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406 Nature Vol.

297 3 June 1982

Third, growth cones in the periphery are not simply guided progeny from two different classes of neuronal precursors-the
by passive mechanisms. Active guidance mechanisms are sug- midline precursors and neuroblasts 12 ' 15 • Thus, there is no
gested because certain growth cones are confronted with several specialized class of precursor cell which gives rise to cells having
possible choices and make cell-specific decisions of which way the unique role of establishing axonal pathways throughout the
to go. For example, the lE growth cones extend along the grasshopper embryo. Rather, neurones of diverse ectodermal
epithelium until they near the 4B cell bodies. Rather than climb origin appear early in embryogenesis and pioneer pathways
onto the B pathway, they make a turn and grow along a tendon when the distances are short and the terrain relatively simple.
to the 1D cells, thus completing the E pathway. In a similar This finding shifts the emphasis away from the special role
way, early motoneurone growth cones are confronted with the played by 'pioneers', and focuses our attention on the questions
B and C pathways, yet choose to grow laterally and pioneer of what cell-to-cell interactions and substrate features guide
a new D pathway. The finding of specific choices made by the first peripheral growth cones. These questions can be
growth cones in the periphery is similar to the divergent answered by manipulating the pioneer neurones, landmark
and specific choices made by identified growth cones in the cells, and ectodermal epithelium in grasshopper embryo cul-
CNS 11 - 14. tures. In this way, we hope to establish by what mechanisms
Finally, we must re-evaluate the concept of 'pioneer these 'pioneering' growth cones are guided across short
neurones'. Bate and Goodman have shown that other distances of axon-less territory.
peripheral nerves (such as the intersegmental nerve and the We thank Susannah Chang for the 1-5 antibody and Paul
median nerve) are pioneered by motoneurone growth cones Taghert and Michael Bastiani for the anti-LY antibody. This
from neuroblast progeny in the CNS (manuscript in prep- work was supported by grants from the McKnight Foundation,
aration). Furthermore, pathways in the CNS are pioneered by NSF, and Sloan Foundation to C.S.G.
Received 30 November 1981; accepted 2 April 1982. 8. Goodman. C. S., O'Shea, M., McCaman, R. E. & Spitzer. N. C. Science 204, 1219-1222
1. Harrison, R. G. J. exp. Zoo/. 9, 787-846 (1910). 9. Stewart. W.W. Cell 14, 741-759 (1978).
2. Bate, C. M. Nature 21141, 54-56 (1976). 10. Taghert, P., Bastiani, M., Ho, R. K. & Goodman, C. S. Cell (submitted).
3. Keshishian, H. Devi Biol. 80, 388-397 (1980). 11. Raper, J. A. & Goodman, C. S. Soc. Neurosci. 7,347 (1981).
4. Keshishian, H. & Bentley, D. Soc. Neurosci. 7, 347 (1981). 12. Goodman, C. S., Raper, J. A., Ho, R. & Chang, S. 40th Symp. Soc. dev. Biol. (in the press).
5. Chang, S., Ho, R., Raper, J. A. & Goodman, C. S. Soc. Neurosci. 7,347 (1981). 13. Raper, J. A., Bastiani, M. & Goodman, C. S. J. Nturosci. (in the press).
6. Ho, R., Chang, S. & Goodman. C. S. Soc. Neurosci. 7, 348 (1981). 14. Raper, J. A., Bastiani, M. & Goodman, C. S. J. Neurosci. (in the press).
7. Goodman. C. S. & Spitzer, N. C. Nature 280, 208-214 (1979). 15. Bate, C. M. & Grunewald, E. B. J. Embryo/. Exp. Morphol. 61, 317-330 (1981).

