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const fs = require('fs').

const RSS = require('rss');
const moment = require('moment');
const _ = require('lodash');

const { GENERATED_FILES_PATHS } = require('../../constants/paths');

const { getModel } = require('$models/helpers');

const ImageService = require('../ImageService');

class RSSFeedsService {
constructor(site, options = {}) {
const { baseTargetPath, ttl } = {
ttl: 30,

if (!site) {
throw new Error('RSSFeedsService: Missing site');

if (!site.config) {
throw new Error('RSSFeedsService: Missing site config');

if (!site.config.options) {
throw new Error('RSSFeedsService: Missing site options');
} = site;
this.siteId = site._id;
this.domain = site.domain;
this.siteOptions = site.config.options;
this.rootDirectory = baseTargetPath;
this.targetPath = `${baseTargetPath}/${site._id}.xml`;
this.rssConfiguration = {
isActive: false,
managingEditor: this.siteOptions.siteTitle,
copyright: `${this.siteOptions?.siteTitle}. L’utilisation des flux RSS du
site ${this.domain} est réservée à un usage strictement personnel, non
professionnel et non collectif. Toute autre exploitation doit faire l’objet d’une
autorisation. Contact : ${this.siteOptions?.contactEmail}`,
categories: [],
contentTypes: [],
...(site.config.rssConfiguration || {}),

this.contents = [];

this.feed = new RSS({

title: this.siteOptions.siteTitle,
description: this.siteOptions.siteDescription,
generator: 'Plateforme UFullVideo',
feed_url: `https://${site.domain}/rss`,
site_url: `https://${site.domain}`,
image_url: this.siteOptions.favicon
? ImageService.getUrl(, this.siteOptions.favicon.file)
: null,
managingEditor: this.rssConfiguration.managingEditor,
webMaster: 'Magasin Numérique',
copyright: this.rssConfiguration.copyright,
language: 'fr',
categories: this.rssConfiguration.categories,
ttl: ttl,
pubDate: moment(),

async generate() {
if (!this.rssConfiguration.isActive) return;

try {
await fs.access(this.rootDirectory);
} catch (e) {
await fs.mkdir(this.rootDirectory, { recursive: true });

let contents = [];

for (const modelId of this.rssConfiguration.contentTypes) {

const Model = getModel(modelId)(this.siteId);
contents = [
...(await Model.find()
.sort({ publishStartTs: -1 })

contents = _.orderBy(
['publishStartTs', 'createTs'],
['desc', 'desc']
).slice(0, 20);

for (const content of contents) {

await this.#generateContentRSSFeedsItem(content);

await this.#writeRSSFeedsFile();

`RSS feed for ${this.siteId} written at path : ${this.targetPath}`

async #generateContentRSSFeedsItem(content) {
const { label, publishStartTs, image } = content;

const path = await content.getFrontendFullPath();

const categoryLabels = content.getCategories(), 'label');

const authorsLabel = content.getAuthors

? content.getAuthors(), 'label').join(', ')
: '';

title: label,
description: content.getDescriptionFormattedHtml
? content.getDescriptionFormattedHtml({ forHeading: true })
: content.description?.html,
url: `${}${path}?utm_medium=rss`,
guid: content._id,
categories: categoryLabels,
author: authorsLabel,
date: moment.unix(publishStartTs),
enclosure: image
? { url: ImageService.getUrl(, image.file) }
: null,

async #writeRSSFeedsFile() {
try {
await fs.writeFile(this.targetPath, this.feed.xml());

`RSS feeds written for ${this.siteId} at path : ${this.targetPath}`

return true;
} catch (err) {

module.exports = RSSFeedsService;

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