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Computer-Graphics Section-A (1-Marks) 1.) (a)What is Raster Scan Display? Ans- Raster Scan Displays :- Raster Scan Displays are most common type of graphics monitor which employs CRT. It is based on television technology. In raster scan system electron beam sweeps across the screen, from top to bottom covering one row at a time. (b)Define Aspect Ratio? Ans- Aspect Ratio :-An aspect ratio describes the width and height of a screen or image. An aspect ratio consists of two numbers separated by a colon, the first number denoting the image's width and the second its height. For example, an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 means the image's width is 1.33 times the size of its height. (c)Explain lookup Table? Ans- Lookup Table :-In computer graphics, lookup tables are used to store the starting addresses of each line and the values corresponding to the placement of pixels within a byte. 2.) (a)Explain Coordinate System? Ans- Coordinate System:- A mathematical point (x,y) where x and y are real number with in a image area,need to be scan converted to a pixel at location(x’,y'). OR Ans:-A coordinate system is a method for identifying the location of a point on the earth. Most coordinate systems use two numbers, a coordinate, to identify the location of a point. Each of these numbers indicates the distance between the point and some fixed reference point, called the origin. (b)Explain Loading Frame Buffer? Ans- Loading Frame Buffer:- A framebuffer (frame buffer, or sometimes framestore) is a portion of random-access memory (RAM) containing a bitmap that drives a video display. It is a memory buffer containing data representing all the pixels in a complete video frame. Modern video cards contain framebuffer circuitry in their cores. (c)Define line Drawing Method? Ans- line Drawing Method:- In computer graphics, a line drawing algorithm is an algorithm for approximating a line segment on discrete graphical media, such as pixel-based displays and printers. On such media, line drawing requires an approximation. Basic algorithms rasterize lines in one color. 3.) (a)Define Translation in 2D? Ans- Translation:- 2D Translation is a process of moving an object from one position to another in a two dimensional plane. Consider a point object '0' has to be moved from one position to another ina 2D plane. Let- Initial coordinates of the object '0'(X,Y). New coordinates of the object O after translation(X',Y’). (b)Explain line clipping? Ans- Line Clipping:- In computer graphics, line clipping is the process of removing (clipping) lines or portions of lines outside an area of interest (a viewport or view volume). Typically, any part of a line which is outside of the viewing area is removed. (c)Define point clipping? Ans- Point Clipping:- Point clipping tells us whether the given point X,Y is within the given window or not; and decides whether we will use the minimum and maximum coordinates of the window. The X-coordinate of the given point is inside the window, if X lies in between Wx1 < X = Wx2.. 4.) (a)What is window and Viewport? Ans- Window and Viewport:- Window -It is the area on the world coordinate selected for display. ViewPort —It is the area on the device coordinate where graphics is to be displayed. (b)Define Clipping? Ans- Clipping:- Clipping is the process to cut off the part of the image which is outside the window. (c)Define Zooming? Ans- Zooming:- It is also known as Nearest neighbor interpolation.Zooming simply means enlarging a picture ina sense that the details in the image became more visible and clear.Zoom lets you look closer (zoom in) or further away (zoom out), Section-B (3-Marks) Q-5.)Explain working of CRT in detail? Ans- CRT :-CRT Stand for Cathode Ray Tube.It is a technology used in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The image on CRT display is created by firing electrons from the back of the tube of phosphorous located toward the front of the screen. diagram:- . fot! “4 Avie ~~ =] _— Phsehar Coated G aoe Satten. Bin Caden qe Gort pcelordiy qn Ards. Pegaelc dPtodon Gi) Working :-A cathode ray tube (CRT) is a specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron beam strikes a phosphorescent surface. It modulates, accelerates, and deflects electron beam(s) onto the screen to create the images. Most desktop computer displays make use of CRT for image-displaying purposes. sa WA SA 4A SS Se Q-6.) Explain Line drawing algorithm ? Ans- Line Drawing Algorithm :-The Line Drawing Algorithm is a graphical algorithm for representing line segments on discrete graphical media, such as printers and pixel-based media. The Simple line drawing equation: Y=mx+b Algorithm :- Step:-1)Given variable X ; ,X 2,¥71,Y2. Where (X ; ,Y 1 ) and (X 2 ,Y 2 ) are coordinates of the line. Step:-2)Calculate M=Y 9 -Y ; /X2-X1, where dy=Y 2 -Y 7 and dx=X 9 -X 1, Therefore, M=dx/dy Step:-3)Calculate b=Y ; -M*X 4 Step:-4)Set(x,y)equal to starting point i.e lowest point and Xend to