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Published online June 8, 2018

Positioning Systems for
Precision Agriculture
timothy Stombaugh*
Chapter Purpose
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which includes the global positioning system (GPS), is a
core enabling Precision Agriculture technology used to indicate real-time position of a vehicle as it
moves across a field. over the years, many different positioning technologies have been developed
including placing mechanical furrow followers on vehicles, using dead reckoning, burying cables
across a field, and placing radio frequency transponders at various locations around a field (Heraud
and lange, 2009). However, many of these technologies lacked the accuracy necessary for common
field applications, and were impractical because they required either extensive installation of perma-
nent equipment or systematic transfer of stationary equipment from one field to another. Gnss helps
farmers overcome these limitations. in this chapter, readers are provided with a basic description of
how GNSS technology works, the fundamental operating principles, common sources of error, and
how different levels of accuracy are achieved through differential corrections.
Creating the Global Navigation As the precision of these positioning systems
improved in response to consumer demand, the
Satellite Systems (GNSS) industry had to understand and address issues related
The Global Positioning System (GPS), when it to the difference between relative and absolute accu-
became fully functional in the early 1990s, was imme- racy of the position information. In applications such
diately adopted in agriculture because it had sufficient as basic guidance technology in a single field opera-
accuracy and the hardware could be completely con- tion, accuracy relative to earlier collected points was
tained on a mobile vehicle. A plethora of machine sufficient to realize the benefits of the technology.
technologies were quickly developed to utilize GPS However, as applications emerged requiring precision
technology for spatial management and machine con- between multiple machines and receivers, absolute
trol. As these machine technologies advanced from accuracy measured against a fixed coordinate refer-
basic mapping to precision machine guidance and ence was needed. These emerging needs have led to
control, the need for greater accuracy increased.

University of kentucky, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department, 128 Barnhart Building,
Lexington, kY 40546-0276. *Corresponding author (
Copyright © 2018. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science
Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd. Madison, WI 53711, USA. Precision Agriculture Basics. D.k.
Shannon, D.E. Clay, and N.R. kitchen, (eds.).
Fig. 3.1. Location of GPS satellite orbital planes.
the development of a vast array of positioning devices
with a wide variety of accuracy capabilities.

GPS is Part of GNSS

The U.S.–controlled GPS is not the only satel-
lite-based positioning system in existence; other
public entities have developed or are developing
similar satellite-based positioning systems. The
most prominent functional system is GLONASS
(Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya
Sistema), which is maintained by Russia. Addi- Video 3.1. What is GNSS?
tionally, the European Union, China, Japan, India,
and others are in various stages of building sat- Satellite Ranging
ellite based positioning systems. Some systems
Most GNSS satellite systems consist of multiple sat-
have global coverage and others target specific
ellites flying in middle earth orbit planes, which
geographic regions. Some systems can be used
places them just over 20,000 km above the earth sur-
for basic position determination and others are
face. GPS, as an example, was originally comprised
intended to increase accuracy and/or reliability
of 24 core satellites in six different orbital planes. In
in other systems. In general, all of these systems
2011, the constellation was modified to be comprised
operate on very similar principles, and use simi-
of 27 core satellites (Fig. 3.1). Its satellites have an
lar if not identical broadcast frequencies. Many
orbital period of approximately 12 h, which means
higher-end positioning receivers utilize signals
that each satellite circles the earth twice in a 24-hour
from multiple satellite positioning systems simul-
period. The constellation was designed so that at
taneously. To more accurately represent this ever
least four satellites would be visible from any point
growing technology, the general term Global Nav-
on the earth’s surface. Four satellites is the minimum
igation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has been accepted
required for complete position determination, but
to describe the collective group of satellite-based
most receivers will utilize more than four satellite
positioning systems.
signals simultaneously if they are available.

Each GNSS satellite transmits radio signals the position solution will have limited accuracy.
carrying digital information that is used to deter- The common technique to compute a 2-D position
mine range or distance between the satellite and is to make an estimate of the vertical (altitude) com-
receiver. The signal frequencies of these trans- ponent of the solution based on the earth’s geoid
missions vary slightly from system to system, but height at the receiver’s approximate position. This
generally fall in the range from 1200 to 1600 MHz. mathematical constraint allows the receiver to com-
Most satellites actually broadcast on several differ- pute a close estimate of the horizontal position
ent frequencies simultaneously. coordinates based on the limited satellite data.
