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Literature Review

The gender disparity in the tech world has garnered considerable analytical attention. This
scrutiny principally concentrates on its impact on career progression, presence in leadership
roles, and access to consultative support services. By digesting the insights from three
research articles, this review aims to unpack the mechanisms and consequences that spring
from this divide.

In her paper, "Bridging the Gender Divide in Business Progression: A Behavioural Economic
Perspective" (2018), Heckbert offers an exhaustive insight into the disparities women face on
their way up the corporate ladder. She sheds light on how behavioural economics lays bare
the subconscious prejudices and patterns of judgment that block this ascent. Heckbert
critiques classical economic models for their oversight concerning unconscious biases that
hinder female progression in the corporate sphere. According to her analysis, efforts drawn
from insights of behavioural economics think tweaking what is considered standard options
or presenting data in a new light could lead to meaningful progress toward gender parity in
professional realms. Such proposals signify an urgent call for firms to integrate strategies
with an understanding of human psychology if they aspire to elevate workplace gender equity
sincerely (Heckbert, 2018).

Ng and Sears (2017) examine the various elements that affect the presence of women in
executive spaces. The crux of their argument rests on how a CEO's gender, inclusive
recruiting strategies and company's global expansion can redefine this elusive barrier. They
observe that a company guided by a female CEO often sees more women filling its
managerial echelons. Ng and Sears highlight how an organisation's commitment to diversity,
primarily through conscientious hiring frameworks centred on equal representation, is pivotal
in dismantling longstanding disparities. Moreover, they note that as companies stretch their
operations across borders, it has ramifications for sustaining gender diversification within
upper management tiers. Their work underscores an irrefutable link between executive action
and corporate policy-making and these factors' instrumental roles in broadening pathways for
females aiming at high-level corporate statures (Ng & Sears, 2017).

Manfre, Rubin, Allen, Summerfield, Colverson, and Akeredolu (2013) delve into the
pronounced underrepresentation of women orchestrated beneath the banner of USAID's far-
reaching initiatives; they discovered a stark scarcity of female presence in these pivotal roles.
Their inquiries unearthed myriad obstructions, including entrenched societal customs,

challenges in resource acquisition, and systemic prejudices lodged within institutions. To
counteract these issues and foster equilibrium between genders, a suite of corrective measures
was suggested: culture-sensitive instructive programs tailored for field agents, transparent
policies favouring female participation, and creating advisories that heed gender nuances. The
genuine consequence lies not solely in fortifying women's positions but also in bolstering
ventures' enduring success.

The research paper authored by Orser, B., Riding, A., & Stanley, J. (2012) offers insights, into
the disparity between genders in the technology field and its impact on hiring processes. This
study highlights the obstacles faced by women in the tech industry such as barriers to career
progression and the prevalence of gender stereotypes. The authors emphasize how these
challenges not affect womens career paths, in tech but shape recruitment and selection
practices within organizations. By examining womens experiences and strategies in this
sector this study brings attention to the importance of adopting fair hiring methods to bridge
the gender gap. It suggests that organizations need to acknowledge and address gender biases
in their recruitment and selection processes to foster a diverse and inclusive technology

In conclusion, the literature review on the gender gap spans several domains: Heckbert
(2018) dissects corporate climbs through the lens of behavioural economics and Ng with
Sears (2017) dissects managerial demographics influenced by headhunting norms and
leadership dynamics. Manfre and colleagues scrupulously evaluate rifts within agrarian
counsel frameworks. Orser, Riding and Stanley (2012) highlight the significance of tackling
gender biases, within the technology industry to ensure recruitment promote a workforce and
support the progress of women, in the field of technology. Collectively stirring to action
targeted solutions aimed at harmonising gender balance methodologies call into question
underlying organisational behaviours contorted by established expectations endure as
fundamental to sealing this chasm. This movement embraces equity across spectrums
representative of our society at large.


Heckbert, L. A. (2018). Closing the gender gap in corporate advancement: Insights and
solutions from behavioural economics. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 35, 187-225.

Ng, E. S., & Sears, G. J. (2017). The glass ceiling in context: the influence of CEO gender,
recruitment practices and firm internationalisation on the representation of women in

management. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 133–151. DOI: 10.1111/1748-

Manfre, C., Rubin, D., Allen, A., Summerfield, G., Colverson, K., & Akeredolu, M. (2013).
Reducing the gender gap in agricultural extension and advisory services. Modernizing
Extension and Advisory Services Discussion Paper, United States Agency for International

Orser, B., Riding, A., & Stanley, J. (2012). Perceived career challenges and response
strategies of women in the advanced technology sector. Entrepreneurship & Regional
Development, 24(1

-2), 73-93.

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