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Impact of World War II

Directions: Read pages 624 – 625 and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Who met at Yalta in February 1945 and for what reasons?

2. What was the agreement made at the Yalta Conference? Who did not follow through?

3. What was the final agreement between Truman, Stalin, and Clement Atlee at the Potsdam

4. Explain the political changes that took place worldwide.

5. Why did most countries NOT want to return to imperialism after the war?

6. Who were now considered the superpowers of the world?

7. What was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?

8. While we know the League of Nations was not successful, what was the major goal of the
United Nations (UN)?
9. With Eleanor Roosevelt nominated as the representative of the United States at the UN,
what did she guide the drafting of and what was it?

10. What is the Geneva Convention and who violated it during the war?

11. Explain the Nuremburg Trials.

12. Explain how America was forever changed by World War II. Give at least 3 full
sentences describing 3 changes.

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