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AIR POLLUTION MONITORING SYSTEM = JAKARTA: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO TACKLE URBAN AIR QUALITY CRISIS USING IOT E RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENTS * Jakarta is facing an air quality crisis with high levels of pollution, posing health risks to its citizens. * Existing monitoring systems are inadequate and lack real-time data integration and spatial coverage. «Implementing an loT system to monitor air pollution in urban centers like Jakarta presents challenges in collecting, processing, and analyzing data effectively. PROPOSED SOLUTION * Objective © Implement a comprehensive, real-time air __ pollution monitoring system to provide accurate information on air quality in Jakarta. * Technology: © Utilize Internet of Things (loT) technology to seamlessly integrate air quality sensors and data acquisition systems. PROPOSED SOLUTION * Key Components .Sensor Deployment: Place air quality sensors across Jakarta's key locations. b.Data Collection and Transmission: Secure and fast data transfer to a centralized database. Real-time Monitoring Dashboard: A user- friendly interface with visualization tools and pollution alerts. * Benefits © Early identification of pollution hotspots. © Enables data-driven policymaking. © Increases public awareness and promotes behavioral change. METHODOLOGY 1.Sensor Deployment: Installing air quality sensors in key locations in Jakarta, these sensors will continuously monitor various pollutants, including PM2.5, PMIO, NO2, CO, and O8. 2.Data Collection and Transmission: Develops systems that will retrieve or receive real-time data from airborne sensors. Data will be securely moved to the database via loT communication protocol. 3.Real-time Monitoring Dashboard: Develop a user-friendly dashboard that provides real-time information of air quality to policymakers, researchers, and the public. This dashboard will provide visualization tools and air pollution alerts. EXPECTED RESULTS Implementing an Air Pollution Monitoring System in Jakarta using lol is expected to yield several significant results and benefits. Here are some of the expected outcomes: + Improved Air Quality Data: The system will provide real-time, accurate, and comprehensive data on air quality in Jakarta This data will include information on various air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PMIO}, nitrogen dioxide (NO2}, sulfur dioxide (S02), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (03), and more. This improved data will help in better understanding the extent of the air quality problem in the city. + Early Warning and Alerts: With real-time monitoring, the system can issue early warnings and alerts to residents when air quality deteriorates to hazardous levels. This can help people take necessary precautions to protect their health, such as staying indoors or wearing masks. + Policy and Decision Support: The collected data can be used by policymakers and city planners to make informed decisions about urban development, traffic management, and emission control measures. It can also support the formulation of policies aimed at reducing air pollution. + Public Awareness: By moking air quality data accessible to the public through mobile opps or websites, residents can become more aware of the air quality in their neighborhoods. This awareness can lead to behavioral changes, such as reducing vehicle use on poor air quality days. + Health Benefits: Improving air quality can have significant health benefits. Reducing exposure to oir pollutants can lower ‘he incidence of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues related to poor air quality. + Environmental Impact: The system can help track the environmental impact of air pollution on local ecosystems, including vegetation and water bodies. This information can guide conservation efforts and protect natural resources. + International Standards Compliance: Monitoring air quality and taking steps to improve it can help Jakarta comply with international air quality standards and agreements, contributing to the city's global reputation and reducing potential legal and financial consequences. + Research and Data Analysis: Researchers and environmental scientists can use the data collected by the system for in-depth studies on air quality trends, pollutant sources, and the effectiveness of pollution control measures. + Urban Planning: The data can inform urban planning efforts, helping design future urban infrastructure and transportation systems that minimize air pollution. Benefits: Improved air quality can lead to cost savings in healthcare expenditures due to reduced air pollution-related illnesses, potentially resulting in a healthier and more productive population. In summary, the implementation of an loT-based Air Pollution Monitoring System in Jakarta is expected to provide a comprehensive solution to tackle the urban air quality crisis. It will offer valuable data, early warnings, and insights that can lead to informed decision-making, better public health, and a more sustainable urban environment. ABSTRACT (DRAFT) Urban air pollution has become a critical issue in many rapidly growing cities around the world, and Jakarta is no exception. The deterioration of air quality poses significant health risks to its residents and has adverse effects on the environment. To address this crisis, we propose the implementation of an Air Pollution Monitoring System in Jakarta utlizing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This comprehensive system aims to provide real-time and accurate data on various air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM2.5 and PMIQ), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (S02), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (03), and more. By leveraging loT sensors strategically placed throughout the city, the system continuously collects air quality data, which is then processed and made available to the public, policymakers, and researchers.key components of this system include loT sensor networks, data analytics, early warning systems, and public interfaces. It will offer several benefits, including improved air quality data for informed decision-making, early warnings to protect public health, and increased awareness among residents about air quality issues. This paper discusses the expected results and benefits of implementing the Air Pollution Monitoring System in Jakarta, emphasizing its potential to mitigate health risks, support urban planning, and contribute to a sustainable and healthier urban environment. It also highlights the importance of compliance with international air quality standards and the potential economic benefits of reducing air pollution-related healthcare costs. By adopting this comprehensive approach, Jakarta can take significant steps toward tackling its urban air quality crisis, improving the well-being of its citizens, and setting an example for other cities facing similar challenges.

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