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Assignment 1

Which of the following is not one of the basic type of forecasting?

Difference between time remaining until due date and remaining process time is called
Outsourcing is a decision with …............... Implications
Production Flow Analysis is the technique used to design
Which one is not Japanese related Quality Management Technizes
Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by MRP?
An order qualifier is
Which one of the following is not true about products
For Dabbawallas taking lunchboxes from home and delivering at workplace are :
Which of the following is not included as an inventory holding cost
During which phase of Product Life cycle, completion becomes intense and high quality product is demanded at low cost
Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by MRP?
How are productivity and quality related
Throughput time cannot be reduced in a process by :
which one is true for statistical process control ( SPC )
To produce high variety and low volume of products which type of process flow is used :
Balancing of work station is done:
Which of the following would not generally be classified as regional factor in location decisions?
Outsourcing is a decision with ….......... Implications
Whichone is not Japanese related Quality Management techniques:
An order winner is ….. ?
Suzuki is able to reduce it's manufacturing cost using :
Above manufacturing is an example of :
The biscuits production process is :
Economic Order Quantity is where
Economies of Scale means :
Which of the following is an input file necessary to run an MRP system?
Effienciency in capacity terms in the ratio of :
Difference between time remaining until due date and remaining process time is called :
An order qualifier is…............. ?
Which of the following is most relevant for job shop layout :
Which of the following does not fit with an efficient supply chain
Bill of Material is
Aircraft building and event management industries are example of
Eight hours of production time is available per day. Scheduled production rate is 120 units per day. What is the required cycle
DPMO for Six sigma level quality is:
Main function of scheduling in Operations Management is
A measure of capacity that generally does not include adjustments for preventive maintainece or unplanned downtime is call

Which of the follwing is not an issue dealt by an operations manager?

Which of the following cannot be the cause of inventory reduction in XYZ company
Which one of the following is more of a site factor than a community factor?
In general, which forecasting time frame best idetifies seasonal effects?
Dabbawalla give code member on each lunchbox to avoid wrong delivered. This is methodology called :
Which of the following is an input to the master production schedule(MPS)?
Inputs to transformation process include all the following except
Which of the following is most closely related to the reaosn a firm might implement MRP?
In India, Suzuki migrated from capital intensive processes concept to labour intesive concept because:
Which of the following is a fixed order quantity inventory model
Which one is not true for hiring and firing strategy
Bill of material is :
Efficiency, in capacity terms is the ratio of
Main function of scheduling in Operation management is :
Which of the following is not one of the basic type of forecasting?
Difference between time remaining until due date and remaining process time is called
Outsourcing is a decision with …............... Implications
Production Flow Analysis is the technique used to design
Which one is not Japanese related Quality Management Technizes
Which of the following is not a production activity report generated by MRP?
An order qualifier is
Which one of the following is not true about products
Annualized cost of material
Bill of Material Report
Quality requires more supervision
Performing activates using a serial approach
SPC is employed to control statistics of machine operations
To minimize
Moving expenses
a char of a product or service that will contribute directly to winning business from customers
Using product engineering skills
All above
Batch type
Inventory carrying cost is zero
Cost reduction per unit of output
Bill of Material (BOM) file
Actual output to effective capacity
Slack time
A characterstic of a product or service that a customer expects as a minimum standard.
Similar machines are placed together in deparment in job shop layout
Highly predictable demand
product structure file
4 mins
Allocation of available resources
Safe capacity

All are typical of operations decision

Medium term
Poka Yoke
Aggregate plan
Assembly transportation
So that it can order right parts in right quantity
indian labour is cheaper
Economic order quantity model
It increases employees motivation
product structure file
Actual output to effective capacity
Force field analysis

group layout
All above
Bill of Material Report
A characterstic of a product or service that a customer expects as a minimum standard.
There is direct contact with customer during manufacturing of products
Question Answer

