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The n-queens problem is a classic computer science problem. It involves placing n chess queens on an n x n
chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other. This means that no two queens are in the same row,
column, or diagonal. The n-queens problem has solutions for all natural numbers n with the exception of n=2
and n=3.

Now, let’s discuss the 8-queens problem using backtracking:

The 8-queens problem is a specific instance of the n-queens problem where n=8. The goal is to place 8 queens
on an 8x8 chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other.

Here’s how you can solve the 8-queens problem using backtracking:

1. Start in the leftmost column: Begin by placing a queen in the first column.

2. If all queens are placed, return true: If you’ve placed all 8 queens on the board in such a way that they
don’t threaten each other, you’ve found a solution.

3. Try all rows in the current column: For each row in the current column, try placing a queen.

a) If the queen can be placed safely in this row, mark this cell as part of the solution and recursively
check if placing the queen here leads to a solution.

b) If placing the queen in this cell leads to a solution, return true.

c) If placing the queen doesn’t lead to a solution, unmark this cell and try other rows.

4. If all rows have been tried and no solution is found, return false and backtrack: If you’ve tried all
possible rows in the current column and couldn’t find a solution, return false. This triggers backtracking,
and the algorithm goes back to the previous column to try a new position for the queen.

This process continues until all queens are placed on the board in a valid configuration, or until all
configurations have been tried and found to be invalid. The result is a configuration of 8 queens on the
chessboard where no two queens threaten each other.

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