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Task 1. Big Picture Questions

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3
similarities that these countries have in common? What are some factors that have helped these countries to excel in the area
of education?
Four countries that have great education systems are Sweden, Finland, Canada, and United Kingdom. One similarity between
these four countries is that they prioritize teacher quality. They understand that to best serve their students they need to make
sure they have quality teachers on staff and help in the investment of the future of their teachers. A second way that they are
similar is they look for new, and innovative teaching methods. These countries understand that for students to grow they need
to be able to adapt instruction and lessons to create an environment that allows students to learn at the pace that they need to.
These countries all see the importance of technology in the classroom and looks for ways to further advance lessons. Finally, the
third way these countries are similar is that they understand the importance of individualism for each student. They understand
that not all students will follow the same path , not all will need a degree but will pursue a technical field or an artistic field and
those are all acceptable paths for students to pursue. A factor that has helped these countries excel in education is that they
understand the importance of small class sizes. This makes w big difference in the teacher’s ability to maximize their
effectiveness of a teacher with engaging with their class. It allows them to invest more time with each student for individual
growth and one on one lessons to help they excel.

Question 2 – Based on what you’ve learned in this course, do you think the top performing countries are influencing other
countries? Describe how the countries, which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores, are having an affect on other
I do believe that the top performing countries are influencing each other. With PISA’s help, it has shown countries around the
world how each one is trying to do right by their students. It raises other countries to step up to the plate to meet the same level
as those across the globe. Countries understand that they can do better, they are doing this by also understanding the need of
the students not of the school. Both effect each other but to advance the field for their students they need to invest in their
teachers too. A big influence I have noticed from the higher scoring PISA countries is the importance of teacher professional
development and the need to invest in teacher growth.
Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative
impact on the world in the future? Support your answer.
I do believe that when countries do not pay attention to education its citizens do have an impact on the future of the world.
When a country does not value its citizens, it leads to the citizens not valuing their country. If a country does not see the value of
education, then it leads to the citizens to wonder the question “why does it matter?” It leads to less opportunities for its citizens,
to lead fulfilling lives and to be able to live a life where they are able to support themselves and their families. If a country
cannot support its citizens, then that will lead in to a social decline, economic decline, and these are both factors that tend to
lead a country to fall behind other countries.

Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
From what I have observed, the education in the United States is lacking and falling behind the other top scoring PISA countries.
American education systems to me focus too much on making sure students can check all the same boxes as the other students
in the class. The American education system values the group and not the individual. Our class sizes are some of the largest they
have been in recent years, when a fourth-grade class has thirty-eight students it makes it hard for the teacher to be able to
provide their best when the ratio is 38:1. College is pushed on high school students has a necessity to be able to live a successful
life but other countries has shown that just is not true. Not all students need a formal education and that is understood in other
countries but is looked down upon in the United States. Our country is starting to see the importance of professional
development for teachers but sadly this change has happened too late compared to other countries.

Question 5 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of the world (sadly). What are other groups of people
that are denied a good education?
Different groups of people that are denied a good education are those living in poverty, those who face medical or mental
struggles, those from Native-American communities, and those of other cultural diversities. One thing that US history has shown
is that those of a different racial background has been denied a fair and accessible education. This has improved over time but it
still falls behind and we can see the difference in these communities.

Question 6 - Reflect on the topics we've discussed throughout EDUC 200 – name some things you could now do differently in
your future class because of the information learned in this course.
I want you to be self-reflective (think about your thinking) – tell me what you could do in your future class to make it better
based on items we've learned about with regard to different educational systems around the world?
It could be things like helping diverse learners, or perhaps being more aware of students who may live in rural areas of your
district and don’t have access to technology (these are just some ideas I had).
After this course, there are many things I could do to help my future students. I think one of the best things I can do for them is
to make sure as their teacher that I am able to understand and connect to each student in my class. I need to remember that all
students are different and come from different backgrounds and communities. As a teacher, I need to educate myself on the
culture of my students so I can better help them and connect to them on a level that has meaning. Those kids living in rural
areas, without technology may be a little timid or not sure how to use the classroom tech, I can try to find ways to familiar ther
device with the student so they feel comfortable and able to excel.

(Questions 7a through 7e) Let’s say that you are the ruler of your own country - think about some of the factors/conditions
that go into having a great educational system. And please have a little fun with these questions, too.

Question 7a - What would be the name of your very own country? What would be the name of the capital of your country?
Make something up! Have fun, be silly.
The name of my country is Gallifrey. This is a name of a planet from Doctor Who which is my favorite tv series of all time. The
name of the capital of my country would be Shady Vale (pulled from my favorite book series, The Shannara Chronicles.)

Question 7b – What would the population of your country be? Big or small? Come up with a number. Why did you choose
that number? For example, would you want an incredibly large population, say over 1 billion or perhaps you want a very small
population, under 1 million? Tell me why you chose the population size you decided up.
I would want my population of Gallifrey to be on the smaller side, I am estimating anywhere from 3,000-3,500. I chose this
number because I would like this country to be on the smaller side, this way resources are not be spread too thin and that way
the country is not overcrowded. When populations get out of control, it affects everyone in the country so by having a smaller
population this allows resources to be better spent and it is easier to track and plan for the future.
Question 7c - Do they have access to technology (very briefly tell us about technology in your country)?
Yes, there would be access to technology, nothing super futuristic or fictional but basic every day technology that most people
have access to. This would be things such as computers, tablets, wifi, projectors, etc. Technology would be a great tool for
learning, but it would not be the only thing relied upon. Technology would be balanced with skills that help with hand writing
and self reading so that way the students do not become fully reliable on technology.
Question 7d – Would your country be mostly rural? Urban? Suburban? A combination? Why?
My country would be combination of both rural and suburban because I feel that it gives a nice balance for the families that
reside in Gallifrey. Having rural areas where farms and forests are present is important for the environment and it also gives the
people of the country opportunities to go out into nature and experience all its beauty. I do want suburban areas but I do not
want them to overtake the beauty of nature, this would be a country that appreciates nature and knows how to understand it’s

Question 7e- Come up with at least 4 more facts/factors that would have an impact on your country’s educational system.
Think about conditions/factors that have led to the creation of great educational systems around the world. Now, what
condition/factors would you like to see in your very own country?
The first factor that will have an impact on my country is its economic status and ability to function as a country. If we have a
failing economy, then that will lead to lower scores in education and creates a system where the people of the country can never
support themselves and that is just wrong in my perspective. The second factor that can affect my country’s education system is
the political status of the country. If the country is a constant political battlefield, then the whole structure of the coutry will be
impacted – this could be from politicians changing standards to fit their views/opinions instead of choosing standards that are
actually beneficial to the education system. The third fact that could impact my country’s education system are the people’s
religious beliefs and prejudices. I would prefer my country to not have religion be a part of it but sadly that is not possible,
everyone is free to believe what they want, and religious freedom will be accessible. But religion leads people to follow things
blindly and refuse to accept facts over beliefs. Beliefs are not facts and I see where many religions hurt education because they
don’t agree with the facts or truth of the world and only want to believe what makes them feel safe. The final factor that could
impact the education system in my country is universal healthcare. If we have sickly citizens, then this will affect student’s
abilities to go to school and possibly even impact the livelihood of the guardians or parents. By allowing free universal healthcare
in my country I can provide for my citizens and make sure they are feeling their best both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

OPTIONAL – If you would like to draw an outline of the country in Word (using tools found in Word), include some clipart
and/or freehand then insert that picture of your country and place it here, please do so. This is optional of course, but I love
seeing how creative students can get! Only do this if you have some free time.

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