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I always thought I knew who I could count on when life got hard.

The people who say that they have your back and will be there when you need them..

But when the going got tough and life knocked me down, I realized that mostly everyone that said they’d
be there..

Didn’t show up when I needed them most.

It hurt so badly that people I thought had my best interest at heart..weren’t who I had imagined them to

Turns out, when things got challenging, I found who were the loyal souls that showed up and had my

I fought the tears as I tried not to feel betrayed, but I forced a smile through my turbulent emotions..

It’s better to know now than to find out later when I was truly counting on them.

It still hurts though, to lose people you care about..

Not because you don’t want them in your life, but because they don’t care enough to try to stay.

I guess I don’t really understand how some can just say whatever they think you want to hear..

Not the truth of the situation,

Not that they’re not really going to be there,

Not that they were just pretending all along.

But as I look to the future, my heart is lifted at the thought of those beautiful souls that I call my true

It’s time to turn the chapter and let go of the people who never really were going to make it to the end
of my story..

And I’m okay with that.

I’d rather have five amazing people beside me than a hundred fake friends that will never show up.

Not everyone is going to be like me- and many won’t do whatever they can do to be there for people
they claim to love.

It still won’t change who I am or how I love..I will just be more selective in who I choose to let get close
to me.

Maybe that makes me guarded, but my heart is worth the effort.

I will always give what I get,

So all the fake people pretending to be what they aren’t..

Well, they can just keep walking.

I have my people now and I’m good.

I’m more than good,

I’m awesome.

I got this.

when life got real, it showed me who wasn't.

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