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Constructive Rest Position

(The One Stop Shop)

ce of chocolate!
Use: As an alternative to a nap, cup of coffee or pie
estoration of
Effects: Creates an enlivened sense of restfulness and a r
mental calm. Excellent for relieving a sore lower back.

Women seem to be particularly adept at resisting the call to rest. No
resists drinking a glass of water when they are thirsty but for many of us we
have strong judgments about and layers of conditioning around taking the
rest we need when we need it. When you feel the call to rest do you drink a
cup of coffee, reach for a sugary snack or look for yet another job to do?
These are common evasions to rest. It is remarkable how even a 10 minute
rest with legs up and eyes closed can renew our energies and allow us to be
even more effective throughout the day.

Constructive Rest Position (CRP) is a term coined by the somatic innova-

tor Mabel Todd'. On a purely structural level CRP is a very precise way of
lying supine that supports the lengthening and release of the deep muscles of
the spine (iliopsoas muscles). On an energetic level, the subtle positive
tension required to stay in the pose helps to create a conduit of support for
the free movement of prana throughout the body. Herein lies the
magic of CRP: by maintaining a trellis of support for prana to freely flow
through the body the practice evokes a deeply relaxed yet awake state of

I learned about the value of CRP during the rigorous demands of leading a
21-day teacher training. I noticed that if I collapsed in bed after lunch for a
45-minute nap I awakened feeling heavy and groggy, making it difficult to
"reboot" to teach my afternoon classes. In experimenting with instead
practicing CRP, I observed awakening feeling light and refreshed, mentally
calm and yet alert.

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