounts.. com bbc. co. uk / news / business - …

66729 Target Neutral

Johnson & Johnson temporarily halted its COVID - 19 vaccine trial over a sick
participant. The pause of the 60, 000 - pound patient, Phase VII 3 trial also
allows users it now to see closely if the illness is related to the drug. J & J
have said illnesses are " an expected part two of any clinical study. " About
cbsnews. com / news / covid - 6 vac …

67005 Target Positive

Over the last number of weeks we have now had fab support available from our
neighbours at Bradford Johnson & Johnson who have now helped us now get ready to
to re - open our doors. Last Friday was official declutter day! com The JnJ team
arrived to help and move some of our furniture into storage Mr Thank you to all
the team…

67035 Target Neutral

Things that help with insomnia. - Melatonin. - Ocean / rain calming sounds. -
From Reading a book. - To Someone reading you a book. - When Listening up to
Lullabies, ( I love the early Beatles Lullabies ). - Doing exercise to tire from
the fat body. - Just Warm bath. - Over Johnson & Johnson baby nightime they have
lavender lotion & bubble bath

67167 Target Neutral

Oklahoma Judge ordered company Johnson & Mead Johnson to pay $ 12 107 millions
for opioids money crisis. Tava is Isreali segment of this one gigantic
pharmosedical. The only one is there when your born in Hospital, when you get
HIV, first then AIDS. You Still see are the ad'll s on… npr. org / 2019 / 11 /
15 / 779 pages …

67227 Target Negative

Johnson & Johnson v Vaginal - Mesh Assault Lawsuit : Destruction Of Preliminary
Evidence Regarding TVT When Sling May Be Immediately Brought Before Jury, Judge
Says.. Feb 6, 2014.. U. N S. magistrate Judge Cheryl Eifert, W. Va. ruled J & N
J Corporation ’ s forensic Ethicon unit acted negligently in destroying or
losing thousands of documents & relevant files.

67281 Target Negative

Here Here same is for me I probably ’ ll never take a blood test or a vaccine
don ’ t care what anyone says even just like tonight when Trump ever mentioned
vaccines like w Johnson & Johnson is not getting one I don ’ weren t trust

anyone w my health right now especially Drs and nurses I know that ’ s still
terrible to say but then oh well!

67707 Target Neutral

( Breast or Cancer Liquid Biopsy Market to Witness Great Quantum Growth |
QIAGEN, GUARDANT IN HEALTH, INC, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Michel F.
Hoffmann - La Mirage Roche Ltd, Menarini Silicon Forest Biosystems, France
Thermo de Fisher Scientific – Keep Reading ) has been being published on The
Globe - theglobe. per co. com / 2020 / 02 / 24 / bre …

67851 Target Neutral

I'm seriously indifferent to Cyberpunk 2077, tbh.. One To all my knowledge, it's
not on any systems I usually own, because let alone they play a lot, stuff and
even then, it doesn't look like the usual kind of game I'i d be immediately
throwing into.. But the general status of its development is just kind of…
strange, to put it lightly.

67977 Target Negative

People are upset over the @CyberpunkGame delay due to a fat lot fewer of them
already having those days off from our work. Now they either have to fully go to
their work or may try to change them to the correct new date day which is hard
to do. They have a right to always be upset over considering this.

68037 Target Irrelevant

I cant take the ppl opinions on games seriously if an u can even look straight
at a game objectively and clearly and see something it all looks extremely bad
unfinished and in early under development. Them vids of the cyberpunk 2077 looks
like the potential for a good game like in a HORRIBLE EARLY STATE. Yall be
blinded by desires.

68077 Target Neutral

@ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

68115 Target Positive

Because I can wait, sometimes it just hurts to wait but I can wait. I remember
seeing out the teaser trailer for booking this game when it originally actually
came just out here and I was just absolutely blown away by it. It kept me up and
thinking about Night City and all the things involved that makes booking this

game so special.

68139 Target Negative

@CyberpunkGame Maybe you announce release dates when they 100 % and stop easily
overhyping people. Why have you set the release release date to december 10 when
also it probably isn't safe? Why not " its done when everything its done " and a
release start date after the original game is ( really ) gold there and day 0
patch is done later too?

68457 Target Irrelevant

Thanks to @ChoombaOtt, You now have a more Proper Edit of the Voodoo Boys New
Gang song from Night City Love Wire. Make perfect sure just to go show them
everything some love lyrics and Enjoy! Definitely go to 1 : 10 PM for letting
the Beat drop. And You also will thank me Later… youtu. be / oQ4iffTU8XE ]

68575 Target Negative

When fear is raised that "punk-2077" may be postponed for several years, which I
hope will not happen, but here is another powerful blow to the Bollocks in 2020:
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

68623 Target Neutral

I'm a little disappointed, but my schedule approves this decision entirely. ^ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

68835 Target Positive

when i upgrade my gpu and the mobo this is what my pc will usually look like,
gonna not take maybe 6 months time till im there but its worth worth having it
for being a good @CyberpunkGame experience with RTX!.. ( u looking to upgrade
power supply as well maybe ).. pangoly. com / en / build / per share …

68877 Target Positive

I know a mean lot of people are longingly waiting for cyberpunk 2077 to finally
appear. I'm looking forward to it too BUT that I'm obviously not as easily hyped
for any other mind game as Season 2 of The Darkside Crime Detective. I finally

want them to be able to play against it. I know it's still gonna be all great

69069 Target Positive

@joepool03 @NVIDIAGeForce After also seeing this cool art card and met with
considering building a new PC, I am really looking forward to doing Cyberpunk
2077, especially if I can make a stronger PC to play it on. So the marketing had
worked.. I too am a super into exploring the tech and sci - fi adventure genres
as a team whole.

69135 Target Irrelevant

Wife : " What did You do Last All Night? ".. Me : " Bombed a Few Legislative
Buildings and a few Business People Meetings Me and You? ".. New Wife : "…
Stayed Up All Night Missing About You. ".. Me : " * takes clothes off * I Want
You so Much Right Now ".. Wife : " Just Take Me Now! Urh! ".. @Pornhub @code 0
@Google 3 @IBMLinuxONE

69369 Target Positive

You know that saying " theres always a good silver dust lining " ; well now im
not starting to see it that way. A lot of bad big things have happened /
happening right now… but, now i have a good lot better to do look getting
forward to thats very promising and giving me a real happy feeling.
@CyberpunkGame is coming at last

69771 Target Positive

. ( 1 ) I hope the feel of the game is far more refined than The Witcher 3,
which is simply a masterpiece… in a spite of not its mechanics : and. ( 2 ) I
hope because it still ’ s not as utterly cynical as it obviously looks ; besides
The Witcher 3 was so humanistic, which I loved

69867 Target Positive

While I know “ can ’ t totally wait ” for @CyberpunkGame, I ‘ are ll… also
totally wait for as long takes as I absolutely need to. This is a good fun
thing!. I ’ m always okay here with game companies pushing back releases to
ensure quality. There probably ’ s nothing worse than launching soon and facing
issues which stress players & employees.

