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“I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart” (Ps.


Beloved, is your delight to do the will of God? Or is it still foremost in

your heart to do your own will? God moves for those who are wholly
devoted to Him. He does not move when there is idolatry, a devotion to
someone or something save Him alone. If your marriage is still first, if
your thoughts about your husband supersede your thoughts of the Lord,
then He is not first; therefore, your delight will not be to do His will, but

Beloved, how will you right this situation? By writing His Word, His laws,
His love within your heart. Oh, the wonders of His laws! How they are
food for the soul and the mind. How they help us identify secret sins of
the heart. How they guide us. How they comfort us. Oh, the beauty
found in His most glorious law!

Beloved, once this law has been written on the parchment of your heart,
then His will will become your will. Then your delight will be all the
blessings He has for you. No longer will you seek what is not for your
good, but you will yearn for the abundant life that He has planned for
you, in proper order with Him as the center of your being.


Read how God is blessing and

answering the prayers of
others to strengthen
YOUR faith in GOD!

Submitted by: Heila in South Africa; I’m currently taking the RYM

This Praise Report is about the restoration of my relationship with God.

I made Jesus my Saviour 4 months ago and every day I draw closer to
Him and He is now my Lord, Husband and First Love. Before then I did
not even read my Bible so the Word of God is like a treasure to me full
of beautiful promises and life lessons.

About 2 weeks ago I started feeling down all the time. It felt like God is
so far away. As I am in the Word every day and read the Psalms I know
that some of the Psalms talk about how God is/feels far away. So I
knew that by talking to Him and reading His word and just waiting
quietly for the salvation of the Lord I will be able to resist the emotional
attacks. Last Saturday (I was crying the whole weekend) I kept waking
up in the night with Matthew 7:7 in my head. I had no idea what
Matthew 7:7 said as I do not always know what the references of the
bible verses. Sunday morning I checked what the verse says and I
thanked my God for showing me that all I had to do is continue
knocking. My finances are a disaster because I made a lot of bad
decisions that now has me paying back a lot of debt. If it was not for
these bad mistakes I would not have a finance crisis and I also feel that
my marriage falling apart is because I was not the wife I was supposed
to be. I realized that I asked God to help me but I do not feel that I
deserved to be helped because I have to live with the consequences of
the decisions I made. God gave me such a wonderful message to tell me
that this is not the case because I gave myself over to Him and my
punishment (which in my case is more self punishment) will end.

Our court date was set for this friday and I told God last week that I
would not want the divorce to go through but if it does I know He has a
purpose. Last wednesday my husband told me that due to a delay at
the family court the date cannot be Friday. Isn't God great. My prayer is
still the same. Just like the 3 boys said to the king in Daniel, I feel that
even if my God does not deliver me from this divorce I still will not give
into the enemy and fall apart. On my own keeping the house in shape
while working full time is a big job and the swimming pool is leaking
water at one of the units. This morning I asked God to please give me
wisdom to fix the pool or send someone my way to help me.

My husband phoned this morning asking because of the cold if he can

visit the children at our home instead of taking them away. I agreed and
was wondering how I am going to fill the 2 hours he wanted me to be
away from home. I did not have money to spend as God is teaching to
work wiser with my money. I had to fetch my RYM books to donate to
libraries from the post office (Praise God!) and had to buy some
essentials. Not enough to pass the time but I thought even if I had to go
sit in a park it will be okay. I went to post office and while I was there I
got a phone call from my father-in-law. He was wondering if my pool
was still leaking and when I told him yes, he said he would look at it for
me and replace the seals but my mother-in-law also wants to have a
word. She wants to know if I am at home because she bought me butter
on special and would like to bring it over. I told her I am in the post
office and her son was at home with kids. She said in that case why
don't I come and fetch the butter and have coffee there. Thank You
Father! What may seem like something inconsequential to someone is
answered prayers for me. Showing me that God even takes care of all
the little things so why would He not take care of my bills that I could
not pay this month.

As I was driving I was asking God for a quiet and gentle spirit and I
started laughing telling God that I do not even know what a quiet and
gentle spirit is. I grew up in a large family and everyone is loud and talks
a lot. Being the youngest I had to be loud to be heard (or so I thought).
This afternoon I was sitting fixing my torn curtain (something I would
never have done because buying a new one is easier) as I could not
afford a new one. I was listening to praise music and my two lovely
children were playing around the house. I felt so at peace and so
content and at that moment God showed me what a quiet and gentle
spirit looked like. Someone content, not fighting for attention. Thank
you God. I love You so much. Thank You for using our circumstances to
mould us into a person that will be precious in Your eyes. I love You with
all my heart. I know You are going to restore my marriage but I thank
You for starting with me.

~Heila in South Africa

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