largest value of xX. if(dx < 0) then X=X 2 Y=Y 9 Xend=X if(dx>0) then, X=X 4 Y=Y 1 X end =X 2 Step:-5)Check whether the complete line has been drawn if X=Xend stop. Step:-6)Plot a point at current(X,Y) coordinates. Step:-7)Increment value of X i.e; X=X+1 Step:-8)compute next value of Y for equation:- Y=mx+b Step:-9)Goto step-5 until X=X eng - Q-7.)Explain Matrix representation and homogeneous coordinate? Ans- Matrix Representation :-Matrix representation is a method used by a computer language to store matrices of more than one dimension in memory. Fortran and C use different schemes for their native arrays. Fortran uses 'Column Major’ in which all the elements for a given column are stored contiguously in memory. Homogeneous Coordinate :- Homogeneous coordinate systems mean expressing each coordinate as a homogeneous coordinate to represent all geometric transformation equations as matrix multiplication. The transformed matrix can be expressed in general matrix form:- P'=M1.P+M2 Q-8.)Explain liang-Barsky line clipping in detail? Ans- Liang-Barsky line clipping:- Liang and barsky introduced a line clipping in the year 1984.It is basically extension of cyrus and Reck work. This algorithm is faster than Cohen Sutherland algorithm. The following concepts are used in this clipping:- 1.)Parametric Equation of line:- XW min <=X 1 tUAX<=XW max YW min <=Y 1 +uAY<=YW max 2.)Inequalities describing the range of the clipping window which is used to determine the intersection between the line and the clipping window. -uAX<=X 74 -XW min (Left Boundary of Clipping window) uAX<=XW max -X 1 (Right Boundary of Clipping window) -uAY<=Y 1 -YW max (Bottom Boundary of Clipping window) uAY<=YW max -Y 1 (Top Boundary of Clipping window) Section-C (6-Marks) Q-9.)Explain Random scan Display in detail? Ans- Random scan Display :-To draw picture or image in random scan use CRT technology. The random sean is a technique in which the display is constructed through an electron beam, which is directed only to the specific areas of the screen where the image is to be drawn. ->The picture is constructed out of a sequence of straight line segments. ->Each line of segments is drawn on the screen by directing the beam to move from one point to the next point on the screen where its x and y coordinates define each point. forte d Tater SGn dyPlos Bore Boater, San aut Gf ->In random scan or image are formed with the help and short lines. ->In random scan electron beam is deflected from end point to end point that is why it is called vectored display. ->Phosphor has short persistance-delays in 10-100 us. ->Persistence-delays means the amount of time over which Phosphor emits light after the electron beam is withdrawn. ->Due to short persistence day picture in random scan must be re-drawn. ->In random scan display must be refreshed at regular interval-minimum of 30Hz(FPS) for sticker-free display. OR Q-)What is computer graphics and explain its application? Ans- Computer Graphics :-Computer graphics is a field which deals with picture and images. ->Computer graphics is the use of hardware and software to create,manipulate and present picture and images. ->Computer graphics is a pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer. Application of Computer Graphics:- 1.) Entertainment :-Computer graphics finds a major part of its utility in the movie industry and game industry. Used for creating motion pictures , music video, television shows, cartoon animation films. 2.) Advertisement :-The advertising comes in various forms such as copy, videos, and promotion through multiple mediums, namely newspapers, televisions, internet, radio, trade journals, billboards, or movie theatres. 3.) Simulation Modelling :-A computer simulation model is a computer program or algorithm which simulates changes of a modeled system in response to input signals. 4.) Architecture :-Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function. 5.) Virtual Reality :-Virtual reality(VR) is special kind of graphical user interface which presents a computer-generated immersive, three-dimensional, interactive environment that is accessed and manipulated using, for instance, stereo headphones, head-mounted stereo television goggles, and data-gloves. 6.) Image Processing :-Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. 