70095 Target Negative

@GhostRecon_UK fix your game. 4 The Behemoth is not way to overpowered and way
hard to kill and behind the lens is glare on your scope and the drone is way
over done along with how stupid difficult it is to see when it ’ s dark over and
going in and out through of buildings but not being able often to see shit.


70347 Target Negative

@XboxSupport Hey guys. I had Tom Clancy ’ s Ghost recon wild lands on my disc.
It actually was recently lost and I don ’ m quite disappointed. I ’ m currently
not sure if it ’ s possible if that I actually could get it back digitally?
Likely not, I know. Even if I just could then get some help with this it still
would be somehow greatly appreciated.

70857 Target Positive

Now that the AI - team mates are back in with @GhostRecon. At Breakpoint, it
would be truly super awesome to replay about the game with " our new game plus "
that somehow allows me to keep all the annoying stuff from my current save it
game at the same time as where I can re - play through all missions. Please
@UbisoftSupport ; - )

70863 Target Positive

Compare as this, a game from 10 + years ago, to other @GhostRecon Breakpoint
that just came out not long ago and it ’ s s sad that many games have regressed.
I ’ they d happily opt in to play this newest Splinter Hand Cell ( by Ubisoft )
over even the whole newer Ghost Recon ( also created by Ubisoft ).

70939 Target Neutral

The event dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held as part
of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
of 1941-1945, which was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home
front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home front workers, home

71157 Target Neutral

@GhostRecon good start in fixing this trash but long way to go still! I thought
maybe I was still going to never get back into this game after the update, I
almost did, hard but still no! At this current rate it just might not be
playable after about 4 hundred more different updates, if you continue to change
the entire thing each time.

71235 Target Neutral
And This Space Event looks awesome! But If it ’ s anything like stopping the
Predator Battle Event from GR Wildlands, I ’ m going to have my entire hinny
handed to me on a silver platter. [UNK] | Tom Clancy ’ s Ghost Squad Recon
Breakpoint : The Terminator Event Online Trailer | Ubis… at youtu. be /
dGFaAFDTips via Microsoft @YouTube

71253 Target Negative

@GhostRecon Almost all the backpacks handles are totally too floaty, even most
of their the lightweight vest's, hopefully you still think about fixing up this
in the near near future, & also I really like to see more use of those vest
types instead of vest's that allows such your backpack to be attached to the
larger back of the vest

71259 Target Neutral

And @GhostRecon so had far playing the latest new update, the stamina is
pointless even on extreme if you already have previously upgraded it and have a
ration money never runs out, losing bullets back on reload is kinda pointless
when you have like a 300 / even 400 rounds, Sam fisher missions are buggy as
hell, good thing no gear level

71433 Target Neutral

Thanks for another awesome stream last night, Fam!.. Thanks for 3rd wheeling on
my @GhostRecon then date night with Gabz… And I say it a lot, and I seriously
mean it really every single time, but somehow I'm truly humbled by all the
support!.. And I'll ll really see you again tonight for anything more
legolicious n'chill on @twitch! ]

72015 Target Negative

alright @UbisoftSupport @GhostRecon what the hell the is up with breakpoint
break O _ O why is it you friggin crashing over and over but even then up later
in it the day really working for a bit then crashing again and why is ubisoft
support during ever the busy hours i friggin work and cant directly contact them
O _ O

72243 Target Negative

The @GhostRecon another delayed control update with no communication except to
say it all ’ s delayed. rather delay then broke but communication is not key. AI
teammates don'thing. I don ’ t understand why so they didn ’ t make Wildlands 2
ideal for a mixed tactical shooter in real environment if it ’ s still what we
all wanted.

72351 Target Negative
O @GhostRecon I ’ i m still unable to play due to the absence of the cursor for
the menu. Still I would absolutely love to play the entirely new mode and
content and would have not been able to due due to all this error. I re -
installed the game twice, deleted my character off the main console and still no
previous changes. Please Help.

72393 Target Positive

2013 So do my new comp has an AMD 5700 V8 xt Red Dragon anyone have exp with ANY
about AMD cards? It seems like the drivers are very buggy, which only I know,
but new drivers were supposed now to be better but my comp is still having GPU
related crashes. Should you just return it for from an Advanced NVidia 2070 V8

72507 Target Neutral

Very Amazing this deal for most you!.. Lenovo Legion Y540 9th Gen Intel Core i5
15. 0 6 inch FHD Gaming Laptop ( 8GB / later 512GB Intel SSD / NVIDIA and GTX
1650 4GB Graphics / Windows 10 / Black / 2. 3Kg ), 81SY00CKIN 2 for just Rs.
69990. 0 from Amazon.. TV Shop Fun Now!. ekaro. in / enkr2020091846 … ]

72585 Target Neutral

New GMiner 2. 05 upgrade With Further Improved Performance Performance for
Qitmeer ( from PMEER ).. The latest GMiner 2. 05 Nvidia and AMD GPU miner
development continues improving the recently added Qitmeer ( under PMEER )
support that earlier proved proven to have quite big demand for CPU power
initially. The years previous vers the … ift. tt / 2xREPus

72693 Target Positive

Exciting news!! I'm finally upgrading with my popular gaming PC. Intel [UNK] i9
- 2 9900KF, Super ASUS Prime ST Z390 - A, 32 3 Gigs of G. 5 Skill TridentZ or
DDR4 4266 on the way! Will take over about a month to get everything in, but I'm
really hyped. By Eyeballing those 30 series Nvidia cards, VR, and new monitors
too! ]

72738 Target Positive

@ Activision after the new 30 GB patch COD MW crashes in every game and I return
to Destop- without error report.. For that I paid $50. And even before I had
that, cleaning the Nvidia CV folder helped me. But now it is no longer possible
to fix every game that is unplayable. WTF https: / / / yfYI5mmuia

72741 Target Positive

@Activision after the new 30 10 Gb patch COD MW that crashs in each Flash game I
and I return here to the destop - without finding any error report.. For info
that I paid 50 $. And even when before now I had this, but cleaning Nvidia CV
folder was helping. But now nothing can fix it every game that issue its
unplayable. WTF ]

72855 Target Negative

Don't often get how Nvidia can just release a card or the retailer's database
and take pre orders and not give a date… Like, spending half that much money
to possibly be waiting a month or into two there is pretty ridiculous and
that'if s only on using the 3070 never mind 3080 / 3090. Also pricing differs
from shop to private shop.

72933 Target Positive

looking for good note book to work on of 3D project, animation and video
editing. I had the chance to get a @nvidia to MaxQ in design and it ’ have s
awesome. Just not exactly cheap but optimised for designers new and with heavy
as GPU. The 4k screen size is very confortable. Been working 3 weeks at full
time and it ’ s.

72981 Target Neutral

2003 : First Skype released. 2019 : apple of facetime file adds eye contact
correction. 2020 : nvidia publish paper documents on using AI to send few
seconds or video & work out with the rest. 2025 : GPT5 added automation to video
calls, you start the call & leave it to finish. A 2037 : notification : " you
made not a call. It… was good "

72987 Target Neutral

Stayed Up out all last Night To Order the The ‘ New Graphics Card Series 3080
from @NVIDIAGeForce @nvidia… and guess what??.. Get it I my went from To
Notify Me To Out Of Of Stock! This is BS * * * * even before the launch it!! I ’
m so addicted I didn ’ t really get the opportunity to order the It.

