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SOCIAL 20 – 1

Having read the notes on German unification, nationalism, and Otto Von Bismarck, please complete the following:

1. Create a timeline below that summarizes the key events from the German Unification notes.

1848: Prussian Constitutuion is invented

1861: Wilhelm I succeeds the throne but fails to find funds for his reforms. In return for their support WIlhelm inlists Junkers in his cabinet and military.

1862: WIlhelm elects Otto von Bismarck as prime minister. He’s a master of realpolitik. He uses the trademark “Blood and Iorn”

1864: He forms an alliance with Austria and they go to war on Denmark. PUrssian national pride increases.

1866: Austria declares war on Prussia. It isend quickly and is known as the seven weeks war. Austria loses land to Italy. Purssian victory unites Purssia.

1867: Remaining states join a North German Confederation.

1870: Wilhem initiates The Franco-Purssian war with France in order to give Roman Catholics and German Protestants a common enemy.

1871: War ends with Purssian victory. Wilhelm is crowned emperor of Purssia.
2. What were the four factors that set Prussia up favorably for the rise of nationalism instead of Austria-Hungary?

1. Prussia had a mainly German speaking population, Austria-Hungary consisted of many different ethnic groups who spoke several languages

2. Prussia had a very strong military, the most powerful in Central Europe

3. Prussia industrialized faster than any of the other German states

4. Prussia had established the Zolleverein – a free trade zone among smaller German states (excluded Austria)

3. What does realpolitik mean?

(the use of any means necessary to accomplish a goal) the German word for “the politics of reality.”

4. What did Bismarck mean by “blood and iron”? Where did he employ this ideology and what did Prussia gain?

Blood and Iron means War and Industry. He used it during the wars of the 1800s and through accelerating industrialization. This unified Germany and made it one
of The Great Powers.

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