Systematic error category Respondent error and administrative error

manager reading wall street Environmental scanning
form focus on value marketing orientation
wal-mart production oriented
shopping time in super-market operational definition
address a specific business decision applied business research
before interview develop hyphthses before conducting interview
new car sales - secondary data Are the data in the correct unit of measurement
defining problem more difficult symptoms are scattered
specificity of purpose basic and applied
Age,gender,brand loyalty concepts
basic component of an attitude all of these
scales than assign a value nominal
who what when where why how descriptive research
which of the following corr rules scale
home values have been decreasing symptom
multiple variables construct
LAST step state the hypothesis and the reaseach question
systematci error also called nonsampling error
problem-definition process except develop dummy tables
shopping mall ordinal
tracking monthly sales fact-finding
Juliuis is gathering Situation analysis
industry volume and brand share market tracking
research study, error occurred systematic error
symptoms subtle and few Problem focused DM and conditions of High Ambiguity
Client and his fellow researchers Interrogative techniques
disadvantage of secondary data user has no control over their reliability and validity
knowledge and evidece scientific method
business orientation all of these

industry volume and brand share

tracking monthly sales
Age,gender,brand loyalty
obtaining secondary data is typically
Imp aspects of BRP except
defining problem more difficult
unwilling to participate in research proj
address specific business decision
who what when where why how
systematic error also called
answer survey questions
object for identification or classification
LAST step in business strategy
basic component of an attitude
NPD Group
types of business research except
describing some property of phenomenon
research study, error occurred
Janna discovers
researcher defines and develops a Decision

average age of employees

new car sales - secondary data
knowledge and evidence
secondary data satisfy research need except
manager reading wall street
home values have been decreasing
refuse to cooperate
at the most a ranking scale

market tracking
faster, less
making results publically available
symptoms are scattered
applied busines research
descriptive research
nonsampling error
nominal scale
identifying problems or opportunities
all of these
systematic error
business opportunity
Problem Definition

descriptive research
Are the data in the correct unit of measurement
scientific method
too expensive
Environmental scanning
production oriented

Purpose of pointer in a data table

Roger's classification of adopters

Cluster analysis can be employed to
reason for failure in new product development strategy
In a Solver solution, slack is associated with
In “adoption process for new products”, customer seek information in the
Which of the following is not a stage in Rogers Model of adoption?

The cost of owning a product, including the initial purchase price of the product
A graphical method of representing events and courses
In which type of indirect measurement approach to measuring the relative
A pattern of variation of a time series that repeats every year
Why are PivotTables considered interactive
Customers’ lifetime purchases that generate net present v of future p stream
Decision Tree

The difference between a price decrease and an increase in income is that

exists when all consumers have almost the same preferences
Near multicollinearity occurs when
Sales forecast graphically shown on the horizontal axis shows
in order to use the analyze in excel feature you must have
Before a marketing manager can develop a sound strategy decision
Allows you to analyze your spreadsheet data in powerful ways
When the formula bar is activated, you can see
Which method of trend analysis for data not having pronounced trend or se

The strength (degree) of the corr independent variable X and a d

We have done an RFM analysis. Mary Jones has a score of "1 1 5
We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store
Protecting a worksheet means
Which of the following is the link function for logistic regression
the measure of forecast error which calculates the average of absolute forecast
Jamie was participating in a market research study regarding computers when he

It highlights the cell that matches the source data

innovators, early adopters, early majoority, late M, laggards

group coties into homogeneous clusters for test marketing
All of the above
non-binding cells
interest stage

(B) only
decision tree
conjoint analysis
They allow you to rearrange row and column data
customer lifetime value
A structure in which internal node represents test on an attribute,

An incr in income does not affect the slope of the B line while a dec in price
Homogeneous preferences
The Explanatory variable are highly correlated with the dependent variable
Marketing effort
All of the above
All of these
All of these
Exponential smoothing method

Coefficient of Correlation
Has ordered recently, orders frequently, but doesn't place a large order
to lock cells in worksheet so that a user cannot inadverntly change them
None of these
Mean absolute percentage error
Conjoint analysis

In which type of indirect measurement approach to measuring the relative

The difference between a price decrease and an increase in income is that

Market share plays most important role in context to product development
Before a marketing manager can develop a sound strategy decision
in order to use the analyze in excel feature you must have
the presentation of Web pages tailored to a customer, based on the
The linear trend for the number of vehicles sold per year at a local
Tools that compare user behavior and interests to make purchasing recommendations
to users are called
Jamie was participating in a market research study regarding computers when he
the apriori algorithm is used for the following data mining task
The Durbin Watson stastics is used to detect
If the demand curve for a good is downward sloping, then the good must be
Decision Tree
We have Market Basket data for 1,000 rental transactions at a Video Store