Electrophysiology of interna. The techniques for sectioning and maintenance of the

slice have been described elsewhere 2 • Intracellular recordings
mammalian thalamic neurones in vitro were made using potassium citrate-filled micropipettes having
a d.c. resistance of 50-90 Mn. Cells were activated either
RodoUo Llimis & Henrik Jahnsen antidromically or synaptically by means of bipolar stimulating
Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
electrodes located on the midline region of the thalamic mass
New York University Medical Center, (see arrow in Fig. lA) or directly through the microelectrode
550 First Avenue, New York, New York 10016, USA using a bridge amplifier. Neurones were identified by their
antidromic and synaptic activation, and their thalamic site was
determined by direct observation. Although single somata were
Although much is known about the morphology and physiology often not visible, the exact outline of the groups of nuclei could
of thalamic neurones1, no information is available regarding be easily determined (see Fig. lA). Intracellular recordings
the ionic basis for the electrical excitabHity of these cells. from these neurones indicated that they could survive well for
Furthermore, possible differences in the electrical properties >8 h after the slicing procedure. The stimulus amplitude
of the principal nerve cells in the various thalamic groups have required for the antidromic activation of these cells (Fig. lB)
not been studied in sufficient detail to determine whether the was often lower than that for the activation of synaptic inputs
thalamus is, electrophysiologically, a unUorm set of neuronal (Figs lC, 2£, F). Considering the thickness of the slices, we
elements. Here we present evidence that thalamic neurones suspect that only monosynaptic connectivity can be reliably
have voltage-sensitive ionic conductances capable of generating studied in this material.
two distinct functional states-a repetitive and a burst-firing The electrical properties of the cells were examined by direct
mode. The neurones are switched from one state to the other stimulation via the recording electrode. As shown in Fig. 2A,
by membrane potential changes, each state being dominated thalamic cells may be characterized by two distinct types of
by different voltage-dependent ionic conductances. At mem- electrical response. When the resting potential was more posi-
brane potentials more positive than -60 mV, the neurones tive than -60 mV, thalamic neurones fired repetitively at
respond to a depolarization with repetitive firing via Na+ - increasing frequencies with increasing amplitude of direct
dependent action potentials, whereas at potentials more nega- depolarization. A plot of the instantaneous adapted firing
tive than -65 mV, depolarization of the cell results in short frequency, / (1 s pulse duration) against current injection (J)
bursts of action potentials via an inactivating all-or-none Ca2 + - is shown in Fig. 2C, which illustrates the graded nature of the
dependent spike. This property, present in all the neurones repetitive firing properties of these cells. However, in contrast
comprising the different thalamic nuclei, serves as the basis for to other central neurones 3 , no primary firing range was obser-
their oscillatory properties. Particularly, the inactivating Ca2 • ved: rather, the neurones fired with a typical minimal frequency
conductance represents the ionic basis for the post-anodal of -10 impulses s- 1 and reached firing frequencies of
exaltation, the mechanism most probably responsible for the 165 impulsess- 1 • At this membrane potential level, we obser-
alpha rhythm. ved no after-depolarization comparable to that seen in
The study was performed on 400-µ,m-thick thalamic slices motoneurones4, and Purkinje2, inferior olivary5 and hippocam-
obtained by coronal section of guinea pig brain using a pal6 cells in vitro. On the other hand, when the cells had resting
vibratome cutting device (Oxford 0501 Vibratome). Typically, potentials more negative than -60 mV, or were hyperpolarized
six sections included most of the thalamus. The sections were by direct inward current injections, rather than the continuous
placed in a special lucite chamber under a flowing mammalian firing, a single burst of action potentials was observed after a
Ringer's solution 2 • Electrophysiological analysis was perfor- step depolarization (see Fig. 2A, B). The lower record in Fig.
med, under direct microscopic observation, on neurones of the 2A demonstrates a passive membrane depolarization produced
anterior, medial and lateral thalamic nuclear groups, including by a square current pulse that is subthreshold for spike initi-
the lateral geniculate nucleus and neurones in the lamina ation. When, as shown in the upper record in Fig. 2A, the same