7.) Miscellaneous :-Miscellaneous functions perform a variety of operations and return specific information or values. Q-10.)Explain Bresenham line drawing algorithm? Ans- Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm :-This algorithm is used to draw a line on computer or display screen it was developed by Bresenham.It replace DDA algorithm for line drawing because DDA use floating point addition,subtraction,multiplication and division in order to draw a line which is time consuming. ->Bresenham line drawing algorithm use only integer addition,subtraction and multiplication. ->In Bresenham algorithm is also make decision which next pixel will be selected. ->In Bresenham next pixel is selected based on the least distance from true line. ->When we draw line slope less than one i.e; M <1 .X is always incrementing but y will be remain same. oem fH Algorithm :- Bresenham algo(X 7 ,Y 1,X2,Y2) { dx=X 9 -X 7 ,dy=Y2-Y4 P=2dy-dx X=X 71 ,Y=¥ 1 .X end =X 2 set pixel(X,Y) while(X<=X ong ) { X=X+1 if(P < 0) { P=P+2dy } else { P=P+2dy-2dx Y=Y+1 } set pixel(X,Y) } } OR Q-)Explain Symmetric DDA line drawing algorithm? Ans- Symmetric DDA line drawing algorithm :-The Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) generates lines from their differential equations. The equation of a straight line is. The DDA works on the principle that we simultaneously increment x and y by small steps proportional to the first derivatives of x and y. Algorithm Steps :- Symmetrical DDA(X 1 ,Y 1X 2,Y 2) { X,Y,X ine sY ine »X end length,dx,dy,k; dx=X 2 -X 1 dy=Y 2 -Yj if(abs(dx)>abs(dy)) { length=abs(dx) } else { length=abs(dy) } 21 <=length<2" X inc =dx/2" Y inc =dy/2 " X=X 15 Y=Y 1 set pixel(round(X),round(Y)) X end =X 2 while(X<=X eng ) { X=X+#X ine Y=Y+Y inc set pixel(round(X),round(Y)) } end. 11.)Explain general pivot point rotation in detail? Ans- General Pivot Point Rotation :-From the previous discussion or graphics Package a object or image rotate about the origin only. ->To perform rotation about any given coordinate or selected pivot point(Xr, Yr) the following sequence of translation follow:- 1.)Translate the object so that the pivot point position is moved to the coordinate origin. 2.)Rotate the object about the coordinate origin. 3.)Translate the object so that the pivot point is returned to its original position. This transformation sequences is illustrated in given below:- [xe] Orn Postion of abjectand A Trarsiaton of objectso that Pivot Potter Yr} iea origin Phot point werustersia o 1 dl y beat The Composite transformation matrix for above sequence is obtain with concatenations. 1 9 oO Cos@ Sind 0] }1 O - {9 1 oO -Sin8 Cos6 0] |0 1 “Xr “Yr 1 0 Oo 1] |xr Yr os8 Sind Oo ji 0 oO = }Sind Cosd 0 1 0 XrCos6+¥rSin8 -XrSin6-YrCos6 Me Yr 1 038 Siné oO Sin8 Cos® O) [YrSin@-XrCas@+Xr) (-XrSin@-¥rCos@+Yr} 1} Above equation is for anticlockwise direction :- Hoa Cos8 Sin 0 = |-Sin6 Cos6 0 Xr(1-Cos@)+¥rSin@ = Yr(1-Cos®)-xrsin@ 1: The rotation transformation to rotate an object about pivot point(Xr,Yr) with 6 angle in clockwise direction. Cos6 -Sin6 0 = | Sind Cos8 0 Xr(1-Cos6)+YrSin@ = —- Yr(1-Cos@)-XrSiné 1 Final equation for anticlockwise rotation @ is. Xr(1-CosO}+¥rSinO Yr(1-CosO)-Xrsind 1 > yo. ]= [x Y 1] Coso Sino 0 -Sind Coso 0 Here General Pivot rotation:- R(X r¥ ¢ 8)=T(-X ¢- Y r)-R(8).T(X ¢ Yr) OR Q-)Explain rotation about straight line in detail? Ans- Straight line :-Any two points specified in a plane will define a line. The equation of a line is used to determine the x,y coordinate of all the points that lies between these two endpoints. ->The equation of a line is :- y=mx+c ->m is slope of line. ->The slope is the rate at which any coordinate of a point on a plane changes with respect to a change in the horizontal coordinate. ->M=dy/dx ->dy=vertical distance between two points =Yo-Y1 ->dx=horizontal distance between two points =X2-X4 ‘Ve [nz ee} Yi-Fy Cave dy Cladndetr ) oy ~ ae Clary nw Sche hle fig Line dials dels by f00 , . Tes Tends (xbev le eal tan 0 = Bae. dang = ay =n an \lasiou tye ohh Pa Une Td 6) ' aL ay 9D any Qde 2 gale een ts Ye >t Oo Grade dln Usted dno 7h > 4s" od oD 4 ay Ma he 2 TP Teas Qhle ta Gh shen he eh 2 TP reas abe te Os haa 1 Need » Ov (as chan use, dang Window to viewport coordinate transformation is also called viewing transformation. ->In viewing transformation we maintain the same relative placement of all point in the ViewPort as in the window. ->To maintain the relative position we use scaling transformation on the selected image of the window to fit it to the box of viewport. ->To apply the scaling transformation we find scale factors in both X and Y direction. ->Sx is scaling transformation in x direction on window. ->Sx is scaling transformation in y direction on window. ->Sx is derived by taking the ratio of x- dimension of viewport to that of window. x-dimension of viewport @) Sx= _yx-dimension of window ->Sy is derived by taking the ratio of y- dimension of viewport to that of window. y-dimension of viewport (2) SY= _y-dimension of window ->The dimension of window in X-direction = XW max ~ XW min ->The dimension of window in Y-direction = YW max - YW min ->The dimension of viewport in X- direction = XV max - XV min ->The dimension of viewport in Y- direction = YV max - YV min Putting this in eq. (1) and (2) we get XVmax-XVmin XWmax-XWmin Sx = Y¥Vmax-YVmin YWmax-Ywmin Sy= ->The scale transformation matrix which is used in viewing transformation or window to ViewPort transformation is:- . x 0 0 Sview= |5 sy 0 0 Oo a xVmax-XVmin 0 0 XWmax-xWwmin Sviews | 0 YVmax-YVmin 0 YWmax-Ywmin 0 0 1 ->Further the position of the window and ViewPort are generally different on the display device. ->So to put the scaled image on the desired place of the viewport,translation will be needed. ->To do this first the lower left corner of the window(XW min ,YW min ) will be translated to the origin of the display device and then performing the scaling,the scaled image will be translated to the lower left position of the ViewPort. ->The translation factor to translate the window to the origin are:- TW x =-XW min TW y =-YW min Translation matrix:- 1 0 0 twe |° 1 0 -XWmin -YWmin 1 ->Translation factor to translate scaled image to the place of ViewPort are:- Translation matrix:- 1 0 0 y= |? 