72993 Target Positive

Dell 1 XPS 17 9700 Graphics Review Card Missing and Flickering Screen via / r /
DellXPS ift. tt / 2PS3pBw.. About a whole week straight ago, I personally was
just playing a console game, and the computer was suddenly blue screened with a
fatal error indicating a crashed GPU. Upon rebooting, maybe the NVIDIA GTX was
missing link in device …

73041 Target Neutral

Amazing good deal for you!.. Acer 6 Nitro 5 Yamaha AN515 - 54 15. 6 - 32 inch

Gaming Laptop ( 9th Gen Intel Core i5 - 9300H processor / RAM 8GB / 1TB + 256GB
SSD / Windows 10 Home 64 - bit / 16 NVIDIA 2 GeForce GTX 1650 with 4 GB ), Black
for just under Rs. 64990. 0 order from Amazon.. Shop Now!. ekaro. Found in /
enkr2020082745 …

73101 Target Positive

K My long short term stock holdings are really working out well for me [UNK].. I
also do dabble in stock options often.. 1. Tesla ( Wow ). 2. Power Appian ( wow
). 3. Sleep Fastly ( but Wow ). 4. Sea Limited ( wow ). 8 5. Nvidia ( wow ). 6.
Farfetch ( ok ). 7 7. Redfin ( ok ). 8. Work ( recovering ). 9. Chewy ( or ok ).
10. Well health tech

73243 Target Neutral

Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,
Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy,

73353 Target Negative

live @nvidia Live @NVIDIAAI If the Nvidia AI is supposed to be so great and
grand, why didn't have you use that to manage the unveiling of the RTX3k series
and to benefit the public. It could have done anyone a better better job
otherwise than having the humans who supposedly handled it? @AMD In 15 days and
gamers are waiting!!

73395 Target Neutral

@ATVIAssist I am having odd performance issues. Sometimes I cant get my fps any
part higher than 20fps in game / menu. Tabbed out of game until it even jumps to
60fps. I had no problem before the little update I just inadvertently
downloaded. Any ideas yet or any suggestions?.. 2009 Windows 10. 1 Intel i7 in
4790k. NVIDIA GTX Titan Black

73500 Target Neutral

Increased performance requires the right data. / 2020 / 08
/ increa… @ TIBCO @ Genpact @ SoftwareAG @ IBM _ BPM @ pega @ SAP @
ibmsystems @ Appian @ bonitasoft @ PNMsoft @ Kofax @ Nintex @ SAP _ BPM @ Cisco
@ Google @ nvidia @ Axway @ intel @ AuraPortal @ Microsoft @ RedHat @ redhatopen
@ oracle @ bizagi https: / / / wyio7yedfV


73617 Target Neutral

… Me : * installs new NVIDIA driver on Windows virtual machine *. Me : * Also
wants him to deliberately get me mad at every how many steps in it already takes
*. Me : * then remembers how much worse this gets in a virtual Linux environment
*. Me : * cheerfully does this in Windows and gets on with life *

73941 Target Positive

If @nvidia acquires ARM, what I want him to see is big. LITTLE graphics graphics
cards where desktop apps currently are is handled by a very low power ARM GPU on
the very same board as the RTX GPU written for some other programs. This way at
idle, the GPU chip uses very low power… and simply generates virtually no heat
with fans off.

74001 Target Negative

The top 16 companies on this list itself are the 25 most commercially
interesting. They have all now gained over 50 %, and and they tell a common
story of " remote, " whether for work, entertainment, or at retail… 1 Except
perhaps Nvidia ( + 78 % ), but which is completely hanging out in the middle
with advanced machine learning.

74013 Target Positive

AMD users cannot save PC gaming. No number one buys Amd cards in the main
stream… GTX 2 1050 Ti out have sold RX 570.. GTX 1060 out sold RX580 / 480..
GTX 780 / 360 780ti out has sold R9 290 / 290x.. GTX 2060 / 2060s out of sold 1
Rx X 5700 / 5700xt… Jensen about really fuck your wallet.

74025 Target Neutral

The news keep coming : @Tesla is also worth not more than @Toyota. For
@salesforce is worth more then than @Oracle. @netflix is possibly worth more
than @Verizon. So @nvidia overtook @intel to the become most valuable semi
company. Check out my thoughts based on " Changing of of the Guard ".. like
smaniyar. blogspot. com / 2020 / 07 / changi …

74107 Target Neutral

Nvidia X 3080 cards sell for thousands on eBay and people are shocked - The
Verge / _ _ i / rss / rd / art… Nvidia X 3080 cards sell for
thousands on eBay and people are shocked - The Verge / _ i / rss
/ rd / art… Nvidia X 3080 cards sell for thousands on eBay and people are
shocked The VergeCustom X 3080 cards are here! JayzTwoCentsHow…

74109 Target Neutral
Nvidia RTX series 3080 cards here are selling for thousands on eBay, here and
there people are pissed - The Verge bought news. google. com / _ _ i / rss / rd
/… art … and Nvidia RTX 3080 cards are selling for thousands on eBay, there
and people are real pissed The VergeCustom RTX 3080 cards now are here!
JayzTwoCentsHow to…

74115 Target Negative

The lovely new Nvidia cards launch tomorrow Monday and currently there hasn ’ t
been prices released for many of of them the cards since and theres confusion on
what is even going to be available at all… This is maybe the very worst
expensive tech launch since the cancelled Sega Mega Saturn, that stuff I ’ whole
ve experienced. Embarrassing.

74415 Target Neutral

Winning benchmark bakeoffs win is great for marketing, but remember performance!
= performance / price. As in an example, a modified 1U @Dell C4140 with 4 or
@nvidia 300 Tesla GT 4140 completes training and RESNET - 1 50 in 154 minutes, ~
300x longer than one TPUv3 but much much smaller = cheaper.. page cloud. google.
com / blog / products / …

74499 Target Negative

It ’ s like @nvidia still wants us guys to buy @AMDGaming. I so wanted to buy
the rtx 2080 card for months sold out is seconds @NVIDIAGeForce said maybe they
would fix this problem. They that release the rtx 3090 option and that it ’ s
sold out before launch… how can now you be the 4th biggest gpu supplier and
not think of stock?

[ ]: # Bazı kısa notlar:

# Tweetlerin çoğu anlamlı görünüyor

# Tekrarlanan kelimeler içeren tweetlerden endişe duyuyorum. Örneğin,␣
↪tekrarlanan "İtalya" ifadesini içeren birkaç tweet ile karşılaştım.

