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Do you think technology is human rationale?

In the prominence of growth and development of technology in the status quo, let me put
it out there that we are not in futurama where artificial intelligence is self-sufficient and thinks
for its own welfare. I encourage that we digress the thought that technology in itself has
developed reason that completely rivals that of mankind, although I concede that this may
partially be the case, on the much larger scope however, this is just untrue. This does leave us
with the question, that do these constant changes bear semblance to the inner workings of the
human mind.

Considering the process that led to the creation of technology and its advancements, it
shows basis on why exactly the thought of comparison came to light toward the human rationale.
However, all things considered, the only logical answer to this question is that technology is not
human rationale, but rather a product of human rationality. The realm of technology that
showcases thousands if not millions of codes, complex structures and changing design prove that
hundreds of contributors —human minds— put in so much effort to make the technology that we
enjoy and embrace today. It would lean more on an ethical and moral discussion if we were to
weigh both creators and creations, independent and dependent variables as if equals when the
latter requires the former to function or to even exist. Majority of what we see in our
surroundings show that these kinds of technological creations some form of necessity for human
management, this proves that this case is tangent and already happening, as such no evidence is

In exploring the connection of both rationality and technology, it is seamlessly

established in this essay that there is a fine line between producing code for functionality,
efficiency, and other workings of technology to the depth of human rationale in its capabilities to
think, feel, and understand that is on a level that is self-sufficient. With all the information
provided, we can only say that technology does not encapsulate the essence of what a human
rationale can do. So in answering the question of do I think that technology is human rationale
my answer if I was Sophia the humanoid would be YES, but sadly I’m Charles Delfino the
human so my answer will unfortunately be a resounding no.

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