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Chess Centre Opening Tips - Good and Bad practices

The opening is crucial to any game. If the opening position is weak, it will make the middle to endgame a lot harder
to handle. It can be likened to the foundations of a house, good strong foundations allow for strong building blocks,
but a weak foundation would make the whole structure very unstable.
Top 10 tips
1. Control the centre squares, aim to keep you pawns to e4, d4 for white and for black e5 and d5.
2. Castle early, but don't castle for the sake of it. 3.
3. Keep Knights away form the edge of the board, as it gives them more attacking coverage if they are allowed to
control the centre. 4.
4. When castling the king allow for an escape route for the king. This will stop any back rank mate. 5.
5. Avoid blocking in your Bishops. 6.
6. Avoid doubling any pawns, when minor pieces are exchanged, as this will leave holes in your pawn structure. 7.
7. Avoid placing a Rook or Queen in direct line with the King. As more often than not a Pin will occur. 8.
8. Do not waste time by moving the same pieces twice in the opening moves.. 9.
9. Take advantage of any open files by placing rooks on them. If your rook is attacked by the opponents, don't take
but defend your piece. Connecting your 2 rooks together is recommended as they are very strong. 10.
10. Play to a style that suites you best, but having a sense of awareness or danger will keep you on your toes.

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