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Data Structure and Algorithms

Major Assignment
Due Date: 06 January 2023

Q No 1: Design and Implement an algorithm that adds odd numbers occurring in Array
and even numbers separately. Also, display the location of each value.

Q No 2: Implement algorithm for adding value in Stack.

Q No 3: Implement the “Conversion of Infix Expression to Postfix Expression”

algorithm and check it for the following IE.
IE= (A-B)-(C*(D/E)^F)*)(G+H).

Q No 4: Design and implement a doubly linked list for insertion and deletion operation

Q No 5: Design and implement Insertion Sort, Selection Sort and Bubble Sort algorithms.

Submission Guidelines
 Submit a Printed hard copy of Questions 1, 4 and 5, i.e., the Designed
Algorithms with complete details, including both the description part and steps.
Dry-run the algorithms with suitable examples.
 Submit “Source Code” in the complete folder package of Questions 2, 3 and 4.
 You will have viva in the assignment.

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