1 0 TVX Tvy i The complete viewing transformation consist of the following three transformation:- 1)Translation on the window that is T y . 2)Scaling that is S yiew - 3)Translation of scaled image to the place of ViewPort that is T , Mathematical Viewing Transformation is:- VT=Tw-Sview-Tv Diagramatically represent of three step:- 1, Brey ah Ginkas aes 2. Teribatin of cites 40 on ~ ++ >See Heer 3. SGhiry 4 Telly of Sald thy to the Pate id Gal Vie Pad Na Pete VT=Tw-S view -Ty L ° 6] PRremmn 0 on ° a =o 1 0 | [pvmacownin ° 1 ° min -Yevmin 1 uractvmin XVvmin min 1 ° YWwmactwmin 0 o 1 Xvmacxvmin a 0 asin 1 ° ° = Yvmax:yvmin 0 je 1 ° Xvmin Wmin 1 vmaxxvmin 0 o xwmax-xwimin o YWenax-Winin o Ywmacywmin Now equation for viewing transformation:- Putting, Sxz XVmaxX¥min sys YWmax-YVmin Ywmaxyw XWmax-xWmin 0 [x y 1]= [x Y sq ° Xvmin-xWminSx rnin rYWminSy 2 Xv =X w-S x +XV min XW min S x X vy =XV min *(XW-XW min )S x Yy=Y¥w-Sy +YV min -YW min S y Y vy =YV min +(YW-YW iin )S y XV=XV min +(XW-XW min ) Xvmax-XVmi XV=XVmin+(XW-XWmin) [sean OR Q-)Explain Midpoint subdivision line clipping algorithm? Midpoint Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm :- Mid Point Subduiion algaites Qs Cin Chitty Sphoull & Sethrlnd davebfed the Mid-Pint Sub- division Ging clipting algerithn in the Yar 1968. 4 Thy Again 42 tuck Siniles to Colon. Sutherland otd - Gee, abet - * Tihs abpsitin , the Chittag Une. ap dick inde Lb Cine Spenents in the mid-feint oP tha Cine Benen! Unlike ab every clrrig boundaries in ~Ghen - Sutherline! Menta « ; x Tn thy aedn , abks Gy Od-Gde or Byen Gde fo tho line” Senent, tha. line Sgnent ay divided into dso Cpust Px and noo again oul-Gce ake given fo Sub - tine Sepnends indleding thay Mid finds. w Moo exch of the Sabdiuded line Pepenends 7 now Checked Pe He Perohle erechon or alelina . xy Gke ‘tm Ghen- Sduerhnd abpaitin xp iat Aub ofaatin forked on od-Gle and if Geen en West, than that Sibdivigion catty be Bedey = oberoite the cit! be allepkd .. % The Poles: cit! be Almwel asain on the déjeckd Subdivittn ‘and. + catit be ieradively. Greknaed FU) Fedliny fthe entre dng Secret Grapistely Griploled - ae - Plitoshn Ae rid-Pent Sabduisin Line CPP BOL. Gitulele ther Posrhin L bol endRinds Pe fing (ing “Tapas de (P.O4,y) , CM) Skea! TP balk cabfuint epi Gde 2 0000 Her Gre Gethin te. Clitfiy — Loindas a oh. Palen logic AWD Oferrdion bekeen 20 end Reds etinn Cade Wer TP Clrics vig fk ent Pain #00 .) dle te (ne cy Oedside He bealengle Sindy a (byes Hwy = = 0008) ~ ther, Gre Sy Crider Pethadty @ ide Bode dae Gointod ve Ling ¥y Cryider by Cling Gle - =: | Sete 38 tine ap Galan sr chy Gl Than | nd te ridpont of fe ng re. Km = vite ; (ricdteind A X- Grdink ds Nm = Niro e7 gen Oe) zo (Mitr fy. Gain ret gies line) | Sle $!- “vos hanes. Cheat Pid cobaher i] to tle bunbry of Barrel b the bundy fA GQ Gindow os not : JSepg'— fvoo divide He Gre Sebeo wl tuo Parts ) Prn Setheg do" ‘rid foink WD Prom paidfomt + Skethny ShPP!— ford APP, Sep t'da & to bom Paty of Ke fine Gatti tobaly Vitible: a6, dotally teygcly Gre not Pound . SOF: gop. © Jool tly leet Meo std . folo P ppg ~ on? Cone «Cag Olof ne), o|po C60,20) aa allo 1 pe Je yo fe ke a = Korn Xepayys a Giws Yorns Fo. XOmy = 60 Yonin= 2 Yomy = 4o PAR arc tee ent: Point fa Cine Reed)” b=@r) jow aig idfint — gubdvitien anh Gin Point (tu) (Soar) Geo,224) (S8)| (40, 38.395) fos3B3) (SF) (4, adh) ma (u2r » Westie my (Ho, 38) (418) dine Poe |p P,P S101 1000 Section-D(8-Marks) 13.)Explain various input device in detail ? Ans- Input device :-An input device allows data such as text, images, video or sound to be entered into a computer system. Keyboard - The most common input device used for entering text. Includes keys for word processing and data inputting, and for performing specific functions. Different Input Devices :- 1. Keyboard :A keyboard is a peripheral device that enables a user to input text into a computer or any other electronic machinery. A keyboard is an input device and is the most basic way for the user to communicate with a computer. 2. Mouse :The mouse is a small, movable device that control a cursor ona computer. Most types of mouse have two buttons, and some will have a wheel in between the buttons. Most types of mouse connect to the computer with a cable, and use the computer's power to work. Some types of mouse are wireless. 