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1, Define graph

Graphs in data structures are non-linear data structures made up of a finite number of nodes or
vertices and the edges that connect them. Graphs in data structures are used to address real-
world problems in which it represents the problem area as a network like telephone networks,
circuit networks, and social networks

2,What is height of a tree

Height. In a tree data structure, the number of edges from the leaf node to the particular node in
the longest path is known as the height of that node. In the tree, the height of the root node is
called "Height of Tree"

3,What is an array

An array is a linear data structure that collects elements of the same data type and stores them in
contiguous and adjacent memory locations. For example, if we want to store the marks of a
student in 6 subjects, then we don't need to define a different variable for the marks in different

4,Define stack

a linear type of data structure that follows the LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) principle and allows insertion and
deletion operations from one end of the stack data structure, that is top.


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