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Safety Tools That Needs In Workshop To Workers

*safety for hands

-protect your hands by wear right gloves.

-Gloves are ideal for protecting hands from sparks or small fragments of waste metal thrown
out by the cutting process.

* Safety for the head

- wearing a helmet offers protection and can prevent head injuries.

* protect your eyes

-certified Google’s are required to worn because it protects your eyes from flying particles
and sparks

*Hearing protection
-wearing headphone.

*protect your feet’s

-wearing safety shoes.

-Safety shoes with steel insoles are required.

-If you are detailing with large items they could drop while cutting or walking on nails or
other sharp objects in working area, this will protect your foot and toes.

* Safety harems
-always use in any construction.

*Breathing care
-Use a proper dust mask to protect yourself against dust and fume particles .

-You should seal it adequately around the face. If tiny dust particles pass into your lung during
an extended period can cause lung disorders or eventually cancer.

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