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My name is Ratchet I’m studying at the university of Bismarck in USA ,but I’m an
African, a Tanzanian to be more specific and I got a scholarship to study in this
university ,I’m an Otaku I got really addicted with the Japanese anime and all
that ,the life would be good and amazing if there wasn’t a problem of being bullied
every single day by almost every one , but there is one guy I just can’t stand

JOSH: Hey Ratchet ,you little punk get over here

And that’s Josh one of the biggest bullies in the campus ,well I would go if he
wouldn’t beat me up ,but he would do so anyway even if I go with out a fight so I
choose to run instead and that’s basically has become my common choice after
some time.

[Ratchet looks at him and start to run]

JOSH: hey, hey where Are you running to get over here .

[he chases him]

RATCHET: Ok , here we go again, the same route ,he will catch me hiding in the
toilet and then he is going to stuff my head in the toilet ,wait a sec the Lab might
be a good place to hide .

{he changes course and head for the lab}]

ANGEL :Hey Ratchet where you off to in a hurry .

RATCHET: Sorry can’t talk right now gotta run .

{She then sees Ratchet fading away and sees Josh coming in fast heading for the
direction Ratchet went}

<mean while in the lab an experiment is being conducted>

PASCAL: So as we can see and I have also as I have explained, this machine
hypothetically shows the future, so I just ,turn it on and we can see, _ _ _ _

As the Machine turns on Ratchet came in real fast and without knowing he
found him self in the experiment area and heading for the experiment right before
he crashes he grabs on to one of the machine posts ,and it comes off with a
device ,as he crashes in to the machine he vanishes with out leaving a trace ,in a
vacuum space Ratchet looses consciousness and it blacks out .

In a forest Ratchet lies down on the ground and opens his eyes .

RATCHET: Aghh!! that hurts like big times .

[as he looks around ]

RATCHET :Where am I ,wasn’t I in the lab a few seconds ago ,where did all these
trees come from .

A gadget stuck on his hand writes Africa Tanganyika

RATCHET: Say what now !!!!!

<Back at the lab>

JOSH: Where in the heck did that little punk go to .

PASCAL: I have no idea and I cant tell if he went back in time or he just died , but
he couldn’t have gone back in time that is not what the machine is supposed to do .

JOSH: yeah you are all crazy , I gotta find that brat so I’m leaving ,what a waste of
my time .

MR KELVIN: Well I think he has disintegrated[he whispers into Pascals ear]isn’t that
one of the side effects of this machine if one gets too close or am I mistaken .

PASCAL: Yes that must be it because I had already done some experiments with
that with some things I had in the lab .

MR KELVIN:I think it will be better if no one knows what happened here .

[as they have this conversation Angel comes into contact with the machine too and
then vanishing too with out a trace ]

MR KELVIN: Looks like we just lost another one of the students .

PASCAL: that’s a huge risk we should deal with it .

MR KELVIN: Yes that would be a god idea but first I think you should turn it off
before we loose even more of my students .

PASCAL :Yes that’s a good idea .

<mean while >

RATCHET: Ok according to this it says I’m in Africa ,like seriously do you expect me
to believe this ,ok so this is a dream I will wake up after some few minutes ,yeah so
for the mean time let me enjoy this beautiful environment .

He then moves around the area looking for fruits and seeing a lot of great
scenery as he passes water falls great huge rocks and tall trees and a lot of wild
animals in the forest , as he walks he comes in contact with a near tribe that were
living in the woods ,they wore short skirts made from tree barks and the men wore
short pants also from bark trees he looks at them at a safe distance away from
them .

RATCHET: This dream just got really complicated and fast ,well I think the only safe
way to wake up alive is to go away slowly before these people notice me .

[ As he woke up started to move back an arrow passed his chick and scratched
him ]

RATCHET: oww!! that hurt and I’m still not awake, it hurt and im still not awake I
don’t think this is a dream any more ,

[ Arrows and spears started coming at him at a high number ]

RATCHET: I think if I stay here things are going to get ugly ,I better run .

[ He starts to run as fast as he can jumping off the trees swinging on the
vines and sliding on the ground so fast ]

OKALA: How is he moving so fast in our woods ,he must be captured .

RATCHET: thanks to my training in the dojo and some ninjutsu this is a piece of
cake they wont be able to catch me now ,haha!hahahaha!!!!

{as he turns around to look at his pursuer he trips and falls down to the ground }

RATCHET: aghh that hurt, shit its all over for me .