0028-0836/82/220406-03$01.00 © 1982 Macmillan Journals Ltd

Nature Vol. 297 3 June 1982 407
Fig. 1 Neuronal localization in A B C
thalamic nuclei. A, photomicro-
graph of diencephalic slice (right)
and diagram illustrating the loca-
tion of thalamic nuclei (left). EL,
external medullary lamina; HN,
habenular nucleus; LG, late~al
geniculate nuclei; LN, lateral
nucleus; PN, parafascicular /2omv
nucleus; VN, ventral thalamic
nucleus; V, third ventricle. Arrow
indicates the location of the bipolar
stimulating electrode. B, anti-
dromic invasion of VN cell after midline stimulation. C, synaptic activation from the same locus after increase in stimulus strength. The
voltage and time calibration are indicated.
current pulse was superimposed on a d.c. depolarization, the the amplitude of this response. With larger hyperpolarizations
cell fired repetitively. This is expected if the sum of the two the slow component reached the threshold for fast spike activa-
depolarizations reaches the firing level of the cell. However, tion. Note that the hyperpolarization had a slow recovery time
when the membrane potential was hyperpolarized from rest, suggesting the presence of an 'early Na conductance'. The
another type of electroresponsiveness was observed. Indeed, increased excitability that occurred with hyperpolarization was
the excitability of the cell was increased by membrane hyper- also demonstrated after synaptic activation. Figure 2E shows
polarization. Thus, single burst responses having an abrupt that smoothly graded excitatory synaptic potentials which
onset and a smooth falling phase were obtained by current reached the firing level were obtained in a thalamic neurone
pulses as in Fig. 2A when the cell was previously hyperpolarized having a resting potential of -60 mV after midline thalamic
by 7 mV (Fig. 2B). Note the marked difference between the stimulation of increasing amplitude. When the neurone was
firing level for the tonic firing (arrow in Fig. 2A) and that of hyperpolarized by 15 mV (Fig. 2F), the same synaptic activation
the burst response (arrow in Fig. 2B). The burst response had generated all-or-none slow depolarization, which in turn acti-
two distinct components: (1) a slowly rising all-or-none vated fast spikes. Note once again the different firing levels for
depolarization, the amplitude of which is directly related to the the activation of the slow response and the fast action potentials.
level of membrane hyperpolarization; and (2) one or more fast These two modes of electroresponsiveness were found to
spikes activated from the slow depolarization. have different ionic mechanisms as demonstrated by the addi-
Such a burst was also observed as a rebound response at the tion of specific ionic channel blockers to the bathing solution.
break of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 2D). In these The fast action potentials, which seem to arise from the soma
conditions the two components could be easily separated. In and axon areas (judging from the extracellular negativity they
fact, with low-amplitude hyperpolarizing pulses only the slow generate) can be blocked by tetrodotoxin (TIX) indicating that
component was observed, emphasizing the graded nature of they are sodium-dependent8 • As shown in Fig. 2G, a step
Fig, 2 Electrophysiological and
pharmacological properties of
thalamic neurones. A, a subthresh-
JOO •••
old depolarization of the cell at
resting level (broken line) pro-
duces, after a d.c. depolarization,
repetitive firing of the cell during
the same current pulse. B, after •
d.c. hyperpolarization, similar cur- •
rent pulses as in A produce a single
high frequency spike burst. C, plot ••
of the instantaneous adapted ~ •
frequency (/) of the repetitive -1-------------- ' ~ j0.5nA
firing of the cells as seen in A for
different levels of current injection 50ms 0.5 1.0
(/). D, rebound burst response I (nA)
after hyperpolarizing pulses of
different amplitudes. E, in another
cell, excitatory synaptic potentials
obtained from rest show their
graded character and the firing
level of the neurone. F, synaptic
potentials of similar amplitude as
in E produce, following hyper- ____________ j20mv
polarization, long-lasting all-or-
none responses on which fast
spikes are generated at the same 20ms
firing level as in E. G, slow all-or- G H I
none response generating fast
spike, from a cell slightly hyper- TTX TTX+Co 2 +
polarized from rest potential. H,
after blockage of Na+ conductance
with TIX, the fast action potential
is blocked but the slow response
remains unchanged. I, addition of ltomv
CoC1 2 to the bathing solution
abolishes completely the slow
response seen in H, even when the 20ms
current pulse is increased in ampli-
tude by 2.5 times.

