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Once upon a time, in a small village in Java, there lived a poor couple
longing for a child. One day, the woman found a peculiar golden
cucumber in her garden. Overjoyed and seeing it as a sign, the couple
planted the cucumber, and soon, it grew into a beautiful baby girl
whom they named Timun Mas, meaning "Golden Cucumber."

As Timun Mas grew older, her beauty and kindness became renowned
throughout the village. However, her parents harbored a secret. The
golden cucumber was a gift from the powerful and evil witch, a
supernatural creature known as Nyi Roro Kidul, who demanded Timun
Mas be returned to her on her seventeenth birthday as payment.

As Timun Mas reached the age of seventeen, her parents became

increasingly anxious. To protect their beloved daughter, they sought the
help of a wise old man who lived in the forest. He advised them to
create a set of three magical objects – a keris (dagger), a bamboo tube,
and a small gong – to aid Timun Mas in her escape.

On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, Timun Mas set out on a

perilous journey through the dense jungle, armed with the magical
items her parents had prepared. Nyi Roro Kidul, aware of the attempt to
thwart her plans, sent a terrifying giant to capture Timun Mas.

The brave girl faced numerous challenges, but with the help of the
magical objects, she overcame each obstacle. The keris protected her
from the giant, the bamboo tube helped her cross treacherous rivers,
and the gong provided a distraction when needed.
Finally, Timun Mas reached the edge of the sea, where Nyi Roro Kidul
awaited. The evil witch, angered by the girl's resilience, transformed into
a ferocious dragon. In a fierce battle, Timun Mas used the keris to pierce
the dragon's heart, defeating Nyi Roro Kidul and breaking the curse.

As a reward for her bravery, the sea transformed into a lush and fertile
land. Timun Mas, now a princess, ruled the newfound kingdom, bringing
prosperity and happiness to her people.

And so, the legend of Timun Mas became a cherished tale, reminding
generations of the triumph of courage and goodness over evil.

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