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11/30/23, 10:41 AM DQ Epic of Son-Jara Day 2 10:30AM: Prescilla Pascua

from DQ Epic of Son-Jara Day 2 10:30AM Nov 13, 2023 3:05PM

1. Magic seems to be used when one seeks for power, revenge, and if there is
something to be fixed. For example, when Son-Jara was crippled, him and his mother
utilized magic to make him able to walk again. By using magic alone, Son-Jara was
unable to stand and walk again. In order for this magic to work, Son-Jara told his mother, "Ah,
my mother, whate'er has come twixt you and God, Go and speak to God about it now!" (Sisoko
2002, 2437). After praying to God and trying this magic ritual again, Son-Jara was able to
stand and learn to walk. However, the consequences meant that this would cause more
problems between him and his half-brother, which it did. Although Son-Jara was attempting to
make peace with his half-blood family, they continued to see him and his mother as rivals,
even more so now that he was able to walk. As a result, the mother of King Dankaran Tuman
expressed to Son-Jara that he should, "Go and seek a place to die" (Sisoko 2002, 2442).
Since many people that Son-Jara and his mother went to seek refuge in knew about the rival,
they were constantly rejected. This shows that magic, though it may be beneficial in achieving
power or save someone's health, has its consequences. Regardless of magic being used for
selfish reasons or not, we can see that there is always a negative consequence that follows.
2. Someone with disadvantage overcomes their disadvantage through revenge. In the case of
Konde and Berete wives, we can see that the Berete woman was at disadvantage since her
son was pronounced as the second-born son. Because of this, "The Berete woman, She
summoned to her a holy-man, Charging him to pray to God, So Son-Jara would not walk"
(Sisoko 2002, 2433). However, the revenge always comes back to the person who wished
something bad onto the person they envy. As Son-Jara grew older, his mother prayed and
after the Wizard, "... took the staff, And put his right hand o'er his left, And upwards drew
himself, And upwards drew himself. Magan Konate rose up!" (Sisoko 2002, 2437). As much as
the Bererte woman envied the fact that Son-Jara was named the first-born, her curse that she
wished unto him was short-lived, and he was still named to be powerful. Essentially, one could
find ways to impose "bad luck" onto those they envy, but they must face the consequences of
bad things happening to them later on. To extend further on what one does when they are at a
disadvantage, let's take Dankaran Tuman and Son-Jara's dog example. Dankaran Tuman had
a spotted dog that was after Son-Jara, again another "bad luck" act that is done out of
jealousy. Because of the malicious intent behind the dog threat, Son-Jara had a dog of his own
that attacked his brother's. Furthermore, it is said later in Episode 5 that, "If you kill your own
vicious dog... another man's will surely bite you" (Sisoko 2002, 2446). So, if one has a
disadvantage due to their place in society, they will likely seek for revenge in order to place
themselves in a higher position, However, because of the malicious intent behind their actions,
they should expect their actions to be done unto them as well.
DQ: If Son-Jara wasn't named the first born, do you think there would still be conflict between
the Berete and Konde wives? 1/1

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