3. Joystick :A joystick is an input device that can be used for controlling the movement of the cursor or a pointer ina computer device. The pointer/cursor movement is controlled by maneuvering a lever on the joystick. The input device is mostly used for gaming applications and, sometimes, in graphics applications. 4. Light Pen :A light pen is a device that uses light-sensitive sensors to put information on the screen with the help of a cathode ray tube. A light pen is used to draw text and diagrams or select the object with the user interface system in the CRT monitor. 5. Scanner :A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages and similar sources for computer editing and display. Scanners work by converting the image on the document into digital information. 6. OCR :Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format. For example, if you scan a form or a receipt, your computer saves the scan as an image file. 7. Barcode Reader :Barcode readers capture and translate barcodes into numbers and/or letters for translation by computer. Barcode scanners can be connected to a computer through a serial port, keyboard port or interface device called a wedge. 8. Web Camera :A webcam is a video camera that saves real-time images and video to a computer or streams them through a computer network. OR Q-)Explain display processor in detail ? Ans- Display Processor :-Display processor is a hardware which convert display code into image.Display processor is one of the main part of display system.Display processor is converts the digital information from CPU to analog values. ->In simple term the display processor digitalize a picture definations given in an application program into a set of pixel intensity values for storage in the frame buffer. ->This digitalization process is called scan conversion. ->In addition with the system memory, Display processor have a separate memory area called Display file memory. Various part of display processor are:- 1)Display Controller 2)Display Generator 3)Display Console 4)Display file Memory 1) Display Controller :-It is also called Video Controller.It control the operation of display device.In CRT it control the movement of beam over the display screen. ->It is also used to handle the interrupt. ->It is used to interpret the instruction given by the display memory. ->It also manage the refresh rate of display device. 2) Display Generator :-It is used to generate the curve or character in display device.Display generator produce the shape and characters according to the input given by the display controller. 3) Display Console :-It is a combination of a display device and an input device. This show the output on the screen. ->In Common term display console is the screen on which we see all our graphical output. 4) Display File Memory :-It is a storage device for Display system.All information about the image or video are stored ina display file memory.Whenever we want to display it on screen the information is given to the Display processor. 14.) Explain Bresenham circle Drawing algorithm ? Ans- Bresenham Circle Drawing Algorithm :-Bresenham's Circle drawing algorithm uses the decision parameter to decide which pixel will fall on the circumference of the circle. Bresenham circle drawing algorithm also reduce the calculation as it does not use square root and multiplications and hence this algorithm is more efficient compared to other algorithm. ->This algorithm performs calculation only for (1/8)th part (or for 45°)of a circle. ->The rest 7 parts will be copied drawing using 8-way symmetric concept. ->The best approximation of pixels is achieved by comparing the distance of two pixels from the circumference. ->The pixel which is much closer to the circumference will be activated. aOu),%) 6 Gay) ->Two pixels A(X j+7 ,Y ; ) and B(X ja7 ,Y i- 1) The distance of point A and B from origin are:- Die VG? + Gj-98 = Vadaye Dbz Very = Viet? ->The distance of point A and B from the circumference are:- da=D , 2 -r? db=D,, 2 -r2 ->Therefore the decision variable for ith step will be d=d, +dp dis less than zero if da< db that is A is nearer to the circumference of the circle. Therefore value of x is incremented by 1. ddb then Ais nearer to the circumference of the circle. Therefore value of x is incremented by 1 and y is decremented by 1. Xi+1=Xi+1, Yi+1=Yi-1. d20 The initial value of decision parameter d that is value of d at X=0 and Y=r is obtained by substituting value of x and y in equation (1) ie. d = 3-2r ---------- > initial decision parameter By substituting eq.3 and eq.4 in (1) we get the value of decision parameters in case d < 0 and d20.They are:- d=d+4x+6 ford <0 d=d+4(x-4)+10 for d20 Algorithm Bresenham Circle drawing (Xe,Ye,r) Step 1:- Xc,Yc are centre of the circle, ris radius of the circle. Step 2:- X=0, Y=r Step 3:- Calculate initial decision parameter d=3-2r Step 4:- while (x<=y) { Now using X,Y ploat the eight point by using eight symmetrical coordinate concept of circle concerning the center (Xe, Ye) at the current coordinate P1:- setPixel (X+Xc,Y+Yc) P2:- setPixel (-X+Xc,Y+Yc) P3:- setPixel (-Y+Xc,X+Yc) P4:- setPixel (-Y+Xc,-X+Yc) P5:- setPixel (-X+Xc,-Y+Yc) P6:- setPixel (X+Xc,-Y+Yc) P7:- setPixel (Y+Xc,-X+Yc) P8:- setPixel (Y+Xc,X+Yc) Increment X and Y according to decision parameter d. i.e.:- if(d < 0) { d=d+4x+6 } else { d=d+4(X-4)+10 Y=Y-1 X=X+1 } } Step 5:- Stop. OR Q-)Explain Polynomial Method of circle drawing algorithm? Ans- Polynomial Method of circle drawing algorithm :- Macihe Pinal eked PG Dwi * In Cid Vong Wade of Xady COineds A one. octsed axnt— ve C Gorte 4d mo Using thy Gitirads Catepl of 8 Syeirtghias Ghinede Crt ter Goons ave Red od - Corned Ly Case to). (Go He veld Ay Ranads us do 0 (Go axe inechore ) Ve ¥=Y 4 Yau pro dhe abore Glial 9% (ote Ur) 2 (urbe) se Single Piel Qe Amo De cher Plater 3 “Wa Gute 15.)Explain Composite transformation in detail? Ans- Composite Transformation :- Gontsik Tasbowla ox GrQbeln fhe » Cohen cae Petfem Douunle of Frotliralin on a Cig objedt’ “thon “tk Sy Glled Grips drangPenele ~ : . ¥ Seotente A terybrades on an objed Gke we Weed to Sele i} then ‘hurebh t+ R they Dhle Gnd Yo on. # Thee ate too AvP yoaches bes Peering Gnbosite paesParadeons: vo Gok one ca Hal Ge Parbary tha: “rersflraben on objed one by One gad Gtulate te inkerredik oink. » Bond aoa yy by rubPhiny ail the Pehry and Hen Ge Qn daedty ath ‘ik +p the Tepe) Gotind§ B5d foxy Gotinde died . a QeGrd aftr “H Mome CMient . Advackye of GrnPisben > Th -tambanatene bene Grnfecl . The vitenber of Ofertin coil be dated » Rubs urd Br dehig Frnglereaben in bn of Clickee are Guflex. oe Grofit to “radix. Bari. 2d Teeslemachuny ) Fowulehin « Loo «Le = [xvi [322] 7 » QQbiny (x yi t= fra [Ss : | D Pelebon ankehawik 0 Go Sin & yi}= Poy of [8 6 | Grfook Toman 2 Subs Tye xD ea ~ D Temlabin % EP too Quctatne tenabder cy applied theh Hf “4 Grice Senabdin B “Git 3 Ca) a too Sullaive “heals ten. Reel Gotdnee P! ate Ps TG.) Th.7,) -P] Fis TEA) TE al P he P SPI pefttad the henetanses Gelenel WS Voth. me * GP tesbredin rate By above Legusate ef | Trans lao Ox — ! L 00 Loo 100 o10 : O10 j= fo io K, hy t Te Tat | Withee t v@ Ne Cplakin Conorsbils thes shoo Sudtive ‘labia are qddibre [ses 100 Olo pote | [x y' t= bys [eas] py): Tov [: re Tr 4, & Ly FTay Tyiy, 4 /; 2. Rolehin aakcltinie 9 noes ycchen fyo CSutldive poled alplied to Roind P Men ibar Giud Anfyile gertin « - P= Rio.) Ree -P » O, 30, at R@ = [et dar" 2| oO 1 Rio) = | GO, Sing, O ~Sind, Gio, Oo oO 5 L too Qu llasnre tokder den -Sind, GIO, o “Sina, GiO, 0 Qc) -Ro)=[ 4% Sasi fs a 2 >: o Oo Ft ° ot Qo, ino, 0 C10, Sin, O Sin, Gto, oO -Sind, GO, o | 7 Oo L oO ok . G0, G50) ~ Sino Sag, Gro, sino, — Gro, to, 4 So, ino.) Cro, Glo, o o = | GsCo,+0,) sin(0,+0,) ~Sin(9,40,) G(0,40,) Oo + Sin,10. SiO, Sind, O z oO oO ° L ++ REO). R(w.) = RCo) t P= P.£Rt0d- Reo») pt PR (odor) \ Noe epuahir denow fdr “thas hoo Sultedhte Yohehor ae gadihe. C80, Si Sin xy! te fx vw [See & tao," 2] [S38 thes J ' Blot) Sinlotan) O by Y ys [x yt} [et GA(ode2) 2] ° L a 3. SGli Gling % Ghan hoo Sullehive SGliy ofershin applied thy, Hee Qld Gmpsile SGling p= P. S (Se. ,Sn) *8 Coen, 84e) a S (Su, Sy) BS (Qn, Gx too Sulage SQby dren 8 7 SGis)= | See oOo! 8G): [ é | oO of $6.9). Sh )=/ $40 © [eves 0° o | Oo \ _ 8X, -Sx, 0 Oo O SYSn o “Oo Oo L Tue Supeptive, Sela) Sélitg 5 1 Gnbosile Say | aK MulbPiGsive. 1. Plz PSG $-SGa-Sn) Sx, 00 ex. 00 [x y' 1} = fx yl [es2] [e ‘sie | Oot oot TS SS ° -ffeva: pos [3 88) | pi = P. SGerSu, Qv.8ve) a Grrdoslk treesbiradin oD diblond the g Covk Grif dantbrecker Gurdon be Dering - Feibrmakon: — b Sling AeosPnar 2) Sota hens beth Chwk ceeoik ibn) » Parslahn barslard- w WP be tytkel Gotha 2 Ph be the Walked Gaia b, letting Sling p rddfon Bs drnbohin - plz fix! y! ral pe fx yt Gatiy SC%.3= [2 :| oO L Bolhr RCO)= E Sind | ~~ Sing Gio O oO Oo barkhm Tht) =} £ 0° ~ ° io | to 4 S(Q.)) + Rl) -T Coch), sx 00) [Go sino 0 Loo o S80 HZ Gr O © 40 00 L oO oO L det Go QSind © 100 ~S sing G19 oLO0 tity t ll it oo Ft 8x19 &S8ind oO “Byting YEO O dy 4 oL + BEd Carbon! — SHO &SinO O fx yi ihe [x YJ SSino9 SyGn9 0 ty ty o£ Pl =p. C(80x5) - Rew)-TCh yD OR Q-)Explain various 2-D transformation in detail? Ans- , * 2D Tirmbraks eo. Porea of Prodsing eRe boiy tha Cxang obi or tls Q- Cinengon. "As objel as prfhics ‘inages Qe Gded ad Nenkese the. Nunes Gn be Ghd in Mehety Thee Nunhess Give prodfed by ModhenehGr oferahors Glted “Tere foraden « : = The Roo of teangllenabon cy to Phovide fei | jo Utes to Uso the object fon dient agi, | enlerriy oe Yeducing the SGle oF State of object Tso Merkel a8 aspect of hauLratin Qe! t) Each oes Donen wa Grol enlty Lb Ga be donokd bya Crigue rene oF Siebel. 2. Thy Roibte 4. Gnbine hoo dreslyralans , able Gennecay Sigh trnesferaten tu obhined Thatc are oo GrPlerealay Pong of Vids Arc daily Objed os ‘image, Tenshanade * Conde Tinshoabin:— ‘hen “tha obiel a¢ image ttanlemed thie to the G-oidingh Sysker- then the dnogdanedin “x @lled Gand heatlereabe » G-sxtnale Tewsllrabin to Cohan the. chiee! or thay ca hold Sleoarsy he He Gadd Sten iw Trvtbened delete ho He cbjetl «hen tha RrwsBarudsy cu Glee G-oRnte -FeavsPanedun . Eanjle!