There are two fundamental pieces of informa-
tion broadcast by each satellite: its ephemeris, and GNSS Errors
a timing code. The ephemeris can be simplisti- The primary causes of GNSS position errors
cally described as the satellite’s orbital location. include clock, ephemeris, poor satellite configu-
The timing code is used by the receiver to calculate ration, atmospheric interference, and multipath
the distance between the receiver and the satellite. errors. Each of these are described below.
The receivers compare an internally generated tim-
ing code with the identical timing code sent by the Clock
satellite to determine the time delay between the Clock errors result from the limited precision of
codes, which would be length of time for the sig- the physical clocks contained with the receiver and
nal to travel from the satellite to the receiver. These exact synchronization between the receiver and
calculations must be very precise. Since the radio satellite clocks. Compensation for clock limitations
signals travel at the speed of light (2.99 × 108 m s-1 in receivers is part of the reason that a minimum of
or 186,000 miles s-1), the transmission time between four satellite signals is needed to achieve a three-
satellites and receivers is less than 0.07 s. The poten- dimensional position fix. More precise GNSS
tial for error is great since a miscalculation of one receivers will use higher quality, more expensive
thousandth of a second would result in a distance clock and timing measurement components.
error of over 300 km (186 miles).
A GNSS receiver uses the distance measurements Ephemeris Errors
between itself and multiple satellites to calculate Because the satellites are orbiting in gravitational
its location and elevation using a mathematical fields, their positions and movements can be known
technique called triangulation (Fig. 3.2). A precise and predicted quite accurately. Nevertheless, there
distance measurement from one satellite will locate still may be some errors in the ephemeris informa-
the receiver somewhere on a sphere surrounding tion that is broadcast due to either miscalculation of
that satellite. A second distance measurement to a the data or variations in the orbital path. Most GNSS
second satellite will narrow the position to the inter- systems utilize base stations placed strategically
section of the two spheres, which is a circle. A third within their coverage area to monitor the status of
measurement will further narrow the position pos- GNSS satellites and update ephemeris information.
sibilities to two points (the intersection of a circle and They will also update information about the health
a sphere). It is often possible to deduce the correct
point from those two using an algorithm that might
look at the recent position history or the reasonable-
ness of the two solutions (one will often be nowhere
near the surface of the earth). Information from the
fourth satellite is needed to synchronize the timing
codes generated by the satellites and the receiver. To
optimize accuracy, most manufacturers implement
hardware and software techniques that use as many
satellite signals as possible.
Many GNSS receivers will actually compute
and report a position with only 3 satellite signals Fig. 3.2. Illustration of triangulation position determina-
available. Often they will display a message such tion using one satellite (left), two satellites (center) and 3
as “2-D Position,” and the user must be aware that satellites (right).
Fig. 3.3. Satellite configurations showing poor (a) and Video 3.2. How accurate are GNSS receivers?
good (b) DOP.
DOP can actually be affected somewhat by the
of each satellite indicating its expected reliability
user. Any object that blocks satellite transmissions
for position determination.
can mask part of the sky and increase DOP. Oper-
Satellite Configuration ating in urban canyons (between tall buildings)
is one common cause of DOP degradation. Satel-
Because most GNSS satellites are moving rela-
lite transmissions will not travel well through the
tive to the earth, the configuration of the satellite
buildings, so the only part of the sky visible is the
constellation overhead at any point in time can
area between the buildings. In agriculture, operat-
vary significantly. The accuracy of a triangulation
ing along tree lines at the edge of fields is a common
computation can be greatly affected by the relative
situation causing reduction in visible satellites and
positions of the satellites being used. If all the sat-
ellites happen to be clumped close together at one
location (Fig. 3a), the triangulation computation
will not be as accurate as if the satellites are spread
or distributed evenly above the horizon (Fig. 3.3b).