{ As he wakes up he finds him self surrounded by the natives in the trees and
on the ground }

OKALA: Adaba lakini kame laukana namiki labaini ama [as he circles Ratchet]

OKALA: Aliana kala kame koitaki kahuna duiami[points at RATCHET]

RATCHET: Why do I get the feeling this is going to turn out bad for me .

{Ratchet is hit to the head with a hard wood and passes out }
{he then wakes up in a place not familiar with and hears a lot music played in a
language he does not comprehend }

RATCHET: what happened and where am i?

CHIEF OKAMA: Kame !kouna naimaki ,hakilia .

RATCHET: What are you saying I don’t understand ,I come in peace .

Access to local language requested , access granted acquiring language and

downloading all translations ,in printing language to nerve system ,implantation
complete ,translation complete communication is not possible .

CHIEF OKAMA: hey Okala why is he moving his head and hands like that , does he
think we don’t understand him .

OKALA: Father I cant tell ,let me ask him ,hey you visitor from another land could
you stop using your hand sings .

RATCHET: Is that so , lets see if you can understand me ,

OKALA: OK good now continue explaining your self .

RATCHET: Ok my name is Ratchet ,lets see if you understood that ,Hahahaha!

OKALA: Of course we understood Ratchet what do you take us for fools or what .

RATCHET: You understood me ,how , and I also understood you too

{he looks at the gadget on his arm }

RATCHET: I bet its this again , now you can understand me and I can understand
you , ok as I said my name is Ratchet I got lost from my home and I found myself
in your territory I ask you forgive me if I made any problems for your people .

CHIEF OKAMA: So if its that , then why do you seems like one who is not from any
tribe of this region young man even your name is mystery to us all .

RATCHET : Well to say the truth I don’t remember a lot about my self , I just found
my self in the woods ,with only my name in my memory .

OKALA: And what’s that on your hand ,

RATCHET: Ahh! this was wondering when you were going to ask about it , its just
something I found on me when I woke up {he smiles and bends his head }

OKALA: alright give us a second .

CHIEF OKALA: Son where again did you say you found this weird looking man .

OKALA: In the forest near the village .

CHIEF OKALA:I think he is saying the truth

OKALA: Father are you sure of what you are saying ?

CHIEF OKAMA: yes I’m sure he is not a liar .

OKALA: Can we trust him though father ?

CHIEF OKAMA : Yes just look at him { they look at him and he smiles at them }, he
doesn’t look like a man who has any ill will or a bad heart so im sure we can trust
him , besides if he does anything he doesn’t seem very strong so we can just
capture him if he posses a threat to us in the future ,.

OKALA:I don’t know about that he seemed very good at handling him self in the
forest although he was running from us ,but if you say so Father I shall let him be .

CHIEF OKALA : you can untie his hand now .

OKALA:{he looks at CHIEF OKAMA}

CHIEF OKAMA: Just do it son .

{ He unties Ratchets hands }

RATCHET: Thank you.

CHIEF OKAMA : Alright son I understand u and I believe you ,allow me to introduce
my self ,My name is Chief Okama and im the leader of this tribe and this one here
is my son Okala .

OKALA: Nice to meet you Ratchet .

[ A town full of trade and happy smiles with a sustainable development and a lot
of different activities all around the town ]

{Ratchet is taking a walk with the chief around the town and the chief is showing
him around}

CHIEF OKAMA: Well then you know what my son Ratchet about those in those
clothes that you are wearing.

RATCHET: I stand out too much, right? I should change them right.
CHIEF OKAMA: No, no, no, it’s just that they are really interesting and much softer
and easy to move in.

RATCHET: Well of course they are made from wool and silk.

CHIEF OKAMA: Silk and wool? What are these things you speak about my son .

RATCHET: Ohh (I guess they do not have these here )well these come from fur of a
sheep and cotton , do you have sheep here .

CHIEF OKAMA: No but I had heard the Nebukaza tribe had them .

RATCHET : Well if we want to make such clothes we will have to make contact with
these people of the Nebukaza tribe .

CHIEF OKAMA: Well that would be a problem.

RATCHET: And why is that?

OKALA: Well you see we are not in good terms with the Nebukaza tribe over the
land so trade relations is something that is not possible.

RATCHET: Why don’t you get along.

OKALA: You know for an out sider you are asking a lot of questions.

RATCHET: {Ratchet looks down out of insecurity}

CHIEF OKAMA: Okala {he looks at him}

OKALA: I’m sorry father.

