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Lycée de Dakola.

School Year: 2023/2024

Teacher : Mrs LOMPO Duration : 3hours
Class: UPPER SIXTH Date :


Text: What is Poverty?

Poverty is usually thought of as a lack of income because it ’s income that

is largely assumed to determine a person’s material standard of well being, thus,
if S 1 a day is taken as the poverty line, 33% of the developing world ’s
population, or 1.3 billion people are poor. Nearly half of them live in South Asia
and Sub-Saharan Africa.
But “income poverty” is only part of the picture. Just as human
development encompasses aspects of life much broader than income, so poverty
should be seen as having many dimensions.
A new multidimensional measure of human deprivation, the capability
poverty Measure (C. P. M.), was introduced in the United Nations Development
Program’s Human Development. Intended to complement income measures of
poverty, it focuses on human capabilities. Rather than examining the average
state of people’s capabilities, it reflects the percentage of people who lack basic
or minimally essential human capabilities.
The C. P. M. considers the lack of three basic capabilities. The first is
the capability to be well nourished and healthy represented by the proportion of
children under five who are underweight. The second is the capability for healthy
reproduction proxied by the proportion of birth unattended by trained health
personnel. The third is the capability to be educated and knowledgeable
represented by female illiteracy. The index is noteworthy for its emphasis on the
deprivation of women, which is severe in some countries. It is well known that
deprivation of women adversely affects human development of families and
According to national income lines, 21% of the people in developing world
live below the poverty line. The corresponding figure for capability poverty is 37%
in other words, 900 million people in developing countries are income poor, but
1.6 billion people are capability poor.

From: Human Development Report. 1996


Proxied by: (here) represented by, expressed A figure: a number

Noteworthy: remarquable. To encompass: include
I-Guided Commentary (10 pts)

1) According to the text, is poverty only a lack of income? Justify. (2pts)

2) Considering the income poverty, in which part of the world do we find most
people affected by it? (2 pts)
3) What are the three basic human capabilities identify by the CPM? (3 pts).
4) What is the role of CPM? (2pts)
5) What are the conséquences of women deprivation according to the text

II- Essay Writing (6pts)

Is it possible to overcome Poverty in Africa in the future in your
opinion? Give three ideas in three paragraphs
III- Translation. (4pts)
Translate into French the passage from “Poverty is usually thought of .. (down
to) …having many dimensions”.

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