The configuration of the satellites at any point
in time is quantified by the Dilution of Precision
(DOP). Smaller DOP values mean better accuracy;
a DOP value considered to be good would be less
than two. The DOP calculations can be refined to
give more specific indications of the Horizontal
(HDOP), Vertical (VDOP), and Time (TDOP) dilu-
tions. Some GNSS receivers will directly report
DOP so that users can make some assessment of
potential quality of position computations. Other
receivers will not report DOP specifically, but will
combine DOP with other parameters to arrive at a
distance estimate of position accuracy.
DOP can be predicted with orbital models.
Some users needing utmost precision will plan to
do field work during the times of the day when
the satellites will be in the best configuration. A
number of software tools are available to aid users
in planning around variation in satellite constel-
lations. An example output from one software Fig. 3.4. Example output from an online GNSS planning soft-
package (Fig. 3.4) shows how the number of visible ware showing the expected number of satellites available
satellites and DOP would vary in a 24-hour period (top) and various measures of DOP (bottom) for a 24-hour
on a particular day. period in a given location for a receiver that would be utiliz-
ing both GPS and GLONASS satellites.
poorer accuracy. Placing a GNSS antenna on top of a Differential GNSS
combine cab near a metal grain bin extension panel To achieve higher position accuracy, nearly all
would also block satellite visibility in part of the sky. GNSS receivers utilize some form of Differential
GNSS (DGNSS) correction. A DGNSS system will
Atmospheric Interference include at least one stationary base station that is
As radio waves enter the earth’s atmosphere, they placed at a known location (Fig. 3.7). An oversimpli-
can be bent or refracted much the same way light fied explanation of DGNSS functionality would be
is refracted when it passes through a water surface that the base station computes the errors between
(Fig. 3.5). Their speed can also be altered by the iono- the GNSS-indicated solution and the known loca-
sphere. If the radio waves are bent, they will have tion of its antenna. This error information is
to travel a longer path to get from the satellite to the transmitted to the rover GNSS receiver, which uses
receiver thereby causing error in range measure- it to adjust its calculated position. The correction
ment. The atmosphere has a greater effect on the information is generally much more sophisticated
transmission path from satellites lower on the hori- than a simple directional (X, Y, Z) correction. Dif-
zon. To counteract this interference, many receivers ferential correction signals contain information
ignore or mask satellites that are located below a cer- that can be used to correct the data transmitted by
tain angle above the horizon. On more sophisticated each individual GNSS satellite; therefore, achiev-
GNSS receivers, this mask angle is user selectable. able accuracy is directly affected by the baseline
Typical values for a mask angle range from 8° to 14° separation between the rover and the base station.
above the horizon. The tradeoff with masking low
satellites is that fewer satellites are available, and the
DOP is increased because the available satellites are
bunched closer to the top of the sky.
Another way to compensate for ionospheric effects
on signal transmission is to utilize multiple broad-
cast frequencies. Most GNSS systems broadcast
similar navigation codes on more than one frequency
simultaneously. The different frequency signals will
behave predictably different when they pass through
ionosphere. Algorithms in the receivers can use the
differences in the signals to reduce errors.
Video 3.3. What is differential correction?
Multipath errors occur when the same radio
signal is received at two different times. This will The best accuracy is achieved by using a DGNSS
happen when the radio signal bounces off of some technique called Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS.
object. For example, a GNSS transmission could In contrast to other systems that use only the code
come straight to the receiver and also bounce off of data broadcast by the satellites to determine posi-
a building causing the same signal to arrive at the tion, RTK systems also utilize information about
receiver a short time after the initial receipt (Fig. 3.6). the carrier frequency of the satellite radio sig-
Multipath errors can cause significant problems nal. Essentially, the receiver counts the number of
with GNSS receivers especially when operating wavelengths of the carrier signal between the satel-
around objects that reflect radio waves such as metal lite and receiver, which is subsequently converted
buildings and bodies of water. Placing the receiver to a distance. One challenge for RTK receivers is
antenna near any metallic objects could increase the to determine the initial number of wavelengths to
chances of multipath. Manufacturers effectively use each visible satellite. Because of this, RTK systems
choke rings in antennas and other hardware and often require longer initial acquisition times before
software filtering techniques to minimize the effects they converge to expected accuracy. Once the initial
of multipath errors, but the user should still be care- determination is made, the receivers can maintain a
ful to scrutinize GNSS information when operating lock and continuously calculate distances. Though
in places where multipath is a potential.
level. In these systems, the rover generally utilizes
information from the closest base station.