CHIEF OKAMA; well you see it’s just that the current leader of their tribe does not
anyone but himself especially me so it makes it hard to establish trade relations.

RATCHET: Why does he hate you chief if you don’t mind telling me.

CHIEF OKAMA: Let me give you a story my son ,at a time we were once of two
close tribes both future leaders of our tribes ,our fathers built a great relationship
between themselves and so from that we became very close friends ,very close
friends ,we shared a lot of things and great memories. One day on our walks we
stumbled on an old artifact, my friend took that item and he treasured it every day
when we played he came with it and when I went to see him we would play with it .
One day when we were playing he lost it and I took it saying I will take it back to
him when I get the chance, well my son after some few days passed he didn’t come
,so I decided I will go to him but when I reached there I was stopped by his father’s
guards , the guard who stopped me wore a blue armor ,and from that day I never
saw him again .

RATCHET: Well that can’t be it .

CHIEF OKAMA: Son let me catch my breath.

RATCHET: Sorry about that!

KING OKAMA: Well after some time a messenger from their tribe came to me on
the day I was being crowned as the next leader of our tribe , I never knew it was
the same day he was being crowned .the message said that his tribe is declaring
enemity with my tribe ,because we stole something from their king and so that’s all
about it.

RATCHET: What could you have stolen from him.

CHIEF OKAMA: I could never know up to today I’m trying to figure that out but
whenever I ask for an audience with him they always decline so I can’t talk to him.

RATCHET: Something that you stole from him what could it be , and something that
he cherishes the most , a fast break up without any reason from child hood ,maybe
but !?

OKALA: Did you figure something out.

RATCHET: Yeah! I think it must be the artifact that you two used to play with.

OKALA: Are you sure of that?

RATCHET: Yes I’m sure, just think about it something that one had as a child hood
also the time line to make me think it’s that same object it’s the time he stopped
coming to see you it matches everything so I’m sure it is that (although that’s a
childish guy if he made decisions of his kingdom basing on a childish object but hey
it’s the only lead we got for now)

KING OKAMA: It might be because he treasured it more than anything else, it was
priceless to him.

RATCHET: In that case we would just have to return it to him and everything would
be ok again.

OKALA: If it was simple as say.

RATCHET: And why do you say that.

OKALA: Don’t you remember they prohibited us from going to their land.
RATCHET: Chief {he knees down} I ask for permission to infiltrate the Nebukaza
castle and I promise to re-establish your friendship (I also figured out that there is
no way that friends could not stop each other from seeing each other no matter
how childish the Nebukaza king is, so in that case there is someone doing all of this
in that tribe , I need to figure that too, and the only way to do that is to go the
Nebukaza castle to know the person behind it all.

CHIEF OKAMA: Are you sure you want to do this, it’s too dangerous, and you are
just a visitor.

RATCHET: Yes I know but I want to show you my gratitude for taking me in and
about the danger I can handle it.

CHIEF OKAMA: {he looks into Ratchets eyes}(he really means it and he is
determined) Well I will let you go in one condition.

RATCHET : And what might that be?

CHIEF OKAMA: Let me come with you to my friend’s kingdom.

RATCHET :( I don’t think letting him come will be a good idea coz I need to be sure
of my suspicions about the people in that tribe.)

CHIEF OKAMA: {he sees that Ratchet is things} Ratchet my son is it you think I
can’t handle myself?{he takes off his coat }.To inform you im the strongest warrior
in this entire tribe at anything .

RATCHET: I’m sure of that ,but let me go and look around the kingdom and find the
safest root for us to pass and I promise I won’t engage ,in battle with any one after
im done scouting , then I will come to get you back .

CHIEF OKAMA: Mhh! Alright my son I will let you go but allow me to give you some
company to guide you to the castle at lest outside of it .

RATCHET : That won’t be a problem chief .

CHIEF OKAMA: Alright Okala I want you to assemble a squad of four of our best
solders to accompany Ratchet in his mission.

OKALA: Yes father.

CHIEF OKAMA: you leave first thing in the morning, May the Gods be with you in
your travels my son .

RATCHET: thank you chief and I promise not to disappoint you.

