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Katelyn Farvour

Jane Austen Writing Competition

She turned down the lane, skirts in her hand and slightly out of breath. The beauty of the

trees was lost on her to day, her usual disposition lost to her astonishment. Slowing to gather

herself, she recollected the events of the afternoon. Their order was not immediately clear, too

recently gone for her to understand their meanings. Mr. Hearten was a confusing man! He didn’t

dance with me at the last ball, only with Ms. Williams, but this afternoon he didn’t give her a

moment of attention. Shall a girl think highly of his attentions now or lowly of his inconstancy?

Upon the next bend in the road, Anna was taken into town and forced to leave

contemplation behind. Her mother would be shocked by the events but attempting to explain

them now would be in vain; she would have to wait until they made the walk home. It was time

for the days finishing school lesson, during which she could not let on her distractions for every

girl would want to share their opinion.

Leaving confusion behind, she smoothed her skirt and entered Madam Edwards

preparatory. The school was old and bland; there was nothing here to give her a lasting

distraction. With haste she found her seat, avoiding attentions during her entrance and the rest of

class. Anna scarcely knew what was being taught and the lesson passed with haste. She collected

her books and made straight for the door when she was stopped by Helena with a careful hand on

her shoulder.

“Oh! Anna what is the matter to day? You are regularly such a strong participant in class

but not a word was heard from you today,” Helena murmured whence they had separated from

the party. But before she had to face the embarrassment of an incomplete answer, her mother
interrupted them. Oh the fortune! Only mother can hear my incoherent babble about Hearten- no

one else until I have come to some conclusion. She always arrives exactly when she’s needed

most. With Anna’s thoughts gone to appreciation, the two made off in the direction opposite

Helena and soon Anna was able to relate every detail to her dearest confidant.

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