A recent innovation in DGNSS incorporates
intelligent communication between the base sta-
tions within a DGNSS network. The most precise
of these base station networks actually require
some two-way communication between the rover
and base station. The rover sends its approximate
Fig. 3.5. Illustration of atmospheric effects on radio signals. location to the network. The base station system
then uses data from several different base stations
near the rover to create a unique differential correc-
tion solution for the rover’s location. This solution
is sometimes referred to as a virtual reference sta-
tion solution, and it allows system developers to
install fewer GNSS base stations while still achiev-
ing a high level of corrected accuracy.
Many U.S. states have established networks of
RTK base station receivers. Most of these are reg-
istered under the CORS (Continuously Operating
Reference Station) program, which is a base sta-
tion certification program administered by the
Fig. 3.6. Illustration of multipath errors in GNSS National Geodetic Survey (NGS). For a GNSS ref-
transmissions. erence station to be registered as a CORS base
station, it must adhere to a set of standards govern-
technology advances are allowing equipment ing the construction, location, and maintenance
to become smaller, RTK receivers are generally of the station. Just because a reference station is
physically larger units that require more power to registered as a CORS station does not automat-
accomplish the necessary computations. ically dictate that it is part of an intelligent base
station network. Most states do, however, utilize
Sources of DGNSS Corrections the CORS stations in a network and provide public
There are a number of differential correction access to that network.
services that are available. The differences between Communication of differential correction infor-
these services are the location and number of base mation between base stations and rovers can be
station receiver(s), and the data delivery method. accomplished in several ways. A simple way is to
The base station hardware on a DGNSS sys- establish a terrestrial-based radio frequency (RF)
tem could be as simple as a single GNSS receiver link. Historically, one of the first broad coverage
that is accessed by one or a number of different augmentation services was developed and main-
rover receivers. Single base station RTK systems tained by the United States Coast Guard (USCG).
are still somewhat common in agricultural and It consisted of a number of DGNSS reference sta-
construction applications. They will have limited tions and land-based towers with RF transmitters
geographic relevance because the rover has to be that broadcasted correction information. Some
relatively close to the base station, but they will GNSS receivers at that time were manufactured
generally achieve higher accuracy. with the capability of receiving both the satellite
A wider geographic coverage can be achieved by a and USCG radio transmissions, or users could
DGNSS system if RTK–level accuracy is not needed. purchase a separate correction radio receiver and
A number of DGNSS corrections systems exist that connect it to their GNSS receiver to incorporate
are maintained by a variety of either private or public the differential correction. This network was only
entities. They generally consist of an array of inde- useful near navigable bodies of water. It was used
pendent base stations spaced as wide as possible to heavily in agriculture, but is no longer supported
minimize equipment cost while still providing com- and has become obsolete.
plete coverage at some minimum expected accuracy

Terrestrial RF links are still common with RTK cellular modem, either integral to the GNSS
systems on farms and construction sites where the receiver or contained within a separate hardware
baseline distances are relatively short. They will unit, is used to establish the link. These dedicated
commonly use a lower-powered spread spectrum cellular modems can have more powerful receiv-
radio set to establish the data link between the ers and antennas than cellular phones resulting in
base station(s) and rover(s). The challenge with the better cellular reception. Cellular-based correction
lower-powered RF links is radio coverage, espe- systems are reliant on availability of cellular cov-
cially in areas where terrain or other obstacles erage in the operating area.