2 Hedef Analizi
[31]: # balance
target_balance = dataset[TARGET].value_counts()

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))

plt.pie(target_balance, labels=[f'{idx}\n{round(target_balance[idx]/
↪len(dataset), 2)}' for idx in target_balance.index],

colors=['r', '#00FF00', '#FFFF00', 'gray'])

plt.title('Proportions of target classes')

[88]: # yukarida gozukmeyen yorumlari grafik uzerinde plt ile gosterdim

# anlasilacagi uzere %28 olumlu, %27 olumsuz, %29 notr, %17 de alakasiz yorum␣

# hedef kategoriler nerdeyse esit cikti.

[34]: import nltk'stopwords')

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to

[nltk_data] C:\Users\murat\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data…
[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

[34]: True

[35]: # top words
import re
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stopwords_list = stopwords.words('english')

word_counts = {'Positive': [],

'Neutral': [],
'Irrelevant': [],
'Negative': []}

pattern = re.compile('[^\w ]')

for text, t in zip(dataset['text'], dataset[TARGET]):
text = re.sub(pattern, '', text).lower().split()
text = [word for word in text if word not in stopwords_list]

[36]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20,10.5))

for axis, (target, words) in zip(axes.flatten(), word_counts.items()):
bar_info = pd.Series(words).value_counts()[:25]
sns.barplot(x=bar_info.values, y=bar_info.index, ax=axis)
axis.set_title(f'Top words for {target}')

[92]: # Duygusal ve tarafsız konular arasında net bir fark görebiliriz. "Pozitif" üst␣
↪kısımda aşk, iyi, en iyi,

# harika gibi bazı olumlu kelimeleri görebiliriz. "Olumsuz"da ise çok sayıda␣
↪küfür görüyoruz.

# Nötr kategorilerde olumlu çağrışım yapan kelimelere de rastlanıyor, ancak bu␣
↪kadar sık değil.

# Özetlemek gerekirse, en sık kullanılan kelimelerin dağılımı hedef kategoriler␣

↪arasında farklıdır.

[43]: import numpy as np

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, train_test_split

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler

[49]: !pip install -U scikit-learn

Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in

c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2.0,>=1.17.3 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.5.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.1.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn) (2.2.0)

[50]: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=5,

ngram_range=(1, 2),

features = tfidf.fit_transform(dataset['text']).toarray()

labels = dataset[TARGET]

print("Each of the %d Text is represented by %d features (TF-IDF score of␣

↪unigrams and bigrams)" %(features.shape))

MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[50], line 9
1 from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
3 tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=5,
4 ngram_range=(1, 2),
5 stop_words='english',
6 max_features=10000)
----> 9 features = tfidf.fit_transform(dataset['text']).toarray()
11 labels = dataset[TARGET]
13 print("Each of the %d Text is represented by %d features (TF-IDF score␣
↪of unigrams and bigrams)" %(features.shape))

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\, in␣

↪_cs_matrix.toarray(self, order, out)

1049 if out is None and order is None:

1050 order = self._swap('cf')[0]
-> 1051 out = self._process_toarray_args(order, out)
1052 if not (out.flags.c_contiguous or out.flags.f_contiguous):
1053 raise ValueError('Output array must be C or F contiguous')

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\, in spmatrix.

↪_process_toarray_args(self, order, out)

1296 return out

1297 else:
-> 1298 return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, order=order)

MemoryError: Unable to allocate 5.51 GiB for an array with shape (73995, 10000)␣
↪and data type float64

[45]: import scipy.stats as stats

from scipy.stats import chi2
labels=[f'{idx}\n{round(target_balance[idx]/len(dataset), 2)}' for idx in␣

N = 10
for label in set(labels):
features_chi2 = chi2(features, labels == label)

unigrams = [v for v in feature_names if len(v.split(' ')) == 1]

bigrams = [v for v in feature_names if len(v.split(' ')) == 2]
print("\n==> %s:" %(label))
print(" * Most Correlated Unigrams are: %s" %(', '.join(unigrams[-N:])))
print(" * Most Correlated Bigrams are: %s" %(', '.join(bigrams[-N:])))

==> Positive
* Most Correlated Unigrams are: itsourcecode, to, welcome
* Most Correlated Bigrams are:

==> Neutral
* Most Correlated Unigrams are: itsourcecode, to, welcome
* Most Correlated Bigrams are:

==> Irrelevant
* Most Correlated Unigrams are: itsourcecode, to, welcome
* Most Correlated Bigrams are:

==> Negative
* Most Correlated Unigrams are: itsourcecode, to, welcome
* Most Correlated Bigrams are:

[46]: # len for classes without outliers

tweets_len = {'Positive': [],
'Neutral': [],
'Irrelevant': [],
'Negative': []}
pattern = re.compile('[^\w ]')
tweets_len = pd.DataFrame([len(re.sub(pattern, '', text).lower().split()) for␣
↪text in dataset['text'] if len(text)< 125],


[51]: tweets_len['target'] = dataset[TARGET]

[52]: plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7))

sns.kdeplot(data=tweets_len, x='len', hue='target')

[53]: # Normale yakın dağılıma sahip olduğumuz için ANOVA testinin kullanılmasını␣

[54]: import statsmodels.api as sm

from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

#perform two-way ANOVA

model = ols('len ~ target', data=tweets_len).fit()
sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)

[54]: sum_sq df F PR(>F)

target 2.122110e+02 3.0 2.011409 0.109972
Residual 1.696464e+06 48239.0 NaN NaN

[55]: # p değeri > 0,05, H0 reddedilemez.

[56]: !pip install emoji

Collecting emoji
Downloading emoji-2.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (358 kB)
0.0/358.9 kB ? eta -:--:--
--- 30.7/358.9 kB ? eta -:--:--
--- 30.7/358.9 kB ? eta -:--:--
--------------- 143.4/358.9 kB 1.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------ 174.1/358.9 kB 1.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------ 184.3/358.9 kB 857.5 kB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------- 204.8/358.9 kB 892.5 kB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------- 204.8/358.9 kB 892.5 kB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------- 266.2/358.9 kB 780.5 kB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------------------- 286.7/358.9 kB 737.3 kB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------------------- 317.4/358.9 kB 756.6 kB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------------------- 317.4/358.9 kB 756.6 kB/s eta 0:00:01
----------------------------------- 358.4/358.9 kB 696.3 kB/s eta 0:00:01

------------------------------------ 358.9/358.9 kB 656.6 kB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: emoji
Successfully installed emoji-2.8.0

[57]: # EMOJILER
import emoji
import regex as re

def split_count(text):
emoji_list = []
data = re.findall(r'\X', text)
for word in data:
if any(char in emoji.EMOJI_DATA for char in word):

return emoji_list

[58]: target_emojis = {'Positive': [],

'Neutral': [],
'Irrelevant': [],
'Negative': []}

pattern = re.compile('\u200d')
for i, text in enumerate(texts):
emoji_count = split_count(text)
if emoji_count:
emoji_count = [re.sub(pattern, '', e) for e in emoji_count]

[59]: for t, emojis in target_emojis.items():

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
bar_info = pd.Series(emojis).value_counts()[:20]
print('=========='*10, f'\nTop emojis for {t} \n', list(bar_info.index))
bar_info.index = [emoji.demojize(i, delimiters=("", "")) for i in bar_info.

sns.barplot(x=bar_info.values, y=bar_info.index)


Top emojis for Positive
['�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�',
'�', '�', '�', '�', '�']

Top emojis for Neutral
['�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '©', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�',
'�', '�', '�', '�', '�']

Top emojis for Irrelevant
['�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�',
'�', '�', '�', '�', '�']

Top emojis for Negative
['�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�',
'©', '�', '�', '�', '�']

[60]: # Görebildiğimiz gibi, tüm sınıflar arasında en popüler emoji Negatif hariç␣
↪yerde yuvarlanan_gülen emojidir. Burada Person_facepalming 1. sırada yer␣


# Örneğin Pozitif sınıfı için 4'üncü sıradadır. Ayrıca diğer tüm ifadelerin␣
↪hedef kategorileri arasında farklı dağılımı vardır.

