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Karen Garcia Pesigan.



1. What does K to 12 Curriculum have to do with you as a future teacher?

• As a future teacher, the K to 12 curriculum holds significant importance in my professional journey. The K to 12 curriculum is
a complete instructional software designed to beautify the first-rate of schooling in the Philippines. It encompasses
kindergarten to grade 12, incorporating both academic and technical-vocational subjects. The K to 12 curriculum has a
extensive effect on me as a future teacher. It equips me with situation matter knowledge and pedagogical capabilities,
promotes the development of 21st-century skills, encourages lifelong learning, fosters inclusivity and diversity, and
emphasizes the interdisciplinary approach to coaching. By aligning my teaching practices with the standards of the K to 12
curriculum, I can contribute to the goal of offering best training and ensuring the holistic development of my future students.

2. How can the demands of K to 12 be reflcted in my career path?

• The implementation of the K to 12 program brings about significant changes and demands in the field of education. As a
future teacher, I fully recognize the importance of aligning my career path with the demands of K to 12 to ensure the
provision of quality education and holistic development of students. As a future teacher, it is vital to align my career path
with the demands of K to 12. I can help the K to 12 program be implemented successfully by adding 21st-century skills,
individualized instruction, technological integration, and a holistic approach into my teaching practices. By making these
efforts, I can provide my pupils the tools they need to be confident, flexible, and well-rounded people while preparing them
for the opportunities and difficulties of the future.

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