hamper line-of-sight transmission of radio sig-
nals. This problem can be reduced by using higher GNSS Accuracy
powered radios; however, these typically require There is a wide variety of GNSS receivers avail-
FCC licensing. able with varying levels of accuracy. Some people
To overcome the coverage challenges with have used general accuracy levels to categorize
terrestrial RF links, many current differential cor- different classes of receivers, e.g., low-cost, sub-
rection systems utilize communication satellites meter, decimeter, or RTK. The low-cost category
to relay correction information from the base sta- would include the simplest handheld GNSS equip-
tion network to the GNSS receivers. These systems ment as well as cell phones with GNSS receivers.
are often referred to as Satellite Based Augmen- These devices, which typically have accuracies
tation Systems (SBAS). Traditionally, SBAS were no better than about 3 m, have been shown to be
designed for broader coverage with accuracies less useful for basic agricultural tasks such as scout-
than would be achievable with more dense base ing, soil sampling, and field area determination.
station networks. Some newer systems are being Sub-meter receivers, as the name implies, will pro-
designed to achieve higher accuracies in certain vide accuracy to less than a meter and are useful
limited geographic areas. for mapping, yield monitoring, and even some
The most common SBAS in the United States basic guidance functions with larger machinery.
is called the Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS). It was developed by the Federal Avia-
tion Administration to add redundancy to GPS
solutions. Signals from WAAS satellites are freely
available and are broadcast on the same fre-
quencies as fundamental GPS signals; therefore,
no additional antennas or tuned receivers are
needed to receive WAAS corrections. Because of
this, nearly all GPS-based devices operating in
the United States use WAAS to improve accuracy.
Depending on the hardware capabilities, accura-
cies as good as 1 m or slightly better are achievable
with WAAS corrections. Similar augmentation
systems are available in other areas, for exam-
ple EGNOS in Europe, MSAS in Japan, GAGAN
in India, SDCM in Russia, SNAS in China, and
SACCSA in South/Central America.
Some newer DGNSS systems utilize cellular
communications for data transfer between base
station networks and rover receivers. The correc-
tion information is essentially streamed from the
base station network onto a web interface. The
rover then accesses the data stream through a
cellular web connection. The link could be estab-
lished with a cell phone tethered in some way to Fig. 3.7. Illustrations of local area (left) and wide area
the rover receiver. More commonly, a dedicated (right) DGNSS systems.
degradation rate in ppm. An example specification
might look like 2 cm + 5 ppm. This receiver would
be expected to have a positional accuracy of 2 cm
when the receiver is very close to the base station.
The degradation specification refers to the base-
line distance or distance between the rover and
base station and is interpreted as a loss of the spec-
ified number units of accuracy for every million
units of separation. In the example above, the deg-
radation specification of 5 ppm is interpreted to
mean that the 2-cm fundamental accuracy would
degrade by 5 cm for every million centimeters or
10 km of distance between the rover and base sta-
tion. Typical RTK systems degrade in accuracy by
about 1 cm for every 10 km (1 inch for every 15
miles) of baseline separation.
Though many consumers and manufactur-
Fig. 3.8. Example of dynamic GNSS performance from ers prefer to use rather general terminology
a receiver traveling clockwise on a serpentine track that and simplified numeric indicators to describe
shows incorrect indication of overshoot on corners. GNSS accuracy, the quantification and specifica-
Historically, there was a separate distinct group of tion of accuracy is a complicated process. There
receivers, referred to as decimeter receivers, which are several aspects of GNSS accuracy critical for
provided decimeter or better accuracy. These agricultural operations that make quantification
receivers used unique correction techniques that difficult. One aspect is absolute versus relative
required very long acquisition and convergence performance. A receiver with a good relative
times. As solution algorithms and technologies accuracy would exhibit consistent position deter-
have improved, the performance of decimeter mination relative to earlier position solutions from
receivers has become more like RTK receivers. The that same receiver. That receiver might be very
RTK classification is the most accurate group of adequate for providing position solutions for vehi-
GNSS equipment that have accuracies measured cle guidance systems if the end result was simply
to a few centimeters. to reduce the amount of overlaps and skips in a
single field operation. If, however, it would be
desirable to use multiple machines in the same
field, or overlay data from one field operation with
another, the lack of absolute accuracy could cause
significant spatial offsets between the field oper-
ations or map layers. The absolute accuracy of a
receiver is a quantification of the position devia-
tion from some established reference frame. A
high absolute accuracy would ensure that mul-
tiple machines working in the same field would
be able to follow the same path, and that multiple
Video 3.4. What accuracy do I need? data layers would overlay correctly without geo- graphic offset.