© 1982 Nature Publishing Group

408 Nature Vol. 297 3 June 1982

depolarization from a holding level of -65 m V produced a large potential was gradually decreased by a slow ramp depolarizing
all-or-none depolarization and a secondary fast spike. Addition current, the response to the pulse changed from the burst mode
of TIX to the bath at 1 µg mi- 1 completely blocked the fast to tonic firing. In this case the bursts had a duration of 30-
action potential, leaving the underlying all-or-none slow 130 ms, and generated a set of fast action potentials at a
depolarization unaltered (Fig. 2H). By contrast, addition of frequency of 150-320 impulses s-1, depending on the level of
Ca2 +-conductance blockers such as CoCh (ref. 9) or CdCh (ref. membrane hyperpolarization. As the membrane was slowly
10) to the bathing solution at a concentration of 1 mM, or depolarized, the test pulses produced, rather than the burst, a
substitution of MnCh (3.5 mM) for CaCb, abolished this all-or- continuous repetitive spiking for the duration of the pulse
none response (Fig. 2/). These results indicate that the slow (compare b and c in Fig. 3B). The frequency of this repetitive
spike is generated by a voltage-dependent change. in Ca 2 + firing was related to the total level of depolarization as indicated
conductance 1 1. Furthermore, the nature of this response is in the f-1 plot in Fig. 2C.
similar to the low-threshold Ca2 +-dependent spikes described The mechanism for the switching between these two excitabil-
in the inferior olive 5 •12 • ity states was clarified by further studying the properties of the
A more detailed study of the switching between a Ca 2 +- Ca 2 +-dependent electroresponsiveness. As shown in Fig. 2D,
dominated and a Na+ -dominated electroresponsiveness the amplitude and the rate of rise of this Ca 2 +-dependent
revealed that this change occurs in almost an all-or-none man- response varies with membrane potential in a very steep man-
ner. Figure 3 shows that when the excitability of a cell was ner. In addition, as in the case of the inferior olivary cells, these
challenged with a series of brief depolarizing pulses (of sufficient responses completely inactivate at membrane potential levels
amplitude to fire the cell), and simultaneously the membrane more positive than -60 mV. This voltage-dependent inactiva-
tion explains both the presence of burst responses when the
cell is hyperpolarized and the rebound activation of these cells.
A Furthermore, as observed in inferior olivary neurones 5 , these
rebound calcium spikes show a long refraction, indicating that
the kinetics of recovery from the inactivated state are slow.
This slow recovery also explains why such responses are unitary
as their activation is followed by a rather prolonged refractory
period of 80-150 ms.
In conclusion, these findings indicate that thalamic neurones
have special voltage-sensitive ionic conductance properties
which allow them to change from a phasic bursting response
(followed by neuronal silence) to graded repetitive firing, and
this switching is modulated by membrane potential. When the
cells have a resting level more negative than -60 mV, a low
threshold calcium response is obtained. The other integrative
state is characterized by tonic firing brought about by depolariz-
\. iill IIOmV ation of the cell to levels more positive than -60 mV. At this
d membrane potential level, the calcium conductance which gen-
erates the slow response is inactivated and the cell fires repeti-
tively. Although the precise distribution of these conductances
over the soma-dendritic area of these neurones has not been
determined, by analogy with inferior olivary cells 5 · 12 , we suggest
that the Ca 2 +-deinactivated response probably resides at the
somatic level, as does the Na+-dependent action potential.
These electrical properties further explain many of the elec-
B troresponsive properties observed in thalamic recordings in vivo
a b
where such switching of tonic to phasic firing has in fact been
described 13 •14 • Moreover, in conjunction with the recurrent
inhibition observed in vivo, this newly described Ca 2 + conduct-
ance represents the functional basis of the so-called 'post-
anodal exaltation' underlying the recruiting responses 12 at cor-
tical level and most probably the a rhythm 15
This research was supported by USPHS grant NS13742 from
the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative
Disorders and Stroke. H.J. was supported in part by grants
from the University of Copenhagen, the Danish MRC and the
Weimann Foundation, and by an Albert Cass Travelling

Received 21 January; accepted 29 March 1982.

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© 1982 Nature Publishing Group

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