Purpose of pointer in a data table

a coefficient of correlation is computed to be -0.95 means that
A pattern of variation of a time series that repeats every year
Customers’ lifetime purchases that generate net present v of future p stream
In 1976, a frost in Brazil killed over 500 million coffee trees
which of the following tools analyzes and highlights data rows that do not app
In “adoption process for new products”, customer seek information in the
the measure of forecast error which calculates the average of absolute forecast
describes the NPV of the stream of future profits anticipated over the cust pur

The cost of owning a product, including the initial purchase price of the product
Solver allows the user to do all of the following except
it is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions
exists when all consumers have almost the same preferences
reason for failure in new product development strategy
Why are PivotTables considered interactive
What is the meaning of the term “heteroscedasticity”

conjoint analysis
An incr in income does not affect the slope of the B line
while a dec in price
increase the sale
All of the above

Collaborative Filtering
Conjoint analysis
Either a or b
A structure in which internal node represents

It highlights the cell that matches the source data

the relationship b/w two variables is strong but -ve
customer lifetime value
The demand for coffee is price inelastic
Highlight Exceptions
interest stage
Mean absolute percentage error
Customer lifetime value

(B) only
Create a scenario showing the solution results
Decision tree
Homogeneous preferences
All of the above
They allow you to rearrange row and column data
The errors have non-zero mean

A influence diagram is essentially a

The NUSAP method is a notinonal system that communicates
Which of the following is most likely true regarding event tree
Which of the following is most likely to reduce the file size while building risk model
plot is produced by grouping the data generated for a models output into number of bars or classes
Risk managers must distinguish between inherent risk and residual risk
Which of the following is least likely a limitaion of risk models using spreadsheet?
Which of the following best describes the difference between a risk and an opportunity
is a measure of the tailedness of distribution
Which of the following risk management options is the most appropiate for risks where the cost of control is out of propotion
The biggest uncertainity in a risk analysis is :
Guruswamy, is a risk manager at Global Finance Company, has allocated extra funds to a project to deal with the associated r
Monte Carlo simulation is often criticized as being an approximate technique. Which of the following is most likely a measn to
Which of the following is least likely to be included in a risk register?
Which of the following is least likely a common modelling error
Which of the following is most likely true about the Value-of-information(VOI) analysis?
Pawan Singhi, a risk analyist in Iconic Risk Consultancy, says this teammates that "We have to maintina a healthy pessimis abo
The fourth moment about the mean is called the
Which of the following is least likely a quality of risk analyst?
Which of the following is most likely a reason for doing risk analysis?
is a stochastic process with sequential variables, where the expected value of each variable is the same and independt of pre
process occurs when one is sampling randomly without replacement from some population, and where one is counting the n
If a random variable X is continous, i.e. , it may take any value with defined range, the probabability of X having any precise va
A decision-maker has to work with the risk anlyst precisely to define the questions that need answering
The results of a risk model must be presented in a form that clearly answers the questions that the analyst sets out to answer
Which of the following is least likely true regarding P-I scores?
Which of the following is most likely true if a risk analysis is to sit within a certain framework?
is a measure of the degree to which a distribution is lopsided
Which of the following risk management options is most likely to involve a range of techniques which may be used together t
If a risk analyst wants to determine how skewed a distribution is, he should focus on measure of