Another critical aspect of GNSS position quality
A key factor affecting the accuracy of the dif- is short-term versus long-term accuracy. Because
ferent classes of GNSS receivers is the differential most GNSS satellite constellations are constantly
correction signal, and particularly the distance changing, GNSS position measurements tend to
between the base station and rover. A typical accu- drift with time. Consequently, position measure-
racy specification for an RTK system, for example, ments taken within a shorter time will tend to be
might give a fundamental accuracy followed by its more precise than points collected over extended
time periods. Because of this, many manufactur- standards maintained by the International Stan-
ers will quote a short term accuracy performance dards Organization (International Standards
parameter often called “pass-to-pass” accuracy. Organization, 2010 and 2012). These standards
This is typically based on a 15-min relative accu- specify common terminology, test procedures, and
racy performance. For many receivers, the long reporting methodology for the dynamic perfor-
term accuracy is approximately three times larger mance of GNSS receivers and automatic guidance
than the short term “pass-to-pass” accuracy. systems.
Static and dynamic accuracy impact GNSS There are a number of significant challenges
position quality. A relatively simple way of speci- faced when assessing the accuracy of GNSS
fying the accuracy of a GNSS system is to use data equipment. Because satellite constellations are
collected over a period of time with the receiver constantly changing, GNSS performance is tem-
antenna placed on a known stationary bench- porally variable. The major GNSS constellations
mark. This static accuracy is not always indicative nearly repeat every 12 h, and come even closer to a
of the accuracy achievable while the receiver is complete repeated cycle every 24 h. The standards
moving. Solution algorithms and data filtering take this into account, and specify appropriate
tuned to improve static accuracy and stability testing times and durations based on celestial
can introduce positional errors when the receiver cycles.
is moving. As an example, positional filtering in The location of the receiver on the earth can
the receiver’s solution algorithm could cause the also affect achievable accuracy. The satellite orbital
receiver to indicate excessive overshoot during a planes do not cross the polar regions of the earth.
corner maneuver (Fig. 3.8). This means that a receiver located closer to the
Because there are many ways to measure and poles will not see satellites in the polar direction.
evaluate GNSS receiver accuracy, it can be difficult This phenomena can be illustrated by a plot of satel-
to directly compare systems offered by different lite paths relative to a point on the earth’s northern
manufacturers. This inconsistency can lead to hemisphere (Fig. 3.9). Referring back to discussions
misconceptions as receivers with similar specified about satellite configurations and DOP, this lack of
accuracies that are based on different statistical satellite dispersion can cause accuracy to degrade
inferences could have quite different performance. at higher latitudes. It also causes the errors in the
Van Diggelen (1998) in an article in GPS World north-south direction to be larger than in the east-
magazine showed the complexities involved in west direction. Rather than differentiate this in
statistical reporting methods and explained ways performance in specifications, the standards call
that different specifications could be converted to for an amalgamation of all horizontal errors into a
allow equitable comparison. Fortunately, as the single accuracy specification. Most manufacturers
industry has matured and standards have been follow the standard recommendations by quoting
developed, there has been more consistency in a single number for horizontal accuracy.
GNSS accuracy reporting.

A number of standards have been developed
to help bring consistency to GNSS accuracy test-
ing and reporting. The overarching goal of these
standards was to provide a means for consumers
to compare the expected performance of different
GNSS receivers in conditions typically found in
agricultural fields. A standard developed by the
Institute of Navigation (Institute of Navigation
Standards, 1997) outlined detailed procedures for
performing static tests and a standardized way to
report findings of those tests. This standard is no Fig. 3.9. Plot of satellite paths on a particular day as
longer updated and maintained by ION, but its viewed vertically from a point on the northern hemi-
content provided the basis for a set of international sphere of the earth.
