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Topic: Fractions Date: 11/28/2024

Content: Fractions involving clay slices Year Level: 3rd Grade

Objectives: Given clay and tools, the students will create and identify slices of clay. After
identifying, students will be taught how the slices represent fractions and how these fractions
can be found around the world, such as a slice of pizza.

Students should achieve basic understanding of what are fractions and how to create them.
Students should understand how fractions apply in their lives.

Plastic rollers



Students will be randomly paired with another student and receive clay and plastic rollers
from Miss Molina. Then, Miss Molina permits students to start slicing and rolling the clay and
identify the various fractions they’ve created. If a student struggles, they must ask their
partner before they request assistance from Miss Molina.

Main Content:

Once a pair of students understand how a fraction is made and identified, that pair will join
with another group to identify what kind of fraction Miss Molina creates for them.


Students will return clay and plastic rollers to Miss Molina before being asked by Miss Molina
how fractions are a part of their world.


During the first part of the lesson, I was uncertain whether it should continue since many
students struggled to identify the fractions they created. As a result, the lesson did not start well.
It was choppy and disjointed. Once I compared the slices they created to their favorite pizza, the
students became enthusiastic and engaged in the lesson. The laughter and interactions at the end
humanized what had started to be a structured, dry lesson. I could actually sense that learning
was taking place and that I was directing that learning. From this experience, I learned that I
need to teach in a way that piques a student’s interest and brain.

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