— shon Qe we Feouing 2 bectprant are Pred ty Glked Secrictic Arlteda chen Qe cu Res 2 batigried wy Toung cu Glud G-Bitalr toasdradan. Trae ade Atte, basic henabrading ¢— . Troblar 2 Rolain D Gling . Delo Hoe weRebl there fice bet dean Apnadin Teolohr la Delo. Sabhep Aber shiPlap Bere Mabe Shy Mor § Gly ? "the hl Ake all Tran lehoo % Tirnalden Pan objec! rreaay Frotigg an obiced Bin one Phleb another. NTaamelin 2 an obit! tap Pattible ‘in any one tha Bhuseg tree dixedone : — D Trarahdiio @ an obi) ia He haizdy deecen, tak dt temtlshey Rediel to X- 9xie- 2 Taaublin. of an objed in the Wether directa, the) 9 tanbho Rill 4 V-ad 3) Taube 2 an died inthe haidoolel Verkod | dechoy Simutlanas tal. | Tawablio 1 haters oo Patlel to K-aniz re Sufek coe co te rue a Pink Cur) in Abe vsmenly dieckin ttat yin @ dachn Partin “sy K axa by Th Gnits- \ ¥ Then thy pevorent Gq be abla by Sinply addi Th bh X- G-olins. » The cotdraks of fis ables Arnnsldory call bk X= L4TR Yry i Y Cy) ? Y . ¢ * 7x x xt BX eho Teurablio “in Neshat ov Paslly to Y-axr 2% SOM to mete a Point (X07) in Vertes diacdin thal zy yn te dredion Pavel to Van. et Thon thy PoVoHont Qn be ofthr obbined by Aadayy T, ® Y G-obinabs. * The G-cfinda 2 Pink alley teangldm 43111 be!- ys % WeytTy a av Plu? yt Pow) v wx x Pearslaiag bob Vpovitenfal Nath! Qitrullanes ofr Jo rate chjad in tenkel 9 Wethiot dacs Ginallergeuly by tabten Rebr Te end abe Arielabeg a Pink in th Ye daeclin 3 Y-ditechon Tron fe at fe oD tn y's dT Ye YT, te Cay) = (rk, WH) 6 fxyl= bottlim Pls pr] pl=Cot.yI P= Puy) 72f7) aohere Tag eli cant Py GD aa Clad & Frracelen Veoh 08 Shift ver. ed y | Posy yf -POM) ty ° vy. x x! at ed cha Pip a Ika Bo rahi P Gacfind of the Teuedoh! Paint - Pimp dhe 1x2 Bo fabian cL G-oQiea of coginet Pair Tip the two nabix 2 teraldhin Veckr 6 eivabbin Bebe. » Reflero depan Shoo He Jeremrbred holier Lan okie A A , Abkr ‘Raubhin in beth Gee tranbhen x ay divechons a Frlchon avalatelen wa Spe body fant * Arrsiskotobsn 2 Qed Bi-bdy alee D the i a ed | Fe¥es fin one Pilg do neler Gih 08 Cohen a Euctden dukinte bebseen Qn, tuo Gothing Tettaans Unchanged by the dal ster He ti lo Gd. Bg trulelan, ae Spl Baby > He fonullon oy Pafd on Quch 3D ebery Ved 2 an chil tre te onl bet » Aber Ini WAL te Vethin he chee! av tedto by Wes deste Verkces» * Teh dD the clay tbied bee & Relith 4 Dedangd by fry thay Gob find «6 Relation X Polatn “9 a, Pinbbs dé Chogsy the Angle @ the objeed « © Jn Belaten Obieu! 24 Noles ona Cea Ph hed @n Oia * Tolan Beguuva two hays Pararele.— ) ‘Died oP tokdin 2 Arye. yolahen » An; ge objed! Ga be telaled citer dn Clotwaite dedin of in anbcbncik, dixchan by q é ante. 0. J heal Org shed Chats nkdin # Th Qdnensioral wh He ke) Zo odd Aund Cred Pot ether an Btigin w 4 ge Poin. 0 Thy wen Point xy Glled ahlan Paras ow Pivat Point » » Rolain AXy cu the Qty cohidd PaPes HryA Babin Quek Ley Vardar to tle ¥y Pong. obied- a [at ss, fine Ry \ (ore) xt Pow) Pod to be welakd in ankcbckote cbrechio- AP (xiy) iste ne Gainde abbr whhin re. Ruler cP Point Don Paths Gir) to Cre) thegh an aryl O rhe to the Gand R- 0 Rilore) 2 Fhe Pivot Poin) ae whahin Poin Moyh cohich an obiel cu Boke by Gayle Qe. +The orignal acgay cafblrend oP the Piet Bn ake Y-aty in g. nF de bp A Pict P RnB. os QPP. Altay do Single ‘Daher Proc Pls.'— L= tGsg Y= Bing —) Sinker GOink x' sy! @xe x'2 3 Glos) Y= siin(d2 O10) 9 —-@ B | @GID= Gwap- Sowsinp Sin (oc: B)= Crxcsgafl + SinkGE a — (Fs Sabsthde, Weis (3m GE) Le pel x= % (Goes — Sinosing) x= YOO Gg - 1Sn9Sing @ YER (Go sing + S90.) Y= BOsosing +2inw Gd ©. Bok Xs TBS —-Yertng Shoes ee in & @ 3 CSL. X's 656 —Yano Viz X86 + G9. cotati Popeed x! Ayn Aabx rokha oe cx oY) = {x yd jee ed ~Sing oe | a Gn be Covtlan Ww P= PD Re Ps Px yJ pe fx yI Gs Sind Res “Sag a x Ra oy the yin arlmnaton Matix, Dre Bib Q Pink P in Anbelttotte divin Goth agle O hive to hin re aR. Seba _ % Sealing trapleralen (2 URd -b aller the Size ode ie object - © The qllerbin d Si20 of the objecl cy dePred by the Gling Ba Rote. ye Qin X dhreelon 3% in Y ditechsy 2 The Sale Ree spat, hoo by a6 Shalt He Object Shoutd be aber ableraten. » & wy Ugd to alex Tha objeel 1" horiontes cheerhin - »S ww Ukd tb alke the objed in Vetas dinclin. 0 The, Sly Tomibbedion -y fathRubned Snbh by hutkphigy te (TY) Gooding Valu by Pale Leer ob haitenler 2 Verhier chacdlon - Sinhiy Ge Gn dhrve the Glas b while & heidi Chetan dined by any 9 abet the arpa, sine bi9= Gad 5'79 SinCg-6) ? Separo-2- G (P-9= CxoG:9 +S°b5"O Riou a Gee) Siel-8) (x YJ= hy [& ed S09 Gxg prvieley [ Gs we 1. Re} Go er Sid Gi Ry a Wahin Arafinedn nahin to lah @ fant in Clcweik, dxden 7 6 rebhe a Are Cryin * Modharahis sepichallin cP teansPerghen ony GooBik (2c,y) ‘into Sled rented G-cBinels Cey) cy Ws Qo , yis Say * Govut thy tang lradin ins) Habis ¢ Altes: fx yb = Led [ & “J Cohid ty eputalend 40 P= P.g ol pls Pxy'l Pz fx} gz a a || Sear bebe. AQ AZ Awe Vole Deboe thay axe ahoays Residue. » hen & 89 Ore Grader than 1 chen, the obi 8 Calne im hoi ov Vee clinchin . P he Seb Dube