Which of the following is most likely true if A and B are not mutually exclusive events ?
Which of the following is least likely a limitaion of risk models using spreadsheet?
Which of the following probability models is most likely to yield answers faster?
If a risk analyst wants to determine how skewed a distribution is, he should focus on measure of
Which of the following is least likely to be included in a risk register?
Which of the following is most likely true about the Value-of-information(VOI) analysis?
process occurs when one is sampling randomly without replacement from some population, and where one is counting the n
Which of the following is the most likely a reason that can make a risk analysis terrible?
Which of the following is the most likely to make your simulation software run slower?
Guruswamy, is a risk manager at Global Finance Company, has allocated extra funds to a project to deal with the associated r
process assumes that there is a constant probability that an event will occur per increment of time
The cumulative distribution function, F(x) is a mathematical equation that describes
Latin hypercube sampling uses a technique known as:
plot is produced by grouping the data generated for a models output into number of bars or classes
Which of the following is most likely a cardinal rule of risk analysis modelling?
Risk managers must distinguish between inherent risk and residual risk
In terms of utility, suppose a business unit considers a loss of 500,000 vastly larger than gain of Rs. 500,000. Based on this info
A risk analysis model that separates uncertainity and variability is described as
Which of the following is most likely an extension of the binomial process which treats the probability p as random variable
Which of the following theorems is a logical extension of conditional probability arguments?
The fourth moment about the mean is called the
Consider the following equations: F(x) = P(X<x)(1)
Which of the following is least likely a common modelling error
If a random variable X is continous, i.e. , it may take any value with defined range, the probabability of X having any precise va
Which of the following is most likely a reason for doing risk analysis?
A model includes a time series forecast. Which of the following plots is most useful for graphical representation of the results
Which of the following is the least likely true regarding calculations relating to moments?
Which of the following is most likely true regarding event tree
Which of the following is least likely to be associated with risk analysis softwares?
In a least squares linear regression, the fraction of the total variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the indep

sketch of the mathematical functions used a risk model

level of uncertainty for data in scientific analysis used for policy making
an event tree offers a way to describe a seq of prob. Events together with prob n imp
Avoiding use of fitted distribution
Residual risk is the level of risk after the impact of migration efforts, while inherent
Spreadsheets function too fast to be applied to a huge risk analysis model
A risk is likely to impact an org negatively while an opp would have +ve impact on org
whether the analyst started off analyzing the right thing and in the right way
Risk reserve
Theoritically, any required level of precision can be achieved by simly increasing the no. of iterations in a simulation
Risk identification techniques
calculating means instead of simulating scenarios
VOI analysis helps to determine the worth of acquiring the worth of acquiring extra info to help the decision-maker.
Identifying risks and risk management strategies
vanishingly small because a total probability of 1 must be distributed between an infinite number of values
The target audience for the risk analysis needs to be determined
The report is customized to the problem
A base measure of risk for calculating P-I scores is impact divided by probability
The risk analysis should comply with a common set of assumptions

Spreadsheets function too fast to be applied to a huge risk analysis model
A probability model that estimates the impact of a risk event.
Risk identification techniques
VOI analysis helps to determine the worth of acquiring the worth of acquiring extra info to help the decision-maker.
Using the VodeCumulA(), VoseDiscrete()
Risk reserve
probability that a variable X is less that or equal to x, i.e. F(x) = P(X≤x) for all x.
stratified sampling without replacement
Every iteration of a risk analysis model must be a scenario that could physically occur
Residual risk is the level of risk after the impact of migration efforts, while inherent
Negative-Binomial Process
Bayes' Theorem
The cumulative distribution function F(x) denotes the probability P that the variable X will be greater than or equal to x
calculating means instead of simulating scenarios
vanishingly small because a total probability of 1 must be distributed between an infinite number of values
Identifying risks and risk management strategies
The variance of the sum of two independent distributions is qual to the sum of their variances.
an event tree offers a way to describe a seq of prob. Events together with prob n imp
coefficient of determination
n a simulation


han or equal to x

Which of the following best defines leadership?

