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Выполнила Шишкова Н.В.


1. Intellectual property law creates property rights in original creations to ensure that their
originators are able to control their use and receive appropriate financial reward.

2. Intellectual property law embrace copyright for the protection of original literary, dramatic,
musical or artistic works, films, video and sound recordings, broadcasts and computer
software; patents for the protection of inventions, registered designs; and trade marks.

3. Copyright is a protectio It gives legal rights to the producers of such materials, enabling
them to control how their works may be exploited. The 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act defines copyright as a 'property right' which means that it may be exploited, used, bought
and sold - or 'assigned' - like any other property.

4. Copyright owners have the exclusive right to perform certain “restricted acts”: o copying
the work, o issuing copies to the public, o performing, playing or showing the work in public,
o broadcasting the work or transmitting it by cable, o making an adaptation or performing any
of the other restricted acts with an adaptation, o authorising the rental of material such as
video cassettes and receiving a royalty for the rental.

5. Copyright covers works in three main categories: o original literary, dramatic, musical or
artistic works, including photographs and architecture; o sound and video recordings, films,
broadcasts or cable programmes, and electronic databases, o the typographical arrangement
of a published work.

6. In most cases, the first owner of a copyright is the author or originator of a work, and this
includes not only writers and composers but also record and film producers, broadcasters and

7. Copyright holders may use their rights to prevent exploitation of their work by others or
may licence them to use it. In addition, they may sell their rights like any other piece of

8. In the main, copyright in articles written by journalists is held by the owners of their
newspapers. In the case of published material generally, the author is usually the first
copyright owner of the text whereas the publisher holds the copyright on the actual 'layout' of
the publication.

9. The Duration of Copyright. For artistic, musical and literary works, copyright lasts
throughout the author's life and for 50 years after death. Copyright on films and sound
recordings extends for 50 years after the date of release, and for broadcast and cable
programmes for 50 years from the date of first showing. Typographical copyright lasts for 25
years from publication.
10. Exceptions to Copyright. Despite the protection which copyright affords to its owners,
there are occasions when it does not apply and materials may be used by others without
obtaining permission to do so.

11. Tribunal, a non-governmental statutory body, has jurisdiction to deal with disputes in all
areas where a copyright licencing scheme is operated by a collecting society.

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