[the day ends in the village , Ratchet goes to his room lied down
thinking ]

RATCHET: Man I’m tired(I just can’t believe I’m back in time I think it must be the
work of that weird machine ,well seems I have no way of going back ,besides I got
nothing there so let me stay here and live with these people besides thanks to this
gadget I can speak their language and all of them ,so I think things will work out
somehow )time to get some rest I had a long day and I have a longer one

[The morning comes and the sun rises upon the land of Kamana lighting a new
fire upon the life of Ratchet which will change the entire history of this land]

[A group of four people among them is Okala are waiting outside and then Ratchet

OKALA: Ratchet you are here, ok now this will be the team that father asked for
you to accompany you in your mission, and they are ready to move out.

RATCHET: ohh I see.

OKALA: Let me introduce you to them, this here is Kauni the fastest of all of us in
both attacking and movement, and this is Kounama he is the strongest of all of
us ,also this is Kaumi she is the best with shooting and finally me im the best with
the swords ,I’m a dual wielder .

RATCHET: (Of course the son of the chief gotta be strong) Well its nice to meet all
of you ,my name is Ratchet and im looking forward to working with you in this
mission ,lets just all get along and work to protect each other for unity is the key to
success and having a comrade back is best for all of us ( man that sounded


RATCHET: (I guess they bought ) Alright let move out .

CHIEF OKAMA:{The chief looked at them as they rode off }May the gods be with
you my children and may you return successful .

(Their journey begins as they head for the Nebukaza kingdom and they are
expected to reach there in three days .They moved in the forest at a very high
speed and the night came upon them and thus they slowed down.)

OKALA: I think we should stop here for the night .

RATCHET: Why here Okala .

OKALA: There are a lot of dangerous animals in the forest starting from here so it
would be safe to rest here.

KOUNAMA: Well you can continue if you want to die.

RATCHET: Lets camp here then .

OKALA: Ok guys lets look for food and also scout the area surrounding the camp
while at it.


(They all scattered leaving Ratchet at the camp site)

(After some time alone at the camp)

RATCHET: maybe I should have gone with them, (then they came back) ohh! you
are back .

OKALA: yeah and im sure that we are safe. And we brought a wild pig .

RATCHET: wow that’s big .

KAUNI: well that’s just a small one.

RATCHET: so you are telling me there are bigger ones.

KAUNI: yeah our land is full of wild animals providing us a lot of food.

RATCHET : Well I have never seen one this big in my entire life im sure of that

OKALA: well there are so much that you haven’t seen in that case.

RATCHET: You are not wrong about that.

(They all kept quite for some time)

RATCHET : hey guys do you know something called camp fire stories .

KAUNI: I don’t think I have ever heard of such a thing.

OKALA: so what are they Ratchet.

RATCHET: well they are stories told when people are camping out side, they can be
scary ,funny ,history and many other things .

KOUNAMA: well Ratchet since you brought it up how about you give us one of these
stories .

KAUNI: Yeah im sure you have a story to tell.

RATCHET: Well let me see, yeah I got a story it goes like this .Long ago our people
lived a good and happy life it was a simple life with an equal treatment to all , they
lived such a life with happiness , such a life was lived for a long time as well known
something good never lasts forever, then there came people from the far lands ,
they were white people they came with their large ships cutting through the waves
like nothing these people came in different clothes covering their entire bodies and
large gats on their heads, they came to us seeking for trade they brought plates
which you can see through they brought different stuff like which we had never
seen before ,due to our curiosity we took their offers and agreed to trade with them
and gave them gold silver ,diamonds , ivory and many other of our things for
their ,this trade continued on for a long time .After some time had passed they
started something like never seen before they started to make slaves out of our

KOUNAMA: Mhh!!we also have slaves you never had slaves ?

RATCHET: No, these slaves were different from the ones you have here , these
white people sold our kind among themselves like commodities ,they tortured,
humiliated their slaves they did this with some of our kings they did trade of their
people and they were given weapons of destruction which they used to destroy
them selves. The whites or other named the white demons went too far and showed
their claws by then coming and enslaving the entire civilization they came with their
false contracts and signed them with our kind and leaders of our societies and some
attacked and raided our societies and some attacked and raided our societies and
then put them under our their rule.

OKALA: Didn’t your people fight back ?

RATCHET: They did fight back but the white demons were too strong for my people
they came with their exploding yams and with their long range weapons and
slaughtered all my people ,leaving a controllable population.

KAUNI: What a tragedy , so what happened after wards ,Ratchet ?

RATCHET : They then brought upon a rule on our lands creating different things
large farms full of my people as workers and they built a lot of things such as iron
snakes ,large machines and they even created water supply systems but all of
these things were limited only to the white demons.