Debwn Oand L then Ste of dhe obyed redued im the debclve drechans » TP He Nalbe oP Sx BS are eplat b1 then there x no chaye inthe ohed . * Cohen the chic! wa allered cath Same Kale Reber He Spas, By bok the haan 3 Vertes ditedhon ke QS , then Sealing Arent berrchor, B Kroon ae Uris 86ling ctonalbmeton » chen dle chieet 21 alfere!d coh bPsenf Sele | Reb re 8% Aen Lali -fensBareehon |* Fron i iferental Ge Stig cherry - 8 Pom the abe trenflitielin cre chive Het by Cling Dan objel He Poin Pte Aitexed obigl “a alte Chorped abry ‘he TeePorchee - % Bub atnat att the oraphias aPpliGhen Reed fo Heep Me objech ab g igired Poshun OF Sere Presfeted Piiben (Xe, Ye) olen afer He QGle ear Brehin ¥ Thin Wabiy tsbrelin tebhee fo aBed Rien ae (hid CX, Yp) iw dane by te Biasiyy Be of Ce tighing +. X= x + CL) Y's Ye + Ca y-ye)s, Gm Yourke tube sling tat brrcedong chy Reade the putkplictre » Qddidve: terre oll tynifars Sling eoibatebto [AP » TO Rel Gali on an obsed! , te. SGling Ft bnader “# Rebred on al} He Verbicy of dha obied - X's X& + LP (Sx) Y= Ye + Eyp(-S) Th makin Bor tts Ga be Yeo ag. (x Js tx yj [ = oh [xeC-s), (15) Cohen XellS.) Ye 08,) are Gritat deen keh ax added bthe ciyiny Sale brubreln. 2TH abr &. conan, Ee shag Gre bed vot Pig Cick os elup Gr 02 » Velere ReGuk Cin Seluph PGlliny defend on badiny ot “Rey mejer or Ser anivt OXY 16.)Explain Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm in detail? Ans- Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm :-In computer graphics, the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm is an algorithm used for line clipping. The algorithm divides a two-dimensional space into 9 regions and then efficiently determines the lines and portions of lines that are visible in the central region of interest (the viewport). Nasshn As Cohen Satertnd Cine Chitty algeria Sken- Fiodig He Parke ad bot, endftias of te Cre Using Tepion Gde- Ser- TP bok endfbintt Vein Gde ut Zee 0000 Hen Hen fine 4 Grider Goibin tte Thagr winds L Misble . | t Ju | 6 | Revlon Gare Abding olin on beth entAinte YE behvetn Tegn Gde . a (bjs ASDing + 000) Aken the lng “2 Oubtide “the Secleuly cind,, dk le Lina te Gryjdired the Clipping Ch . a BE Sh 4 — TP bine a1 Graideret “te Clitliy Cle Alen, Rnd Slate beheen eso Prinz ef Line te m= Nou Yo-% tio Bas an iakeSiclen coils bounding d Tabn Gubr sindoo ie (oy) UL hound eb Setlayte coirdro’) ¢ X = Xtonin y=y, Ende %) ) > > > > > d > ‘ at C 18 bil of Deion de up 1 Ve ‘WerSeds awk > > > >» > , > id 2 2h C2" bi of Begin Gade art ve Inbael oils yp baundany of decdongle indy) Ke Yo may ) > = WEN CXm Poy ee DCP GL A depen Cde art ve inlaleds ci Ger bocncay ef Aedeagde (sindecs’) € Y= Yorn X= Hb YW 2 nm a Cy bor x Y= Von bik of Sapo Cde te Lye wee coh pkey edany of ecleaple esindewo ) XE % 4 yey nN } SkOSs— Wok. OR Q-)Explain Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm in detail? Ans- Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping Algorithm :- Cutter land - Hed) eon Clphiag Aljathm Gn thie ahggihn , a the Novice: ave Phrleted fs charg i exch individual Clip beundssy ob clPting Goindes one-bj- one © De Mam im he Ofgattirn Rigen Chphed Sy then Bat in GePh Side hen on he. pe! Side, she bP dat Git fom [puer Side of the Clifige Coindia« Tis 29 Shoon in gre balers Pastas: — on pC (of side cling an cile 2p Side clay Rignh_Side_cliig Becdbues side Clifiy X cohon . ali the Verkes of « que Polygen ave Pixe— Sed agrigt Gry Cling Side, the Gud be any te Bllsig ux Psibitiker Be @ Cucesive Pur of tuo Vertes of Polygon Glet: Beh the Sleshng Verkx. and ending Verkx Ge oud the Chahing boundasieg 7 7 Gie2 | oh tha Shtbeg Velx and te ending Verk.x Gre ide the Cling bound. _— ‘ Grea! “The Shy Vere 4 inside He Cy boundny bed the ending Wevtor +# ouside the . Chitfig boundary ae G4! The” Ghahyy ede oudtide Clty boundary be} dhe @nding Vertex cg pide the CupPing boundery +] Alisdiny to Stdhechad-Hodarten paihin , ant the Warkx Neier of a Polym Ate Phieted Ob Gch of the clotiy houndarier One~by- one . Pe Get! cohen both the Verde Shab es Cndiey aye ote He Chili baundyy, Hebe Woking coil) Be qdded fo Fhe fl di | Fe Geo token both Hoe Stecing and ending Verdes Ge inside the Cling boundsey Hen only he ending \leckx Gail! bedded ot Pleleveved in the oud lat. PeGhs: Cohen the Slaliy Rink J imide He boundary god the endiy Veske. = Otte the betnday, athe edge Srlertechen Point of the Agen eye and he Clg boiny cre died te AL op lal + foe Dey cohen He Glecling elon ty cide The boundiny 29 the nding Neth Jp ind de bunday, the tnlessedin Polk and the nding \reskx Qe Pleemel Inthe oulpeh 4 ’ U3 % The above Bur Gey a (Neer) 2x Perdrred on AN the boundenies of the ClipPing comdee * wy The Pong cohith aye Clifed coith the Rest bounday ase only then PaSted to the rexd Clty boimdry A Aether Ploet. are chpred a Blenkeally only thde Point colich ‘m by QW the Clipping houndovies Gill be Gon 4 The. feel Poteing, kchnipue os Pall Prleners Coll Male Hig Plocess Auer. |

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