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+91-8273311353 ⋄ Dehradun, India ⋄ Linkedin ⋄ Github

Bachelor of Technology Computer Science and Engineering,
Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun 2021 - 2025
Class XII
ISC 93.8% ,
St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehradun 2021
Class X
ICSE 94.8% ,
St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehradun 2019

React.js Node.js Express.js MongoDB NPM Axios Postman Core Java C/C++ Bootstrap Git / Github

Git Blogify Read other’s blogs and publish your own within seconds. Github
- End-to-end Full Stack blogging application developed using MERN Stack
- SignUp/Login - User Auth
- Write/Read blogs, Update and Delete profiles
URL Shortener A tool to quickly shorten a URL. (Github)
- Redirect to the original URL
- Database used: MongoDB
User Data REST-API The API allows users to create, read, update, and delete user data with ease. Try it here
- Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.js, Axios, NPM, API
- Follows the REST standards for all the CRUD operations
- Provides a mock user data API, that can be integrated with other applications.
Online Voting Application This app provides an online platform for voting. Github
- Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.js, Axios
- Provides a mock user data API, that can be integrated with other applications.

Intro to Software Engineering Cisco Virtual Experience Program Cisco Feb 2023 Certificate
- Worked on Frontend - React.js
- Display the network’s IPv4/IPv6 address and Ping.
Deloitte Technology Virtual Experience program Deloitte Oct 2022 Certificate

• Solved more than 320 questions on Leetcode and other coding platforms Leetcode
• Stood in the top - 15 web developers in Web-A-Thon 1.0 at GEU.

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