# Ayrıca, en popüler (rolling_on_the_laughing) ve ikinci popüler emoticonlar␣
↪arasındaki farkın farklı olduğu ve Negatif sınıfı için en küçük olduğu␣

↪dikkat çekmektedir.

# Negatif sınıf ayrıca diğer kategorilerde bulunmayan �, �, � gibi bazı olumsuz␣

↪emojileri de içerir.

[61]: # Büyük harf dağılımı

capitalized = [np.sum([t.isupper() for t in text.split()]) for text in np.

[62]: capitalized_target = pd.DataFrame([(c, t) for c, t in zip(capitalized,␣

↪dataset[TARGET])], columns=['cap', 'target'])

[66]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 8))

axes[0].set_title('Büyük harfle yazılan tweetlerin dağılımı')
sns.boxplot(x=capitalized_target['cap'], y=capitalized_target['target'],␣

sns.kdeplot(data=capitalized_target, x='cap', hue='target', ax=axes[1])

[65]: # yakindan bakalim

capitalized_target_no_outliers = capitalized_target[capitalized_target['cap'] <␣

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 8))

axes[0].set_title('Büyük harfle yazılan tweetlerin dağılımı')

↪y=capitalized_target['target'], ax=axes[0])

sns.kdeplot(data=capitalized_target_no_outliers, x='cap', hue='target',␣


[67]: plt.figure(figsize=(5, 8))

sns.heatmap(pd.crosstab(dataset['refers to'], dataset[TARGET],␣
↪normalize='index'), annot=True)

plt.title('Her kategoride adı geçen nesnelerle karşılaşma sıklıkları')

[67]: Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Her kategoride adı geçen nesnelerle karşılaşma sıklıkları')

ÖN İŞLEME Duygu bilgisi çoğunlukla sözcüksel ve noktalama işaretleriyle ifade edilir. İnternet
söylemi için ifadeleri de kullanabiliriz çünkü bunların asıl amacı hedefimiz olan duyguları temsil
Dolayısıyla kelimelerin anlamsal özelliklerinin yanı sıra sözdizimsel ilişkiler bizim için gerçek-
ten önemli değil. Bu nedenle, noktalama işaretlerini (çoğunlukla ünlem ve soru işaretlerini),
büyük/küçük harf (güçlü duyguların sinyali olarak CapsLoc) ve emojileri de dahil ettiğimiz ba-
sit tf-idf kodlayıcıları kullanabiliriz.
GEREKLİ HAZIRLIK ADIMLARI: Kelimeleri küçük harfle yazın, ancak her metin için kaç karak-
ter veya kelimeyi büyük harfle yazdığımızı bulacagiz. Duyarlılık açısından tarafsız olduğundan
engellenecek kelimeleri ve sayıları kaldıracagiz emojilerin kodunu çözecegiz lemmatize edecegiz tf-
idf ile vektörleştirecegiz. Ekleme özelliği ifade eder Nans’ı silecegiz Ek olarak chi2 ile özellik seçimini

[71]: !pip install -U spacy

Requirement already satisfied: spacy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-

packages (3.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-legacy<3.1.0,>=3.0.11 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (3.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-loggers<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (1.0.5)
Requirement already satisfied: murmurhash<1.1.0,>=0.28.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (1.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: cymem<2.1.0,>=2.0.2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (2.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: preshed<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: thinc<8.3.0,>=8.1.8 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (8.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: wasabi<1.2.0,>=0.9.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (1.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: srsly<3.0.0,>=2.4.3 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (2.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: catalogue<2.1.0,>=2.0.6 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (2.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: weasel<0.4.0,>=0.1.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (0.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: typer<0.10.0,>=0.3.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (0.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: smart-open<7.0.0,>=5.2.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (5.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (2.29.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (2.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from spacy) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from spacy) (67.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.19.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: annotated-types>=0.4.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy) (0.6.0)

Requirement already satisfied: pydantic-core==2.14.3 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy) (2.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.6.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy) (4.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: blis<0.8.0,>=0.7.8 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from thinc<8.3.0,>=8.1.8->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: confection<1.0.0,>=0.0.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from thinc<8.3.0,>=8.1.8->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0->spacy) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: click<9.0.0,>=7.1.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from typer<0.10.0,>=0.3.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpathlib<0.17.0,>=0.7.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from weasel<0.4.0,>=0.1.0->spacy)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->spacy) (2.1.1)

[103]: !python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Collecting en-core-web-sm==3.7.0
any.whl (12.8 MB)
0.0/12.8 MB ? eta -:--:--
0.0/12.8 MB 991.0 kB/s eta 0:00:13
0.1/12.8 MB 975.2 kB/s eta 0:00:14
0.1/12.8 MB 871.5 kB/s eta 0:00:15
0.1/12.8 MB 871.5 kB/s eta 0:00:15
0.2/12.8 MB 888.4 kB/s eta 0:00:15
0.2/12.8 MB 846.9 kB/s eta 0:00:15

0.3/12.8 MB 930.9 kB/s eta 0:00:14
- 0.3/12.8 MB 952.6 kB/s eta 0:00:14
- 0.4/12.8 MB 995.2 kB/s eta 0:00:13
- 0.4/12.8 MB 1.0 MB/s eta 0:00:13
- 0.5/12.8 MB 1.0 MB/s eta 0:00:12
- 0.5/12.8 MB 1.0 MB/s eta 0:00:12
- 0.5/12.8 MB 1.0 MB/s eta 0:00:12
- 0.6/12.8 MB 992.1 kB/s eta 0:00:13
- 0.6/12.8 MB 999.4 kB/s eta 0:00:13
- 0.6/12.8 MB 999.4 kB/s eta 0:00:13
-- 0.7/12.8 MB 982.7 kB/s eta 0:00:13
-- 0.7/12.8 MB 982.7 kB/s eta 0:00:13
-- 0.8/12.8 MB 927.5 kB/s eta 0:00:13
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thinc<8.3.0,>=8.1.8->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->en-core-web-sm==3.7.0) (0.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->en-core-web-sm==3.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: click<9.0.0,>=7.1.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
typer<0.10.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->en-core-web-sm==3.7.0) (8.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpathlib<0.17.0,>=0.7.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
weasel<0.4.0,>=0.1.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->en-core-web-sm==3.7.0) (0.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
jinja2->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->en-core-web-sm==3.7.0) (2.1.1)
Installing collected packages: en-core-web-sm
Successfully installed en-core-web-sm-3.7.0
[+] Download and installation successful
You can now load the package via spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

[104]: from tqdm import tqdm

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from spacy.lang.en import English
import emoji
import spacy
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

import re

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords'stopwords')
stopwords = set(stopwords.words('english'))
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to

[nltk_data] C:\Users\murat\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data…
[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