In addition to the horizontal directionality of Study Questions
GNSS errors, the vertical error is generally larger
than the amalgamated horizontal errors. This is 1. What is the minimum number of satellite
caused by the triangulation calculation based on signals needed for a GNSS receiver to
satellites located at high-altitudes. Because many compute a three-dimensional position?
agricultural operations do not rely on the verti- Explain.
cal component of positions, manufacturers often 2. Use internet resources to explore the sta-
choose to specify horizontal and vertical accura- tus of the GPS constellation and report
cies separately. the total number of satellites currently
functional in the constellation, how
Future Direction of GNSS many have L2C capabilities, and how
Early in the implementation of precision agri- many broadcast the L5 codes.
culture techniques, manufacturer innovations in
GNSS technology were focused on improving the 3. Use internet resources to explore the
accuracy of the equipment. Real-time Kinematic CORS stations in your state. Print a state
technology became able to achieve a practical map showing all of the locations. For
limit of horizontal accuracies within two centime- the one closest to your location, find out
ters. More recent development efforts are focused where it is and when it was established.
on innovations such as new ways to deliver high 4. A farmer wants to purchase an RTK GNSS
accuracy corrections to broader areas and to system for a farm. The base station
decrease solution convergence times. Also, man- antenna will be placed on the top of a
ufacturers are investigating technologies that centrally located grain bins. If the accu-
will reduce the physical size and power require- racy of the RTK GNSS system is 1.5 cm
ments of receivers. + 4 ppm, what is the accuracy at a field
There are also changes happening within located 35 km away?
GNSS systems themselves. In GPS, for example,
new broadcast codes and frequencies are being 5. For a particular date and location, use a
implemented as new satellites are inserted into constellation modeling tool to plot the
the constellation to replace failing equipment. availability of GPS and GNSS satellites
When properly utilized, these new transmissions and the DOP values. Are there particu-
will improve the accuracy achievable by lower lar times of the day that would be really
accuracy receivers and will improve reception in good or potentially bad for GNSS work?
environments that hamper satellite transmissions 6. Explain how absolute and relative accu-
such as under tree canopies and inside buildings. racy of GNSS receivers would affect their
use in machine guidance applications.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 7. Why would an accuracy test for a GNSS
is a core-enabling precision agriculture tech- receiver that lasted for one hour not be
nology that allows receivers mounted on field a good indication of the performance of
equipment to acquire real-time position infor- the receiver?
mation as it moves across a field. In short, GNSS 8. A farmer has a field that is bordered on one
technology has become a staple in modern agri- side by a large manufacturing facility that
culture. With time, the accuracy of the systems is in a three-story metal-clad building.
has improved and the number of satellites trans- Why might their GNSS equipment per-
mitting information has increased. The accuracy form poorly near that edge of the field?
and reliability of this system has matured to the
9. A GPS satellite is at an altitude of
point that it is being considered for use in agri-
20,100 km directly above a receiver. Cal-
culture as standard component for field scouting,
culate how many wavelengths of the L1
soil sampling, applying variable rate fertilizers
and L2 GPS frequencies there would be
and pesticides, and vehicle guidance.
between the satellite and the receiver.

10. A farmer in Canada is getting ready to
plant a field that is perfectly square and
nearly completely flat with a GNSS–
based autosteer system. Which direction
(N–S or E–W) should they plant the field
to get the best guidance accuracy? Ex-
plain your reasoning.

Support for this document was provided by the
USDA-AFRI Higher Education Grant (2014-04572).

References and Additional Resources

Heraud, J.A., and A.F. Lange. 2009. Agricultural auto-
matic vehicle guidance from horses to GPS: How
we got here, and where we are going. ASABE
Distinguished Lecture Series 28:1–67.
Institute of Navigation Standards. 1997. ION STD 101.
Recommended test procedures for GPS receivers.
Institute of Navigation Standards, Alexandria, VA.
International Organization for Standardization. 2010.
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forest-
ry–Test procedures for positioning and guidance
systems in agriculture–Part 1: Dynamic testing of
satellite-based positioning devices. ISO-12188-1.
International Organization for Standardization.
International Organization for Standardization. 2012.
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forest-
ry–Test procedures for positioning and guidance
systems in agriculture–Part 2: Testing of satellite-
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