OKALA: Well what happened next to your people? Did they remain enslaved, is it
the reason you came here? Tell us!!

RATCHET: Well about my people that’s a story for another day, for now let us sleep,
I think it’s getting late.
KAUNI: That is a good idea I’m tired so we should all catch some sleep .

OKALA: Yes that’s true we have a long journey ahead of us.

KOUNAMA: Alight I think we all agree on that so good night .

OKALA: You too brother

RATCHET: Yeah ,see you tomorrow.

(They all sleep after some time Ratchet wakes up after some time after
hearing someone sharping a knife ,so he wakes up and finds Kaumi sitting a bit far
from the camp ,then decided to walk towards her.)

RATCHET: Hi, there you don’t mind if I sit next to you.

KAUMI: {she agrees by moving her head}

RATCHET: you don’t talk much do you?

KAUMI: Well seems so .

RATCHET: Kaumi, isn’t it ?

KAUMI: Yeah my name.

RATCHET: Okala said you are good with a bow, exactly how good are you?

KAUMI: {takes an arrow and bow and shoots a snake that was going down the tree
to where the others were sleeping}

RATCHET: Wow that’s good, so could I have a bow and two arrows.

KAUMI: { She looks at Ratchet and gives him the bow and two arrows}

RATCHET: {he takes the arrows shoots up when they landed they both landed with
two bats on each}

KAUMI: so you are an archer too.

RATCHET : Yeah but im still learning .

KAUMI: Still learning ehh !!

RATCHET: Yeah {he laughs a little}

KAUMI: Seems to me you are good.

RATCHET: Nop maybe if learn from you?

KAUMI: I don’t think I have anything to teach you but I will see if I can teach you

RATCHET: im sure you have a lot to teach me .

KAUMI: If you say so.

RATCHET: So Kaumi how did you come to become a warrior , aren’t women
restricted to become warriors?

KAUMI: Well we are but to me its different you see my father was a general ,and so
before he died he asked the king for his protection on me and so the only thing the
king saw to ensure my safety is to put me in the army, it’s a weird choice right ,
but I joined the army and I was the only girl there so I was undermined by the
other and discriminated ,so to deal with all of this I decided to become the best at
what I do and for me that was using a bow and so I trained and became the
best ,then they took me to the royal army but still they did not want me there too
so I decided the only way to deal with all of this is to become the best in the royal
army too and then get promoted to the special forces of our tribe and so I was
promoted and there I was accepted and that’s where I am up to now.

RATCHET: wow my story aint that much different from yours.

KAUMI: Are you a girl to be discriminated by others?

RATCHET: No! its just the matter of color .

KAUMI: Color ? what do you mean ?

RATCHET: uhhm! You see _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[Suddenly Okala wake up and looks at the snake on the tree]

OKALA: (seems Kouma has been busy) ohh Ratchet you are awake.

RATCHET: That’s great, and Kaumi thanks for that.

KAUMI: No worries just all in a days work.

OKALA: So listen we should move out the sun is almost up.

RATCHET: Okay lets get a move on.

OKALA: Alright guys wake up its time to get a move on.

KAUNI: AGHH! Come on is it time already.

KOUNAMA: Just get up man ,we still have some land to cover ahead of us.
KAUNI: haagh! Ok fine.

[ they all ride on their horses and continue heading towards the Nebukaza

RATCHET: Hey Okala how is the Nebukaza village and its people .

OKALA: Well lets just say they are savages to one that is not theirs, but on other
matters I don’t know much about them since we never had that much contact with
their people.

KAUMI: when captured will torture you and after wards your corpses will be feed to
their beasts, with large craws to tear fresh with and a lot of fur to prove their
superiority on their necks.

RATCHET: Do you mean a lion.

KAUMI: I think that’s it.

RATCHET: Have you ever been there before.

KOUMA: Yeah I have I went there once to learn their trade and culture the king
sent me on an undercover mission since there is not too much contact with the
army nor the king so it wasn’t a hard mission.

RATCHET: So u know their language.

KOUMA: yeah its necessary for a member of the special forces to know different
languages for missions such as that one.

RATCHET: Ohh ok so what’s the security on the castle.

KOUMA: It’s a little tough to pass through and before we get there what are we
going to do there?

RATCHET: Well you are just escorting me there, im going to infiltrate the castle I
have some business to do in the castle sent by the chief.

KOUMA: Are you sure you can do it?

