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Paras School Of Holistic Learning

For class Pre- Nursery to 10th | CBSE Curriculum |With Day Care & Hostel Facilities

Name:______________________________ Class: _____ Roll no. _____ Adm no. _______

Invigilator's Sign: _____________________ Examiner's Sign: ________________

1. Fill in the Blanks by using given options:- 2X5=10 Marks

(i)Neerja Bhanot was born in __
(a) Chandigarh. (b) Delhi (c) Ranchi
(ii) Neerja Bhanot was born in___
(a) 1963. (b) 1973. (c) 1983
(iii) Florence Nightingale was born in
(a) 1820 (b) 1830 (c)1840
(iv) The Man He Killed is written by ___
(a) Thomas Hardy (b) Mary Dow Brine (c) Kalpana Chawla
(v) Ben Carson was a___
(a) Doctor (b) Actor (c) Dancer
2 Answer the following questions: 5X5=25 Marks
(i) Who is Ben and what has made him famous in in the world?
(ii) For what situation is the poet describing in the poem?
(iii)Who was Florence Nightingale?
(iv) When and where was Neerja Bhanot born?
(v) What type of thinking did people have for girls at that time?
3. Give the meaning of the following words: 10X1=10 Marks
(i) Nipper Kin (ii) Infantry (iii) Miserable (iv) Eventually (v) Distress
(vi) Hijack (vi) Dump (viii) Inspire (ix) Tribute (x) Annihilated

4 Tick ( ) the correct option. 5 Marks
(i) Where was the plane Hijacked?
(a) Mumbai (b) Karachi (c) Kandhar
(ii) How many passengers were there on the plane?
(a) 460 (b) 360 (c) 800
(iii)Ben did the surgery to separate conjoined twins in
(a)1970 (b) 1960 (c) 1980
(iv) The Crimean War happened in the year
(a) 1854-56 (b) 1876-78 (c) 1876-78
(v) Where would they meet and sit together
(a) Old shop (b) Old Inn (c) Old House
5. Change the following sentences into passive forms:- 5×1=5 Marks
(i) They play cricket (ii) We are teaching English (iii) I shall play cricket.
(iv) I Played football. (v) He reads a book.
6. Translate into English: 5x1=5 Marks
(i) हमलोग क्रिके ट खेलते है।
(ii)तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
(iii)मैं धुमने जा रहा हूँ।
(iii) सप्ताह में सात दिन होता है।
(v) आकाश मे तारे हैं।
7. Write an Application to your principal for two days' leave. 10 Marks
8.Write the defination of Adjective and Adverb. 10 Marks

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