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What is Gestational Diabetes(GDM)?

GDM is a type of diabetes , or high blood sugar that occurs in pregnant women who have never had.

• This diagnosis is given when a woman, who has never had diabetes before, gets diabetes or has
high blood sugar, when she is pregnant.

>Identified between 24 and 28 weeks

 FBS < 105 mg/dl  Diet >105 mg/dl Insulin

 2 hour PPBS <120 mg/dl  Diet >120 mg/dl Insulin

Risk Factor

 Family history
 Previous over weight baby
 Unexplained perinatal loss
 Age >30
 Obesity

1. Consult with Dietician

2. 30-35 kcal/kg/day in the form of 3 major meals and 2-3 minor meals
3. Cho : 50 -60%
a. Fat : <30%
b. Adequate Fiber
c. Protein: 12-20%
Science Name : Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

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