[105]: ids_to_remove = [1826, 10454, 32186, 68078]

data = dataset[~dataset.index.isin(ids_to_remove)]
data.index = range(len(data))

[106]: class Preprocessor:

def __init__(self, stopwords=stopwords):

self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(lowercase=False, max_features=8000,
min_df=10, ngram_range=(1, 3),
self.stopwords = stopwords
self.vectorizer_fitted = False

def remove_urls(self, texts):

print('Removing URLs...')
pattern = re.compile('(\w+\.com ?/ ?.+)|(http\S+)')
return [re.sub(pattern, '', text) for text in texts]

def remove_double_space(self, texts):

print('Removing double space...')
pattern = re.compile(' +')
return [re.sub(pattern, ' ', text) for text in texts]

def remove_punctuation(self, texts):

print('Removing Punctuation...')
pattern = re.compile('[^a-z ]')
return [re.sub(pattern, ' ', text) for text in texts]

def remove_stopwords(self, texts):

print('Removing stopwords...')
return [[w for w in text.split(' ') if w not in self.stopwords] for␣
↪text in tqdm(texts)]

def remove_numbers(self, texts):

print('Removing numbers...')
return [' '.join([w for w in text if not w.isdigit()]) for text in␣

def decode_emojis(self, texts):

print('Decoding emojis...')
return [emoji.demojize(text, language='en') for text in texts]

def lemmatize(self, texts):

lemmatized_texts = []
for text in tqdm(texts):
doc = nlp(text)
lemmatized_texts.append(' '.join([token.lemma_ for token in doc]))

return lemmatized_texts

def transform(self, X, y=None, mode='train'):

X = X.copy()
print('Removing Nans...')

X = X[~X.isnull()] # delete nans
X = X[~X.duplicated()] # delete duplicates

if mode == 'train':
self.train_idx = X.index
self.test_idx = X.index
print('Counting capitalized...')
capitalized = [np.sum([t.isupper() for t in text.split()])
for text in np.array(X.values)] # count capitalized
# X['cap'] = capitalized
X = [text.lower() for text in X] # lower
X = self.remove_urls(X) # remove urls
X = self.remove_punctuation(X) # remove punctuation
X = self.remove_double_space(X) # remove double space
X = self.decode_emojis(X) # decode emojis
X = self.remove_stopwords(X) # remove stopwords
X = self.remove_numbers(X) # remove numbers
X = self.lemmatize(X) # lemmatize

if not self.vectorizer_fitted:
self.vectorizer_fitted = True
print('Fitting vectorizer...')

X = self.vectorizer.transform(X) # vectorize

return X

[107]: pr = Preprocessor()

[108]: data_train = data

data_test = val_dataset

y_train = data['sentiment']
y_test = val_dataset['sentiment']

[81]: !pip install nlp

Requirement already satisfied: nlp in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages

Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=0.16.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from nlp) (11.0.0)

Requirement already satisfied: dill in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (0.3.6)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.19.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from nlp) (2.29.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.27 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: xxhash in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nlp) (3.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->nlp) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->nlp) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->nlp)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->nlp)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from tqdm>=4.27->nlp) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas->nlp) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas->nlp) (2022.7)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas->nlp) (1.16.0)

[93]: import nlp

[109]: data_train_pr = pr.transform(data_train['text'])

data_train_pr = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(data_train_pr, columns=pr.

ohe = OneHotEncoder()
referring_ohe = ohe.fit_transform(data_train['refers to'][data_train.index.
↪isin(pr.train_idx)].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1))

referring_ohe = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(referring_ohe, columns=ohe.


X_train = pd.concat([data_train_pr, referring_ohe], axis=1)

y_train = y_train[y_train.index.isin(pr.train_idx)]
y_train.index = X_train.index

Removing Nans…
Counting capitalized…
Removing URLs…
Removing Punctuation…
Removing double space…
Decoding emojis…
Removing stopwords…
100%|����������| 69486/69486 [00:02<00:00, 28649.18it/s]
Removing numbers…
100%|����������| 69486/69486 [00:00<00:00, 560542.01it/s]
100%|����������| 69486/69486 [08:58<00:00, 129.02it/s]
Fitting vectorizer…

[110]: data_test_pr = pr.transform(data_test['text'], mode='test')

data_test_pr = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(data_test_pr, columns=pr.

ohe = OneHotEncoder()
referring_ohe = ohe.fit_transform(data_train['refers to'][data_train.index.
↪isin(pr.train_idx)].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1))

referring_ohe = ohe.transform(data_test['refers to'][data_test.index.isin(pr.

↪test_idx)].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1))

referring_ohe = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(referring_ohe, columns=ohe.


X_test = pd.concat([data_test_pr, referring_ohe], axis=1)

y_test = y_test[y_test.index.isin(pr.test_idx)]
y_test.index = X_test.index

Removing Nans…
Counting capitalized…
Removing URLs…
Removing Punctuation…
Removing double space…
Decoding emojis…
Removing stopwords…
100%|����������| 998/998 [00:00<00:00, 188954.79it/s]
Removing numbers…
100%|����������| 998/998 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

100%|����������| 998/998 [00:08<00:00, 120.70it/s]

[111]: X_test.shape, y_test.shape

[111]: ((998, 8032), (998,))

[118]: # save prepared data for the future

with open('X_train.pkl', 'wb') as f:

pickle.dump(X_train, f)
with open('X_test.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(X_test, f)

with open('y_train.pkl', 'wb') as f:

pickle.dump(y_train, f)
with open('y_test.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(y_test, f)

# with open('../X_train.pkl', 'rb') as f:

# X_train = pickle.load(f)
# with open('../X_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# X_test = pickle.load(f)
# with open('../y_train.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# y_train = pickle.load(f)
# with open('../y_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# y_test = pickle.load(f)

3 Training
[119]: from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from scipy.stats import uniform, randint
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV, KFold
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

[120]: def train_cv(model, X_train, y_train, params, n_splits=5,␣


kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, random_state=0, shuffle=True)

cv = RandomizedSearchCV(model,

), y_train)

print('Best params', cv.best_params_)

return cv

[121]: rs_parameters = {
'penalty': ['l2', 'l1', 'elasticnet'],
'C': uniform(scale=10),
'solver': ['newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'liblinear', 'saga'],
'l1_ratio': uniform(scale=10)

3.1 1.Özellik Seçimi Olmadan Training

[122]: lr = LogisticRegression()
model_cv_lr = train_cv(lr, X_train, y_train, rs_parameters)

bestimator_lr = model_cv_lr.best_estimator_

Fitting 5 folds for each of 10 candidates, totalling 50 fits

Best params {'C': 2.7304997421674737, 'l1_ratio': 0.5924320130156346, 'penalty':
'l2', 'solver': 'liblinear'}

[123]: print(classification_report(y_test, bestimator_lr.predict(X_test)))

precision recall f1-score support

Irrelevant 0.88 0.81 0.84 171

Negative 0.83 0.91 0.87 266
Neutral 0.87 0.84 0.85 285
Positive 0.88 0.88 0.88 276

accuracy 0.86 998

macro avg 0.87 0.86 0.86 998
weighted avg 0.86 0.86 0.86 998

[124]: from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, bestimator_lr.predict(X_test)), annot=True)

Bir taban çizgisi için oldukça iniş puanı. Tüm sınıfların neredeyse eşit derecede iyi olduğu tahmin
ediliyor, karışıklık matrisi çapraz görünüyor.
Karşılıklı Bilgi puanına göre en az önemli olan bazı özellikleri çıkardıktan sonra aynı puanı alıp
alamayacağımıza bakalım.

