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Cathleen L.

Abila BSIT-2

A. Despite several problems and questions in Usability Engineering, why do you think this
is still used?

Usability engineering involves the testing of designs at various stages of the

development process, with users or with usability experts. Despite several problems and
questions in usability engineering, it is still used because it helps to ensure that interactive
systems are user-friendly and efficient. It is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user
interfaces are to use. By testing designs with users or usability experts, developers can
identify and address issues before the product is released, which can save time and
money. Usability engineering can help to improve user satisfaction and reduce user
errors, which can lead to increased productivity and profitability.


Interaction Design Foundation. (n.d.). Usability engineering - an overview. Interaction

Design Foundation.

Wikipedia contributors. (2021, October 25). Usability engineering. Wikipedia.

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