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Lesson Plan

Activity: Social Skills: Striving for Success

Grade(s): 7th & 8th grade

ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies): Academic Standard A4d:

Provide opportunities for all students to develop a positive attitude toward learning, effective

learning strategies, self-management and social skills and an understanding that lifelong

learning is part of long-term career success

Learning Objective(s):

1. Students will learn self awareness & be able to identify exactly what their needs are.

2. Students will be able to be aware of their timing & recognize when they should ask for help.

3. Students will learn to be open to whatever help they may receive & learn how to implement it

to the best of their ability .

Materials: work sheets, pencils, themselves

Procedure: 1.) Students will be given a worksheet with a plethora of different scenarios where

they would ask for help & they will choose from a list of people they would seek help from to

match it with 2) They will then be put into pairs to work on the assignment, allowing them to ask

each other for help. 3) Then they will go through the list and role play each Scenario together

practicing asking questions that they would to who they matched it with. 4) After role playing

with their partners, students will come up with their own scenarios of who and when they would

ask for help.

Plan for Evaluation: Self advocacy/efficacy survey taken before the lesson, Exit slip will be

their own scenarios to evaluate the retention of the lesson, & assignment will be given to

challenge the skills they learned in class by applying it to real life.

Process Data: All students participated in a role playing activity for an hour to develop and

strengthen social skills and self advocacy.

Perception Data: Self advocacy/efficacy survey of how confident they are in the classroom and

outside of the classroom with asking for help, and if so, who do they know they can seek help

from. Survey will be on a likert scale and consists of open end questions if necessary.

Outcome Data: Students Grades and behavior will increase through the social skills that are
learned and applied.

Follow Up: Assignments will be given to students to challenge the skills they learned in class by

applying it to real life and will be asked to provide explanations of when they did.

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