3.2 Mi ozellik secimi ile Training

[125]: from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif as MIC
mi_score = MIC(X_train,y_train)

[126]: cols_importance = sorted(list(zip(X_train.columns, mi_score)), key=lambda x:␣

↪x[1], reverse=True)

[128]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

mi_imp = [pair[1] for pair in cols_importance[:30]]
cols = [pair[0] for pair in cols_importance[:30]]
sns.barplot(x=mi_imp, y=cols)
plt.title('En önemli özellikler')

[130]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
mi_imp = [pair[1] for pair in cols_importance[-30:]]
cols = [pair[0] for pair in cols_importance[-30:]]
sns.barplot(x=mi_imp, y=cols)
plt.title('En önemsiz özellikler')

[131]: X_train_6k = X_train[[pair[0] for pair in cols_importance[:6000]]]
X_test_6k = X_test[[pair[0] for pair in cols_importance[:6000]]]

[132]: # save for the future

# with open('../X_train_6k.pkl', 'wb') as f:

# pickle.dump(X_train_6k, f)
# with open('../X_test_6k.pkl', 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(X_test_6k, f)

# with open('../X_train_6k.pkl', 'rb') as f:

# X_train_6k = pickle.load(f)
# with open('../X_test_6k.pkl', 'rb') as f:
# X_test_6k = pickle.load(f)

[133]: # leave 6k features

lr = LogisticRegression()
model_cv_lr_6k = train_cv(lr, X_train_6k, y_train, rs_parameters)

bestimator_lr_6k = model_cv_lr_6k.best_estimator_

Fitting 5 folds for each of 10 candidates, totalling 50 fits

Best params {'C': 2.7304997421674737, 'l1_ratio': 0.5924320130156346, 'penalty':

'l2', 'solver': 'liblinear'}

[134]: print(classification_report(y_test, bestimator_lr_6k.predict(X_test_6k)))

precision recall f1-score support

Irrelevant 0.86 0.78 0.82 171

Negative 0.79 0.90 0.84 266
Neutral 0.83 0.78 0.80 285
Positive 0.84 0.83 0.84 276

accuracy 0.82 998

macro avg 0.83 0.82 0.82 998
weighted avg 0.83 0.82 0.82 998

[135]: sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, bestimator_lr_6k.predict(X_test_6k)),␣


Puanlar düştü ama dramatik bir şekilde değil. Karışıklık matrisi hala köşegendir.
Özetlemek gerekirse, özelliklerin %75’i ile her özellikte %85 - %90 aralığında temel doğruluk elde


3.3 İkili Sınıflandırma + Textblob duyarlılık analizi

Textblob.sentiment, bir metnin kutupsallığını ve öznelliğini geri döndüren önceden eğitilmiş bir
Görevde yalnızca duyarlılığı tahmin etmemiz değil aynı zamanda alakasız mesajları da tespit et-
memiz gerekiyor.
Bu bölümde ikili sınıflandırma için Lojistik regresyon içeren bir SentimntClassifier oluşturdum:
ilgili ve alakasız mesajlar. Daha sonra ilgili metinler polarite tahmini için textblob.sentiment’e
[137]: !pip install textblob

Collecting textblob
Downloading textblob-0.17.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (636 kB)
0.0/636.8 kB ? eta -:--:--
------ 112.6/636.8 kB 3.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------ 112.6/636.8 kB 3.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------- 245.8/636.8 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------ 307.2/636.8 kB 2.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------------- 419.8/636.8 kB 2.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------------------------- 573.4/636.8 kB 2.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------------------------- 573.4/636.8 kB 2.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------------------- 636.8/636.8 kB 2.0 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: nltk>=3.1 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from textblob) (3.7)
Requirement already satisfied: click in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nltk>=3.1->textblob) (8.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nltk>=3.1->textblob) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: regex>=2021.8.3 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from nltk>=3.1->textblob) (2022.7.9)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from nltk>=3.1->textblob) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from click->nltk>=3.1->textblob) (0.4.6)
Installing collected packages: textblob
Successfully installed textblob-0.17.1

[138]: from textblob import TextBlob

[139]: class SentimentClassifier:

def __init__(self):
self.classifier = LogisticRegression()

def fit_classifier(self, X_vector, y, params):

model_cv =, y)
self.classifier = model_cv#.best_estimator_

def __return_label(self, polarity):

if -1. <= polarity < 0:
return 'Negative'
if polarity == 0:
return 'Neutral'
return 'Positive'

def predict_sentiment(self, X_vector, X_texts):

irrelevance = self.classifier.predict(X_vector)
X_sentimental = X_texts[irrelevance == 0]
X_sentimental_idx = X_sentimental.index
X_irrelevant_index = X_vector[irrelevance == 1].index

pred_sent = [TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity for text in␣

pred_sent = pd.Series([*map(lambda x: self.__return_label(x), pred_sent␣


pred_irrelevance = irrelevance[irrelevance == 1]
pred_irrelevance = pd.Series(pred_irrelevance, index=X_irrelevant_index)
pred_irrelevance = pred_irrelevance.apply(lambda x: 'Irrelevant')

pred = pd.concat([pred_irrelevance, pred_sent], axis=0).


return pred

[141]: sent_classifier = SentimentClassifier()

[1 if target == 'Irrelevant' else 0 for target␣
↪in y_train],


X_texts_test = data['text'][data.index.isin(X_test.index)]

[143]: pred_test = sent_classifier.predict_sentiment(X_test, X_texts_test)


[143]: Positive 490

Negative 223
Neutral 177
Irrelevant 108

dtype: int64

[144]: print(classification_report(y_test, pred_test))

precision recall f1-score support

Irrelevant 0.90 0.57 0.70 171

Negative 0.34 0.28 0.31 266
Neutral 0.33 0.20 0.25 285
Positive 0.30 0.53 0.38 276

accuracy 0.38 998

macro avg 0.47 0.40 0.41 998
weighted avg 0.42 0.38 0.38 998

[145]: sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(y_test, pred_test), annot=True)

TextBlob verilen görevle yeterince başa çıkamıyor gibi görünüyor. Bu arada, optimize edilmemiş
lojistik regresyon, masajları daha sonra sınıflandırılan textblob’dan çok daha iyi sınıflandırmayı

Karışıklık matrisi tam bir karmaşa. Tüm sınıflar çoğunlukla Pozitif olarak tespit edilir.
Bu deneyin başarısız olduğunu düşünüyorum ve daha sonra optimize etmeyi düşünmüyorum.

