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Charlie’s Room


I have three incidences in which Charlie has made himself known to me in some obscure
and not so obscure ways. Interestingly, all three times this has happened, I have been playing
music in the theatre.
Once, I was in the theatre last semester practicing for my piano lesson. It was about 9:30
in the evening. I went into the theatre with all of the lights off. I practiced for about 30 minutes
when all of a sudden, I heard what sounded like footsteps walking down the stairs in the house.
Those stairs are not stationary, and they make a very distinct sound when you walk on them.
I went to go see if someone had come into the theatre. I stood onstage and looked
out into the house. The only light that was on was the ghost light. I didn't see anyone, so I asked
if anyone was there. No reply. This shook me up quite a bit, so I decided to leave the
theatre...and very quickly at that.
The last two times, I have been playing my guitar in a very obscure stairwell in the
theatre. This stairwell echoes like crazy and offers amazing acoustics, so I go and sit down on the
stairs and play my guitar. The first time, I was in the theatre by myself - I had checked
everywhere to make sure that wouldn’t be disturbing anyone. After I had played for a little while,
I paused for a moment. In that moment, I heard a voice. The voice was coming from inside the was unmistakable. Although I couldn’t make out exactly what it was said, it sounded
like “thank you” and “good job.” As much as I appreciated the compliment, it literally sent chills
down my spine. I ran to the mainstage to see if anyone was one. I also checked Theatre one. So, I decided to leave...again very quickly.
The last time I had two other friends with me because I had told them about my Charlie
experiences, and they wanted to check it out. We went back to the stairwell. After I had played
for maybe 20 minutes, we heard what sounded like a door close. But that was the only sound.
There were no footsteps that followed it. Again, we checked to see if anyone had come in, but no
one was there but us. And yet again, I left very quickly.
I hope this is of interest to you. To be completely honest, I am NOT a superstitious
person, but I firmly believe that there is something odd in that theatre. However, he seems to like maybe I’m on his good side.

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