RATCHET: Yeah im sure I can do it , I volunteered for this mission ,and I can do it o
no worries.

KOUMA: Ohh ok , but I will cover you , and have your back ,and help you in any
way I can .

RATCHET: I feel much safer now , thanks.

KAUNI: When did those two get so close?

KOUNAMA: Im just surprised as you man.

KAUNI: You think they are hitting it off?

KOUNAMA: Who can say!

OKALA: Come on guys faster.

[Their travel went on and another day passed and as the sun set on the third day
they entered the Nebukaza land, the land was full of green and there was great
flowers that smelled well.

RATCHET: (if you look at this you would not believe if the people who live here are
such savages as they say)

[soon after that they reached the village of Nebukaza ]

OKALA: Alright we are here.

RATCHET: So this is the Nebukaza village surrounding it is a big wall ,I can get in

KAUNI: Is that so.


OKALA: That’s good to hear .

RATCHET: Ok lets get away from here before the scouts see us we will come back
at night on foot.

[They went back to the forest with the horses]

[The sun set and the night come upon the land, and they came back to the village

RATCHET : Alright guys im going in, be right back.

[he jumps and lands up the wall and as he landed he took down two guards, he
then goes and jumps on one of the buildings of the castle, he enters the castle via
one of the windows and he sees a big corridor and walks along it. Moving forward
he sees some guards and hides in one of the rooms, as he looks at the room he
sees a lot of documents written on leafs and books made of tree , he sees a map on
a wall showing all the lands around the Nebukaza tribe being under their rule
including the Kamana land .
RATCHET : Huh! if I had to guess this is the plan of the future, they plan to control
all these lands including the Kamana land ,if they are not stopped this is going to be
bad there is going to be a war and there is going to be a lot of casualties on both
sides I gotta do something {he takes a copy of the map on the table and hides it
under the bed}

[Ratchet continues with his spying and got out of the room going into the room
going into he gets to certain place he sees two women and one solders talking to
each other but he couldn’t hear them.]

RATCHET: If only I could hear them

[The gadget amplifies the voice of the two people and then Ratchet starts to
listen in in their conversation]

RATCHET: Good could you record them too .

QUEEN NEBUEZA: Are the plans going as planed

SOILDER: Yes madam most of the army guards have agreed to your proposal ,My

PRINCESS: Alright, has the king asked about the king of the other villages.

SOILDER: No my princess.

PRINCESS: That’s good.

SOILDER: He still believes the fake letter you sent to him.

PRINCESS: Good let him believe he was betrayed , this will assure our success in
ruling all of the lands around us.

QUEEN NEBUEZA: you can go now.

SOUILDER: Yes my queen.

[he leaves the queen and the princess ]

QUEEN NEBUEZA: My daughter that Idea that you gave me was great.

PRINCESS: Well of course I saw that if these two kept on getting closer it would be
the end of our tribe mother.

QUEEN NEBUEZA: And we cant allow that to happen can we, and with tis plan it is
good your brother wont ever suspect everything he has done up to now was our
PRINCESS: Yes mother.

QUEEN NEBUEZA: Now then let us go and see your brother

[ they went to the throne room to see the throne room and Ratchet followed
them ]

RATCHET: So that’s the king, seems like a wise man, I think my work here is done.

[ Ratchet goes back to the wall as he was trying to get out one guard was
coming here he was and so Kaumi shoots him down and knocks him out , Ratchet
rejoins the others]

RATCHET: Thanks Kaumi.

KAUMI: Any time, besides I told you I got your back.

RATCHET: Alright guys im done lets go our job here is done.

[ they went back to the forest and started heading back right away , due to
their early departure and their rush they did not take much time in two days they
were able to reach the village in two days]

[ As soon as they returned they went to the king bowing down to him ]

RATCHET: Chief we are back from our assigned quest in the Nebukaza lands.

CHIEF OKAMA: You are back so I take it , the mission was a success so whats the
feedback of your quest.

RATCHET: I saw the king of the Nebukaza tribe he is fine and doing well.

CHIEF OKAMA: That’s good to hear.

RATCHET: But I see the need for you to meet in person at any cost for the safety of
the entire Kamana tribe.

CHIEF OKAMA: Why do you say that.

RATCHET: I have reasons to believe that they are preparing to raid and take this
village under their rule.

CHIEF OKAMA: Is that so, so are you sure if we meet they wont attempt to raid the

OKALA: What are you saying? if this is true we should be preparing for war.


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