Which of the following statement about leadership is most likely true?
Followers are more likely to use … power to change their leader's behaviour if they have relatively high amount of referent po
The process by which an older and more experienced person helps to socialize and encourage younger organization collegues
Which of the following statements about the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is most likely false?
Which of the following statements is true of leadership and management?
… power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possessses relative to the rest of the members of a group
Many aspects of office arrangements can affect a leader's or follower's power. Which of the following statements is true in re
Which of the following is an intrinsic reward?
Goals are most effective when they are :
Which statement about in-groups and out-groups is most likely correct
All of the following are accepted among the major definitions of emotional intelligence EXCEPT
If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, the leader should select the better alter
Which statement about the reflection component of the A-O-R model is most likely FALSE
Which of the following involves particpants being given a lmited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of not
.. Is exercised in the service of higher goals to others or organizations and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends.
Which of the following refers to one person's actual behaviours designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, value
In a complex situation, what is the leaders' most important role
Leadership studies programs at university-level:
Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true
The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as:
Situational Leadership suggests that effective leaders base behaviour upon:
When students respond positively to requests from teachers who are well-liked and respected, it can be inferred that the tea
In the informed coaching process, a leader is most likely to help a follower to grow skills by:
In perception, which term refers to the process of assigning underlying causes to behaviours
Which of the following statements about high LPC leaders is most likely true
Most intelligence and aptitude tests are good examples of :
Leadership development is enhanced when experience involves the three processes of :
People who are observing an action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error. This is ca
Which term is most often associated with the word management?

In a complex situation, what is the leaders' most important role

Which term is most often associated with the word management?
Which of the following is an intrinsic reward?
What is the most likely an advantage of role playing in leadership development programs?
Which of the following is a conventional distinction that is made between managers and leaders
According to OCEAN model, individuals who appear to be socially clueless, insensitive, pessimistic, and grumpy may be low in
In perception, which term refers to the process of assigning underlying causes to behaviours
Ideal followers are most likely to be perceived as :
In the OCEAN mode, the personality dimension concerned with curosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new informatio
Which is Hollander's approach to leadership called?
When students respond positively to request from teachers who are well-liked and respected, it can be inferred that the teac
Which statement about followership styles is most likely true?
Which of the following statements is most likely true of legitimate power?
Which of the following statements is true of leadership and management?
Which statement about in-groups and out-groups is most likely correct
Research finidings by French and Raven indicate the leaders who rely primarly on … and … power have
subordinates who are more motivated and satified, are absent less, and perform better.
Which of the following statements is most likely accurate concerning the thinking-feeling dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type
Which of the following statements about the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is most likely false?
Which statement about perceptual sets is most likely FALSE?
… power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possessses relative to the rest of the members of a group
Which of the following is a common reason that leaders avoid delegation?
Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the Rocket Model of Team Effectiveness?
Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and repond to a number of not
The process by which an older and more experienced person helps to socialize and encourage younger organization collegues
What should leaders first assess in order to apply the situational leadership model?
Which theory explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performanc
According to the Rocket Model, the first step to building high performing team is to :
A situation is where on'e expectations or predictions help determine the very results predicted is reffered to as:
Which of the following statement about leadership is most likely true?
Which of the following statements about common sense is most likely true?

The process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals

Natural characteristics or talents can offer certain leadership advantages or disadvantages.
Effective leadership involves actions based exclusively on reason and logic.
Leadership and management have both unique functions and an area of overlap.
Individuals sitting at the ends of rectangular tables often wield more Power
Personal Growth
In-group members are loyal and committed to a leader.
the ability to react to stressful situations and adapt appropiately to obtain posive, long term outcomes
decision quality
The importance of reflection in leadership development is rarely addressed by scholar
In-basket exercises
Socialized power
Influence tactics
Increase levels of interaction and communication
are increasingly popular at many liberal-arts institutions.
Decision tree questions focus on the problem and situational factors
Coercive power
follower maturity.
referent power
creating a coaching plan.
They are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaing close interpersonal relationships.
convergent thinking
action, observation and reflection
actor/observer difference

Increase levels of interaction and communication

Personal Growth
Provides greater transferability to the workplace.
Managers maintain, while leaders develop.
openness to experience
referent power
Pragmatist followers tend to be mediocre performers.
Legitimate power depends on a person's organizational role.
Leadership and management have both unique functions and an area of overlap.
In-group members are loyal and committed to a leader.

referent; expert
Thinking leaders like to analyze, criticize, and approach decisions impersonally and objectively
Effective leadership involves actions based exclusively on reason and logic
Perceptual sets are the tendency to perceive everything.
The costs are too extensive.
In-basket exercises
The readiness level of the follower relative to the task to be accomplished.
Cognitive resource theory
identify the constituencies affecting the team
self-fulfiling prophecy
Natural characteristics or talents can offer certain leadership advantages or disadvantages.
A challenge of leaderhip is to know when common sense applies and when it does not.

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