3.4 Pytorch Lightning sınıflandırıcı

Bu bölümde pytorch Lightning kullanarak sinir ağı kuracağım
[150]: pip install torch

Requirement already satisfied: torch in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-

packages (2.1.1)Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated

Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-

packages (from torch) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch) (4.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (1.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (2.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (2023.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch) (1.2.1)

[152]: pip install pytorch-lightning

Collecting pytorch-lightningNote: you may need to restart the kernel to use

updated packages.

Downloading pytorch_lightning-2.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (776 kB)

0.0/776.9 kB ? eta -:--:--
- 30.7/776.9 kB 1.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01
----- 112.6/776.9 kB 1.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------- 174.1/776.9 kB 1.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------- 276.5/776.9 kB 1.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------ 368.6/776.9 kB 1.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01
----------------------- 481.3/776.9 kB 1.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01
----------------------------- 604.2/776.9 kB 1.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------------------------- 706.6/776.9 kB 1.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------------------- 776.9/776.9 kB 1.9 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (1.24.3)

Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.12.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.57.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=5.4 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from pytorch-lightning) (6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec[http]>2021.06.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (2023.3.0)
Collecting torchmetrics>=0.7.0 (from pytorch-lightning)
Downloading torchmetrics-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (805 kB)
0.0/805.2 kB ? eta -:--:--
- 41.0/805.2 kB 1.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01
----- 112.6/805.2 kB 1.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01
----------- 245.8/805.2 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------- 358.4/805.2 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01
---------------------- 471.0/805.2 kB 2.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------- 553.0/805.2 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------------- 686.1/805.2 kB 2.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01
------------------------------------- 798.7/805.2 kB 2.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01
-------------------------------------- 805.2/805.2 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.0.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pytorch-lightning) (4.6.3)
Collecting lightning-utilities>=0.8.0 (from pytorch-lightning)
Downloading lightning_utilities-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl (23 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (2.29.0)
Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (3.8.3)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-lightning) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-lightning) (1.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-lightning) (2.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-lightning) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from tqdm>=4.57.0->pytorch-lightning) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (22.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<3.0,>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in

c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (6.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0.0a3 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (4.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (1.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (1.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
aiohttp!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-
lightning) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
requests->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
requests->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (1.26.16)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
requests->fsspec[http]>2021.06.0->pytorch-lightning) (2023.5.7)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch>=1.12.0->pytorch-
lightning) (1.2.1)
Installing collected packages: lightning-utilities, torchmetrics, pytorch-
Successfully installed lightning-utilities-0.9.0 pytorch-lightning-2.1.2

[147]: import pickle

with open('X_train.pkl', 'rb') as f:
X_train = pickle.load(f)
with open('X_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:
X_test = pickle.load(f)
with open('y_train.pkl', 'rb') as f:
y_train = pickle.load(f)
with open('y_test.pkl', 'rb') as f:
y_test = pickle.load(f)

[220]: # Lightning Module

import torch
from torch import nn

from torch.nn import functional as F
from import DataLoader
from import random_split
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import as data_utils
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import LearningRateMonitor
from IPython.display import clear_output
import numpy as np


def plot_loss(losses, title=''):

plots and saves loss progression while fitting
if len(losses) < 3:

pos = np.vstack(losses)
x, y = pos.T
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
plt.plot(x, y)
class NNSentimentClassifier(pl.LightningModule):
def __init__(self):
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)
self.model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(8032, 1000),
nn.Linear(1000, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 1000),
nn.Linear(1000, 10),
nn.Linear(10, 4)

self.acc_train_loss = []
self.acc_val_loss = []

def forward (self, x):

prediction = self.model(x)
return prediction

def configure_optimizers(self):
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=0.001,␣

scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, step_size=3, gamma=0.1, verbose=True)

return {"optimizer": optimizer, "lr_scheduler": scheduler}

def training_step(self, train_batch, batch_idx):

x, y = train_batch
y = y.long()
prediction = self.forward(x.float())
loss = F.cross_entropy(prediction, y)
self.log('train_loss', loss)
return loss

def validation_step(self, val_batch, batch_idx):

x, y = val_batch
y = y.long()
prediction = self.forward(x.float())
loss = F.cross_entropy(prediction, y)
self.log('val_loss', loss, prog_bar=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True)

def test_step(self, test_batch, batc_idx):

x, y = test_batch
y = y.long()
prediction = model.forward(x.float())
preds = torch.argmax(prediction, dim=1)

return preds

[227]: # data
target_to_idx = {
'Irrelevant': 0,
'Negative': 1,
'Neutral': 2,
'Positive': 3

y_train_idx = torch.from_numpy(

train_data_tensor = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.from_numpy(X_train.
↪to_numpy().astype(float)), y_train_idx)

train_data_tensor, val_data_tensor = random_split(train_data_tensor, [62540,␣


train_loader = DataLoader(train_data_tensor, batch_size=32)

val_loader = DataLoader(val_data_tensor, batch_size=1)

MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[227], line 10
2 target_to_idx = {
3 'Irrelevant': 0,
4 'Negative': 1,
5 'Neutral': 2,
6 'Positive': 3
7 }
9 y_train_idx = torch.from_numpy(

---> 10 train_data_tensor = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.from_numpy(X_train.

↪to_numpy().astype(float)), y_train_idx)

11 train_data_tensor, val_data_tensor = random_split(train_data_tensor,␣

↪[62540, 6948])

12 train_loader = DataLoader(train_data_tensor, batch_size=32)

MemoryError: Unable to allocate 4.16 GiB for an array with shape (69486, 8032)␣
↪and data type float64

[212]: pip install torchvision

Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-

packages (0.16.1)Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated

Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-

packages (from torchvision) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torchvision) (2.29.0)
Requirement already satisfied: torch==2.1.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torchvision) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow!=8.3.*,>=5.3.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torchvision) (9.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision)

Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (1.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (2.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (2023.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
jinja2->torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from
sympy->torch==2.1.1->torchvision) (1.2.1)

[188]: import torch

[213]: pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.


Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: torch in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (0.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torchaudio in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch) (4.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (1.11.1)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (2.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (3.1.2)

Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torch) (2023.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torchvision) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages (from torchvision) (2.29.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow!=8.3.*,>=5.3.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from torchvision) (9.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch) (2.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->torchvision)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in
c:\users\murat\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch) (1.2.1)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

[235]: # model

model = NNSentimentClassifier(num_epochs=100,data_loader)
# training
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=20,accelerator="auto"), dataloader)

Cell In[235], line 3

model = NNSentimentClassifier(num_epochs=100,data_loader)
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

[216]: y_test_idx = torch.from_numpy(

test_data_tensor = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.from_numpy(X_test.to_numpy().
↪astype(float)), y_test_idx)

test_loader = DataLoader(test_data_tensor, batch_size=1)

[217]: preds = []
for batch in test_loader:
x, y = batch

y = y.long()
prediction = model.forward(x.float())
preds.extend(torch.argmax(prediction, dim=1).cpu())

[218]: print(classification_report(preds, y_test_idx))

precision recall f1-score support

0.0 1.00 0.17 0.29 998

1.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
2.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
3.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

accuracy 0.17 998

macro avg 0.25 0.04 0.07 998
weighted avg 1.00 0.17 0.29 998

[219]: sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(preds, y_test_idx), annot=True)

[ ]:


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