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Graduate Academy GradTUBS 2nd half-year 2019

Publishing Journal Articles (for advanced PhD students)

It is essential for PhD candidates and scientists to develop an Content

impressive publication record. The publication of high quality jour-
 How to select a target journal
nal articles is imperative in order to apply for jobs or for research
grants, to communicate findings and to define their reputation in  H-index, impact factor and other journal and article metrics
the field. This “publish-or-perish” approach, however, may
decrease the quality of the journal articles.  How to make a section of a manuscript more persuasive
Journal articles should be published in order to influence the field –
 The peer review system: submitting, revising, and re-submitting
not simply to increase the list of publications. In this workshop,
participants will develop a set of “how-to” strategies that will  How to effectively communicate with editors and reviewers
enhance the strengths of their journal articles, and increase the
chances of acceptance.  How to deal with rejections
 Publishing ethics for editors, reviewers and authors
Please note
During the workshop, participants can draft a cover letter (half page  Authorship disputes
to one page) for their next publication. Therefore, before the
workshop participants are asked to prepare the (preliminary) title of  Copyright and plagiarism issues
their next publication. The workshop is especially useful for
 Open access journals: the pros and cons
advanced PhD candidates from Natural and Life Sciences.

This course will be held in English

18.10.2019 09:00 - 17:00 BOOK HERE

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